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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 344x352, 1338925329984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5402732 No.5402732 [Reply] [Original]

>King of /sci/
>putnam problems

>> No.5402736

Remember Powder Toy threads every 3 seconds?

>> No.5402737

>putnam problems
I miss working together with people on those.

>> No.5402739


>> No.5402748

>that feel when a girlfriend

>> No.5402753

I solved one of those putnam problems. It was fun. I wasn't trippin at the time though.

>> No.5402757


>tfw when you are a retard and don't know what putnam problems even mean

>> No.5402761

google it then.

>> No.5402764

What happened to Josef anyways, I remember him being real helpful and being one of rare people who knew his shit.

>> No.5402767

he got mad because of all the troll threads that repeated themselves every day

>> No.5402773

I miss madsci a lot.
The man actually did science and brought it here for us to enjoy, question, and suggest further ideas. It was constructive and usually relevant to the board.
Didn't he leave because someone dox'ed him?

>> No.5402775

I remember this guy, any more info about him?

>> No.5402777


>> No.5402779

I think he wrote a pretty good TeX guide that still pops up every once in a while.

>> No.5402778
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Of all those, I of course miss EK the most.

>> No.5402782

Day 1 - Some wonderful, sweet anon dumped links to every episode of Bill Nye and Cosmos

>> No.5402792

Is carl gone? I haven;t been going to /sci/ recently and the archive's search isnt working

>> No.5402804

Which Carl? We've gone through like... three or four of them

>> No.5402811
File: 129 KB, 477x453, audrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now and then, I am Carl. Probably more people here have shitposted under the trip Carl.

>> No.5402819

The Violent Simians Guy.

>> No.5402832

Carl isn't Redcream.

>> No.5402838

Yes he is.

>> No.5402841

The Carl who says retarded shit and claims he has a degree in "science"

>> No.5402845

I remember when the board was created and we didn't have any tripfags because it hadn't been here long enough.

>> No.5402846
File: 32 KB, 338x322, 1343895158951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when namefags succeeded in their quest for attention and are now a defining part of the board culture, making them be missed if they leave

>> No.5402850

That lasted for all of ten minutes

>> No.5402854


So did I when I slept with your mom.

>> No.5402855

You mean the imageboard? Good times. 80% of the threads were /b/ raids, guidos, and science vs. religion threads.

>> No.5402866

A history of /sci/

First 24 hours - a golden age
The following four months - a cesspool of raids and 0.999 = 1 threads
Since then - slightly less of a cesspool

>> No.5402886

I miss madsci the most

>> No.5403671

I miss religion and 0.999... threads.

>> No.5403697

>Inurades or whatever the fuck his name was

>> No.5403859

>staying up late with /sci/ to watch the SpaceX Dragon launch, the Curiosity landing, and the Higgs announcement
GREAT fucking times

>> No.5403896

>when they powered up the LHC Live to break the previous TeV record.
>that one guy at CERN with /sci/ on his screen.

I...I can't even remember which experiment he was with.

>> No.5403962

madscientist was horrible. fucking 'DEEP WATER OMG ;_ ;' threads. had practically no real scientific background.

truly, one of the worst tripfags ever who was veiled as a decent tripfag.

Josef was really awesome. CHEM GUY is based as hell, although he doesn't trip. although EK was a shitty tripfag, she did offer some nice HW thread solutions from time to time and was generally inquisitive which is nice. i was one of the first ones to fuck with her lel.

>> No.5403963

>offer some nice HW thread solutions
How is this a good thing? She was feeding rule violations.

>to fuck with her

>> No.5403984

>physics guy never posts on /sci/ anymore

>> No.5403991

I sure hope so. His mentally ill spamming of obscenities is a case for a psychiatric hospital, not for /sci/.

>> No.5404004
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>> No.5404010

I dont think you know who physics guy is

>> No.5404015
File: 52 KB, 855x568, howscichangedmylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just made my night. Awesome.

Also - never forget /sci/, we've had an impact

>> No.5404020

I know he's a guy who claims to work for CERN. That doesn't give him the right to terrorize legitimate physics threads with below /b/ tier flaming and spamming.

