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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5421463 No.5421463 [Reply] [Original]

Since /sci/ is currently nothing but shitposts, what does your upcoming semester/quarter looking like?

For me:
>Abstract Algebra
>Discrete Mathematics (it's used as more of a bridge class to upper mathematics at my school)
>C++ for scientists and engineers
>Intro to Creative Nonfiction Writing
>Required biology class that I think I'm going to drop and take over the summer
>Departmental oral presentation and examination at the end of the semester

>> No.5421464

Only 3 classes because I'm lazy as balls and apparently it's okay for grad students to only take 3
>algebraic topology
>abstract algebra 2
>real analysis 1 (lol because i took complex analysis 1 last semester??)

>> No.5421466

It's typically OK under most systems for graduate students to take only 2 classes.

3 isn't all that lazy.

>> No.5421472

>Departmental oral presentation and examination at the end of the semester

what is this? an undergrad dissertation?

>> No.5421477

my upcuming simistar does looking like you're moms ugly ass lol

>> No.5421482

Sort of. It's required for all math majors, and most of the past presentations I've looked at are on shit like a rubiks cube, math and poker, etc .. I haven't heard of anyone ever failing it.

Well you've certainly told me off.

>> No.5421487

diff eqs
intro quantum

>> No.5421493

This is for the next quarter, some courses (marked *) are for the whole semester:

>Real analysis III (integration theory & series) *
>Discrete mathematics *
>Thermal Physics
>Physics III (first year babby physics)
>Introduction to Astronomy *

>> No.5421494

ochem 2 and ochem 2 lab
quant analysis and quant analysis lab
calc 3
physics of music (hey it sounds cool)

>> No.5421497

>abstract algebra 1
>analysis 2
>introduction to topology
>graph 2

>> No.5421507

i have an appeals hearing to attend monday because i fucked off for the last two semesters and got kicked out of my university, so idk ... think i might just join the army if i dont get let back in

>> No.5421511

previous semester:
advanced organic chemistry
advanced anorganich chemistry
environmental chemistry
polymer science: synthesis and physical chemistry
Introduction to modern physics

Dynamics of chemical and biochemical systems
Colloid chemistry
Chemistry at nanometer scale
spectroscopic techniques
organometallic chemistry

>> No.5421521

>polymer science

what school?

>> No.5421530
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>Calculus II
>Chemistry II
>Mineral Economics
>possibly an Independent Study in Micropaleontology

>> No.5421533

another poetry class
17th century euro history
a logic class
and something else, maybe milton or spenser

>> No.5421535
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...no science?

>> No.5421536


>> No.5421540

sounds like some literature mayor
what do they teach at logic class

>> No.5421539

he wants to ssstalk you

>> No.5421547

calc 3
linear algebra
physics for engineers and scientists II (thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism)
advanced computer architecture and organization
advanced data structures and intro to databases
advanced C++ programming

>tfw cc

>> No.5421564

Astroparticle physics (dark matter and cosmic rays)

Particles and fields (non-abelian gauge theories, first order chromodynamics, higgs mechanism)

Gravitational waves (theory of detection)

String theory (shut up, it's still relevant)

Particle cosmology (dark matter, inflation)



>> No.5421572
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boku no picoonnnnnooo wait I'm not on /a/.

Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai

It's basically Aspergers: The Anime.

>> No.5421588


The tvtropes description makes it sound like fun. Thanks.

>> No.5421589

>molecular cell biology
>"endocrine system-reproduction-life cycle-neoplasia"-course - very general shit, in other words
>"gastroenterology-nutrition-metabolism" - another general course

Yeah, I don't know why my courses have such childish names, but they do. And here I thought med school would be serious tier.

>> No.5421591

First year CS & Math major.

>2nd Year - Computer Organization
>Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences
>Linear Algebra I
>Introduction to Databases and Web Application
>Introduction to Computer Science

Discrete Mathematics sucked balls, I'd say it was my least favourite of my math/cs courses.

