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5473359 No.5473359 [Reply] [Original]

My father is on an oil tanker, in a piracy region, near Somalia. I need some ideas on how to secure the crew.

No weapons allowed on it, btw.

So far this is the plan:
They got barbed wire around the ship, with bells attached to it. And also, one across the middle of the ship. (shit is more than 200m long, and 50m wide). There are always 2 crew members in guardia, the command bridge, guarding. They have 2 radars, one on 6 miles and other one on 12 (but I don't know what good is that for, pirates use plastic or wooden boats), aaand they got IR vision goggles. Or whatever's that called. Also, there are tiny bells on the barbed wire, so they should be heard if anyone tries to cut it. On alert, they all run to citadel (i don't know the correct term in english). And they are safe there. The door of that part of the ship cannot be opened from the outside with no tool or weapon Somalians have.

So I've come to /sci/, to see if there's any more ideas I could send to my father, for their safety. I suggested making a barbed wire an electric circuit, and adding LED's all around, so it's easily noticed when the wire gets cut off. He said he'll throw that idea on the table, but thinks it's not doable.

Do you have anything?

>> No.5473361


Not science.

>> No.5473367

Not weapon related, either. Weaponry is not allowed on a oil vessel.

Maybe /diy/, but it's god damn slow.

It's patents, inventions and clever ideas. How's that not a science related.

>> No.5473371

/b/ is a fast board with alot of creative posters. Seriously go there. Your question is not science related. Science is about explaining observations by means of testable hypotheses. Fictional scenarios of defending a boat against pirates are not subject of science.

>> No.5473376

I guess they only have /diy/ solutions availible limited to a few hundreds USD in cosst.

So, IP cams with face recognition and IR illumination sounds like a pretty decent idea. There's software(vitamin D for example) that can be made to trigger email alerts or alarms based on detection of treshhold overruns or other arbitrary yet user friendly specifications.

>> No.5473382

>/b/ is a fast board with alot of creative posters
Too fast for my taste.
>Fictional scenarios of defending a boat against pirates are not subject of science.
Okay, I'll give you that. I think that /sci/-s user base likes thinking about clever solutions, and is also a creative group. I don't think it's that far from the topic, and might be fun for discussion.

If you do not like the thread, you are excused, this is not the only off topic alive atm, and most definitely not the worst one.

>> No.5473383

Put slippery stuff down around the outside of the ship, and tacks around so when they climb overboard the will slip and fall on the tacks

Give them the spicy keychain, use an iron or torch to heat up all the door handles really really hot

If there are some stairs, booby trap them with heavy objects that drop down

Throw bricks at them as they try to climb up the side or spray over the side with bear spray

Light the ship on fire as they get on board, then go to a place where there is no fire, maybe an inflatable pool?

trick them, find a really really good hiding place, and leave all the doors open going to the control tower, then after they go in lock the doors form the outside and barricade them inside, also apply the spicy keychain in reverse here

>> No.5473386


> The door of that part of the ship cannot be opened from the outside with no tool or weapon Somalians have.

ship me to mogadishu and give me two days to scrounge up the materials to open that door.

also they can hold the entire ship hostage simply by threatening to blast the hull. if the ship's sinking the crew is gonna wanna get outta there.

if they're already at the ship the only thing you can do is kill them or pray they don't find anything interesting.

you could get a load of quadrotor type drones and use them to fly around a certain ship perimeter and make a laser, and or bio scanner grid near the water surface. the drones would automatically dock, recharge and trade spots. if an intrusion or approach is detected the alarms go off and the ship lights up, and then you can use microwaves or sasers to grill them. or rig the drones with small pulse bombs that disable their motors. i dunno.

>> No.5473389

How do they scan that big of an area with a face recognition software? And there's really no need for that, anyone outside the vessel is a danger. They do not need to see who it is.

The pirates, they literally climb the "walls" of the ship to get to the deck, and then they go inside the ship, trough one of the 8 doors. That's all there is to it. So the main focus here is to detect them while they're coming, or preventing their climbing. At night. They don't do that during the day.

