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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5422180 No.5422180 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of class
>sit down in large crowd of students
>waiting for professor to show up
>instead it's a TA
>introduction to course
>begins lecture promptly, as expected
>"Galoyz theory"
>turn π/2 radians and walk right into the wall

>> No.5422189

Why? Because Galois theory is too hard for you?

>> No.5422194

Sounds like it. Given that he isn't smart enough to type normally, it's very unlikely that he's capable of doing any real math.

>> No.5422196

I think because he's a french faggot

>> No.5422212

>learning mathematics created by a Frenchman

Is there an algorithm for surrendering?

>> No.5422224

I like where this tread is going

>> No.5422250

>Be UK Uni student
>3rd year of Civil Engineering degree
>omg actually get to take electives this year! eXDee
>Introduction to Accounting
>full of Economics & Business students
>read through first 6 hours of lectures in 15 mins
>all adding in columns
>Point to laptop screen and point out some bullshit to a friend
>look at eachother
>turn 360 ledger pages and walk away
>drop it and take sustainable architecture instead
>hear retard economists cry all year about how hard it is

I probably would have got a higher mark if I did accounting, but holy shit I did NOT want to do it.
I would seriously kill myself if I had to be an accountant.
Should have done Introduction to Buddhism.

>> No.5422251

>walk into class
>second day, expect to start lecture at once
>prof is 5 minutes late
>looking around, nobody else is distressed
>notice that he's now 10 minutes late
>someone reads an email from the prof saying there will be a substitute today
>short balding guy walks into class
>"Sorry I'm late. My name is Sheldon Cooper and I'll be teaching today."
>walk π/360 degrees into the emergency exit, cancelling school for the semester

>> No.5422268

yes it's called english pronunciation. just as we pronounce paris as perriss not pah-ree.

>> No.5422274

We have a competition in Canada called the Fermat.
Everyone the school I went to called it the "fur-matt".

Lots of people say things wrong; my calculus professor called Leibniz "Leebnizz" all semester.

Nothing to get butthurt over.

>> No.5422276

How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce galois anyway?
I remember when I went for my uni interview the head of maths came in and said something like
>you should take galwah theory as soon as you can
>i love it
>i call it galWOW theory

He then walked out of the room laughing to himself

>> No.5422278
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>Sheldon Cooper

>> No.5422285
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>he can't into IPA

>> No.5422288
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>he has to use IPA to know how to pronounce Galois.

>> No.5422290

> algebraic "number theory"
> whole class is just boring theory building
> loads of proofs which skip important details that are too difficult for someone without good background in commutative algebra to fill in (teacher usually works such an advanced level they take fucktonnes of stuff for granted)
> after about 8 weeks finally gets to proving something that actually tells us something about numbers
> it's some ridiculous restatement of the normal proof in a boring as paste topological outfit
> fucking dropped

>> No.5422291

back to editing talk pages on wikipedia

>> No.5422299

Not everyone is French.

>> No.5422304
File: 7 KB, 120x157, lehighschoolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw English-speakers have selective French-speaking ability
>they can say cuisine but not galois

>> No.5422305

How does it feel to not be able to excel in a subject that is such an important application of all that ring theory you have previously studied?

>> No.5422306

Not everyone is a mathematician either. What's your point?

>> No.5422309

Neither am I.
Not everyone knows IPA.

>> No.5422315

I only took it because I wanted to see the proof of dirichlets class number formula. When I saw what he was doing to the finiteness of class number and units theorem I got the heck out of there. I've studied these proofs "directly" by myself and all that topological stuff is completely unneeded.

>> No.5422316


not everyone understands the english youre speaking in so....does this mean you should translate it in french?

>> No.5422320

If they want to pronounce the English words I use they should learn IPA or be English-speaking.

Which was my original point.

>> No.5422331

Not everyone knows IPA.

>> No.5422332


Yeah but aren't you just being a little...racist here? In all seriousness, why should english-speaking be better than french-speaking

>> No.5422367

>know calc 1
>take calc 1 in college for luls
>bored out of my mind
>drawing instead of paying attention in class
>never do homework
>still manage good grades
>stay up all night working on a paper
>finish paper at 7:20 am
>take nap
>wake up 6 minutes later and forget I had a test in 4 minutes
>all trig identities and stuff I could have memorized in a minute but forgot
>get shit grade on test
>no longer want to be in that class
>drop it like an unwanted child

>> No.5422386

>don't put work in
>get shit grade
>lol im too good for that shit

>> No.5422394

I was scoring straight As and 100s on the quizzes. I could have pulled off a pretty good grade in the class if I kept busy, but I was seriously tired of being in there.

