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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5397317 No.5397317 [Reply] [Original]

Higgs Slams "Fundamentalist" Dawkins


Physicists confirmed for more deluded, religion butt lickers than biologists

>> No.5397332

That's not a slam at all. Fuck, that barely qualifies as an opposing view.

Also, inb4blahblahdawkinssuxlul

>> No.5397392

wat, how is this "slams". i dont get people making sensationalist titles to shit like this. people are going to actually read the first paragraph and realize you are lying.

>> No.5397408

It is equally absurd to try to use the theory of gravity as trying to use the theory of evolution to disprove a certain religion. Science has not yet answered the question of whether or not there is a god, and just about every physicist agrees with this because their field is a real science. Look up what newton and schrodinger had to say about god too, as opposed to a man who thinks two species being similar disproves god. If anything, similarities between species are signs of a god's creative handwriting, if you will.

>> No.5397413

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.5397416
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This just in: There are people who believe every living thing on earth today was magically created, as is, by a god 6000 years ago.

The tiniest amount of evolution empirically proves that that god does not exist. That's not to say all kinds of imaginable gods are thus disproved, and I don't think Dawkins thinks this. People believe all sorts of weird and crazy shit, nobody, including people like Dawkins, thinks evolution "disproves" them all.

Some gods can't be disproven(though they can never be proven either). Read Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World, specifically the part about the invisible dragon he keeps in his garage.

>> No.5397419

oh boy here we go.

I should warn all you autists that this is a troll thread, but you won't listen.

>> No.5397422
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>believing in Richard Dawkins

>> No.5397423


>> No.5397470

As our great prophet Dawkins said in the 1st volume of His posts on Twitter, 28:19, thou must go forth and make non-believers of all the reLIEgious poopyheads.

>> No.5397478

You're embarrassing. Stop it.

>> No.5397482

I like you.

>> No.5397487

>Science has not yet answered the question of whether or not there is a god
Probably because it's not a coherent, let alone a scientific question.

>It is equally absurd to try to use the theory of gravity as trying to use the theory of evolution to disprove a certain religion.
>as opposed to a man who thinks two species being similar disproves god.
Who and what are you even talking about? This is not what... oh, wait, you must be one of those trolls I've been hearing so much about.

>> No.5397489

You have a shitty sense of humor.

>> No.5397495

I used to think the same about Dawkins now I'm think that the depiction of an atheist inquisitor is actually a made up image by his opponents. I mean, he barely takes the anti-religious stance.

>> No.5397497

>link from a website that sells atheist-themed tshirts
>sensationalist title in blog post to attract attention
>people in /sci/ flip their shit

In all honesty, you guys are them dumbest people on the internet. Not even reddit can top that.

>> No.5397499

Actually, I find, the moderates are the real danger. Yes the fundamentalists and extremists are batshit insane. But they don't hold enough power to affect society. The moderates on the other hand do, and after all they are still influence by the high clergy and still hold some dangerous views about reality that might be abused.

>> No.5397502

While I do agree that his caricaturization as the evil atheist pope is ridiculous, claiming that he's not openly anti-religious isn't that much better either.

>> No.5397503

>In all honesty, you guys are them dumbest people on the internet. Not even reddit can top that.

I feel you don't understand. People post in these threads because they want to discuss these topics irrespective of whether the OP is a troll or a spammer trying to push traffic to his website or something else.

>> No.5397506

You didn't even read the thread, you pompous cock.

>> No.5397510 [DELETED] 

I respect religious people as much as anyone else, but I don't why any of the sides of the debate would say that science and religion are 'compatible'. I mean what the fuck? they are not.

>> No.5397513

>Physicists confirmed for more deluded, religion butt lickers than biologists

You're extrapolating from a sample of TWO people, cherry-picked?

>> No.5397515

I respect religious people as much as anyone else, but I don't get why any of the sides of the debate would say that science and religion are 'compatible'. I mean what the fuck? they are not. You can have both, but make sure you have a big ass wall in between so they don't mix.

>> No.5397522

>Science has not yet answered the question of whether or not there is a god,

Look, get this straight:

Science simply cannot even explore this question; it is nonsense and extreme stupidity to EVER suggest it can OR SHOULD.

>> No.5397524


Indoctrination. I'm ex-Catholic and I distinctly remember being drilled with this notion that religion is beyond science since I was six. It is in itself yet another religion belief, that science and religion can work together. With all the other bullshit they believe, it shouldn't come as a shock.

>> No.5397526

>The tiniest amount of evolution empirically proves that that god does not exist.

No, it doesn't.
Your statement doesn't make any sense.
The world could still have been created with evolution working from then.
The world can be created with bones in the ground.
You are doing nothing to help your perspective.

No processes working now have to reach back into all time -- their God could have made them just start recently.

>> No.5397529

Newton thought the perfect laws of science were proof of god. Dawkins isn't even a scientist in the sense that he hasn't achieved anything. He is the science world's ophrah winfrey, and evolution, dawkins ammunition, readily agrees with religions. God invented evolution.

>> No.5397531

>Dawkins isn't even a scientist in the sense that he hasn't achieved anything.
Yeah, you sure know what you're talking about.

>> No.5397539

He came of up le memes Xd

>> No.5397538

He's right though. Dawkins hasn't contributed anything to science and is only known for his crusade against religion.

>> No.5397543


True but the theology of modern religion is often incompatible with Darwinism.

>> No.5397549


He's a zoologist and his greatest achievements were his books like The Selfish Gene and such. He's also a professor at Oxford though. I'd say, he's more of an educator than a researcher but that should influence your opinion on his works and his arguments.

>> No.5397570

Just leaving these here
I don't get this boards autism

>> No.5397594

Yes, he has published some insignificant shit. Nothing of value.

>> No.5397596


>> No.5397600

>gene-centered theory of evolution
>nothing of value
choose 1, pleb

>> No.5397683

So a fight breaks out between these two, who is your money on? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.5397723
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>survival of the fittest means pitting the two against each other in combat

>> No.5397754

Why do retards like you still exist? Just because you don't like a fact, it doesn't become trolling. Science doesn't obey your wishful thinking and your emotions are not relevant to this board.

>> No.5397757

Thanks for showing us that you don't know shit about biology. Genes were known to be the core of evolutionary processes long before Dawkins was born.

>> No.5397901

>Thanks for showing us that you don't know shit about biology. Genes were known to be the core of evolutionary processes long before Dawkins was born.
Thanks for showing us that you don't know shit about biology. Gene-centered theory of evolution is defined much more specifically.

>> No.5397962