>> No.5421592


Majoring in mathematics and computer science, yet you think discrete mathematics sucked balls... ? Wow.
When're you gonna drop out?

>> No.5421597


Not because of the course, I hate my prof. He made it a really unpleasant.

>> No.5421600


Really? He made it unpleasant? That's horrible ;_;

But seriously, if you go further and get a master's/PhD, you will be worked like a fucking animal by professors who hate their lives and generally try to make yours miserable. They're gonna make you wish you were dead while you work 60 hours a week.
So suck it up or drop out.

>> No.5421610


I'm not one of the academia fags. I'm most likely going to stop at a bachelor's degree, and go work in the field as a developer, engineer or w.e. my degree gets me.

I might consider a masters.

>> No.5421613

>in academia
>"not one of the academia fags"


>> No.5421614
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lel, why do you sound so butt-hurt bruh?

>> No.5421617

Well, mostly because of shitheads like you who get whiny when they have to take discrete maths because "the professor was mean :'("

I'm in a MSTP and even I know some damn discrete math.

>> No.5421620
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>i said prof. was "mean"
the lazy fag, barely had enough energy to talk properly. he would just randomly walk out of the class and would not even come back.

aha, this guy. it's the time again, ain't it?

>> No.5421624

>Calc II
>Disc Math II
>Intro to C and UNIX
>Critical Thinking

I'm stressing the fuck out because I need to decide if I want to stay in CS or not by the end of the month...

>> No.5421625

Welcome to university.
Or maybe you go to (hah) college?

>> No.5421630
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aha, i still don't understand why you are so butthurt. it's as if no one can ever complain ever in their life. calm down buddy, we know you're a hardcore badass scholar and all, but some of us like to "complain".

see, i love cs/math but the people in that major really lack social skills, think they are all going to be the future bill gates and (like you) are all "harcore gangbanging scholar badasses".

drink some water.

>> No.5421634


why are you considering dropping out of cs?

>> No.5421658

How many classes per semester is considered full-time study for you guys? I'm in Australia and my uni considers 4 subjects per semester (2 semesters per year) full time, anything above that is overloading.

>> No.5421659

I'm not finding it as interesting as I expected, but that might just be because it's only the first year. I don't know how I feel about working with computers for the rest of my life.

I always liked physics the most...but I don't know if I'd want to go to grad school, which seems like a necessity to anything relevant.

Decisions decisions.

>> No.5421662

*to do anything relevant

>> No.5421668

>Creative Nonfiction Writing
Sounds kind of redundant. (I've never heard of it) Mind explaining?

>> No.5421671

How about both? Finish your cs.
You liked physics? Do a double major. CS will always gives you many benefit no matter what career you chose.

>> No.5421673

General Chemistry - 6ects
Analitycal & inorganic chemistry - 6ects
Physical chemistry - 6ects
General physics, EM i think - 9 ects
Spectroscopy - 4 ects
A religious course (catholical university here) - 2 ects

ects = european credit transfer system

>> No.5421675

Calc II
Electromagnetism I
Cell biology
Python programming

>> No.5421678

not op, but think essays, research papers, and memoirs that are actually entertaining, and you have creative nonfiction

>> No.5421677

My stupid school doesn't let us do double majors. I could minor though.

I'm considering switching schools just to double major but it seems like such a hassle.

>> No.5421685

Mirin' those classes. That reminds me I need to probably read some textbooks because Inorganic/Organic Chem. suck in my university.
Probable classes:
-Classical Mechanics
-P. Chem II
-Computational Chem.
-Eating Disorders
-Some community service Class
-Inorganic Synthesis
-Instrumental Chem

>> No.5421686


>a religious course


>> No.5421688

Yeah it is "Questions of Religious Sciences: Christianity and questions of meaning"

>> No.5421697

human sexual behavior
america as a foreign culture
bible as literature
intro to political science
shakespeare in film

>> No.5421712


>pleb detected

>> No.5421718

Communication Technologies
Algorithmic Theory of Graphs
Discrete Probability
Informatics 2
English 2

>> No.5421721

My schedule is pretty fun:

Computer Organization
Abstract Algebra
Modern Geometry
Complex Analysis
Theory of Computation
20th century art history

>> No.5421723

>math, fysics, animal biology, chemistry, geology and programming

>> No.5421744

> C++
I'm sorry anon. I hope you've already read your SICP before your soul is destroyed.