>> No.5422471

>not knowing trig identities and being able to say them by heart at any hour of the day


>> No.5422483

No, I derive them quickly with the euler relation.

>> No.5422497

>In history of world civ 101 (not my major I just like history)
>Start talking about ancient near east religions and relations to some biblical stories
>mid 20's female asks "What does biblical mean?"
Such is life at community college

>> No.5422532

>history is a must course despite my field: chemistry
>enter classroom
>the instructor introduces himself, her's an ex soldier
>"adam lived 10000 years whereas noah did 3000..."
>stand up and leave classroom

>> No.5422552

> student (a marine) stands up in the middle of lecture
> asks prof, how old is this rock?
> why does he have a rock

>> No.5422595

didn't drop it, but fuck...
>history class
>making small talk with a girl until class starts
>makes a comment that reminded me of the cold war
>say something about it
>she just stares at me like when a dog cant understand something and it tilts its head 45 degrees
>cold war? when was that? after the third war?

>> No.5422609

"If you want to understand english, you should speak english"
is not racist.

>> No.5422703

>sitting bored in class
>all of a sudden professor starts singing
>it's some faggy love song about a finite simple group of order 2 (as if there are infinite or non-simple groups of order 2)
>multiply myself by the matrix [[sin(π) cos(π)],[-cos(π) sin(π)]] and walk right out

>> No.5422706

the matrix is wrong, you retard

>> No.5422714

>be in lecture hall of 500 people
>be sleeping
>pass class with 98

>> No.5422722
File: 25 KB, 110x101, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is trivial bullshit

back to science, lads.

>> No.5422724
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>not knowing his trig identities

>> No.5422729

>5 years old
>on vacation, on the interstate, sitting in back seat
>have to shit
>start to cry, dad shouts at me to shut up
>quiet down for 30 seconds ... sudden intense pain in colon
>panic, roll down window, start to take off pants and underwear to shit out window at 70mph
>mom grabs me as I start to turn ass to window and yanks me into front seat
>simultaneously spray diarrhea all over dad and piss into mom's lap
>sobbing now
>image of front seat car floor seared into my memory

>> No.5422750
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>matrix equivalent to 90 degree rotation
>right angle
>walk RIGHT out

>> No.5422761

it's pi radians, so 180 degrees you fag.

>Bearchin 192
good name for a band

>> No.5422765
File: 599 KB, 557x487, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First day of School stories.
>enter psyc101 class
>she passes out syllabus
>a great milf looking professor, shes in her 40's and super energetic
>has this huge ass diamond ring showing us that shes happily married
>reads off syllabus
>grade scale, about herself, ect..
>get to attendence part
>"the most import thing is, I want you to come every day"
>fucking big ass smile form out of my lips
>start to get a boner, wearing white basketball shorts,
>try to cover it, using my shirt, but it keeps getting bigger
>trying super fucking hard not to smile, which turns it into this fucking ugly grin on my face
I'm sitting in the fucking first row
>Goes on 15 more min. about attendance. "Now remember, Im going to show you stuff in class that you cant get from the book. I want you to come in class every day... I want you to come... please come to class... come...."

Walked out of there with this huge ass boner, looking dead straight ahead of me, knowing that the teacher and everyone saw my boner.

I dropped that class.. she looks like pic

>> No.5422766

He got the columns wrong. Do you even math?

>> No.5422767


>> No.5422769

b-but is not /sci/

>> No.5422768
File: 32 KB, 251x251, keenan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally saw this

>> No.5422771

>implying /sci/ isn't about peeing on your mom and shitting on your dad

>> No.5422775
File: 41 KB, 147x203, Jonas Lundén.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in college
>Still getting boners from the word come

>> No.5422778

>Intro to Accounting
>full of Economics & Business students


>> No.5422781

sin(π) = cos(π/2 - π) = cos(π/2)
cos(π) = sin(π/2 - π) = -sin(π/2)

[[sin(π) cos(π)],[-cos(π) sin(π)]] =
[[cos(π/2) -sin(π/2)],[sin(π/2) cos(π/2)]]

Back to high school.

>> No.5422835

>yes it's called english pronunciation. just as we pronounce paris as perriss not pah-ree.

This is always the dilemma.

>In a restaurant
>Want to order something with a French name
>Speak a little French so can pronounce it properly.