>> No.5473396

>No weapons allowed on it

So much bullshit.

>> No.5473401

>Light the ship on fire as they get on board, then go to a place where there is no fire, maybe an inflatable pool
>Inflatable pool

Shit son, you just went full retard.

>> No.5473404

>Put slippery stuff down around the outside of the ship, and tacks around so when they climb overboard the will slip and fall on the tacks
This is actually pretty good.
>Give them the spicy keychain, use an iron or torch to heat up all the door handles really really hot
No need. Once you get behind the door, you are safe.
>If there are some stairs, booby trap them with heavy objects that drop down
There can be too many of them, could only make them mad.
>Throw bricks at them as they try to climb up the side or spray over the side with bear spray
They have high pressure water guns. But it's water guns against heavy weaponry. Too risky.
>Light the ship on fire as they get on board, then go to a place where there is no fire, maybe an inflatable pool?
Oil vessel with constant flammable gas emissions. You don't want fire. Anywhere.
>trick them, find a really really good hiding place, and leave all the doors open going to the control tower, then after they go in lock the doors form the outside and barricade them inside, also apply the spicy keychain in reverse here
No remote control of the doors. Too risky to do manually.

>also they can hold the entire ship hostage simply by threatening to blast the hull. if the ship's sinking the crew is gonna wanna get outta there.
If the crew safely escapes to citadel, they give up, most of the time. They clean valuable stuff from cabins, and that's it. The crew stays safe.
>you could get a load of quadrotor type drones and use them to fly around a certain ship perimeter and make a laser, and or bio scanner grid near the water surface. the drones would automatically dock, recharge and trade spots. if an intrusion or approach is detected the alarms go off and the ship lights up, and then you can use microwaves or sasers to grill them. or rig the drones with small pulse bombs that disable their motors. i dunno.

>> No.5473416



>> No.5473421

>ship gets boarded by pirates
>thinks the best thing to do is use cheap "home alone" type tactics that will only piss them off

better off just waiting for the navy to save your sorry asses, invest in a couple of satellite phones

>> No.5473426

>So the main focus here is to detect them while they're coming, or preventing their climbing. At night.
So a thermal IR camera should do a pretty good job, the feed could be analyzed for heat blobs on the water and sound an attention signal or alarm when it finds one?. One or two should eb enough, they could rotate on servos to scan the horizon.

>> No.5473427

>better off just waiting for the navy to save your sorry asses, invest in a couple of satellite phones
They got those. But the navy is always late. Sometimes, they don't even respond. It's Africa...

And it's not about home alone tactics, as I already said, the main focus is on being aware that they're coming. If you see them on time, you save your sorry ass.

>> No.5473434

>Sometimes, they don't even respond. It's Africa...

find that hard to believe considering its an oil tanker holding who knows how much money worth of oil (tens of millions? I dunno)

they dont always respond to the foreign crews I think but if its a US ship you bet your ass they are going to respond

>> No.5473441

>So a thermal IR camera should do a pretty good job, the feed could be analyzed for heat blobs on the water and sound an attention signal or alarm when it finds one?. One or two should eb enough, they could rotate on servos to scan the horizon.
Yeah, that's pretty good. I'll send that to him. However, that's great idea for future use, they don't have those at the moment.

>> No.5473444

>they dont always respond to the foreign crews I think but if its a US ship you bet your ass they are going to respond
And there we go.

The thing is, cargo's got insurance, so does ship. The company does not care.

>> No.5473447


doesnt matter

why do you think we pay taxes to fund the military? I expect them to save my ass when im captured by pirates on the open seas

>> No.5473457

I should've cut the quote, so my "implying" would be clear. It is a foreign crew, ship, and company. US Navy works on daily payment for them, and the company decided that there's no need for a military ship this time.

>> No.5473458

>No weapons allowed on it, btw
There's your problem.
>>>/k/ is that wy

>> No.5473465

This right here, the only solution that you can really do without weapons are
1 Block them access to the ship (most likely impossible)
2 Get a warning that they are coming to your ship
3 Hide in the safe room
4 Wait for the navy

Just invest in an electronic detection systems and the phones, you don't really need anything else.
The system they have in place seems to be good.