>> No.5421745

Organic Chem 2 and Lab
Calculus 2
English Composition 2 (I've already dropped it twice before due to extraordinary laziness)
>community college

>> No.5421771

Linear Algebra
Number Theory
Real Analysis 2
History and Foundation of Mathematics
Basic German Language Electives

Just finished my Abstract Algebra and Calculus courses

>> No.5421776
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I'm a freshman at a cc but I'm also anonymous so why not.
Also, anyone doing good in school have a turn around in work ethic for academics or were all of you doing good in school born with attributes that reward exceptional grades?

>> No.5421780

>Diff Eq
>Linear Alg
>Discrete Math
>Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)
>Comp Sci for Engineers

Time to transfer out of this community college and get into university.

>> No.5421783

biomechanics of vertebrate feeding (solid and viscoelastic mechanics)

paleobiological modeling and analysis (multivariate statistics, etc.)

theoretical ecology (ODEs, optimization, networks)

research (classification problems in machine learning, network theory, multivariate time series analysis)

i love being a PhD student.

>> No.5421794

>Calc 2 (Applied for engineers)
>Chemistry for engineers
>linear algebra
>Physics 2 (EM)
>Design (Bullshit mandatory Eng course)
>Philosophy (Elective)

>> No.5421828

>Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers
>Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering II
>Calculus III
>Chemistry II with lab
> Physics II with lab
>Structures and Properties of Materials with lab

>> No.5421832

How many credits are you guys taking? Taking 20 here (it's my fourth semester, first time I'm taking this many). What's like the upper bound? I've heard of people taking up to like 30 (that Steve Pavlina guy). There was one kid who took 37 credits in one semester at UVA in order to finish his double major in a year.

My schedule:
>Diff EQ
>Calculus III (had to get math dept. premission to take Diff EQ and Calc III at the same time)
>Linear Algebra
>Signal Analysis
>Chemistry II
>Physics II + Lab

>> No.5421841

I think the normal "top" credit load is 21 credits. I'm taking 22 this semester; I just want to get these basic engineering courses out of the way. It looks like we have similar classes, I'm taking diff. eq. over the summer instead of with calc III.

>> No.5421845

Calc 2
Chem 2 w/ lab
Physics 1 w/ lab
and all with recitations

>> No.5421856

Im in canada so I think we may count credits differently but every engineer at my school has 7 courses a semester? What would that be in credits

>> No.5421861

Yeah at my university, the top is 18 and you have to get permission for everything about that. The tuition gets fucking crazy. For 12-16 credits you pay $4710, then you pay $392.50 for every credit beyond 16. They're fucking assholes, it's not like the university is really providing more services are 16 credits, all that happens is you take someone else's POSSIBLE seat and a teacher has to grade like 3 more tests in a semester.

Getting permission was a bitch because the dean is a huge power-trip cunt.

Hoping to take these during this summer, 16 credits:
>Orgo 1 + lab
>Orgo 2 + lab
>Intro to Proofs
>Real analysis

>> No.5421864

>Wake up
>Smoke weed
>$7.30 an hour
>Smoke weed

I've got a tough load this semester. Don't know if I can make it

>> No.5421867

Credits in the US typically mean how many hours a week you should spend on the given class. The calculus courses are 3 credits, physics and chem are both 4;they would be 3 without the lab. My fluid mechanics is 3 credits along with the chem eng. fundamentals.

>> No.5421868

Really depends on the courses. At my school, calc I and II were 4 credits each. But diff eq and III are 4 credits. Most upper classes here are 3 credits and most of the intros are 4 credits. Sometimes they split the lab from the course. So physics II lecture is a 3 credit course and physics II lab is a 1 credit course. Chemistry II is 4 credits and the lab is a part of the course. Organic Chemistry I is 3 credits and Organ Chemistry I lab is 2 credits.