>> No.5404021

He was a cool guy.


>> No.5404023


I miss this. I miss the Hampster Rapture. I miss that one guy who grew all kinds of fucked up mold and fungi cultures in a bucket and blogged about it. I miss laughing at homeopathic string theory and generally shitting on ignorant fucks.
I miss the initial influx of brilliance back when /sci/ was first formed, before the board was corrupted with self-consciousness.

>> No.5404027

>I miss shitting on ignorant fucks
>the board was corrupted with self-consciousness.

>> No.5404034

>That doesn't give him the right to terrorize legitimate physics threads with below /b/ tier flaming and spamming.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5404036



>> No.5404041
File: 150 KB, 616x725, 136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ will never be good again

>> No.5404044

Unfortunately the search interface of the installgentoo archive is down. Over the course of several months physics guy was harassing threads by spamming an entire folder of infantile /b/ image macros and kindergarten level insults along the lines of "suck ur father dik". Prior to the US election he spent hours every day spamming Romney pictures all over the board. It seems you are lucky because you are visiting /sci/ in the morning and don't have to see the shitposts he made in the evening. At least the mods banned him after several reports.

>> No.5404048

fullmetal /a/lchemists, vampires from /x/ and Tulpa general. I miss the time when ReligionVsScience threads were posted in earnest, back when I could click on /sci/ and not expect to see at least one Dawkins, .999...=/= 1, tripfag metathread or shitposting general.

This isn't a testament on board structure or development but I just miss it, y'know? Being excited to see that /sci/ tab and finally finding a niche to fulfill your needs.

>> No.5404057


Do you think I am purporting some manifested metaphysical entity as a board? Self awareness in that context shouldn't be mystical in the slightest. But for me, personally, nostalgia comes from lack of awareness. It's the same principle as "reading a book for the first time" or what have you, but knowing /sci/, posting in /sci/, is certainly less excitable than posting for /sci/.


>> No.5404074

There's nothing preventing any posters on /sci/ from doing something cool like that... people just need to get off their asses and do more cool shit and post it here.

Hell, doesn't even need to be anything as complex as 'Hampture'. Build a model rocket and post pics of the construction and launch, share pictures from a physics field trip, start a thread where we share research projects we've worked on, etc etc.

>> No.5404084

Maybe he was drunk?

>> No.5404088
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You shut your whore mouth. Deep water threads made me come here and madsci was gem among men

>> No.5404093

Who cares? He shitposted, lost all his reputation and got banned. /sci/ is not the place for drunken shitposting.

>> No.5404096

If your only reason to come here was infantile role playing threads, then please stay away from /sci/. We want to discuss science here.

>> No.5404098


It's a posting economy. If everyone is acting like idiots, it attracts idiots. Even if everyone was trolling. If everyone harasses any honestly good /sci/ threads and posts, those people will stop posting here. Productive people, who are constantly building and doing cool things, don't want to post in a place that doesn't give a shit. So when shitposting idiots drive off the good people, the board is irrevocably damaged.

Mods and Moot don't care, so it's up to us to facilitate good posters and ostracize bad ones. But everyone here responds to troll threads so we can't do anything either. All that's left are /b/ elements.

I'm going to be building a radiotelescope next semester but I have no interest in sharing progress or results. I already know each thread will either be ignored or turned to shit. It'd be better off in /diy/.

>> No.5404099
File: 217 KB, 570x310, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no EK

>> No.5404102

I challenge every poster here to try and make one genuinely awesome thread this week.

>> No.5404103

I did. See <span class="deadlink">>>5401376[/spoiler]

>> No.5404113
File: 38 KB, 380x240, 645713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this
Personally i liked mad scientist, he was willing to share what he did and he generated lots of OC. Sure he also shitposted a lot when he spammed his sea shit outside of the actualy sea theads but i was willing to forgive him for that because we had trips who did nothing but shitpost.
Then the rest is history, now he's gone and the shitposting is still here but the OC is not.