Do I pronounce it properly and sound like a posh asshole?
Or Anglicise it and sound like an uneducated pleb?

>> No.5422833

>not having a constant 24/7 erection throughout college

>> No.5422858
File: 30 KB, 628x617, 1342641367306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be alpha as fuck mathematics and physics double major
>Second semester of first year of school
>Modern Physics, junior level class
>Pleb/beta engineering majors in their 3/4 year are there
>Some 3rd year engineering majors literally have it as their first elective ever
>Engineering majors cry and whine all semester because class is harder than their shit-beyond-shit-faggot-tier engineering courses
>Solve Hydrogen atom using spherical harmonics
>Kindergarten bullshit
>Most third year engineering students drop after this
>mfw I got 98.5% in the course
>mfw all 5 engineers who stuck with it bombed the course

>> No.5422864

Pronounce it correctly: like an American.

>> No.5422879

how's being 2 dimensional working out for you?

>> No.5422933

Just ask for it in English.
>that feel when all the fancy restaurants start calling green beans HARICOT VERTS and everything else is in English or Italian
Yeah, no.

>> No.5422938


dat Sir Andrew Wiles

>> No.5422940

>hairy cot v-airts

>> No.5423452

>go to class
>catch prof clicking out of /sci/ right before starting
>nope.jpg out of there

>> No.5423483

>be English
>think you're superior than your countrymen by pronouncing "Galois" any other way than Gah-lois

The pronunciation "Gal-wa" is only an approximation to the real French pronunciation. If you pronounce it that way and think it's correct, you're a pretentious fuck.

When I hear a Frenchman say an English word without that absolutely ridiculous accent, I'll pronounce their words properly.

>> No.5423499
File: 23 KB, 480x340, kinghyrulesigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pronunciation "Gal-wa" is only an approximation to the real French pronunciation

No. Try going to France some time.

>> No.5423528


>> No.5423548

I made my own thread, but short version: 100 level history course, professor starts screaming about everyone but him is an idiot, tells us we're reading a novel a week, plays up his class as being the most important thing we would ever do in our entire lives.

It was into to western civ. At one point he shouted "Do I make myself clear!?" and I replied "Sir, yes sir!" as a joke. He took it seriously, and complimented me.

I emailed him telling him why I dropped, and he replied back insulting me 11 times and bragging about his ratemyprofessor score.

>> No.5423666

>implying that thread isn't stupider than those who say galoys

>> No.5423684

>8AM calc 2 class last semester
>teacher (PhD student) wrote on whiteboard
>would turn aronud and stare deeply into my eyes.
>I'm the only one he would do it to.
>I'm the last person he would need to be lecturing directly to in that class.

I left halfway through the first lecture after dropping it from my phone.

>> No.5423688
File: 37 KB, 492x250, ffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.5423751

>tfw professors look right at you for much longer than any human should

>> No.5423788


what uni?

>> No.5423792

I didn't actually know it wasn't furmat.
But I know how to pronounce fresnel and piezo.

>> No.5423795


We just say things the way that sounds nicest. Galwah just sounds gauche to english ears. It's the same deal with Euler. I'm just not saying "Oiler".

>> No.5423800

My saddest drop was for a physics 1 class. The teacher was an old, partially deaf man who established withing the first 10 minutes of class that he was an intelligent man who was unfortunately hindered by his partial deafness and incomprehensible handwriting. There were other minor factors at play as well, but they were all related to the fact that his body had aged too much to be able to teach in an interesting fashion. I felt somewhat bad for dropping the class because the old guy seemed as excited as he could to teach the subject :(

>> No.5423808


Oh God, yet another person who can't pass a Calculus class and yet "knows" Calculus. Just admit you can't Calculus, it's the first step towards learning Calculus as with anything else.

>> No.5423814

>yfw they just want you to ask a question or correct an easy mistake
>they want to know that there is at least one intelligent person in the class paying attention
>they are reaching out to you for help
>why won't you help?

>> No.5423853

all acceptable pronounciations of galois

>> No.5423874

With Khan Academy, patrickJMT, and MIT OCW there is no excuse to drop a course other than laziness or stupidity.

>> No.5423899

In french, 'oi' is enunciated as 'wah' and the 's' in Galois is silent. Hence,


You see this same enunciation in 'trois.'

Hope I helped you. Also, that galWOW joke is fucking awesome.

>> No.5424002

those are all fucking useless

>> No.5424006

>rote memorization


>> No.5424037


How is MITOCW useless?

