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File: 12 KB, 245x300, dualism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5443432 No.5443432[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

psych professor
>ancient greeks were substance dualists
>medievel europe was substance dualist
>people now are mostly substance dualist

Let me get this straight, bum-fuck uneducated pricks in Plato's day believed that *not all mental stuff is/or is necessarily also physical stuff?
Movies like 21 grams come out because modern Christians believe that the soul is immaterial?


>> No.5443441

The gnostics had enough weirdness on their own. Substance dualism is a general framework upon which philosophers can hang ALL SORTS of crazy...

...as you will learn shortly in your psych class.

>> No.5443449

Yeah. The idea comes from geometry and eventually the theory of forms. We can imagine a perfect circle yet one does not exist. How then can we imagine it? The concept of perfection leads into theology and metaphysics.

>> No.5443480

I can create the blue prints for a house.
The blueprints, being the idea, are inherently perfect.
The building based on the blue prints can be brought into reality only because the blue prints exist.

So which is more perfect?
The blue prints?
Or the house?

>> No.5443483

Virtual reality=Substance dualism

That's where the immaterial perfection exists.
The perfect house.
The perfect circle.

Anything can and will "exist"

>> No.5443544

>I can create the blue prints for a house.
The blueprints, being the idea, are inherently perfect.

There's no metaphysical (magical) property of perfection though. It's just a visual schematic that's pleasing enough for you to try to match a state of material reality to.

>The building based on the blue prints can be brought into reality only because the blue prints exist.

And only because there was a reality which could house a neurology that could create a visual schematic (blueprints), value it, and alter an environment to fit a schematic.

>So which is more perfect?

Is nonsensical. Visual schematics can be altered in different ways than environmental reality and so can environmental reality. Not to mention environmental reality contains a larger set of elements than those contained within visual schematics...

>How then can we imagine it?

Because we applied symbolic operators to abstract and visual thoughts silly! Those who used it for "theology" and "philosophy" are those types of lazy fools who want to dominate a world of facts with methodology that doesn't require any social labor (as is involved in the collection of facts and observation in the sciences).

>> No.5443639

Have the circles of imagination been measured to be perfect? The claim that imagination maps to a different reality than the physical is a spurious one.

>> No.5443656

I don't get it...what are you so incredulous about?

>> No.5443859

I'd still say there's a metaphysical aspect to it, but it's not a magical one.
The ideal reality (imagined) has a strong impact on "real" reality.

Those blueprints represent an imaginary house. But because those blue prints exist and represent an abstract idea, the house eventually comes to exist.

Without the blue prints, there is no house.
Without the idea, there is no creation.

The idea itself is the causes reality to change.

>> No.5443861

>Virtual reality=Substance dualism
So a computer desktop is also a proof of substance dualism?

I think this magic substance that we have't invented is called Stupid, and your head is full of it.

>> No.5443872
File: 6 KB, 430x436, half square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have the circles of imagination been measured to be perfect?
Here's a thought experiment from Plato.

1)Take a square to someone unfamiliar with geometry.
2) Ask them to divide the area of the square in half while still keeping the shape.

They won't know how to do it, but they'll still make a lame attempt. After that, show them the solution in this drawing.

Ask that same person, and even without telling them, they'll be able to tell you that it's exactly 1/2 the size of the other square.

Even if they don't know how to draw or make the shapes, people are able to recognize what should look like. People can recognize perfection. They can visualize perfection. But creating perfection is another story.

>> No.5443976


"Metaphysical aspect" might as well be a "magical aspect" since the "ideal reality" is a cybernetic linkage involving a neurology and its environment.


That's a faculty of spatial reasoning. The conclusion where a construction like "perfection" is involved is unwarranted. Or rather, calling it "perfection" is a linguistic trap which disables us from getting to the axiomatic and algorithms which enable us to recognize solutions and which lure us into optical illusions.