So it really depends, sorry if that's not helpful. 7 courses would probably be ~21 credits as long as they're semi-serious classes.

>> No.5421874

Yeah my seven are
>Calc 2
>Physics 2 (EM)
>Chemistry (with a lab)
>Lin. Alg
>Philosophy (Bullshit elective)

None of them are really bird courses, Philosophy is a fucking essay course

>> No.5421875

>But diff eq and III are 4 credits

I meant 3 credits each

>> No.5421878

Yeah, at my school that would be ~23, ~24 if the physics has a lab component.

But like the guy above said, it's really done by about how much time you're in class. So for my 3 credit courses, it's usually like 2.5-3.5 hours/week in class.

>> No.5421880

So I guess I'm probably sitting at around 21-22 credits? (me >>5421874)

>> No.5421881

Yeah my physics has 8 labs this semester

>> No.5421886

Have you taken a big schedule like this before? How do you get all of your work done? Any tips? Like I said, I'm only taking 20 this semester, I usually take 17-18 so it won't be a HUGE difference.

But I hope to take upwards of 30 this coming Fall semester if I can handle 20

>> No.5421890

spectral theory
numerical methods for solving elliptic PDEs
numerical linear algebra
bachelor seminar in numerical analysis
some history of mathematics class

>> No.5421895

Anyone have some sort of program for auto-registering for classes? I'm sitting here waiting for someone to drop this Ordinary Differential Equations class. I'm just hitting F5 over and over again and I'm getting bored.

A program to auto-register when the class opens up would be nice

>> No.5421914

>Numerical analysis 2
>Numerical methods for differential equations and interpolation
>Design and analysis of algorithms
>Data structures

>> No.5421917

Abstract algebra
Math modeling
Ordinary differential equations
Sampling methods
Stats/prob II
Symmetries of differential equations

>> No.5421940

>Mathematical Methods in Physics (PDE)
>Probability Theory and Statistics
>Strength of Materials and Solid Mechanics
>Modern Physics
>Electromagnetic Theory I
and some easy extra credits (business)
>Controlling II
>Marketing II
>Finance II
>Organization II

>> No.5421948

1st year pharmacy
>Organic chemistry I.
>Analytical chemistry.
>Pharmaceutical botanics.
>Physical chemistry.
>Galenic pharmacy.

>> No.5421949

Applications of Viscous Fluid Mechanics
Quantum Field theory and Many Body Theory
Advanced Mathematical Finance: Exotic options and Bond Pricing.

Only 3 because I've got a research project going on, it's my final semester!!

>> No.5421963
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>Investigation and Analysis on Contemporary Issues in Education
>Political History of the United States
>College Algebra
>Human Biology, Flex Course

I'm mopping up the last of my cores before I go on into my Education major. I have a nice, cozy T-TR schedule. Has anyone else had the last class? What can I expect?


What's your major?



Y-you don't mean College Trig, do you? Because that would be a frightening nightmare.


Going abroad?

>> No.5421979

>Constitutional Law
>Macroeconomic Theory
>Money & Banking
>International Economics
>Italian 101

>> No.5422023

Yeah, I've done this before, and I have a part time job, honestly man just don't bullshit yourself, you've got work to do and you know you do, so don't spend a hour lurking these boards, listen to some music and get your shit done

>> No.5422026
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25 units total. I'm thinking that this is too much of an overload for me, and I want to drop Survey to computer science. Maybe even Art Appreciation. I think I'll just do them in a future semester.

>> No.5422029

Do you use to-do lists? There was a guy Steve Pavlina (google him) and he got a math/CS double major in 3 semesters taking ~30 credits/semester.

Just curious if that's possible.

>> No.5422030


Wouldn't want to get behind on your remedial reading now would you?

