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5413497 No.5413497 [Reply] [Original]

The Sun stops

How long do you have to life?

Could an amount of humans survive

>> No.5413498

about tree fiddy

>> No.5413505

>how long
Roughly until the oxygen starts to snow out of the atmosphere.

>could humans survive
No, ultimately not.

>> No.5413519

>sun stops
Stops what?

>> No.5413541

>the sun stops
>How long do you have to life?
Do you mean live? Not very long
>Could an amount of humans survive?
No. No humans could live without the sun

>> No.5413600

So what if 1) Humans found a way to manufacture oxygen 2) Humans found a way to convert any material into energy.

Could you live in a bunker? You have heat, oxygen. You keep a farm in that bitch.

>> No.5413623

So what if
1) Sun dies
2) Bunch of wizards create a second sun
Could humans live?

>> No.5413626

>Humans found a way to convert any material into energy


>> No.5413644

well first of all "scientifically" speaking we are a long long time from the sun "stopping" I mean millions of years
Second it takes around 8 minutes for the suns rays to even reach the earth so we'd be fine for 8 minutes
Third once we stop getting those rays it will literally be darkness over the entire earth, humanity along with all life will freeze to death within days I would think and even if we could survive the brutal cold we would all die anyways within a few months because of a lack of farming and livestock for food.
The sun literally is crucial to all living thing on earth
The sun gives light to plants through photosynthesis
Plants are consumed by animals
Animals are consumed by us
Ect you see
without the sun the cycle wouldn't go on and we would all literally die. Besides, the world would probably end long before the sun "stops" anyways.

>> No.5413646


>> No.5413650

Try geothermal energy, that should continue to work some more millenia.

>> No.5415079 [DELETED] 

If the sun stops we fall out of orbit, gravity is not a static phenomenon, we'd freeze in about 8 minutes

>> No.5415083

>implying atmosphere, greenhouse gases don't exist

>> No.5415088

Sun stops producing photons today, we wouldn't see it for thousands of years. Because it takes photons this long to 'randomly-walk' out of the core of the Sun.

i.e., nothing,

>> No.5415092 [DELETED] 

>implying earth would have the same gravitational field to contain ghg's without the sun's motion

>> No.5415094

Oceans would actually take centuries to freeze.

>> No.5415096

if that was the case we would freeze at night time like on planets with no atmosphere.

>> No.5415098 [DELETED] 

do we fall out of orbit every night?

lrn 2 space

>> No.5415103

so you think falling out of orbit would cause freezing in 8 minutes?

>> No.5415108 [DELETED] 

yes stuff would freeze

>> No.5415114

why would it be so rapid? and you said we would freeze.(or the poster first responded to)

>> No.5415118

Why would Earth lose the strength of its gravitational field? Is this some sort of relativistic effect?

>> No.5415124 [DELETED] 

the gravitational field of the Earth would be effected in approximately 8 minutes (the approx time for light to reach the Earth, and due to the laws of general relativity the same amount of time would expire before the change of gravitation. This is the beginning of the end.

>> No.5415127 [DELETED] 

Yeah sorry I'm actually arguing using my own model. I have not submitted the proofs yet but this is my scientific understanding of how shit goes down, but even so, the Sun cannot just "stop" impossibru.

>> No.5415135

>could convert any material into energy
Ahaahaha ahaha hahah

>> No.5415139 [DELETED] 

obviously just divide it by c^2

>> No.5415143

It shouldn't stop moving because of the gravity of the Earth would make it wobble and the gravity of everything else would affect it too.

If it suddenly stopped fusion it would slowly die I guess. There's enough energy there to last a little while. We wouldn't freeze instantly. Seems like it would require a decrease in mass though.

If it stopped existing then its gravity would stop effecting us and our orbit would change drastically.

>> No.5415152

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkkk! God damn gravity you piece of shit...! You don't care who it is as long as you can pull down on them, do you, you little bitch!! Gravity, you piggy bitch slut! Holy fucking shit what a god damn whore you are...! Hah, you're Earth's greedy little slut, you damn bitch in heat! Fuck you universal gravitation, you're just Newtonian Mechanics' dirty little whore! You're just the crusty semen left over in that slutty apple's pussy after that son of a bitch Isaac fucked its rotten juices! Special theory of relativity, you impotent phimosis piece of shit! Einstein, you old limp dick fuck! What, got something to say!? Then move that tiny little twig of yours faster! Cum faster than the speed of light! A pig that can't fly through space-time is just a piece of shit that reeks of semen and can't even last 5 seconds in his wet dreams! Fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking UNIVERRRRRRRRRSSSEE

>> No.5415161

I came.

