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File: 174 KB, 900x927, Terminator_V_by_tarrzan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5415878 No.5415878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we merely a vessel for the birth of the machine race ? In the future, will machine become stronger and smarter than us ? We get sick, we grow old, we have diseases, fears, wars, basically humans have a biological expiration date. Machines don't. Once they set their flags on earth, they may go on forever and we go extinct.

>> No.5415882

No anon, we are the machine.

>> No.5415883


We'll merge before they're able to take off without us.

>> No.5415892


>> No.5415912

Yeah there is no way that machines will take over without some sort of organic combination.

>> No.5415916


>implying machines have ambition

I love how it's 2013 and animism is still alive and well!

>> No.5415927

machines can't replicate and repair as well as humans. people can survive massive trauma (complete limb amputation for example). humans will always be more durable than any metal replacement avatar

>> No.5415928

IF IF IF IF we ever crate an AI that learns as such as a human, it would be preprogrammed to not learn violence.

The only way machines will ever take over the world would be if someone would program in violence and the need of power. There would be safegaured in place so no one could do that.

>> No.5415931

They have deterministic ambition to fulfil their objective,

>> No.5415932

organic machines vs yet to be invented inorganic machines? human zerg wins every time

>> No.5415935
File: 2.06 MB, 900x756, Strength__Courage__Wisdom_II_by_cordieb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody seen the movie ExistenZ? they had gaming controls made of meat that you connected straight into your spine and into the nervous system. so instead of seing the game on a screen your nervous system was taken over and you were actually in the game. i don't understand how the meat controlelrs were made but i am guessing it was genetically created meat that was grown in peetree dishes. i think that is how humans will connect to "smart" devices to enhance their abilities. i also think that a thing has to be made of flesh and bones and blood in order for it to say

i am

and i want to stay alive

a gaming controller made of meat might develop some sense of ambition and during a game take over the human control it tdo it's bidding .... like forcing it to vote conservative for example

>> No.5415938

rise of ai will inevitably take place in some dumbass western nation, so china would stop its one child policy and zergrush the world if the ai got uppity

>> No.5415939
File: 880 KB, 800x800, dol ammad cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not becoming a sentient lump of cancer

>> No.5415945

it took evolution millions of years to create humans. then in 100.000 years humans created something better
who do we think we are?!?!?!!!?

>> No.5415946

> people can survive massive trauma (complete limb amputation for example). humans will always be more durable
> implying machines will dismember so easily
> implying cars can't go on with a missing wheel
The superiority of humans over the machine race is out of the question. We build machines so they can do what we just can't

>> No.5415974

>The only way machines will ever take over the world would be if someone would program in violence
What is every military ever.

>> No.5415986


The first sentient race ever to walk this earth; creator of suns, explorer of planets, the one with immortal memory.


You do realize that just about everything in your house was built by machines which were built by machines, right?


To answer your questions: yes and yes. What's up to us is to design them such that that result can be considered a happy ending.

>> No.5416512
File: 111 KB, 451x800, Cybernun_by_flexdreams-d55ak09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it

>> No.5416522

I am completely baffled as to why someone would create a robot of a sexy nun. I like it but I'm still baffled.

>> No.5416524


Shit, we got an /x/tard over here.

>> No.5417008

> we are merely a vessel for the birth of the machine race
couldn't have put it better

>> No.5417015


Shit, we got another troll over here

>> No.5417023

we built machines to do shit for us why the fuck would we let them take over

>> No.5417842

>implying humans wont meld with machines to create super-intelligent beings