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5468669 No.5468669 [Reply] [Original]

This has been bothering me for a while, and It's hard for me to find a source online...

But how the fuck do some companies fill those pressurized tanks? It's boggling my mind. All this nitrogen at like 2000psi. wtf?

Pic related

>> No.5468761

This was actually bothering me too. Or how people can fill their own.
so bumping

>> No.5468772

What about it do you find boggling? Seems pretty straightforward. Pressurize gas. Connect tank. Open valve. Close valve.

>> No.5468788

How is the gas fed into it? Is it a chemical reaction fed into the tank? Pretty much forcing gas in one direction?

>> No.5468797

What the fuck? The gas goes from a high pressure tank into a lower pressure tank (the one in your pic)

>> No.5468793

The source gas is at higher pressure. Open the valve and the gas rushes into the empty tank until the pressure equalizes.

>> No.5468795


If you connect an empty tank to high pressure gas, it will flow into it.

>> No.5468800

shit. Stupid me. Okay, then how do they get the gas in the initial high pressured tank?

not OP lol

>> No.5468805

air compressors. Big pumps that force air through a one way valve.

>> No.5468808

Take a gas. Apply pressure.

>> No.5468813

how can i do this at home with an air freshener can?

>> No.5468816

You...cant? The hell? Are you just leading us on now?

>> No.5468818

seems like it would be easy to pressurize another gas into an empty canister of that size, no?

>> No.5468820

Unless you had a proper adapter, I wouldn't try it. You cant just hook up a bendy straw to the can

>> No.5468824

Well yeah, I figured you could throw something together at the hardware store. It just has to fit snuggly over the nipple (lol), amiright?

>> No.5468828
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>OP asks how they tanks of gas at high pressure
/sci/: they fill it with other tanks of gas at high pressure

>> No.5468833

pmuch this

>> No.5468831


But that's not what they said...

>> No.5468842

Please read:

>The source gas is at higher pressure. Open the valve and the gas rushes into the empty tank until the pressure equalizes.
>If you connect an empty tank to high pressure gas, it will flow into it.
>If you connect an empty tank to high pressure gas, it will flow into it.

Followed by my personal favorites:
>air compressors. Big pumps.
Take a gas. Apply pressure.

>> No.5468845


But all of that's true. It really is that simple. "Take a gas. Apply pressure." is literally how it works.

>> No.5468851

You dont see the problem with

How do you pressurize gas?
>Take gas. Apply pressure.

That seems like a normal answer to you?

>> No.5468854

It's an endless cycle of using pressurised tanks to fill other pressurised tanks. No one knows how and where it originally started and how the first pressurised tank got filled

>> No.5468856


The question was how do they get it in a tank.
The answer is to connect it a volume of pressurized gas.
The next question was how to pressurize that gas.
The next answer is literally just to take a volume of gas and apply pressure. Literally. Pushing on it.

>> No.5468857


>> No.5468861

Maybe you forgot what apply pressure means.
Ever squeeze a balloon..?

>> No.5468875

I have.

I have never squeezed a ballon into a smaller ballon, nor have I taken apart a bicycle pump to see how it works, nor have I toured an industrial setting that compresses gas and seen the machines that do it.

Do you know how gas is compressed in industrial settings? That is what I really want to know. (Not OP, btw)

>> No.5468879

>That is what I really want to know.
lol, if that really were the case you could simply look it up, /sci/ isn't a library or repository of journals.
Try google scholar.

>> No.5468881

>I don't know the answer so i'm going to be undermining you

>> No.5468883

>I have never squeezed a ballon into a smaller ballon

But you could, though. Decrease the volume and you increase the pressure.

>nor have I taken apart a bicycle pump to see how it works

It's just a piston in between two one way valves. Suck air in by expanding the volume, then force it out by compressing the volume (and thus increasing the pressure). In other words: take a gas and apply pressure.

>Do you know how gas is compressed in industrial settings?

No, but it's not hard to guess. Just big, fast versions of that bicycle pump, powered by motors instead of your arm.

>> No.5468888

making this up but i would imagine
>large cylindrical chamber, put gas in it
>bottom of chamber is the head of a piston
>force piston up, keep gas sealed in chamber, gas is compressed to shrinking volume of chamber
at least for the basic part, then you move the gas into another chamber, maybe you immediately force it into the other chamber through a pressure valve during the piston action so you can compress more in one pump

>> No.5468890

They probably use some kind of pump.

