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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 539x422, dr-neil-degrasse-tyson-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5436793 No.5436793 [Reply] [Original]

/sp/artan here, can you explain why LE REDDIT UPVOTE xD circlejerks over this guy so much? My friends are taking me to see him speak and I can't find anything important that he has done

Is he really just popular because he's a black, athiest, "scientist" who posts politically correct things on le circlejerk?

>> No.5436800

He is SCIENCE and SCIENCE is cool. xD

I fucking love SCIENCE.

>> No.5436801

Because he's an important scientists who has made significant contributions.

>> No.5436802

>>>/b/ >>>/pol/

>> No.5436805

so it is basically what i said, LE BLACK SCIENTIST SAYING MAINSTREAM THINGS xd

>> No.5436808

Yeah to be honest it feels like this belongs in /pol/. I dont get what this guy matters scientifically

>> No.5436811

He's a science educator, he's popular because he's good at that.

>> No.5436815

I don't think its because he is black. He has not really contributed anything but neither has sagan or bill nye. They're merely pop-scientists.

>> No.5436818


>> No.5436820
File: 2.80 MB, 1395x983, Guv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Me too!]

>> No.5436829

Originally, they didn't. They didn't even know he existed.

He studied under Carl Sagan. He became a science adviser under Bush Jr. Then he ran the Hayden planetarium for a while. He's hosted NOVA on PBS and been on The Daily Show many times. The latter is where he began to get famous with teens and college kids. He's quite outspoken on funding space travel, which became relevant recently as NASA retired their crafts. So he's been interviewed and stuff about that. He's also an outspoken agnostic, which is where r/atheism jumps on his dick. He's also partly responsible for why Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Which got him attention.

At his best, he's a great pop-sci celebrity. Kind of in the vein of Sagan but not as whimsical. But due to his fan base, they make him out to be much more than he is. He's an alright guy, makes some good points. The "le nerd SCIENCE so randum xD" shit isn't his fault.

>> No.5436845

>who posts politically correct things
>implying being critical of the government is PC in America


>> No.5436848

>stay there you fucking pleb

>> No.5436849
File: 30 KB, 313x313, 1351490140201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill Maher

>> No.5436870

He's pretty cool, don't let the reddit influence ruin it for you. He's just a person who likes science and wants to educate people about it.

>> No.5436871

We're talking about Tyson, try to keep your ADD in check.

>> No.5436874

>implying ADD is a real disorder and not just a lame excuse

>> No.5436878

He popularizes the importance of science and /sci/ hates him because people with a naive scientific understanding now begin to be interested in the subject.

On the other hand they'd bawl their eyes out if the sciences get another budget cut, so I don't see what their point is.

I rather science to be _quirky_ than nonexistent.

>> No.5436894


My problem is when /sci/ has threads about him. "Let's talk about NDT!"

I just don't get what's to talk about. He's a pop-scientist, talk about someone else if you want original research.

>> No.5436897


>implying every single one of us didn't begin with a naive understanding and an interest in science
>implying actual scientific literacy and an growth in the amount of professional scientists isn't more important that a fashion statement

Nobody is going to fund science if it's just a bunch of nerds regurgitating shit they heard NDT say. They will fund it if science and engineering continue to produce results and those people who produce results influence public policy.

Nice try on looking intelligent though.

>> No.5436927
File: 14 KB, 438x423, batman-begins-scarecrow-screencaps-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-13222142-1022-425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Out of curiosity... why do so many people mistype "atheist" like that?

>> No.5436944

You are missing the point.
He does inspire young people to go into the STEM fields and he does encourage voters and taxpayers to support the sciences.

Annoying teenagers who "fucking love science" are a sideeffect, but that's just something we have to deal with.

>> No.5436949

cuz their the athiest of all athis

>> No.5436966

What this anon said. At some point, we all think we are the athiest. I remember when I first met some one athier than me, it was a truly humbling experience.