>> No.5422038

Nope, no agenda's no to-do lists, I have a twin brother who is in engineering with me so it's useful. The biggest thing for me was not making some dumb excuse to skip class. And when you go to class stay of your laptop, actually going to class and paying attention 100% of the time is huge

>> No.5422041

>MFW I go to class, but I spend the whole time on 4chan or some bullshit

Do you take notes? Do you study much for tests or do you basically learn it all through the semester? Give me your whole regiment. What time do you wake up?

>> No.5422042


Don't forget spending study time constructively. If I had a penny for every time I've seen people ostensibly studying hard for 6 hours whilst in reality spending half of that time on Cracked or Facebook, or /sci/ for that matter...

>> No.5422044


Wow. Today was the first lecture of the Discrete Mathematics course, and apparently almost the entire course is about Difference Equations (about 20% graph theory). Certainly not what I was expecting. Are Difference Equations relevant from a theoretical physics perspective or should I spend my time this spring on something else?

>> No.5422045

>Seminary in Computers and Society
>Capstone Design – Digital/Computers Systems
>Formal Languages and Automata
>(Graduate) Network and Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms
>Introductory Solid State Physics
>Digital Signal Processing*
>Advanced Japanese
>Japanese Culture II

>> No.5422046

not sure yet, but depending if i get into the CS program:
cs1, calc 2, portuguese (6 credit course), intro to logic, and physics 1

>> No.5422048


If you're taking a remedial reading course, I recommend dropping the computer class, history class, and the art appreciation class. Just stick with English comp, Algebra, and that drawing class.

>> No.5422049

>wake up
>go to class
>actually pay the fuck attention in class
>if I have a minor test/quiz/lab spend about an hour studying/ reviewing the material for it the day of/before
>if I have a legit midterm or final spend the week before studying with my brother
>biggest thing, is keep the fuck up all semester

>I have a part time job that I work about 20-24 hours a week and all this is completely manageable, as long as you keep up through the course

>> No.5422051

and no I don't usually take notes
capcha: scienceg sih

>> No.5422054


I actually don't want to get behind my Algebra and English comp classes. Algebra is a primary class that I want enough to to actually learn in. According to ratemyprofessor, the English comp professor is hard, and he's already asking for a five paragraph essay before spring semester has even started. In addition, my history professor is asking for 6 essays, so I'm gonna need time to do both the English and History papers.

>> No.5422059

It's really starting to hit me really hard the difference in rigor between university and CC math classes.

>no more lowest grade dropped
>no more retakes
>no more take home test (lol)
>homework isn't graded
>curved tests

>> No.5422062


I was merely being flippant, this your reading can't be too retarded if you're expected to produce such essays. Is there some semantic mix up here?

>> No.5422068

I'm torn between going back to CC part time for art/web design, or manning the fuck up and studying mechanical engineering at the state uni. My first semester of engineering will look something like this:

>Calc III
>Chem I
>Intro to Engineering Sciences
>Human Geography (gen ed)

I figure if I can't keep up with a schedule like this, I have no hope in engineering.

>> No.5422077

Holy fuck. I've never had a job during school year. Although this 20-credit semester I finally get to do research, but I doubt the guy I'm doing it with expects more than 5-10 hours/week

>> No.5422080

oh and your question about what time I wake up, it depends when my class is but I usually get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night

good luck with your semester man, what courses do you have?

>> No.5422084


I had a 14.1 in my nelson denny, which is supposedly considered college level reading level, but I'm not satisfied with my reading comprehension, so I'm taking these remedial courses to help augment my reading comprehension. In addition, I'm currently reading Catch 22 during break.

>> No.5422094


I rescind my sarcasm and applaud your attitude.

>> No.5422104

Ditto the diversity of your studies.

>> No.5422116

I'm this guy:


Like I said, I've taken 17-18 credits the last semester, never taken such a math-heavy semester before though. My GPA is ~3.8, but I do nowhere near as well as I could because usually around 1/4 way into the semester I stop caring. I just start browsing 4chan on my laptop during class, stop reading textbook chapter before class, and in general stop studying. It's stupid too, I should have all As because I have no other real obligations other than class.

