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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5479118 No.5479118 [Reply] [Original]

book thread what book you reading
pic related

>> No.5479122
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>> No.5479124
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>> No.5479129
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>> No.5479134
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>> No.5479145
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>> No.5479146
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Who'd have thought: most people aren't actually reading textbooks!
Is this why /sci/ acts so intelligent but fails to display understanding?

>> No.5479162
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Brief essays on a wide range of topics.


>> No.5479164
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>> No.5479192
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>> No.5479203

Textbooks aren't things you read, they're things you refer to when you're lost or need a refresher on things you don't remember from lecture.

>> No.5479216
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>> No.5479220

I see you're going to have a very hard time in your STEM career after you don't have professors and TAs to baby you.

>> No.5479230
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>> No.5479235
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These two

>> No.5479242
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>> No.5479240

Great book.

>> No.5479281
File: 315 KB, 522x719, Current book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 6.

>> No.5479284
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The book in the pic is actually a book on history, roughly it's describing the paradigm shift in algebra from 1870 to 1990.

I'm also reading a book on QFT, one on learning Haskell, one about certain types of complex structures (by Beaz) and ... and certainly some others too, I don't know.

>> No.5479334
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>> No.5479344

where is that godel escher bach guy?

>> No.5479356


See >>5479334

>> No.5479357

see >>5479334

>> No.5479362


not GEB

>> No.5479363
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>> No.5479368

But that's where the guy is.

>> No.5479392
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>> No.5479440
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>> No.5479446

>implying I'm not in the middle of my STEM career already

>> No.5479468

What's a good calc textbook?

>> No.5479474

Then you'd know what use reading a textbook is. Since you don't, etc.

>> No.5479475


>> No.5479488

> see everyone on /sci/ recommend this
> download it last night
> bretty goog

>> No.5479494

I've seen it mentioned before but wasn't sure if it was an introduction to calculus

>> No.5479501

It's not

>> No.5479507

Okay whats a good intro calc textbook thanks for your help

>> No.5479509

Yeah it's a bit dense for an introduction.

>> No.5479538

what are some good algorithm books

>> No.5479554


I'd assume if you were in a career you would read material pertaining to your job, practical items, not theory or abstraction that's never going to be of any use to you in anything but an argument on /sci/.

>> No.5479562


>not finding science interesting enough to learn it just for the sake of learning it

what a pleb.

>> No.5479567

library "science" major detected

>> No.5479601


Actually, I'm quite the intellectual. I watched Curiosity land on Mars, thank you.

>> No.5479633
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>> No.5479839
File: 16 KB, 287x331, GEBcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading Hofstadter's masterpiece every day of your god damn life

What, are you a biologist or something?

>> No.5479887


Do you understand these books? Or are you just listing it here so you could look edgy and cool and fit in.

>> No.5479895

>implying GEB is tough to understand

I'll admit there is some tricky formal logic at the beginning, but the book is basically pop-math.

>> No.5480297

pop-math and "I listen to classical music so I'm deep"

>> No.5480410

If the only thing you took away from that book was that the author was trying to be "deep" then you're a mongoloid.

>> No.5480414
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>> No.5480424
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fuck yeah

>> No.5480489
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>> No.5481398
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>> No.5481401

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5481411
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>> No.5481422
File: 20 KB, 321x475, Neuroeconomics - Paul Glimcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading this but lost momentum.

I started reading this but lost interest (those interludes are garbage and you know it).

Also reading This is Your Brain on Music, textbooks for my math courses, a book on complex analysis for engineers (I'm actually a mathfag, only reading this book ahead of time to get an intuition for the complex plane), some books on EE (circuitry, for fun), some books on lisp (also for fun), Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises (shitty gen ed class)

Started the Road to Reality, but lost interest, it seemed too pop sciency to be wroth the effort. Recently finished Thinking Forth (that books is really good actually, and Forth seems like a legit awesome language), If I Did It (OJ Simpson's book LOL), Art of the Infinite (pop mathy book, actually a fun read considering you won't find constructionist geometry in many places nowadays), don't remember what else.

I REALLY recommend this Neuroeconomics book (picture). I do not recommend Elegant Universe (It's basically like hawking's pop science book except that it ends up at string theory instead of point particle physics).

>> No.5481429


I used Stewart's, it was pretty good, but then I've never seen Spivak. Both books seem to have fans on /sci/.

>> No.5481630
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>> No.5481634
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>> No.5481650


Machines that are so good at flying they can even fool other birds!

>> No.5481655
File: 25 KB, 270x400, A History of Fascism, 1914-1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5481662
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I find the book absolutely fascinating as it in some ways explores the mind of a monk/scientist in the 14th century.

I don't even feel plebeian when reading this instead of textbooks.

>> No.5481852

really nice book, Spanish it's worth learning just to read Umberto Eco in Spanish

>> No.5482093

Haha, faggot

>> No.5482258
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>> No.5482264

b-but he's italian dude

>> No.5482302

Same thing.

>> No.5482310


Nobody "reads" these. They "refer" to them.

>> No.5482312

>Actually, I'm quite the intellectual. I watched a tiny bit of tv.

>> No.5482315
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>> No.5483069


>> No.5483087
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>> No.5484608

I have nothing to contribute with, but please keep this thread alive

>> No.5484665
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Only started recently so not far in

>> No.5484678
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>> No.5484748
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Textbook masterrace reporting in.

>> No.5484756

How is it?

>> No.5484769
File: 24 KB, 432x648, Keynes General Theory of Income and Employment or Explain the following concepts Effective Demand and Aggregate Demand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My private reading has slowed considerably since the semester has started. Textbooks for this semester:
-Essentials of International Economics 2nd ed, Feenstra
-The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 2nd business ed, Mishkin
-Macroeconomics 2nd ed, Jones
-U.S. Constitutional Law
-Percorsi Beginners Italian

I think once I speed through some Italian hw (already speak it better than needed for this class, can't placement test though) and finish the chapter I need to in Money I might actually find time to read more of this today.

>> No.5484774

How many hours a day to you spend reading texts that are not required for courses you take?

>> No.5484856

very very sexy

>> No.5484927

Haven't read it myself.
I heard the plot was good, but the character development was a bit weak.

>> No.5484960

Well I plan to borrow a book every week from my university library when the semester starts but for now nothing.

>> No.5485043

Getting serious now. I enjoy spending a day at the university library, wandering the shelves and picking up and browsing anything that looks interesting. Sometimes, it can be even more fun to browse topics about which I know little.

>> No.5485083

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.5485097
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>> No.5485150

nice. Just read 1 cor 13. love it.

>> No.5485160

I don't read textbooks.

I read primary scientific literature.

>> No.5485186
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Just started, need to learn some UX for work related stuff