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5440154 No.5440154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the flu shot good, bad, indifferent, or a massive government conspiracy?

>> No.5440181
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bumpin' for scientific justice

>> No.5440189

Even if you don't mind getting the flu, you should get it just to help with herd immunity. It massively reduced the number of people you could potentially spread it to, cutting off millions of potential new strains. It's projected that if enough people got the flu shot enough years in a row, the "flu season" could become something of the past all together.

> massive government conspiracy
people that think like that hurt others with their retarded actions.

>> No.5440191

theres debate on how effective it actually is

when they make the vaccine theyre only guessing on the strain that is going to be most common each year

if you have money to blow (im not sure how much it is) you might as well get one

>> No.5440193

It's free. That's really what worries me. Why would it be free if it wasn't some conspiracy to inject the public with nanobots.

>> No.5440194


Get your damn flu shots.

>> No.5440198

Because the cost of vaccinating everyone is smaller than the cost of dealing with a certain percentage of the population ending up in the hospital with severe cases of pneumonia.

>> No.5440199

I don't know if I have a good immune system or I just live an extremely sheltered life but I haven't gotten sick in years.

If I did get sick often though, I'd be sure to get the shot.

>> No.5440210


exactly this, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care

>> No.5440230


But some people simply don't get sick, just like some people smoke 2+ packs of cigarettes daily for decade upon decade of their lives while someone else could smoke a handful in a few years and still end up with cancer that could directly be related to the handful of cigarettes and nothing else.

Some people are just genetically predisposed to sickness and illness, and drugs and meds and whatever aren't going to fix that.

Some people are just fucking defective compared to others.

Deal with it.

Disclaimer: I am not one of the broken people. I haven't been sick or to a hospital for anything except going with someone else for their problems in over 30 years - the last time was when I was young and I visited my Dad who had fallen and injured himself.

I don't do drugs, I don't smoke, I don't drink - my addiction is what I'm typing on right now, and after 40+ years of typing, I STILL don't have CTS and never will. I have no maladies to speak of aside from being nearsighted and that's a natural thing anyway and doesn't need to be "fixed" with lasers or whatever, glasses work just fucking fine, thank you very much.

>> No.5440233


Flu is serious shit.

Go look up 1918 spanish flu. If any virus is going to kill mankind, it'll be the flu. Superbly adapted to spread rapidly and be difficult to treat,

If you can get a vaccine, get one. Like others have said, its helpful for herd immunity - if you can survive it, great, but you'll transmit it to a large number of people and some of them might not be able to survive it.

If it were some kind of evil experiment, there's way better ways of doing it (and have been done in the past >http://www.nature.com/news/human-experiments-first-do-harm-1.9980 ).

>> No.5440239


Holy shit, you so deserve to die of the flu.

>hurr i'm naturally immune to everything

Fuck you, no you're not. You've just been lucky recently.

>> No.5440241

Uh, what? Not seeing how any of that is relevant to vaccines being offered for free.

>> No.5440251

OP here. Would getting the flue become more important if I had heart problems (valve and ventricle regurgitation due to issues I will not disclose here)

>> No.5440262


Just get the fucking shot. There is no downside. You shouldn't be weighing health factors.

>> No.5440267

Besides mercury poisoning.

>> No.5440270


>You've just been lucky recently.
>almost 50 years old, haven't been to a hospital because I don't care to get sick
>the mental aspect is very relevant
>not taking meds because I don't want to
>the mental aspect is very relevant
>people make themselves sick just by thinking and focusing on it 24/7
>this shit has scientific evidence to back it up
>think sick and you'll be sick

You kids will never understand, you're a drug based mentality destroying the world, every little ache and pain "THERE'S A PILL FOR THAT!!!"

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

>> No.5440271



guaranteed replies

>> No.5440280
File: 2.88 MB, 200x260, he tried to stick it WHERE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>people make themselves sick just by thinking and focusing on it 24/7

>> No.5440284

apparently you don't have to be a teenager to be edgy as fuck.

>> No.5440304

>massive government conspiracy
More like a fraud.

>> No.5440331

Arn't they just using last years vaccine since this year's flu is still being worked on?
I heard they're just handing out old stock to get people up to date on last year's bug.

>> No.5440359


1. Being health > being sick
2. The flu can fucking kill you
3. It's not that fucking expensive
4. Even if the flu doesn't affect you (e.g. you're immune), don't be a fucking asshole carrier and transmit it to other people

Reasons why it's bad
1. It keeps retarded people like you healthy

>> No.5440368

I know right, vaccines and autism. Screw the corporations.

