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5431506 No.5431506 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else thinks that TEDx is bullshit

>> No.5431512


Let me put it to you this way, Anita Sarkeesian got a spot there.

>> No.5431518

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5431519

>Anita Sarkeesian
i dont know her and from the first look at what google gave me it doesn't sound like a good idea to google further

>> No.5431539

obviously you never watched it

>> No.5431549

TED is awful, a bunch of pseudointellectual twits watch it to feel smart

>> No.5431552

AUTISTS R MUTANTS!!! - fucking retarded.

>> No.5431564

thanks i feel safe now
backstory: I hated a teacher of mine for no reason and it turned out she's in love with TEDx and anyother bullshit where alot of people gather to feel special and smart
xD seems 4chan is the only place i feel i really belong to

>> No.5431598
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Even most of the regular TED talks have retarded topics like "A new from of consciouness emerging from the global neuron-network" or "Does art impeach quantum physics?".

And TEDx is basically a soapbox for college dropouts.

>> No.5431615

I saw one about Phemto-photography, which was pretty cool.
Other than that. shit is stupid yo.

>> No.5431623

i wouldn't lie some of them are worth it but most is just shit