Do you do your chapter readings or do you rely solely on lecture?

>> No.5422133

>Linear Algebra
>Electric Circuits
>Intro to Engineering Graphic Design

Thermo and circuits are gonna blow

>> No.5422139

Books for the upcoming semester for me are:
>Discrete Mathematics
>The Logic Book
>Cognitive Science An Introduction to Mind and

>> No.5422148

if a teacher posts lecture notes I usually read just those unless I need to check the text for clarification cause I know the prof will probably just test us on the content from the notes

If there are no lecture notes I always read the textbook and use the internet to clarify topics, (and obviously work with my friends who are in Eng. too)

>> No.5422175

That guy I talked about before says what he did was skip some classes that he didn't feel like were important and studied on his own. He also says

"Because I was taking about a dozen classes each semester, I would have several tests and projects due just about every week. I had no time to study outside of class because most of that time was used for my job. So I simply had to learn everything the first time it came up. If a teacher wrote out something on the board, I would memorize it then and there; I couldn't afford to learn things later and risk falling behind. During my slower classes, I would do homework, work out algorithms for my programming job, or refine my schedule."

I just got into the differentials class I wanted, so my day is going to be Mon-Thurs 9am-4:15pm, with a few hour long breaks here and there.

>> No.5422195


Get rid of the computer class. You'll have 6 hours to study, homework, and writing essays on Monday and Wednesday. Plus, you'll also have free time on the weekends. I honestly would drop the beginning drawing class, since that's a waste of money.

>> No.5422206

geometry and calculus
series and functions
electric / magnetic fields
thermal properties of matter

>> No.5422226

>Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes (2nd prob theory class)
>Advanced Calculus 2
>Linear Algebra
>Some dipshit econ class (they signed me up for intermediate macro, already took it)
>Gotta find another piss easy elective

>> No.5422241

basic control engineering
introduction to electronics
electronic devices
principles of computer architecture

this will be the semester that will make me understand if I actually like EE or not.
Up until now I haven't done anything that many other branches don't do too.

>> No.5422256

Analytical chem
Organic chem
Inorganic chem
Physics (electromagnetism)

>> No.5422275

Real analysis
Linear algebra
Vector calculus
Physics 2
Ancient history

>> No.5422283

>General chemistry
>Introduction to nanotechnology
>Math 1
>Math 2

First year uni babby reporting in

>> No.5422292

> Database Systems
> Advanced C++
> Case Studies in Software Design
> Architectures, Applications & Frameworks
> Software Engineering Concepts & Methods
> Discrete Mathematics


>> No.5422330

Britfag, I'm not sure how different it is for Murrikans, but:

(asterisks are year long)
Digital Forensics
Principles of Programming Structures and Algorithms
Software Requirements
Computer Systems*
Software Engineering*
Database Development*

>> No.5422333
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> Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
> General Physics IV (Thermal)
> Mathematical Methods for Physics
> Physics Research
> Spanish 101 (need to take foreign language..might as well start now)

>> No.5422335

"since that's a waste of money"

>Not doing a module just because you want to.

>> No.5422340
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>Advanced Macroeconomics
>Games Theory
>Applied Econometrics for Public Policies
>Financial Microeconomics
>Expectations and Anticipation

>> No.5422344

Linear Algebra
Calculus 3
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Computer Security
Native American History

>> No.5422347

>Computational Fluid Dynamics
>Gas Dynamics
>Senior Design
>Advanced Mathematical Methods
>Some physics class to meet the requirements for my minor

>> No.5422351


>Expectations and Anticipation

I'd be interested to hear what this comprises. Is it an econ module or something closer to game theory?

>> No.5422354


Does anyone know how hard a Game Theory class is? They are offering this semester in the Math department and was thinking of taking it cause it sounds interesting

>> No.5422359


Don't expect it to be any less mathematically rigorous than an analysis class...