>> No.5443978

electricity has weight. 21 grams more then likely is your nerve receptors shutting down

>> No.5443984
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1345994650347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5443999

Physical =/= Lower vibration meeting higher vibration

Mental =/= Higher vibration manifesting lower vibration

But the fun fact is where one goes higher to meet an equal of where the other goes lower

So the real question is, which is easier ;)

>> No.5444002
File: 977 KB, 499x281, sekyq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking trips

>> No.5444010

What about the reality of ideas? The idea that something is perfecltly imperfect? Th action is the cause of incorpoating ethereal into a corporeal reflection. But what caused the idea?

>> No.5444018

You base yourself in approximation of size with your surroundings and baseline structures, the furthest- atoms, now these are only determining you by your own ability to not equate yourself as less than them (simplest identicate- an electron) and as such simply phase the self that you now percieve into your relation to your entire body, knowing your entire body- meditation, ect- and as there is millions the size of an electron/proton/nuetron in an atom between the layers (the best way to understand the ratio is like saying that the nucleus is a gumball in the middle of the football field while the first level of electrons are out in the upper stands, being a fleck of size in reference to said gumball) and simply rationally determine that what you can perceive yourself to be as both those things and simply enjoy the playground

All that being said, as we know humans are incredibly irrational creatures

>> No.5444020

The idea is caused by imput. The idea is feedback. The physical manifestation of such is a mirror?

>> No.5444021

Well it would be immediate in terms of time reference, what else could there be at that state?

>> No.5444022

if your soul has mass that can be measured with a scale, then it means its effected by gravity, so we can build soul traps! thronging a person in a black hole would prevent his soul from ascending to wherever, trapping them in it.

>> No.5444024

the electrons that travel, which cause electricity, has weight. however, these electrons do not immediately disappear upon death. they may leave through chemical reactions long after death, but not immediately upon death(which is, after all, the observation,lol, that you are referring to)

>> No.5444025


>> No.5444028


A synthesis of data from your previous experiences and your current settings. Eventually, neuro science will be able to tell us exactly what is going on up there. Until then, this whole thread belongs on /x/

Now when it comes to a meaningful existence for humanity...first, convince me that we exist. Then convince me that the universe is worth existing in. Then I may consider being part of a conversation where we talk about whether imagination is proof that humans are somehow unique

>> No.5444033


I think you mean the brain
the mirror isnt taking input, you can see different things from different angles, I mean ofc light, but it has no set regulation of state to the observer
Faux here btw, I know this is probably gunna die as soon as a post but, Definer-ofc he/she/what who is defining the subject with their perspeption..
But the observer, as one who is simply seeing an angle in a mirror... work withit if you want
anyway... a television maybe

captcha: argylin teachings

>> No.5444034


>> No.5444040
File: 40 KB, 570x428, 1353930320829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking typos

>> No.5444045

the movement of electrons increases mass, but that guy didn't take into account that for electricity the potential causing this movement is external, in a body its internal meaning the source (ATP or wherever neurons get the juice to move charges) would lose an equal amount of mass. This would results in a net gain of 0, and even if it didn't it would have been a lot less than 1g.

>> No.5444052

meant weight.

>> No.5444057
File: 11 KB, 251x224, 1356679046759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless!!! There exists a shell of electrons around the body & about the brain


>> No.5444059

how does it do that. electrons don't actually move, they just transport around, so you can't be talking about general relativity

>> No.5444065

hitch rides you would mean?

Maybe the body generates some friction that developes into magnitism that offsets the general charge of a givin atom

>> No.5444070

OP, how does it feel to be so edgy? I bet you're posting while riding a skateboard.

>> No.5444075

Capturing the soul that is scary shit. Has the soul actually been scientificly proven to exist? Be measured?

>> No.5444080

firstly, electrons arnt the charge cariers in neurons, its ions that move. that movement thus adds momentum to the energy-momentum tensor, and this movement causes an electromagnetic field, which again adds to the tensor, so yes, its general relativity.

>> No.5444089

> Has the soul actually been scientificly proven to exist?

>> No.5444161

give her the dick

>> No.5444193

