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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 316x525, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5383872 No.5383872 [Reply] [Original]

The Lumosity BPT is capable of assigning you a "brain type" and is fairly accurate at calculating your IQ. I'm aware that /sci/ despises IQ tests, but this one seems fairly accurate, especially considering it tests for intellectual ability in several unique areas.

Try it out and post your scores!

Note: If you already possess a Lumosity account, you can take the BPT by logging out and clearing cookies.

>> No.5383874


Brain Type: Innovator
Overall Score: 131
Problem Solving Score: 135
Flexibility Score: 134
Memory Score: 122
Speed Score: 119
Attention Score: 104

>> No.5383881
File: 3 KB, 160x128, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5383886


>> No.5383889

Your link doesn't work with the www.

>> No.5383890
File: 132 KB, 544x400, Spiderman, fuck that Imma chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm taking this test at 5 in the morning and it stops responding part-way in.

>> No.5383893

>I'm aware that /sci/ despises IQ tests

Nope, Just a few butthurt low IQ people.

I personally don't think IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence but it is highly indicative. I have a higher IQ than richard feynman and charles darwins estimated IQ yet I don't think I am smarter than either. If you have a high IQ its likely that you're intelligent but its not set in stone. There are a ridiculous number of high IQ people who are useless.

>> No.5383931

Brain Type: Multitasker
Overall Score: 135
Problem Solving Score: 118
Flexibility Score: 129
Memory Score: 135
Speed Score: 126
Attention Score: 114
Seems legit.

>> No.5383936


Point in case: theres a bartender/bouncer (forget which one) that has one of the highest measured IQs in the world.

>> No.5383938


Another point in case: My IQ is 98, and I'm in my third year of getting a chemical engineering degree from one of the top 10 universities in Canada.

>> No.5383948

>My IQ is 98, and I'm in my third year of getting a chemical engineering degree
and your point is? you have a massive ego?

>> No.5383951

that's question 1 of the iq test obviously

>> No.5383954
File: 202 KB, 1056x1324, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5383955

overall 135

>> No.5383963


I'm guessing his point is that even though he has a sub-average IQ, he's still getting a very respectable degree.

Also keep in mind that there are only like twenty reputable universities in Canada anyways. So when he says 'top ten', for Canada that's saying 'A university that isn't a complete shit-hole'

>> No.5383967
File: 54 KB, 750x670, moi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this
captcha: Mars-rises naltsca

>> No.5383971

I honestly believe that work ethic and interest is more important than intelligence when it comes to acquiring new knowledge. As I see it, there are four types of people.

In order who is most likely to succeed:

a) People with high intelligence and good work ethics.
b) People with average/low intelligence and good work ethics
c) People with high intelligence and bad work ethics.
d) People with average/low intelligence and bad work ethics.

I just wish there was some sort of research done about this subject.

>> No.5383974

Wait, so you say only the butthiurt think IQ's bullshit, but you think IQ's bullshit? You butthurt?

>> No.5383975

>Create a free account to see your Brain Performance Report

Fuck you, OP, you just made me waste 20 minutes

>> No.5383976


It would be pretty difficult to make a study with definitive results. How exactly do you measure good work ethics and what qualifies as studying?

I suppose you could have two groups of high (120+) IQ, and two groups of low/average IQ (90-110 range), and have one group for each IQ group study material for as long as they want, and the other is limited to a certain time frame.

>> No.5383979

Basically, that's kinda what the marshmellow test is all about.

>> No.5383980

Hey, look.
It's that thing where they tell you really generalised and nice things about yourself and you believe it unconditionally because they apply to everybody.

>> No.5383984

you just need to type in some fake email account. if you struggle with that you dont even have to take the text too see you are retarded.

>> No.5383985

Hmm, I got 101, so basically average. In nomal IQ tests I get 120-145. Either this test or all other online IQ tests are wrong..

>> No.5383988

>Your test results will be emailed to you

>> No.5383992

so? you see it on the page after you enter the email. or do you want the emailed version too?

>> No.5383994

That's not what the page said, that's why I closed the window.

>> No.5383999

i can't get the link to work

>> No.5384000

Brain Type: Taskmaster
Overall Score: 126
Problem Solving Score: 104
Flexibility Score: 120
Memory Score: 135
Speed Score: 106
Attention Score: 126

> mfw "wordy equations" are in English and it's not my native language
> mfw i'm far from being a taskmaster and I've always been considered more of an innovator
> mfw everybody is above average
> mfw i have no face

>> No.5383998

you could see it from this thread. why dont you read the thread?