Without people like him, who are willing to generate OC with a trip or not this board is nothing but homework and religion trolling

>> No.5404125


This is what I mean by awareness. You can expect to be trolled in any facet or context of posting, but when the expectation of trollage is what propels the troll, rather than the organic satire of earnest content, then blatant bashing furthers nothing but future shitposting.

Invest your metaphorical posting money in substantive creation, not petty vacancies. Shitposting is just shitposting. If you can get just one person out of the thousands that lurk, to legitimately engage in organic discourse, then it's well worth the investment.
A good conversation is the most beautiful thing in the universe.

Also, is /sci/ tsundere for EK now or something? First time I've seen dere.

I lol'd.

>> No.5404135

Both EK and Harriet still post here. I'm not sure why you'd miss them, even if you did like them for some bizarre reason.

>> No.5404148
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>> No.5404149
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And then we forgot about it.

>> No.5404155
File: 22 KB, 750x750, feeeeeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those threads

>> No.5404158

the only people I miss are Josef, TN5 and psistar.
Putnam problems

>> No.5404241

>ITT no-one cares for KrakEngineer

>> No.5404284

That's not Physics guy, he never tripped and rarely posted, so just about any asshole could put Physics guy in the namefield and abuse his reputation.

>> No.5404288

HAHA, oh god, anyone remember that guy posting a modified metal tube, "by this time next year /sci/, we will be in space.

brb, looking for thread

>> No.5404305

Ironically, he and Col. Coffe were the trips that were actual scientists.

Anyone know what happened to Krak? Last time I saw him post he was bitching about his shitty conditions in that cancer R&D job he had and talking about quiting.

>> No.5404312

What is that?

>> No.5404313


>> No.5404319

>actual scientists.
he couldnt even solve a basic fluid statics problem, while maintaining that pressure works in such a way that you can generate free electricity from it. i hope he wasnt an actual scientists.

>> No.5404331

And Josef once made mistake that a first year called him out on. Everyone makes mistakes.

The difference being that Josef was a student while Krak was solving real world problems.

>> No.5404343

o no, that wast a simple mistake, krak argues on 2 separate ocations for more that an hour each time that he was correct, even after all of sci even drew force diagrams and linked to textbooks to show him he is wrong, he still just clung to his retarded ideas with no proof.

>> No.5404345

No one seems to miss Scientist either. Not that he was a particularly good poster, but he did post a lot at some point.

>> No.5404349

He posts anonymously but is easily recognized by his repetitive low level insults and his exact same /b/ reaction images. Lurk more and you'll see.

>actual scientists.
I don't think you know what that means. High school faggots who didn't even pass calculus do not suddenly become scientsts just because they can post links to pop sci news sites. With that lack of education you are clearly part of the shitposting problem.

>> No.5404360

"Scientist" is one of the few people I have in my filter. The only occasions I've ever seen him posting was either in religion / pseudo-philosophy threads where he was spamming the worst and edgiest r/anti-theism garbage, or in high school math homework threads where he needed 10 consecutive posts correcting the low level mistakes he made while correcting other low level mistakes. He's pretty much the worst poster because his quality is shit tier while he's serious. Even the troll trips intentionally posting crap often produce better quality than him.

>> No.5404361

I did not know about that, lol.

There were plenty of different posters by that name.

>He posts...
Yes, I know he was an asshole, but my point stands and he said he was leaving /sci/ forever last year after the December CERN conferences, so chances are people just stole his

>I don't think you know what that means. High school faggots who didn't even pass calculus do not suddenly become scientsts just because they can post links to pop sci news sites.
And now a, "lurk more" to you, one of them pop-sci too, yes, but they were graduates who were already working in the industry and sometimes discussed their research, unlike the others (excluding PhysGuy) who were all still students.

Stop using this word as if it has any objective meaning.

>> No.5404368

>but they were graduates who were already working in the industry and sometimes discussed their research
Krakenengineer claimed to be a student of biomedical engineering. Too bad he never posted about it, but instead had to demonstrate that he didn't even understand special relativity. Inurdaes and Colonel Coffee Mug were underaged high schoolers who were far away from studying in university and only came here for perpetuating their infantile fantasy role playing and pseudo-religious "transhumanism" threads.

