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5435595 No.5435595 [Reply] [Original]

I propose gender segregation in schools.


>> No.5435597


>> No.5435600

Impossible. We cannot have infinitely many schools. Gender is a continuous spectrum.

>> No.5435601

Well, I believe I would have dedicated more time to study instead of looking cool to impress girls.

>> No.5435602

>Gender is a continuous spectrum.

>> No.5435606
File: 68 KB, 500x667, gender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender science is a science.

>> No.5435609


>> No.5435642

since boys are the motors of innovation and discriminated against, it would be an advantage for the wellbeing of the entire western civilisation.

>> No.5435648

My country has gender segregation. It's retarded. We don't have more focused students. We just prolong the sexual and social immaturity of significant minority of the students.

>> No.5435650

which country?

>> No.5435652


I hate that chart. None of the shit on the left has anything to do with gender. Your genitals do not define your range of emotions or identity. It defines whether you were born to produce sperm or eggs. If you lop your genitals off this does not change your genetic makeup

Quit hiding behind things like race and gender. Be an independent human being. You don't need a whiny support group to tell you its ok to wear a dress.

>> No.5435654

what's your point?

>> No.5435658

>confusing gender with biological sex

>> No.5435758

Except that is what the word gender means

Or was supposed to mean, now it's changed to mean whatever the fuck you want

>> No.5435763

Sex is the biological term, determined by chromosomes.
Gender is part of your social identity.

Jesus Christ, it's the 21st century. How can people be that uneducated?

>> No.5435764

>babby's first gender science

>> No.5435970

What the fuck? Sure, sometimes gender roles are broken but I don't suddenly become a woman just because "bawww I wanna wear a skiiiirt!". This is some humanities bullshit.

>> No.5435976

>implying gender is binary
>implying male and female are the only genders

the ignorance, it hurts

>> No.5435984

>implying the word gender was even remotely related to biological sex before it was used to describe a span of non-biological characteristics

>> No.5435982

How about we discuss OPs question and not turn this into an argument about the definition of gender.

>> No.5435994

you should be free to send your kid to whatever school you want, and pay for it, provided somebody wants to offer it to you

>> No.5435997

some parts of the world, like some middle eastern nations, do have gender segregation.

like you guys, their stated reason is that people learn differently and should have different curriculum catered to them, but the real reason it so that they don't do the nasty.

>> No.5435998

just because you will forever remain a virgin doesn't mean everyone else has to

>> No.5436024

My high school did this last year for the grade 9's. The girls scored higher than the boys in the segregated classes, but the boys scored higher than the girls in the non-segregated classes.

>> No.5436032
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Thing is, k-12 schools aren't just for academic learning, but social upbringing as well. The school system is supposed to prepare you for life as an adult. Part of that preparation is the eventual choice of going to college to pursue academic interests.

Segregation would just lead to retardation of social learning and impaired ability to interact in a healthy manner with the opposite sex.

>> No.5436055

I went to an all boys private school

And boy was it gay. Lots of instances of kids getting raped in the bathrooms, disused rooms etc by other students. The older ones even trained some of the younger ones for later use.

I mean i walked into a bathroom and these two dainty trap-tier guys were going at it against the wall. Like the slightly taller one was pushing the other guy up against the wall while pushing down on him. I just turned and fucking left

>> No.5436103

It would retard social development

>> No.5436109

You went to the wrong private school

>> No.5436120

Holy shit, the ignorance flows as if from buckets.

>> No.5436118


>i just turned and fucking left

You gay son?

>> No.5436127

Humans do nasty things to each other when they're deprived of gender variety. There's a reason that rape and violence is common in American prisons.

>> No.5436133

Yes, it's because it's full of niggers.

>> No.5436137
File: 96 KB, 627x474, 1325249237738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read what he just said you fucking retard?


>> No.5436141

It seems to me that if the boys and the gals can actually learn to engage this benefits society since it's natural and we don't know enough about psychology to know whether or not such social set ups benefit dynamic group activities in that setting.

Furthermore you'd have to be gay, socially isolated or some kind of saint to really want this for yourself if you're honest.