>> No.5384005

No, I just double-checked, there's nothing in this thread that says that.

>> No.5384009

>> mfw everybody is above average
If you tell them the truth then they won't like you and won't buy your products

>> No.5384031

How are you supposed to do well on the first assessment without a keypad?

>> No.5384032
File: 165 KB, 897x802, Screen Shot 2012-12-25 at 3.42.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I am dumb, /sci/.

>> No.5384042
File: 43 KB, 589x813, lumosity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's link failed for me but thankfully I already have a lumosity account and months of data to work with.

Also, for all hose claiming bullshit on lumosity, it is actually quite a good site for brain training despite the high price. 3.9 gpa at best Uni in my country. Barely even study.

>> No.5384058


Well, you clearly chose to invest your time in playing puzzle games. That must leave little time for studying.

>> No.5384096

No, most of the remaining time is spent playing poker.

>> No.5384104

New link


>> No.5384132
File: 147 KB, 986x680, lame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I belong here :(

>> No.5384134

> Barely even study.
enjoy failing later

>> No.5384133
File: 53 KB, 958x872, master blaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has a brain. In my defence, I have been drinking a bit and English is not my mother tongue so all these grammatical thingamajigs could possibly suffer thanks to that.

>> No.5384138

do you even know how iq tests work? they aren't standardized.

>> No.5384166

...yes, proper iq tests are standardized to a normal distribution with x-bar=100 and s=15, that online iq tests are shitty and not done properly is a different issue

>> No.5384181
File: 88 KB, 949x881, jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you faggots jelly yet?

>> No.5384198

>viral marketing on /sci/

Stop falling for it. This is astrology for pop/sci/ fans.

>> No.5384203

Brain type: Enterpriser
Overall score: 131
Problem solving score: 120
Flexibility score: 120
Memory score: 122
Speed score: 128
Attention score: 114

Luminosity seems to be, most likely, another website to earn money workin with people egocentric nature, you're pretty much paying to feel smart.
Are quite a lot of those these days, for example http://www.iqelite.com it's called a 'social network for smart people', obviously you have to pass a shitty iq test to register and once you pass it -everybody does- it comes the time to pay for the membership.
It's a funny test, though...

>> No.5384215


It's fun though.

>> No.5384220
File: 237 KB, 683x1024, 1356459520395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from how you describe it, iqelite sounds like a refuge for the people who were losers in highschool that rejected facebook rather than be faced with the prospect of only having 10 friends, 4 of which would be family members.

then they find a website that claims to be for "smart people" (socially awkward people) and they go nuts for it, all so that they can feel exclusive and in-demand, just like the popular kids they wish they were back when stupid shit like sports and how well you dressed mattered.

how do i know this?
i am a member of iqelite. don't bother taking the IQ test you losers are too stupid to join.

you think you are smart just cuz you took an online test? try the iqelite test see how well you do on that

>> No.5384225
File: 48 KB, 756x567, chris-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is the universe. Your mind is simply too feeble to comprehend my greatness.

>> No.5384246

Brain Type: Pathfinder
Overall Score: 131
Attention Score: 135
Problem Solving Score: 125
Speed Score: 118
Flexibility Score: 117
Memory Score: 109

>tfw shitty memory.

>> No.5384264


I know that feel, it was my lowest score.

>> No.5384265

Who is a greater athlete, runner or swimmer?

>INB4 Swimmer are not athlete
"Sportsman" is a shitty word, doesn't roll of the tongue quite like "athlete".

>> No.5384556
File: 48 KB, 401x639, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2012 going on 2013
>frequenting /sci/
>not being a mastermind

seriously guys, are you even trying?

pic related,

>> No.5384598
File: 190 KB, 938x891, Screen Shot 2012-12-25 at 7.37.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5384627
File: 41 KB, 957x361, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a perfect 135 on both problem solving and memory

pick 1

>pic related
>actual mastermind/race

>> No.5384676
File: 89 KB, 495x615, lol iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135. Seems legit.

>> No.5384683

Is the word it gives you meant to be a Myers/Briggs thing?