>> No.5422362

Game Theory is about what the possible decisions and economic agent might take. It involves Probability and Calculus being a sub-subject of microeconomics.

It's about how economic agents take information to make decisions but this is applying econometrics.

>> No.5422364


I know what its about I was just wondering how hard it would it would be? Also how applicable is it to CS?

>> No.5422369


It is applicable to Political Sciences and Behavioral Economics. But what you learn as undergraduate is basically useless.

>> No.5423878

Modern algebra 2 (ring theory/field theory/galois theory)

Real analysis 2

Honors Linear Algebra (because I can't test out of it at my uni, also the prof is legit)

Topology (directed study)

Riemann surfaces (directed study)

p-Adics (directed study, no credits)

Graduate algebra 2 (sitting in)

German 6th semester

>> No.5423884

I don't get it.

When I was an undergrad, I never took 6+ classes every semester. I took five once and it was hellish. I escaped with some good grades, but I could've scored more A's if I just took three or four.

How do you guys do it? That being said, however, I was a commuter student who had to travel 2hrs to and from school. I worked part-time, but still. Fuck, how do you guys do it?!

>> No.5423939

Junior Year
>Old Norse Mythology
>Introduction to Geology (Just added an Environmental option to ChemE)
>Reaction Kinetics
>Junior Lab
>Polymer Engineering

At the moment, I am busting my ass to get a Chemical Engineering internship this summer to see if I really want to do it.
Environmental option might transform into Environmental Engineering major change/additional major (would be my third; just finished up Applied Mathematics requirements for graduation last semester).

>> No.5423953

>Circuits I
>Circuits I lab
>Eng. Analysis of Bio. Systems I (EABS I for short)
>O. Chem II
>O. Chem I lab (I didn't take the lab with O. Chem I)
>O. Chem II recitation
>Data Evaluation Principles for Biomed. Engineering
BME major

>> No.5424005

>Discrete Math
>Organic Chemistry II
>Intro to C++ Programming
>Calculus III (Independent Study)
>Composition II
>Holocaust and Genocide Studies

With this I can have my A.S. in math and transfer out. Won't be getting one in chemistry, though, since I didn't take OChem 1.

>> No.5424013

>algebraic topology
>abstract algebra 2
>17th century European history
>Org Chem 2 + labs
Learning for the sake of learning

>> No.5424036

ChemE master race reporting in
> ochem lab
> pchem
> separations process design
> mass heat transfer
> linear optimization

>> No.5424039

Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Principles of English Composition II
Introduction to Philosophy
Physics I for Engineering and Science Majors

advisor: "Have you thought about a major? Any ideas?"
me: "I dunno, lol"

we'll see

>> No.5424058
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Biochemistry I
Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry II Lab
Inorganic Chemistry

Come at me bros

>> No.5424083

>vector calc
>QM and SR
>Classical & Thermal Physics

Pretty boring tbh but the Classical Physics is mostly lagrangians so that might be pretty good

>> No.5424090

>Electric circuits
>Software development practices
>Digital logic
>Anthropology, for my elective requirement

>> No.5424102


>> No.5424114
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Physics I
Lin Alg
Diffy Q
Gen Ed Writing Req
Chemistry Lab

>> No.5424118


>> No.5424153
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>> No.5424163

3rd year computer science and math

introduction topology
teaching of math
differential equations

Pretty relaxed, I did more then twice as many courses (6 in total, but two are worth double the ects, and one is a special course where you need to keep a logbook and spend 20 hours a week on the subject...) this quarter, totally stresses me out though. I'd be happy if I finished every course.

>> No.5424186

>organometallic chemistry
>chemistry of rings
>kinetics and mechanism

>> No.5424226

>tfw only cognitive scientist to be ITT

>> No.5424259

fluid dynamics
process calculations
organic chem
mechanics of solids

>> No.5424272

population genetics
bayesian statistics
biological computation
quantitative approaches to fisheries
statistical computing
maximum likelihood
bayesian statistics

then i start a 6 month research project