>this is not the only off topic alive atm, and most definitely not the worst one.
While this clearly isn't exactly /sci/, the OP seems not to be a massive troll and the thread is decent. I would much rather have this than half of the thread we have.

>> No.5473467


thats unfortunate

couldnt you just run the pirates over, i mean honestly its a tanker ship, just keep swinging the rudder left and right

>> No.5473477

>it's a tanker ship
You realize it's a tanker ship right?

>> No.5473481

>The system they have in place seems to be good.
Yeah, I hope so. Just wanted to run it by you guys.

If you detect them soon enough that you can run them over (which isn't possible anyway, they have motor boats, much faster than the 300m vessel), you are already safe, by escaping to the safe room.

I found something called "p-trap anti boarding device". You hang lines thin lines from the sides of the ship, that float, 10 meters from boat to ocean. And when motor boat is approaching, you fuck up its propellers, and they are not able to move. It's brilliant, but also, unavalible.

>> No.5473522

I know someone who was involved in this industry and I have heard some stories of the issue (of pirates).

FYI: the "no firearm weapons" rule has partly to do with the companies' desire to avoid liability issues, and partly to do with the problems of entering & leaving multiple international areas with different laws about firearms ownership.

one thing that would be kinda funny is to have the bridge doorknobs wired up so that you could run electricity to them somehow. like 3000 volts. And barricade all the regular doors so they can only try one that is out on a ledge with no railing, so that they will fall overboard after touching the 3000-volt doorknob

course after the first guy, the rest would probably get in anyway and kill you just for that. watching the look on that first guy's face would be awesome tho

>> No.5473536

>No weapons allowed on it, btw.

I know why they do this (liability and port procedures), but I feel it's an immensely stupid restriction and pretty soon we'll have to move past it and start having armed guards full time on ships in that area.

>> No.5473566

>armed crews
>pirates become more violent in response
>nobody wants to work on the death boats

>> No.5473571

Haha, awesome idea though. Why do you assume that the other guys would be able to come in? Why not zap them all, until they all die or give up?

Yeah.. I feel armed guards are the only real solution. Giving weapons to the crew itself is not really responsible, as there are many mental break downs, people do not always deal very well with isolation, and seamen are just regular people, really/

>> No.5473579


>It's impossible to cope with bandits. All you can do is comply with their demands as submissively as possible.

>> No.5473582


They're not pirating for King and Country. If they start having to go against heavily armed bastards, they'll give up.

>> No.5473584

Arming the crew is not the answer. These men are not soldiers and are prone to mental instability. They cannot be trusted with guns.

>> No.5473586


>huge tanker filled with oil
>thinks the best idea is to start discharging firearms all over the place

>> No.5473589


>armed guards

Can you even read?


Do you know how crude oil works? It's not like in movies.

>> No.5473593

>I suggested making a barbed wire an electric circuit, and adding LED's all around, so it's easily noticed when the wire gets cut off. He said he'll throw that idea on the table, but thinks it's not doable.

It should be pretty doable. They have electric systems on the ship all right. Barbed wire is of course not the best of conductors and if it's long loops they would need to feed it quite high voltage. to compensate for the drop. It could quite easily be wireable with some simple voltage meter to sound an alarm when the circuit is broken: wire cut.

>> No.5473599

>barbed wire
> electric current
>paint cans swinging on ropes to bean the pirates in the head

You don't seriously think think the company is going to tolerate you making all these changes? They don't care enough about your dad to invest in armed guards or an escort vessel. The crew is expendable, minimizing costs is the goal here.

>> No.5473609

Pretty sure it's the crew that pays for this, and the company doesn't really care if you put some barbed wire on the ship, it's not like it breaks the ship or anything.

>> No.5473626

>They don't care enough about your dad to invest in armed guards or an escort vessel. The crew is expendable, minimizing costs is the goal here.
Yes, that is completely true.