>Stop using this word as if it has any objective meaning.
"Hurr stop posting things I don't like".

>> No.5404370

>There were plenty of different posters by that name.
I meant one particular tripfag who mostly posted in philosophy and religion threads, as >>5404360 pointed out. He was also a pretty stern moral realist.

>> No.5404382

>student of biomedical engineering.
He graduated circa 2010
>he never posted about it
He did.
>special relativity
It's outside his field anyway, but I never said he wasn't an idiot; all trips are.

I never even mentioned him, his TRS threads were actually occasionally entertaining, but no one ever took him seriously except for other high-schoolers.

>Colonel Coffee Mug
I may be confusing him with someone else, but I don't remember him being a high-schooler.

>"Hurr stop posting things I don't like".
Right so everything I don't like is a officially shitpost and should be deleted, thank god I'm already a Janitor.


>> No.5404385

>I may be confusing him with someone else,
You are.

>but I don't remember him being a high-schooler.
He once admitted not having learned calculus yet and struggeling with prealgebra. If the search interface wasn't down, I'd find and post the archive link.

>> No.5404388

Janitors are not allowed to reveal themselves. Impersonating a janitor is a bannable offense. Either way you fucked up.

>> No.5404390

>If the search interface wasn't down, I'd find and post the archive link.
That won't be necessary, I think I grouped him with a particular generation of posters from the late 2010s, both trips and anonymous, without really knowing him.

>Either way you fucked up.

>> No.5404432

Not this shit again.

>> No.5404462

stfu pleb u hvnt even ever had a gf befor in ur entir life lol

>> No.5404479

Inurdaes or something. Knew all about Mars and stuff. Great guy, absolutely! One of the best tripfags out there.

>> No.5404493

How do you know that's /sci/? It could have been any worksafe board.

Maybe dude was a co/ck/.

>> No.5404501

That tripfag scheisse or whatever is obviously Harriet

>> No.5404513
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, compter science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHHHH Josef ;_;

>> No.5404515

I ain't dead yet.

>> No.5404516
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>> No.5404527

I could start tripfagging. What kind of tripfag do you want to see? I'm a girl, btw.

>> No.5404532


>> No.5404534

Why did they stop the putnam problems?

>> No.5404537

Madsci has a live stream of hampture at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/madsci9001.. look at the facebook comments lol

>> No.5404552

Because putnam is an undergrad competition. Any pleb who took babby's first calculus can solve them. We don't need more uneducated homework kids on /sci/.

>> No.5404574
File: 104 KB, 500x484, sad_frog_2547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing MadSci and his glorious undersea /sci base project which we all had a great time contributing to
>and thorium reactor threads

>> No.5404582
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here it is. Anyone having the space station / asteroid version?

>> No.5404589
File: 726 KB, 1969x2900, space_station.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone having the space station / asteroid version?
Yes. You can have it.

>> No.5404595



>> No.5404617

Wow, you actually banned me for that? I wasn't impersonating anyone, it was sarcasm you cunt, >>5404388 is just autistic.

>> No.5404618

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.5404622
File: 62 KB, 400x519, autismone-journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Jenny.

>> No.5404626

Ban evasion is also a bannable offense

>> No.5404631

I'm not evading my ban, I'm critiquing a tragic injustice.

>> No.5404800
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>> No.5404804


Oh god this permab& will be sweet

>> No.5404828
File: 452 KB, 500x600, cutey_Emma_redsihuett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Josef is coding small scripts for me on demand.
Like as a challenge.
Cool guy.
Don't talk shit.
Also, happy new year.

>> No.5404859

Why do you still come here? Shouldn't you be on stackexchange or doing your job? You are way too educated for this board. Why do you waste time with borderline retarded american teenagers who failed calculus and believe watching Dawkin's hate speeches makes them scientists? Think about it. Posting here makes you dumber.

>> No.5404872

> tfw no one remembers or cares about you

>> No.5404878

>1352 posts

All the big shitposters have more posts than you.

