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5469552 No.5469552 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get pissed off at how much evolution is emphasized as a theory? It's pretty observable in fruit flies. Or how faithfags would rather believe a book than an almost fact?

>> No.5469554

No, because I know what "theory" actually means in the formal sense.

>> No.5469555

get your terminology straight

"theory" and "fact" differ in more than just perceived likelihood of truthfulness

>> No.5469558

right but point being the difference in fact and theory aren't nearly as great as theory and faith

>> No.5469560



>> No.5469561

the difference between a window and a door aren't nearly as great as between a window and a spaceship

words have meanings (in specific contexts)
not everything should bow and change to increase the likelihood to "convert" the (borderline) unconvertible

>> No.5469568

got it, shutting up,

>> No.5469581

A scientific "theory" can be based on many observable and individual "facts" or phenomenon. Theories are explanations of how things work.

There really is no single idea in science, particularly biology, that is supported by as much evidence from as many different fields as the theory of evolution. Biology really makes no sense without it. Yet it is not considered a "fact" (even though it pretty much is) because it is constantly being improved. Also, it's not a law like the laws of physics because laws describe defined relationships that don't change.
Evolution simply means: change over time. Lots of things evolve, but the biological natural selection kind of evolution is unique, and other things that "evolve" (like the combustion engine) don't necessarily follow the same rules.

Take some time and look up actual definitions to these words:

>> No.5469604

sorry im not american
didnt realize that many people in america still believed that evolution isnt real

>feels good to be masterrace

>> No.5469615

what does owning a gaming PC have to do with this

>> No.5469636

A theory is something that has yet to be falsified by empirical observation.

Evolution, cant really be called a scientific theory. There are a lot of sub-hypotheses which fit into a framework which we can call 'evolution.'

For example, its a hypothesis that organisms will evolve gradually over many generations. We dont see radically different organisms arise suddenly within a generation. That is one of many hypotheses which make up evolution.

Karl Popper had some comments on this view. But I like Ludwig Wittgenstein's comment that evolution's value, is in its change in perspective, not necessarily its scientific validity.

>> No.5469748

>>Lots of things evolve, but the biological natural selection kind of evolution is unique, and other things that "evolve" (like the combustion engine) don't necessarily follow the same rules.

Yeah, but it strikes me as wierd that people can't see the similarity. Why are evolution denialists so "sceptical" about it when we observe the same rational of functional development and gradual change in technology and even culture/music etc?

>> No.5469776

It's emphasized as a theory because it IS just a theroy( a guess).

>> No.5469781

It can be observed in bacterias though, because they can produce a number of generations within 24 hours.

Antibiotic resistance that is formed by bacterias is a living example of evolution happening, where the stronger bacterias which survived the anti biotics pass on their genes which ultimately a generation that is completely resistant to anti-biotics.

Why do you think people are forced to take vaccines for seasonal flu every year?