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5424016 No.5424016 [Reply] [Original]

Science of Dragonball

How the Kaio Ken works

The energy is drawn from the Dan Tian (energy field in the lower body, Chinese: 丹田), and sent out to the chest, back, head and four limbs.

The Ki travels underneath the skin and causes the muscles to bulge and the flesh to become thick around the bones.

As the Ki reaches the surface of the body in this dimension it manifests as heat, wind, and electricity.

When Goku employs the Kaio Ken he opens up all the cells in his body and taps into their energy on a molecular and sub-molecular level.

Goku’s cells, molecules, atoms, neutrons, quarks and all other sub atomic particles are opened up and tapped into for a very short amount of time.

>> No.5424017
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The Kaio Ken increases the metabolism of the cells in the body. The cells exert an incredible amount of energy in a short amount of time and are then completely expended.

The cells die and need to be replaced. But this recovery process takes as much time as the normal functions of the body will dictate. So during a battle, the use of Kaio Ken must only be used in desperate times of need.

>> No.5424019
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A correlative explanation to Tibetan “Monk’s Fire” may help.

In this practice monks will wrap a wet cloth around themselves and then sit in meditation in the freezing cold mountains. As they sit, the water in the cloth starts to steam, and eventually the towel becomes dry. Under thermal cameras it can be seen that the monks bodies are much hotter than normal.

The exact science of how the monks do this is still waiting to be discovered. Perhaps they heat up the body by using Ki or by increasing their cellular metabolism via a mental technique. Long distance cold environment runners have been found to use similar a technique.

>> No.5424034

Those Monks are amazing. I've seen them take a drill, which destroys cement with ease, straight into the throat and only receive a slight bruise. Pressure monitors showed the monk was pushing the drill extremely hard (i.e not faking).

>> No.5424056

nice, now it's back to practicing my ki and shooting energyballs.

explains why goku needs to eat so much

>> No.5424057


>> No.5424074

I don't see any science here.

>Goku’s cells, molecules, atoms, neutrons, quarks and all other sub atomic particles are opened up and tapped into for a very short amount of time.

That makes no sense, what does it mean that sub atomic particles are "opened up" and what does it mean that they are "tapped into"?

>> No.5424096

I think he's describing, in a very stupid way, sub-quark deconfinement.

I approve of that, that would mean that all the characters collapse into degenerate matter, releasing immense amounts of exotic radiation, fall into the centers of their respective planets and cause their collapse into black holes, causing the end of the franchise.

Finally no more of that stupid anime.

>> No.5424414

OP is half right, there is a "Ki" but it doesn't come from subatomic particles, however it is possible to control your body with practice...
One can achieve faster reflexes, accelerate metabolism, raise awareness, raise body temperature, increase blood flow, even induce apoptosis of muscle tissue to create energy needed to lift or hit something or to produce heat

>> No.5424422

these cartoons exaggerate, but Ki is real

>> No.5424434
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>even induce apoptosis of muscle tissue to create energy needed to lift
thanks anon i needed that laugh

>> No.5424474


>> No.5426188
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their is a meditative techniques known as tummo that can allow people to control body functions with their mind

what I am trying to say is that Goku is getting "energy" from the vibration of the strings in string theory which is being manipulated

It very hard to explain

It similar to how a thermonuclear bomb works
with the exponentially growing nuclear chain reaction but instead it works on a grander scale

Basically, Goku sends a signal through his body which creates a chain reaction that effect his cells to molecules to atoms to sub atomic particles to quarks ect and finally to the strings.

Kio ken x1 cellular
Kio ken x2 molecular
Kio ken x3 atomic
Kio ken x4 sub atomic and quarks
Kio ken x10 sub quarks and leptons
Kio ken x20 Planck length

>> No.5426200


>> No.5426219

is dis nigga serious?

>> No.5426237

ki.... is bullshit. That's right. fluff that only people with childish hopes believe in. Kindof like prayer.

think of it logically, or apply occam's razor. What is more logical. The monk went through intense body hardening or exorcises that increased or decreased the elasticity of his skin and muscle tissue (which is possible) or a magical energy source prevented the damage to his neck...

just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so

>> No.5426265

their bodies actually function as a conduit and is connected to a dimension of pure energy. like cyclops' shades

>> No.5426267

"The Science if Dragonball" could be a cool documentary but the "science" presented here is some serious wtf.

>> No.5426337
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Fuck you. Fuck the womb that gave birth to you. Fuck the hand that fed you. Fuck the tit that nourished you. Fuck anyone and anything that helped you survive another day and prove what a waste of sperm and egg you are.

>> No.5426838
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I not even talking about that

Tummo has been studied by Harvard scientists (Dr. Herbert Benson)

monks are able to heat their tip of their fingers to 147 degrees with their mind only (ki)

science is still looking for mechanism to explain that

In the mean time
my theory is that its ki causing the heat

>> No.5426844
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i will admit its as about as testable and legit as the ancient aliens theory but that is were all science begins

as speculation

>> No.5426928

>Dr. Herbert Benson
he does good science on stress responses. IE up and down regulation of certain metabolic processes based on mental state. Real metabolic processes.

dont be dragging my real science into your voodoo toonami bullshit. the monks thing is hearsay. your science is bad. GTFO until you have some schooling in molecular biology or bio chem. Hell even some cell bio

>> No.5426936

>monks are able to heat their tip of their fingers to 147 degrees with their mind only (ki)
[citation needed]

>> No.5426946

Actually now I'm curious.

I used to do this thing where I could make my face/forehead get hot. I'd do it if I couldn't be bothered to go to school on a review day to make my mom think I had a fever.

But I never really thought about what I was doing. What was I doing? I don't really know how to describe it, except that I concentrate on my forehead and eventually it gets hot and starts to hurt.

Maybe I can still do it, but I don't really want to try because it hurts afterwards.