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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5390539 No.5390539 [Reply] [Original]

>engineering undergrad student
>only science class I've taken so far is physics
>hanging out with friends, someone asks me to explain the scientific method

Last time anyone talked about it to me was prolly back early freshman year in high school, I go and look it up and it seems even what little I was taught pales in comparison to what's actually out there.


Can I blame the education system for making me feel stupid or is it totally my fault for failing to know even the most fundamental concept of science?

>> No.5390560

Blame yourself and the educational system,
but more importantly, you learned something of value today.

>> No.5390562

The old adage ''if you don't use it, you lose it'' is relevant here.

>> No.5390565

>Can I blame the education system for making me feel stupid or is it totally my fault for failing to know even the most fundamental concept of science?
I think it is both, people are raping science,
it is true even outside the stupid reality.
In academia, many subjects wish to be qualified as science so they can be edgy and important.

>> No.5390567
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Well you can pretty much blame the education system imo. Clearly its something that you SHOULD know, but how are you meant to know it without being taught?

What level did you take physics? Surely if it was in highschool you did experiments using the scientific method.

Also if someone asks about the scientific method who doesn't already know about it, you're pretty much safe just spitting out pic related, even though you obviously have to go deeper.

>> No.5390571

It's fucked up because I knew more about the scientific method in middle school than I do now in college.

I remember making a couple different earthworm farms with different types of soil and seeing how the worms thrived.

No, the high school physics class was taught by a brand new teacher and we hardly did any sort of real experimentation.

>> No.5390575

Then that's pretty much education because of >>5390562 which i strongly agree with

>> No.5390577

come to think of it, what don't you understand in the first place?
Science is in fact quite simple,

>> No.5391005

Well is the scientific method really even valid? That is, to an extent where you don't actually need to learn it, but it just comes "naturally"?

>> No.5391011

It's kinda an over simplification anyway.

>> No.5391332

What IS the scientific method?

>> No.5391368

see shit, try to explain it, see if it works, improve it, repeat.

>> No.5391385

I'm sorry, why are you an engineering student again? This is some seriously basic stuff.

>> No.5391388

What is this made up word supposed to mean?

>> No.5391405
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None of you retards know how it actually work

>> No.5391477
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>someone asks me to explain the scientific method

>> No.5391566

I get how you can not know everything in a second. But seriously everything before college is so goddamn easy you should be able just to think of the solution without knowing it.

Pretty ridiculously to forget scientific method.

Just sign up at Khan Academy and do the pre Algebra things once in a while.

>> No.5393323
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>Can I blame the education system
>Implying it's someone else's fault that you are ignorant

>> No.5393678

dont engineering students do lab reports? us chem students have that scientific method shit drilled into our brains by the sheer amount of lab reports we have to do