>> No.5440385

I'm in a Biomedical Research Graduate Program at a very good university at the moment and a few of my colleagues and I had a discussion about this the other day. As far as we know, no one has ever done a study to show whether or not the flu shot is really effective. As far as we know, why we think it works is simply because it works off the principles of vaccines which have been wildly successful in the past. No one has ever run the stats, though. Here's my advice:

Have you gotten it in the past? Keep getting it.

Haven't gotten it before? If you know you have any allergies (chickens, eggs, most importantly), you may want to think twice. The antigens are derived from chicken serum (Blood), so if you have egg allergies this could cause some problems, although it may not be fatal. I wouldn't risk it. Good luck and happy flu season

>> No.5440411

Well, the flu vaccine can be a good thing, or for some people it can also be a bad thing. The thing about the flu vaccine that not many people realize is that they decide on the vaccine for each year before they even know why type of flu will be going around, it's hard for them to predict exactly, so they combine a few strains of flu into the vaccine so that your body gets antibodies for multiple types instead of just one incorrect type. It certainly helps to prevent you from having a case of the full-blown flu.

>> No.5440417

I've gotten the flu shot, and when people around me got sick as fuck, I didn't. Good enough for me.

It's a dead-virus vaccine. Your body freaks out, attacks the virus, and produces antibodies and memory cells so that if you are invaded by a similar virus, it can react immediately rather than waiting for shit to hit the fan. There's no fucking nanobots or mercury in it, it's grown inside a goddamn chicken egg.

Flu shot should be mandatory. Hell, everyone should have to get that ridiculous shot they give you in the military that immunizes you to fucking everything. And then we gather up everyone with HIV and other nasty communicable diseases and lock them up in a segregated community, and wait for them all to die off.

It's how we got rid of smallpox, and it'll be how we get rid of other diseases too.

>> No.5440489
File: 134 KB, 640x2770, Dawkins debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I answer the people I am around when the topic of flu shots come up and someone inevitably brings up an anecdote that they got the shot once and they got sick?

>> No.5440492

lol what's the story behind that image

>> No.5440493

A discussion with a creationist. Its on Youtube. It goes exactly how its depicted here.

>> No.5440496


-They're particularly susceptible to the flu
-The flu they got was not included in the shot they received
-They had a cold and bitched too hard

>> No.5440511

flu shots efficacy rate is only 60%

which is why it's so important for everyone to get it

>> No.5440516

oh god I couldn't watch three minutes, it isn't even rage, it is really just depression at the state of ignorance. Had to turn away.

>> No.5440520


Free you say? I had no idea.

>> No.5440546

Everyone should get the shot even if they don't get sick. Even if you don't feel the symptoms you could be carrying it and spreading it, and thus bringing down our herd immunity and making infants, and immune-compromised people more vulnerable. Protect the herd, get your shot. It takes like 30 seconds. People who complain that it doesn't work don't understand influenza.

>> No.5440561
File: 11 KB, 284x289, T2phage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun fact: your flue shot only covers 3 strains of influenza virus. Two strains of type A, one of type B. That's all we have room for. It's entirely possible to pick up another kind of flu (say, type C) after getting the AAB shot. The CDC and others pick the three strains by analyzing world health data and environmental conditions in the country and deciding which are most likely to pop up. So it's a forecast, and they're big people in a big, slow organization trying to track things that you can't even see in most microscopes as they move all over the world infecting and killing people. It's cool and creepy.

>> No.5440565

>hat's all we have room for.

What does that even mean?

>> No.5440584



The CDC director says it there. IIRC it's because at a certain point your immune system stops responding optimally if you flood it with a thousand types of virus trying to immunize it.

>> No.5440633


>Protect the herd

One day the atheists tell me evolution and the next day they tell me to protect da herd. I don't give a shit if the weak people die. That's life dude.

>> No.5440648


When it comes to infectious disease, the herd is vulnerable = you're vulnerable. Means more vectors, which means more opportunities for it to mutate and overcome your immunity.

>> No.5440652


>I am only the sum of my genetic parts.

>> No.5440660


The particular herd in question pollutes the Earth, burns through all the resources, and gladly destroys life that gets in it's way. I'm not sorry one bit that evolution is working as intended. The Flu problem could be fixed overnight by making it a policy not to shake each others hands and replacing manual doors with automatic ones. You've just eliminated 90% of the viruses transportation.

>> No.5440665

>i've been lucky
>that means i must be a superhuman

you've never been killed in a car accident i bet you're naturally immune to bad drivers

>> No.5440672


Born with higher focus and awareness than my peers. This allows me to predict unsafe driving conditions and avoid accidents. So yes, I am actually more immune to bad drivers.

>> No.5440677

Bad drivers = Poison Ivy.


>> No.5440678

>Is the flu shot good, bad, indifferent, or a massive government conspiracy?

The mercury in the flu shot binding to your neurons is how the mind reading satellites can pick up on your brainwaves.

>> No.5440714