>> No.5415203


>> No.5415271


I don't get why it's funny. Isn't any material burnable, therefore you could burn it and use it to power an engine. I was thinking like the nuclear blender Doc Brown has in Back to the Future 3.

>> No.5415277

As opposed to everyone figuratively dying?

>> No.5415294

Your own model of gravity? Are you doing post-graduate research? If not, what math/science are you taking right now?

>> No.5415313

Let's say the sun suddenly disappears for no reason at all.

How long does humanity have to leave Earth?
How possible would it be to survive such an event in a long term?

>> No.5415317


>> No.5415326

A long, long, long time. If nuclear fusion stopped dead in the sun, the sun would continue to "glow" with exactly the same brightness (same power output) for at least 100 million years, thanks to the energy of gravitational contraction. Before nuclear fusion was discovered, in fact, mainstream scientists believed that gravitational contraction was the primary "engine" of all stars--it was the only one that allowed them to burn for anywhere close to long enough to match up with the rest of scientific observation.

You can calculate this yourself by measuring the product of the sun's mass in AMU and the potential energy of a proton at the sun's surface as a function of the sun's radius integrated along the interior of the sun. (I.e., how much potential energy do all the particles inside the sun store in the form of their position, and how much energy would be released if they were all to gradually "drop" inward, as would happen if the force pushing back on them--the heat of the sun's fusion--were to suddenly cease.)

>> No.5415338

Er takes less then 8 min if the sun disappeared. Gravity is disrupted so therefore time is as well.
Remember this question from an article once, but forgot any further explanation.

>> No.5415357

More so than the lack of heat, humans would be fucked by the lack of breathable oxygen in the short term. Oxygen in the atmosphere would freeze in 2-4 weeks without the sun. So best scenario 99.9999999% of humanity is dead in a month's time without the sun. Navy men in submarines would probably survive until their rations ran out or the oceans froze over, which ever comes first.

Hypothetically speaking, the richest of the rich could afford to build a life sustaining bunker with a nuclear power plant for energy/heat, oxygen generator, for well, air, and some GE food and live for decades without the sun. The technology is out there, but realistically I doubt their money would mean anything with the sun gone. So unless they already had their bunkers built with advance notice, even rich fags would die.

tl;dr everyone is still fucked

>> No.5415387

Wouldn't the world leaders built these bunkers in hopes of continuing humanity?

You said those underwater could survive as well, so we could built small underwater pods and expand outwards as time goes by.

Other than that, generation ships might, might be possible.

>> No.5415394
File: 74 KB, 450x600, lens19127588_36e69b11f21ab51ec470d25f8d62c777[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ocean freezes over and sea extraction of uranium becomes impossibel

>> No.5415395

The linearized field equations are:

<div class="math">\square \bar{h}^{ab}=-16\pi T^{ab}</div>
where <span class="math">g_{ab}=\eta_{ab}+h_{ab}[/spoiler], <span class="math">\bar{h}^{ab}=h^{ab}-(1/2)\eta^{ab}h^c_~c[/spoiler], and <span class="math">h_{ab}\ll 1[/spoiler].

In a vacuum (i.e. <span class="math">T^{ab}=0[/spoiler]), the linearized gravity equations are just the wave equation for the "trace reversed" metric perturbation which travel at c.

>> No.5415402

The cost would be too prohibitive to build city sized bunkers to continue humanity. It's already stretching it for a billionaire to be able to afford a bunker for himself and his immediate family. I said underwater people could survive until the oceans froze which wouldn't be long after the atmosphere did. The technology to build a generation ship does not currently exist and it probably won't exist for another 100 years at our current rate of progress.

>> No.5415408

Shit, shitty /sci/TeX doesn't allow the d'Alembertian symbol. Let's try this again:

<div class="math">\left (\nabla^2-\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial t^2} \right ) \bar{h}^{ab}=-16\pi T^{ab}</div>
<div class="math">g_{ab}=\eta_{ab}+h_{ab}</div>
<div class="math">\bar{h}^{ab}=h^{ab}-\frac{1}{2} \eta^{ab}h^c_{~c}</div>
<div class="math">h_{ab}\ll 1</div>

Set <div class="math">T^{ab}=0</div> and you get a wave equation for perturbations in the metric, traveling at c. These are "gravitational waves."

>> No.5415417

Money would not be an issue.

I'm sure if you got all of the worlds goverments together, founded a team of the very best of the best and gave them limitless resources, we would survive on in some form.

We could move underground, build oxygen generators and grow food using artificial light.

At the very least, I see some sort of Humanity Museum being set up on the moon.

(Something that we should be doing now anyway)

>> No.5415421

How about this guys, the Sun, for whatever reason, collapses into a black hole. It contains the exact same mass as it once did.