>> No.5404898

> dat TN5
*sigh*... I miss that dude.

>> No.5404900

Actually several of my namefags shows up in there, along with some trips I totally forgot about.

>> No.5404902

shitposting mentally ill retard
malicious troll
autistic butthurt faggot
arrogant circlejerker
>King of /sci/
underaged emo wannabe troll kid
uneducated pop sci pedophile role player
>putnam problems
pleb undergrad contest

>> No.5404905

Which ones were you?

>> No.5404906

Can you keep a secret?

>> No.5404907

You can trust me. I'm Anonymous.

>> No.5404913

> > Can you keep a secret?
> [yes]
So can I.

>> No.5404915


>> No.5404916

I am on StackExchange actually, 5k user.
I also work my 40h job, but I'm on Christmas holiday now.
I also have a good social life, I didn't wake up in my bed yesterday.
So don't worry, everybody needs a hobby :)

>> No.5404919

>good social life

Stop giving me feels. What's next? Are you gonna tell me you have a gf?

>> No.5404947

the only people good at science I ever saw regularly posting on 4chan were josef and that guy who posted emma stone pictures

>> No.5404959

a robot wakes up in the morning each day then does 1 of 4 actions each with equal probability: self-destruct, build 1 identical robot, build 2 identical robots, do nothing.

If you start with a group of 1 robots, what is the probability that eventually you will be left with no robots?

>> No.5404967


>> No.5404973

Teacup cursed me one time
Apparently it was supposed to make my TV break, but nothing ever happened

>> No.5405033

Solve your quadratic equations homework alone.

>> No.5405044

I can't tell whether you know how to do it or not. Be just a little bit more precise about the form of the algebraic problem. it isn't exactly a quadratic equation.

>> No.5405046

Who cares? This is not your homework thread and homework doesn't even belong on /sci/.

>> No.5405055

It isn't a homework question. I'm asking it to see who in this thread is intelligent.

I already know the answer.

I suspect that part of the reason you are frustrated is because you are not intelligent enough to answer it.

>> No.5405092

Why do you think anyone is gonna solve your high school homework ITT?

>> No.5405101

>I'm asking it to see who in this thread is intelligent.

>> No.5405104

>highschool homework.

If it's highschool homework you should be able to do it. I suspect you can't.

Because I want to see what talent is. And what kind of people have talent. This question is my talent test. I suspect only people who have large amounts of talent will be able to answer it.

>> No.5405113

The only one of those things that was good was putnam problems. I fucking hated all the tripfags.

>> No.5405115

Answering this question does not require any talent. Don't make up such retarded stories. Even though it's against the rules, /sci/ would do your homework, if you politely asked for help. But with that retarded attitude right now nobody is gonna do it for you.

>> No.5405122

OP, you forgot Aether

>> No.5405133

sure it doesn't.

if you can do it then just give a range for the numberical answer of 0.1.
that won't help me to answer my "homework" in the slightest and I'll be able to see whether you can actually do it.

Asking questions isn't against the rules. There is no need for you to get quite so butthurt just because you can't solve what you perceive as a question that should be simple.

>> No.5405166

What happened to mathgenius?

>> No.5405184

>Because I want to see what talent is. And what kind of people have talent. This question is my talent test. I suspect only people who have large amounts of talent will be able to answer it.

>> No.5405196

>putnam problems

Glad they're gone. Funny to think people on /sci/ could actually solve such problems, or score higher than a 0 on the Putnam.


>> No.5405257

>implying putnam problems are hard

Pleb detected.

>> No.5405372

Why are you here? Who are you?

>> No.5405385

>Why are you here?
because no bf
>Who are you?
a girl who enjoys science and math

>> No.5405471

>get posed question designed to test how intelligent you are
>can't answer it
>don't want to admit so out of butthurt so pretend that you're actually refusing to answer it because it's a homework question


Oh well I only expected Emma Stone guy to be able to answer it anyway. I hope he'll come back

>> No.5405589

I don't think he cares about dicksizing.

>> No.5405607

Markov chain.