>> No.5468897

No need to be such a dick about it, if he's never seen how a pump works and doesn't know much about physics it isn't immediately obvious that "Take gas, apply pressure" refers to that mechanism and he was presumably looking for a more specific or visual answer than such a meaningless conceptual one.

>> No.5468905

They start with a very large, thin-walled tank, like a steel balloon, fill it with normal-pressure gas, and squish it down in a car crusher full of rubber balls until it's a normal-size, thick-walled tank filled with high-pressure gas.

>> No.5468974

...this is what americans really believe

>> No.5469099


>> No.5469103

What kind of pressure and what kind of volume do you want? Low volume and low pressure? Bike pump. Low volume high pressure? Stirrup pump. Low pressure high volume? Air compressor. High Pressure high volume? Scuba compressor. Ultimately it depends on the gas and the application, but usually a gas is initially pressurized by a compressor.

>> No.5469151
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>mfw this entire thread

>> No.5469161

dont forget r is in kilojoules, not joules

>> No.5469200

Next week, /sci/ is going to explain how magnets work. And they will fail.

>> No.5469218

freeze it

>> No.5469621

>this thead

You take a big tank of gas connected to a smaller tank and heat up the big tank. The gas gets hot and therefore pressurizes inside the little tank. Close valves between tanks and now you have a tank of pressurized gas.

>> No.5469696
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>> No.5469712

You're a pure idiot!
Gas is transported and compressed by a compresser (a pump for gases) in a big tank. Then this tank is connected to small empty tanks, the pressure equalises (will be high in small tank and a little lower in big tank than it was), then it's disconnected.
They liquify air for nitrogen, oxygen and argon. Don't ask how they reach -200 degrees temperature, you will not inderstand.

>> No.5469719
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HAHAHA this thread is becoming archive worthy.

>> No.5469725

You put the gas under pressure, i.e. you tell it it needs a 4.0 GPA to go to harvard, or that you gonna shoot its family if it doesn't hand over the launch codes.

>> No.5469726

They use pumps and trained elephants.

>> No.5469727

>>5469712 >Don't ask how they reach -200 degrees temperature, you will not inderstand

They vent it to very low pressure rapidly resulting in a serious drop in temperature. However you can see the pressure/volume/temperature relationship and it is impossible to have liquid gas at low temperature and high pressure.

>> No.5469736
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>>But how the fuck do some companies fill those pressurized tanks?
from the distillates of an air separation plant of course.

They distill that nitrogen in a giant air distillation column

>> No.5469746

I thought it involved that trash compactor from star wars

>> No.5469749

We must all believe in the Great Compressor! Just as mundane compressors push gas into areas of higher density, so too will the Great Compressor push our souls into a high plane!

How else could we have pressurized gas? There is an infinite cycle of compression, and it all began with the Great Compressor itself!

>> No.5469756
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What happens, /sci/?

>> No.5469759

I love it.

>> No.5469760

>who compresses the compressor

>> No.5469763

it was always compressed.

>> No.5469785



>> No.5469793

liquid nitrogen is dirt-cheap, bro

>> No.5469798

more like, air-cheap, hhhehehe yeah sorry

>> No.5469805

Christians: 0
Atheists: 1

>> No.5469813

Who talked about selling nitrogen?. I'll build the worlds largest cryogenic storage tank and condense out CO2 from the atmosphere. Getting millions of green grants and investments.

Then I'll go rogue and demand even more money to not realease it all in a cataclysmic global warming disaster event(formulated as "ohnoes, or cryogenic machine thingy needs more funding or it may set the CO2 storage on fire!")

I'll then reinvest the money into an even larger storage and suck the oxygen out of the atmosphere instead(blaming those pesky plants for not producing oxygen if we don't support global warming by giving them CO2) , and repeat the cycle until I've monopolized the entire atmosphere.

Or maybe I should just look into politics

>> No.5469827

I have a hills stirrup pump used for pumping my airrifle to 2800PSI, the pump its self can pressurise up to 3300PSI, all you need is a pressure gradient, think how what flows, similar idea


>> No.5469831
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0th law bitch

>> No.5470321

lol way off

>> No.5471154


I don't understand

>> No.5471336

Wasn't it just heated up?
Pressure is proportional to temperature you know.

>> No.5471346

equilibrium happens

>> No.5471385

Why have the gasses sorted themselves by color in each of the tanks?

>> No.5471422
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what if something is a grea compresor universe is compressing the current universe itselft into another recipient seems to us to be expanding.

>> No.5471444

I know you're taking the piss, but isn't that the basic idea of fractional distillation?