>> No.5384680
File: 76 KB, 936x893, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of a dumbass.

>> No.5384684

this was my type too so fuck it i won't screenshot mine.

>130 problem solving
>128 attention

>123 flexibility
>122 memory
>102 speed

people are always telling me i have a good memory and i insist that i don't.

>> No.5384686

>wanting to suck dick for a living

Shiggy Diggy

>> No.5384687


117 score

>> No.5384688

> Be a mathematician
> Take test anonymously
> Test tells me I should be a mathematician.

That's what we call 'empirical evidence' for something not being bullshit. You can look up the word 'empirical' on wiktionary.com, it's quite a big one.

>> No.5384689

> perfect 135
> thinking 135 is the highest number.

Masterminds sure are dumb.

>> No.5384690

Weirdly I got 115 on this, and I get the same on average on iq tests, so I guess this is fairly accurate.Forever in not quite smart but not quite average range.

I also have a shitty ass keyboard with a old spring spacebar.So naturally I suffered by by at least 100 milliseconds on the test that used that.(just one little flaw with the test I noticed.)

>> No.5384694

What is this, a dick-measuring contest? I don't really care I'm not perfect. How'd you do on the others, by the way? Shitty, which is why you didn't post it?

>> No.5384695


Have you seen a score higher than 135? Serious question.

>> No.5384701

Attention: 135
Problem Solving: 130
Memory: 122
Speed: 119
Flexibility: 104

>> No.5384731

By the silence I'm guessing he was very shitty.

>> No.5384740

My thought exactly. Haha.

>> No.5384756

it's 2:30 am here and i wanted to go to sleep 2 hours ago, but still took it

Brain Type: Visionary
Overall Score: 119
Problem Solving Score: 110
Flexibility Score: 110
Memory Score: 109
Speed Score: 105
Attention Score: 135

>> No.5384850
File: 46 KB, 500x374, 378181163.814817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at
For my other scores.

Speed was fucked up cuz i got the last one wrong

>> No.5384854
File: 943 KB, 1920x1200, hs-2010-13-a-1920x1200_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, for all hose claiming bullshit on lumosity, it is actually quite a good site for brain training despite the high price.
>for all hose claiming bullshit on lumosity

You do see how you needed to pay for months to advance in the BPI score? I did the actual Mensa IQ test, and aced it (max was 145, with sigma 15) in 60% of the time. This means I have well beyond the 99.7% percentile in all categories (memory, math, spatial thinking, language, and whatnot), yet I didn't score close as much on the Luminosity test. The reality is, the IQ is set after the early childhood years, and doesn't change at all after 16. So any "work" you think you are doing on your IQ is actually delusion, and Luminosity is fraud. Take the actual IQ test and see for yourself.

IQ is a legitimate indicator, and it's used by psychiatrists for diagnostics, by military and economy for recruitment.

>> No.5384892


To this day there doesn't exist a definition as to what intelligence really is. You don't know, the psychiatrist that gave you the test doesn't know, his college professors don't know. Not a goddamn soul on this earth knows. Yet this test measures that which clearly isn't defined. Now, you could validate the results of that test by stating that pattern recognition = intelligence and that is true but only because you defined intelligence that way and not because it actually is that way.

>> No.5384907
File: 91 KB, 987x929, soso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are an Innovator

brb becoming gundam

>> No.5384971

131 overall
at 4 a.m.
fine, I suppose.

>> No.5385055
File: 117 KB, 599x606, 1355002974503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention: 116
Flexibility: 107
Memory: 95
Problem Solving: 93
Speed: 89

>Not straight 135's

>> No.5385099

Code Cracker
Speed: 125
Problem Solving: 125
Flexibility: 110
Memory: 109
Attention: 83

>> No.5385106

Oops, forgot score. T'was 114.

>tfw always slightly above average

>> No.5385157

>Brain Type:
As a Visionary, you are innovative, attentive, and inspired. You can concentrate for intense periods of productivity but can also quickly shift your focus to new ideas when necessary. Visionaries are creative thinkers and make natural architects and planners.
>Overall Score:
>Flexibility Score:
>Attention Score:
>Speed Score:
>Memory Score:
>Problem Solving Score:

Everything went better than expected

>> No.5385163


Speed: 126
Memory: 122
Problem Solving: 120
Attention: 105
Flexibility: 98

Overall: 120