>> No.5405645
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1356765710528s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tits of gtfo

>> No.5405666

no you idiot

>> No.5405677

yes, you retard

>> No.5405682

Every morning a die is rolled for each of the robots. The system is certainly memoryless. It has infinitely many states, though.

>> No.5405690

50%, either it happens or it doesn't.

>> No.5405694

But that's just a theory (A Gauss).

>> No.5405696


>> No.5405697

Bravo for solving ONE in probably 10 hours.
Now try solving a dozen in 6 hours. (Which is the goal of the competition).

>> No.5405703

>If you start with a group of 1 robots
One robot is not a group.
A group of things has to be more than one.

>what is the probability that eventually you will be left with no robots?
It approaches 100% as the days keep going by.

On average a quarter of all remaining robots die per day, and there is always a chance on each particular day that all of the robots will self destruct.

Eventually it will happen.

>> No.5405706

Several people per team and they actually practice this sort of mental masturbation beforehand. I do not want to take too much away from their achievement though, Putnam competitors are in most cases borderline geniuses.

>> No.5405707

Are you really given 6 hours to solve them? Excuse my ignorance, I'm no amerifat.

>> No.5405710

>A group of things has to be more than one.

But that's wrong, you retard.

>> No.5405754

You're welcome to prove me wrong by solving it using a markhov chain, but I think you won't be able to.
And until you do I'm going to call you an uneducated idiot trying to sound clever by barking out terms he does not understand to a problem he does not know how to solve.
both wrong
I'm not doing this to prove I'm more clever than him. I just want to see that he can do it, and ask him about his strength. Did he always have it? Has he worked to achieve it? things like that.

>> No.5405757

It reduces to <span class="math">p^2 + 2p - 1 = 0[/spoiler] which is clearly the hardest part of the problem.

>> No.5405804


>> No.5405807

you know full well the hardest part of the problem is arriving at that quadratic, or rather the cubic preceding that quadratic where one of the routes was p=1.

who are you?
what do you do?
how long did it take you to solve it?
what's your academic history?
do you have any maths competition background?

>> No.5405815

Mad Scientist will forever have a soft spot in my heart. He always guaranteed a great thread on the oceanic.

>> No.5405923
File: 939 KB, 3648x2736, 1264932567928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the first couple days this board was new, there was a sweet spot, when the raiders left and people who were actually in the fields showed up. Pic related was from that time.

I really shouldn't have trolled madsci as much as I did, it's sort of sad that he left. He did actually contribute to the board

And who was that mars bro again who always wanted to give mars a magnetic field?
I've swear I've seen him around, recognize his posting style.

>> No.5405928

> I recognize his posting style
i don't think he's here anymore. A lot of people go to sudden-caps for emphasis but that dude took it to a new level

>> No.5405950

I light a hamster to his memory. Here's hoping he submerges to new lows!

>> No.5405951

not him but:
p+p+p=p^3 + p2 + 1
the p^3 comes from the addition of two robots
the p2 comes from the addition of one robot
the 1 comes from the destruction of one robot.
the powers of p come from the fact that the problem is repeated if you get more robots and it is assumed they act independently.

>> No.5405990
File: 30 KB, 160x160, Patachu_moar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patachu or Inurdaes?

>> No.5406079

Inurdaes not the fucking furry.

>> No.5406106


>> No.5406120

>If you start with a group of 1 robots

Under what binary operation?!

>> No.5406145


>> No.5407001

How is Blackman emo?

>> No.5407016

100% . Over infinite time ("Eventually") there is a finite chance that all robots will roll "self-destruct."

The question is only interesting when considered over finite time.

>> No.5407020


>> No.5407029

Kindly explain to me how if you wait an arbitrarily large amount of time, a nonzero probability will not occur.

Or is there some meaning to "eventually" that I do not understand?

>> No.5407032

Wow, RedCream is on another *chan I frequent now. He's just a really stupid troll.

>> No.5407166

>>5407032 Redcream
>>5402832 Redcream

Stop saying Redcream. Also, 32.

>> No.5407176

Admit your roal