They did pay for the barbed wire though, and they do not care about the changes, as long as it does not damage the ship. They area always looking for the ways to increase security, and such "patents" are always free of charge.

>> No.5473633


Well, that's not too bad then. Fixed defenses are greatly inferior to armed men, but you might be able to make something out of it.

>> No.5473643

>Fixed defenses are greatly inferior to armed men, but you might be able to make something out of it.
Of course. It's all just to buy time so the crew can safely escape to the safe room.

>> No.5473658

>They don't care enough about your dad to invest in armed guards or an escort vessel.

Able seamen don't come cheap, you know. Officers even less so. They don't use armed guards on oil tankers because they're essentially giant, floating bombs and carrying weapons can be legally tricky depending on port of call (you might be declared gunrunners or pirates yourselves).

There are all manner of other defensive mechanisms that ships employ beyond simply stringing up barbed wire. The most effective are probably water cannons and water curtains to repel boarders, which are probably ideal for a tanker since they don't involve fire (and the water supply is ample). Some ships also use crowd-control sound cannons to disorient attackers.

>> No.5473666


>giant, floating bombs

Do you actually believe this? Don't you understand what crude oil is?

And virtually all ports will allow you to dock so long as weapons are secured in a lockbox in the propoer fashion and remain there for the duration of your stay. The idea that a legitimate ship would be "declared" a pirate because it's carrying properly secured weapons shows that you have no understanding of anything.

>> No.5473681

Not him but i have to agree with him slightly
>giant, floating bombs
They are not bombs but you don't still want one to get hit with and rgp, oil is a bitch to clean up.

>> No.5473693

>Do you actually believe this? Don't you understand what crude oil is?
There are flammable vapors. Type "oil tanker fire" in youtube. It's that simple.

Also >>5473681 this.

>> No.5473708

>There are flammable vapors. Type "oil tanker fire" in youtube.
So don't use phosphorous tracer rounds and the risk is far lower.

>> No.5473722

Satellite mounted thermal discouragement beam

>> No.5473772


what about one of those really loud noise machines you see on whale wars?

those seem to be highly effective plus they are safe to operate

>> No.5473970

If they can climb the sides of the ship, being 10 meters away will not stop them from doing exactly that. What they couldn't do is drive away. Do you really want them to be stuck on your ship?

>> No.5474066

I don't know, it's gotta make some snese. This thing won some kind of Marine award.

>> No.5474097

I know you joking, but it gives me a good idea about another solution.

This should do the trick.

>> No.5474150

>Works on ship that has to pass through pirate-heavy waters
>No weapons allowed
Tell your Dad to work for a less shitty company. Most shipping companies that work in that region have the good fucking sense to let their employees carry weapons and many even go full out and contract mercs to keep the ship secure.

>> No.5474159

just get a fucking pmc security deal. Do you want to die to somalian pirates? its not a good fucking thing, retard.

>> No.5474162

Hook up a seismograph to the hull of your ship and introduce protocols for nightly wandering (Ring a phone or something like that to disable the seismographic alarm before you step out of bed between 11 pm and 5 am, or something like that). I would imagine it being able to distinguish between wavenoise and footsteps/climbing

>> No.5474179

why dont you post this in the weapons chan u little bitch

>> No.5474200
File: 1.93 MB, 3095x2321, Obama-tough-talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your number one pirate, drop nuke bomb on americunts and theres no more terrorists and pirates.

>> No.5474218

>They have 2 radars, one on 6 miles and other one on 12 (but I don't know what good is that for, pirates use plastic or wooden boats)
>but I don't know what good is that for, pirates use plastic or wooden boats
>radar not picking up plastic or wood

How fucking stupid are you? Do you know what radar is?

>> No.5474226
File: 17 KB, 240x226, 1356805715852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5474522


Weapons just escalate the situation. Better to abandon your post and flee to the panic room, like a housewife or child.

>> No.5474534
File: 957 KB, 245x139, POW_gangnamstyle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /pol/ faggot