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5435585 No.5435585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/Sci/, how do you deal with the existential terror that one day you will cease to exist for all of eternity?

I know, I wont be able to experience being dead (probably), but it still freaks me out knowing that one day all my experiences and memories will just be... gone.

How do you deal with that /sci/?

>> No.5435586

you express your energy into your surroundings, creating little waves that have effects beyond your grave. Every person you influence will influence others, so we must be careful of the consequences we create.
These waves are my energy, they exist independant from my continued life. I hope to leave a lot of them. This is what drives me onward.

>> No.5435604

I'm not sure if my experiences and memories are real anyway, so I don't care.

>> No.5435615

I shall welcome nothingness with arms open, until then I will continue to enjoy life as much as I can.
Death is release, no thoughts, no emotions, no nothing.

>> No.5435618

I just hope that I am remembered by more than just close friends and family.

I also take comfort in knowing that once I die, nothing really changes, I'm just not concious any more. My body will rot and feed plants that feed animals that feed humans.

Also, make films, live forever.
"The appeal of cinema lies in the fear of death" - Jim Morrison

>> No.5435619

the trick is to dont give a fuck and just ignore that thought becuase its not getting you anywere anyway. Try to go to sleep and youll feel better the next day and have more energy to do something that will have an impact on humankind, because thats what its all about anyway.

A little science: If you willingly ignore that thought over and over again and instead think of fuzzy little cats, your brain will learn to ignore that thought all in all, and it will come up less and less until its gone alltogether. And being tired or having a bad day all in all will bring thoughts like that up more frequently. So when you're having unpleasant thoughts, just remember its because you're probably in a bad mood, and the cure is good healthy sleep and some fruit in the morning.

>> No.5435627

well not an avid /sci/ lurker, but I am worried about my time, too many things you have "simply" put enough time in it and you will naturally learn how to perform them well, be it a sport, an hobby, sounds like "grinding", which require time.
Coupled with memory, which myne isnt that great and as time goes 2 things will happen.

1) Memory will decay
2) The perception of time dilates, while before each day would count, it will became week and months, if I were to live forever maybe even a year could became meaningless, would I be living by the moment or what?

Our brains are not ready to live forever with such limit I believe, for the good of those who surrounds us.

>> No.5435631

Fuck off with your edgy anti-intellectual pseudo-philosophical non-science teenager drivel. Stop polluting our board with cretinous low level off-topic bullshit.

>> No.5435633

> implying you're not polluting

>> No.5435634
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>How do you deal with that /sci/?
Life extension.
Eventually you'll live so much, experience so much, that you are perfectly fine with fading away and opening a slot for others.

>> No.5435635


>> No.5435643

>implying i dont fantasize about suicide on a daily basis
i hate my life

>> No.5435645


I feel some comfort knowing my death isn't certain. Likely but not certain. There is a slight chance, a long shot. To be preserved using liquid nitrogen and a special antifreeze that prevents the formation of cell bursting ice crystals. After heart death but before brain death. Many have done it.

>> No.5435660


If I'm not mistaken, Existential crisis stem from not having enough shit around you to justify your existance.

So, go find a pretty little thing you want to marry.
Have kids, find a career, past-time you find fullfilling and you're good to go.

I used ot experience that shit all the time, not since I've had my son.