How long till everything that isn't chemosynthetic bacteria dies?

>> No.5415423

8 minutes.

You have 8 minutes to live.

>> No.5415425

The same amount of time if the sun died without a replacement. Again, lack of oxygen is what would do us in, not the lack of gravitational orbit.

>> No.5415427

So you're saying once the lights go out everything will instantaneously die?

>> No.5415428

If it's a black hole we will sucked in the god damn thing.

>> No.5415433

No you dumbass. A black hole with the mass of a sun wouldn't suck us in. We would orbit it the same as we did the sun.

>> No.5415435


>> No.5415454

Define "stops."

I don't claim to be a physicist, but... well first off how would this even happen? If the Sun just suddenly stopped spinning, wouldn't it hurl plasma or whatever super-hot material is on the outside in every direction? Isn't that how inertia works?

Or maybe the Sun sloooooooows to a stop? That'd take a really Goddamn long time. We'd probably have a few... I dunno, millennia, in order to make a spaceship or a new Sun or some shit.

Or is the fusion what's stopping? Because again, I think the Sun has enough residual energy to sustain the Earth for awhile... certainly more than just 8 minutes, at least. That's just how fast light moves from the exterior of the Sun to the Earth. There's a lot more light and heat and shit INSIDE the Sun that's still being hurled out even once the Sun 'stops.' Like how even after you turn off a fan, it keeps spinning for a bit before it completely stops.

I just don't get this scenario. I don't get how the Sun can stop INSTANTANEOUSLY unless somehow time itself is being messed with and the Sun just suddenly gets paused.

>> No.5415469

Whoa, man. You're overthinking this shit. Obviously the OP means the fusion stopping.

>> No.5415473

'bout eight minutes, methinks.

>> No.5415475
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1355286423368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people believe a star as shrimpy as the sun could become a black hole

>> No.5415482
File: 13 KB, 259x194, sourcecode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, what.

>> No.5415484

This is a question that I know the answer to.
It would take thousands of years, upwards of 100,000 years, for the sun to no longer provide enough energy to sustain our way of life if fusion stopped instantaneously. Heat transmission is so slow from the core through the sun (the opaque core in which all of the hydrogen is ionized), that it would take that long for a dip in the core's heat output to be noticed. However, a sudden dip in neutrino emission would be noticeable within 8 minutes.

>> No.5415489

Hypothetical scenario so people stop going on about orbits and gravity.

>> No.5415495

The sun isn't normally my main concern, but if the fusion stops in the center, don't the energy/heat/reactions between the center still continue outwards, although without the internal pressure to push them out, gravity would work its magic by slowing and reversing any current velocity of energy/[He]/[H] molecules.

tl;dr fusion stops, you get a massive cloud of cooling hydrogen ions, double hydrogen bonds and helium.

>> No.5415505

Whether the sun is alive or not, there is still a large de-condensing mass of fiery gas in the middle of our system. Also, if the majority of gases move in the correct direction over time, couldn't Jupiter absorb them and everything else that has been thrown to shit?

Remember, Jupiter is like Brutus.

>> No.5415506

if the sun just blinked out of existence, we (earth) would have 8 more minutes of sunlight.
After those 8 minutes are up, the earth would obviously, experience perpetual night time.
Residual heat would remain for a short time. No longer than 2 days at the equator.
the earth begins to experience intense cold, anything exposed dies within a week. water becomes inaccessible, pipes burst and freeze, electricity becomes impossible to produce, the last humans dying out roughly a month later.

>> No.5415510

The very opposite. The sun would condense more and more with time. Without internal heat generation, the force of gravity would draw it tighter and tighter, generating heat in the process that would be roughly equal to what the sun normally generates.

>> No.5415534
File: 92 KB, 253x229, that feel when your hat has a hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/sci/ is the one board on 4chan where overthinking shit ALMOST has a purpose.

Besides, the Sun fascinates me. Ever since I saw Sunshine (the 2007 CIllian Murphy film), I've wanted to learn more about how it and technology could be mixed like how the Earth has.

>> No.5417363

I think humanity can survive if we are prepared....
The sunlight is no longer available, so we can go underground in order to have the heat.
Photosynthesis is a great way to have Oxygen and food, so in order to have light, we can use nuclear energy or evrything else, without care of garbage because the surface isn't viable...
Gravity of sun won't change, so our rotation won't change... If the sun just disapear, the earth will going to the asteroid belt... So being underground would be useful too!
Just that the building which are need to this are huge, so we have to prepare it long time before the sun shutdown! ^^

>> No.5417382

>therefore you could burn

It takes energy to burn things.

>> No.5417420

If you could use salt for energy I could see humans lasting until the sea ran out.