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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5464831 No.5464831 [Reply] [Original]

My 4yo loli cousin just asked me how lightning is created. What do?

>> No.5464835

tell them and quit smashing their curiosity?

>> No.5464839 [DELETED] 

by sacrificing the virginity of little girls.

>> No.5464848

It's basically static electricity. She's probably experienced it.

>> No.5464857
File: 93 KB, 471x304, good_lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask /b/.

>> No.5464861


>> No.5464885

Tell her about small particles of matter, about fine dropplets of water in the clouds, sparks when you take off your sweater, 220 volt socket powering lightbulb (it's AC but that doesn't matter now). Yes, I understand she's 4. But you should explane the truth in a fun, interesting not too long way.

>people telling little and young girls magic and silly crap
>people wonder why 90% teenage girls and women are horribly stupid

>> No.5464888
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> Yes, I understand she's 4. But you should explane the truth in a fun, interesting not too long way.
How??? How can I translate that into fun kiddy speak?

>> No.5464927

>take one balloon, explain it's like one of the particles in the cloud
>say that her hair is like other particles
>rub them together
>make a spark
>explain how lightning is like that spark, just a lot bigger
>do it in a rather dark room so she can see the spark

>> No.5464929

Giant battery of clouds, giant spark, a very very hot lines of fire when air itself is burning because of giant power of that natural battery. It's not created by anyone, it's just there.
I can't possibly imagine it in a more simple way.

>> No.5464935

The magic lightning goose flies through the sky and delivers lightning to mommy and daddy clouds who love each other (very much).

>> No.5464943


>what christians actually believe

>> No.5464964

Have you ever been shocked by static electricity?
It's the same thing, but it's sooooo powerful you can see it!

>> No.5464975

dont do this


>> No.5465030
File: 132 KB, 900x1200, muhahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her to sit on your lap while you play AoM?

>> No.5465056
File: 15 KB, 800x533, LightningAboveCloudsView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cloud niggas and ground niggas sometimes join forces to mimic an electrical decapitator nigga
> Evaponiggeration and condennigersation of niggerspheric kool aid within the cloud niggas causes water droplets to collide with fat niggas, supercharged mudafuka wave niggas, and other other kool aid droplets
> These collisions cause negative niggas to be kicked out of there homes creating many gangs in the clouds
> Negative niggas start getting hot cuz they pissed of with the positive niggas on the ground nigga, and all these negative nigga gangs start accumulating at the base of the nigga cloud, getting ready for gang wars to neutralize the ground niggas
> Simultaneously positive niggas laughing at the sad negative niggas, also charging up and getting ready to counter the nigga assault
> The air between the two nigga gangs becomes so think, the poleece put up a diniggelectric fence of the electrical decapitator nigga
> Both these gangs are so large now and the electronigga fields are so large they produce niggions and jail escaped free niggas
> Eventually negative niggas just can't stay put, and the great shitstorm of our times begins
> Dem negative niggas just fuckin get on there niggapeds and start riding down from the cloud niggas, the air diniggelectric fence starts to break down due to the overwhelming number of negative niggas charging
> Niggions and free niggas provide the path for the great battle, eventually once all the niggas die it short-circuits the natural electrical decapitator nigga, and lightnigging is produced.

>> No.5465181


It's like the feeling you get in your penis whenever you're overloaded with joy and white stuff flies out.

Except we're talking about voltages and charge per surface area


>> No.5465187


Tell her it's the clouds rubbing together and making fuck tons of static electricity.

>> No.5465205
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Tell her you can make lightning with her if you rub your genitals together then when it doesn't work make her feel bad by saying it's her fault and there's something wrong with her.

It's not rape, it's science.

>> No.5465219
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>> No.5465276
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>> No.5465406


>> No.5465800

Make it a story. Start at the beginning and make it end big with KABOOM LIGHTNING MOTHERFUCKER -motherfucker