>> No.5424048

not being intellectually and spiritually higher than your peers.

>> No.5424049


There's nothing wrong with sex, bud.

>> No.5424052


Presumably because he wants to know how old it is, dickhead, or because he wants to summon a furious flock of proud eagles to cry.

>> No.5424060

>trying to feel superior at every opportunity

are you 12?

>> No.5424062
File: 50 KB, 934x908, boredomface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend minimum possible time in the lectures (20% of the lectures mandatory)
>unable to relax, mind locks up, feel like shit, unstable bowel as a result
>spend classes drawing shit
>get back to dorms, feel like burned out for the rest of the day
>after some 40-60% of the period done and mandatory classes taken, only go to school for lab assignments and to eat and do all the studying independently

>> No.5424075

>lecturer has the strongest Russian accent I have ever heard
>doing the class anyway but the lectures are incomprehensible

>> No.5424233

So, do you guys really pronounce Galois as 'galoyz'?

>> No.5424522

it's gal-wah

>> No.5424548

I know, but it seems many of the posters in this thread disagree.
I've never heard any say 'galoyz'. It makes me think these posters haven't actually studied Galois theory, and have just read about it/him on Wikipedia / in pop-sci.

>> No.5424556


>I know calc
>I don't know how to manage a schedule

You earned that grade.

>> No.5424577

I have learned most of the math not used directly in engineering by reading about it. You can still learn things after university you know, there's no ban on it (except possibly in Britain).

>> No.5424579

>Modern Physics, junior level class
confirmed for shit-tier university

>> No.5424590

It's not gal-wah, oiler, or new-tonne. Those are English approximations to the actual pronounciations.

Galois is pronounced Galois.
Euler is pronounced Euler.
Newton is pronounced Newton (I love how you explained your pronounciation by keeping New, but then replacing TON with TONNE as if that was any less difficult).

>> No.5424615

He's only moving in an x-y plane, it's not like he's going to levitate out of the room.

If you had a real education you'd understand how to solve problems in context.

>> No.5424662

>even if you pronounce them the same as someone from their country it's only an approximation check your english privilege!!!

>> No.5424676


>OP says Paree instead of Paris.

>being this backwards in 2013

>> No.5424705

>saying Oh-Pee
>not Ahp

How does it feel to be uncivilised?

>> No.5424740

how bad was the hearing?

>> No.5424762
File: 1 KB, 175x66, CodeCogsEqn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, he was just a lazy faggot.
he said he would be multiplying himself with a 2x2 matrix, which makes himself a 2 dimensional being.

>> No.5424795

No it doesn't, it makes the coordinate system he was using 2-dimensional. Which makes sense if he's only moving 2-dimensionally. Which he is.

>> No.5424797

>I have no idea how coordinate system selection works

>> No.5424838

thats retarded.

>> No.5424842

>[..]multiply myself by the matrix [..]
>multiply the vector that denotes my x-y position by the matrix.
but let's face it. I'm not going to change my mind and neither are you, because we are just two nitpicking aspies, who should leave their basements more often instead of arguing on the internet over trivialities

>> No.5425330
File: 54 KB, 256x353, linklaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone mad

>> No.5425344

> x-y position
> not x-y orientation

I bet you're a comp sci, major.

>> No.5426693

This sounds almost exactly like me

>> No.5426807

Maybe she's from a hindu or atheist family

>cultural ignorance

>> No.5426817



>> No.5426875

>reasons for dropping classes
lab at 7am

>> No.5426932

>lecture hall
>over 9000 students
>professor begins to call roll

>> No.5426940


>implying an atheistic family would not teach their children to battle the Christians with Dawkins

Human pokemon training, dood.

>> No.5426942
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>I went to Paris last week.
>I was wearing a pair of camouflage pants.
>Some Frenchman starts to yell at me for no apparent reason.
>He sees my trousers and starts to panic
>He gets on his knees and puts his hands behind his head, crying and moaning 'je suis desole' over and over
>A couple of other French people see this and they also surrender
>The French police arrive and they surrender also
>A French counter-terrorism team rappels out of a helicopter, but surrenders once they see me.
>A French diplomatic team turns up to try and negotiate a peace, but they surrender too
>The president turned up in a limo
>He gets out, takes the French flag off of his car and tears of the blue and red strips, leaving him with a white rag which he keeps waving around
>mfw I accidentally captured Paris

>> No.5426947
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>Biologist Detected