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5426751 No.5426751 [Reply] [Original]

What do you wildlife biologists think? Let the pod die or spend far too much money on saving 12 whales?


>> No.5426760

save them, but make quebec pay for it

>> No.5426788

Saving them is a waste of money though. Humans didn't cause them to get stuck, so humans shouldn't interfere.

>> No.5426795

only a sociopath or autist would say that after watching the video.

>> No.5426801

or a realist biology major.... Seriously, its 12 whales. not even endangered ones. The concept is natural selection. Nature happened.

>> No.5426803

cheesus crust
what's with /sci/ and autism

>> No.5426808

A true naturalist would let nature take its course. But its nice to save some animals sometimes.

>> No.5426812

i've seen the voyage home. free those whales before shit happens

>> No.5426821

agreed that its nice, but this is way too expensive. This isn't a "save the beached whale" issue. It's 12 whales. I'm all for fixing disasters cause by humans and saving species that push extinction cause by humans, but we can't just save anything and everything.

>> No.5426824

we may as well eat them

>> No.5426829

Didn't they already make a movie about this with Vince Vaughn?

>> No.5426856

Biologist (not wildlife) here. I know that this kind of shit happens constantly. Trapped animals are a large food source for animals like polar bears, which are not doing well. I say let them die, other animals could feast on their flesh and live on. In this way their death would help ecological growth more than anything else.

While some types of killer whales are endangered, I don't know if these ones are. And even so sometimes an animal deserves to die. We should not interfere.

>> No.5426865

Don't do it, and use the money saved to pay slaughterhouses to slow down the production line so that all animals are actually dead when they chop them into pieces. Or pay Chinese not to skin raccoons alive, for racists pretend that only Asians are cruel to animals.