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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 821x822, mensa-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5473479 No.5473479 [Reply] [Original]

>Join mensa
>First meeting
>First thing I hear is some girl saying "My father got me into cambridge I wont be going to the smelly universitys with all the nomies"
>Amazed at how arrogant and pretentious she is yet remain optimistic about other members
>20 Minutes later
>See 2 guys arguing
>One of them stands up and says "Listen 133 when my divine wisdom, glory and prestige rubs off onto you, you must know as it transcends into your deviation that was a damn blessing that I would honor you, so humble yourself 133, humble yourself.

I am not even making this shit up however the last part is only very slightly paraphrased.

Why are mensa members so arrogant?

>> No.5473488

Because it is a group based on being superior to other people in a particular trait.

How come you didn't work that out for yourself, are you stupid?

>> No.5473493

>My father got me into cambridge

An arrogant person would not say someone else got them into Cambridge.

You don't mean arrogant, you mean insecure.

>> No.5473499
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I would say it has to do with their lack of knowing anything of beauty. They give such depth to their terms while in flight that they rarely think to look back and grasp of them, if they did they might give credit to the fact that it is not them that is undead sculpting their words but the work of generations previous, and as such do they totally disregard how everything they are is literally not even their own but somebody elses hot air

>> No.5473505
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fucking indeed*

>> No.5473506


ITT low IQ plebs being jealous

>> No.5473511

Because everybody who fap on such a stupidity as IQ test result are arrogant douchebags. These people are worse than real idiots.
>130-135, different tests. Yes, the idea of IQ is bullshit.

>> No.5473514

>obvious troll is obvulus

>> No.5473516
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>Is a good student
>Work my ass off to get the internship I wanted

>Housemate is below average student
>'My dad got my an internship at cambridge because he's friends with a professor who works there (:'

>> No.5473530
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>mfw I find out mensa people actually pay to be apart of mensa

>> No.5473538

What did you expect from an IQ circlejerk club?

>> No.5473540

Cambridge admissions is so heavily scrutinised nowadays that this sort of thing can only occur at the margins of grade requirements or through recognised programs such as sport.

>> No.5473554
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1358642244691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this or define this argument
Otherwise you are a waste of blood, food, and an education system
>what is time
It is behaving as an immovable object in its diameters and an unstoppable force within its relativity

>> No.5473572


He's not being admitted as a student he's working as an intern.

>> No.5473583

Sports should be worth absolutely nothing. But thanks for the money brings in it is respected. It's absolutely pathetic.

>> No.5473601

Damn, like third day on /sci and Mensa have already lowered in my eyes so much, that I started to despise IQ tests even more.
Also, 118 on iqtest.dlk and yet I`m sure I`m smarter than OP.

>> No.5473624

It's pretty funny that in order to attack the IQ test in general, people feel the need to post their "above-average" IQ's to say so.


A good example. This person says the IQ test is bullshit (which I believe), but still feels the need to post a high IQ score. Like saying, "IQ is totally bullshit, here's my IQ score to prove that what I'm saying is valid."

>> No.5473629

I really think it has to do with region, americas never been the best for enlightened thought
I mean really though, at the time
>lets sacrifice 100 years of trade with all english colonies so we can dick around exactly the same way we were told to but not have to send reports to the queen

Like really, fucking twats

>> No.5473637

I find it also very interesting that very few people in Mensa have made any contributions at all to any scientific field.

Mensa is a circlejerk over imagined superiority. It attracts arrogant people by it's very nature.

>> No.5473641
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Mensa is Latin for table and their logo is a silhouette of 3 legs of a table.

>> No.5473735

I can honestly say that IQ does not represent intelligence. It can indicate certain skills to a certain degree of accuracy, e.g someone with an IQ of 50 is probably not a genius but it is really just something people use to show off. "Look, my IQ number is higher than yours so I am better."

I value achievement, knowledge and mental quickness as far more important than your ability to find the next shape in a pattern. Before anybody says "Lol low IQ jealousfag", back in high school everybody sat down and took an IQ test and I got 152 and I can honestly say the test is rubbish. Although I do believe myself to be that intelligent, I would rather people say that based on achievement and ability rather than a score on a test.

>> No.5473765

I believe this 100%

walk around your nearest/largest city and attempt to open conversations with some homeless people, you will find highly educated people, even savants

true intellects are disorganized, they stumble onto their achievements while perusing something else

>> No.5473781


Shut up.

>> No.5473793

I really don't see the purpose of joining something like Mensa. A club based solely on something like IQ, where you have nothing else in common with anyone else, seems a little weird to me.

Not to mention that there are an awful lot of types like Vox Day, Ian Juby and other people of that sort involved in Mensa. So, just because someone has a high IQ, it's not even a good way to tell whether someone is intelligent or not.

Join a book club or a free thinker's society or something like that. I'm sure you'd have a much better time.

>> No.5473789

Intellectual achievements, not financial. Some homeless people are actually very intelligent, often that's one of the reasons why they're homeless.

>> No.5473800

Because they joined a society for people with high IQs.

The actual decent people and smart people are out there using their IQs for something. They're scientists, engineers, whatever the fuck they want to be and they're contributing to the world.

You won't find any of them sitting in a room circle jerking about how smart they are.

>> No.5473813

So you're one of those stoner trucker losers who always tell bullshit stories about their all their buddies, right? Intelligence is highly correlated with high socioeconomic status, so what exactly are the achievements of these bums that have kept them from living decently?

>> No.5473820
File: 123 KB, 745x1024, donald-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Intelligence is highly correlated with high socioeconomic status

>> No.5473823

Hell no, I'm a doctor of physics. Sometimes intelligent people just get the feeling they want to get away from it all.

>> No.5473834

>what is statistics

>I'm a doctor of starbucks coffee
fixed that for you

>> No.5473844

The only reason someone "highly intelligent" would choose to be homeless is if they are babbies who can't handle anything in life other than going through puzzle books all day, and are thus not truly intelligent.

>> No.5473847

These people joined a society made for people who are too afraid to make the climb up the giant's back to see a little further. Instead, they wish to stand fixed where they are and say they can see as far as the giant does.

They are laughable at best.