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5426288 No.5426288 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ this isnt specifically a math or science question so i apologize but i am starting a math course at a community college which will eventually lead to a physics associates degree, so work with me here.
I am a ausfag who lives in california now and im not exactly sure how the school system works out here. I was wondering if, when i start going to cc will i have to take other courses besides math?

>want to do math at community college do i have to do other subjects

>> No.5426295

>will I have to take courses other than math to get a physics degree?
yes, obviously; also probably some 'general education' courses

>> No.5426305

I assumed as much. its just frustrating to have to pay to do other classes im not interested in and that aren't that relevant to the end result. how important are these other classes and for how long into the degree will i have to do them

>> No.5426325

Yes. You will have to complete your general education courses. They include, but are not limited to: Womens studies, AMuRRRIKAN history(ONLY), Geography (AKA where the fuck is Italy on the map), Art, Biology, Philosophy, speech, and other fucking retarded shit.

All the teachers will fucking suck too. Have fun.

>> No.5426328

You're going to want to speak to a counseler to find out which classes you have to take.

>> No.5426344

fuck. thanks for laying it out bro but that fucking sucks. what percentage would you say they take up?

>> No.5426365

I only needed 4 physics and 4 math courses before they let me transfer out of this shithole (math major). Expect to take around 10+ general education classes.

You'll have to memorize stupid shit that you'll forget in one semester. Just be glad it'll be ridiculously easy to get a 4.0 and transfer to a good UC.

You should really see a counselor to get the specifics though.

>> No.5426385

I spoke to one the other day, he didnt give me a exact answer because I am trying to get into the accelerated learning course which bundles some math classes together so you can move on sooner. he thought that might mean less g.e.
I get what your saying about the 4.0, so i guess thats what im paying for.
How the hell did you guys make it through all the bull shit general education?

>> No.5426422

I went to county college. Got an associates in engineering and a 3.97 GPA. When I showed up I didn't even know the most basic algebra. I am now a Junior at a top 100 (50 something) college with a solid scholarship and a 4.0. I am majoring in Mech Eng and minoring in Elec Eng. County college was different from university, but not really worse. If you work harder then everyone around you, you will get a lot out of county college and will set yourself up for basically any future studies you want. The general Ed classes aren't bad, in fact I really learned a lot from the history courses and the writing courses were somewhat useful in developing improved skills. All in all the professors were actually very good. Not nearly as accomplished as my university professors, but they new the material and cared about teaching well an challenging us. I was very well prepared when I arrived at university.
TLDR: do county college, put in 100%, 300k any job you want.
Ask about transfer programs with nearby 4 year schools. Be wary of schools with no name recognition or online classes. There are some phoney schools out there that i think try to prey on cc students looking to transfer.

>> No.5426439

>How the hell did you guys make it through all the bull shit general education?

Honestly? Looking back, it was complete hell. GEs fucking suck.I honestly don't know how I managed to survive the boredom in the classes. Easy as shit though, like I said. Half of them are memorizing stupid facts.

Uhh, I guess that's not being very helpful. Sorry. Just ignore everything I said and listen to this guy. Hope and pray your experience will be like his and not mine.

>> No.5426453

nah mate its helpful. i appreciate it

>> No.5426569

I hope you do not have one of those stupid Bogan Ocker accent. I am from Vancouver and Australia = backward version of California with stupider accents.

Assuming you want to transfer to a UC/CSU school go look up IGETC and visit assist.org; plenty of info on transferring to a four year school.

>How the hell did you guys make it through all the bull shit general education?

Not bullshit unless you just want to be a cubicle monkey. I double majored in EE/French and the man that interviewed me (Credit-Suisse) was a French speaker from Switzerland. I has hired on the spot.

>> No.5426627

>A, Picard
Oh Captain, My Captain

>> No.5426701

>canadian making fun of accents...
>its aboot time for you to go, eh?

>> No.5427113

College is not a trade school you dumb Bogan.

>> No.5427165

>county college
>300k any job you want.
obvious troll

>retard and/or troll (amounting to sockpuppetry)

not a fag

truth (but stated in the most assholish way possible)

>> No.5427174

All the UC/CSU schools have extension/open-university; meaning you can take regular classes without being formally admitted. The classes cost between 600-900 depending on the school.

Take all the math/physics you can at juco and then just pay the money and do your upper division classes through extension. That way you do not have to take so called BS classes. It probably will cost the same amount of money