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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5381023 No.5381023 [Reply] [Original]

I had my girlfriend's family watch the first episode of Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" just now.

Constant complaining, expressions of boredom and no sense of sadness at the loss of knowledge in the library of Alexandria, or even the amazement at the scale of the universe.

I tried /sci/. I tried.

>> No.5381024

maybe because it's shit?
Stop trying to endoctrinate everyone. Not every person in this world is interested in science, and almost no one is completely rational.
What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.5381026


Showing her a pop-sci documentary in the 80's is trying? Who the fuck are you? What the fuck kind of education or mindset do you have to actually think that showing that series to anyone is somehow culturally superior than not? Is a person considered better in your eyes because they favor such a show? Go fuck yourself. You are the definition of pretentious.

>inb4 wowbrocalmdown
>inb4 umad

>> No.5381028
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The problem is you tried. Let those you don't wish to follow humanities divine path fall by the wayside.

>> No.5381029

Op here, I'm glad the science board is so angry.

>> No.5381030


Mm, shes certainly taken an interest in image boards though OP, better check that search history.

>> No.5381032
File: 186 KB, 568x533, need for jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being angry gets in the way of science.

>> No.5381033

>no sense of sadness at the loss of knowledge in the library of Alexandria

Because the majority of people applaud ignorance, which is why the taking down of megaupload and demonoid was hailed as a success.

>> No.5381036

You cannot force someone to do something and expect them to like it. Human nature shows that if someone is going to enjoy doing something they have to think it was their intention, not yours.

You watch popsci but are you sure you're a scientist?

>> No.5381040

you're retarded

>> No.5381044

so? i'm a graduate student in physics and i don't really care
for sagan's work. just a bunch of stuff i've already heard elsewhere. nbd.

>> No.5381053


u wot m8

Everyone i knew got mad as hell when megaupload got taken down...

...but only because this meant they couldent download the latest ke$a song.

>> No.5381057

Atta girl.

>> No.5381063

You can't really appreciate it unless you grew up with it, or were somehow enlightened as many of us--including me--were. I believed in all sorts of superstition before Cosmos. I learned about evolution with Cosmos.

>> No.5381081

>no sense of sadness at the loss of knowledge in the library of Alexandria

To be honest nothing of much value was lost. It was mainly just superstition and horseshit tall tales, the kind of stuff Herodotus put in his histories.

>> No.5381092
File: 16 KB, 350x288, 7587_Deleuze-Gilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a kind of dinosaur?

>> No.5381097 [DELETED] 

God damn, I had a near exact experience with my girlfriend like three days ago. Showed her the first episode, she just began to laugh at Sagan during the Alexandria scene and said she couldn't take him seriously. And likewise, constant complaining and expressions of boredom. I was really disappointed, I would've loved to watch the rest of the series with her.

>> No.5381142

maybe becasue cosmos is shit . it was good for its time, but now its just boring as hell.

>> No.5381146

>I learned about evolution with Cosmos.
so either:
A) you were extremely young and you are looking at it trough nostalgia goggles
B) you had a very shit upbringing with almost no education

either way, a normal grownup will not find it interesting.

>> No.5381165
File: 39 KB, 380x380, Asian Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't look at these documentary shits. I'm a pretty smart guy but I like to remain ignorant. Why?

Because the more you know the more depressed you are.

And the less patience you have for ignorance.

>mfw Scientists are dumb as shit and want to be sad all the time

>> No.5381220
File: 65 KB, 457x720, 1d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that a fucking water rascal?

>> No.5381241

>my girlfriend

i've located your problem.

>> No.5381254

Break up with her

>> No.5381257

>fucking "look at those shiny stuff" pop-sci
>they get bored
They are good people OP. Unlike you.

>> No.5381277

what kind of monkey is that?

>> No.5381279


Transhumanist reporting in. The struggle will begin in two decades from now.

>> No.5381286

It's not a thing.
You're not a "transhumanist", you're a sci-fi enthusiast who likes to fantasize about all powerful technology on message boards.

>> No.5381290

>learned about evolution with Cosmos
This is the saddest thing I've read today, what the fuck?

>just superstition and horseshit tall tales
So is Homer's works, that doesn't mean it wasn't invaluable to historians and entertaining to the rest of us.

>> No.5381292

>Not ignoring them completely
That's how we got rid of the TRS technocrats, and it's how we'll get rid of these faggots.

>> No.5381459

Its so corny

>> No.5381463 [DELETED] 

>nothing of much value was lost

Classical historian here: you have less than no concept of what you're talking about. Everything from designs by Archimedes (possibly including the Antikytheran Mechanism) to discussions on Atoms and Atomic beliefs (as represented by De Rerum Natura by Lucretius) to calculations of the circumference of the Earth, the distance to the Moon, and so on.

You literally have less than zero concept of what you're talking about. You sound like a Creationist saying why evolution is flawed.

>> No.5381467

>nothing of much value was lost

Classical historian here: you have less than no concept of what you're talking about. Everything from designs by Archimedes (possibly including the Antikytheran Mechanism) to discussions on Atoms and Atomic beliefs (as represented by De Rerum Natura by Lucretius) to calculations of the circumference of the Earth, the distance to the Moon, and so on.

You sound like a Creationist saying why evolution is flawed.

>> No.5381492

ITT: pseudo-scientist special snowflake aspies are jealous that someone made science cool for laymen.

Unlike 4chan, real people lose interest in your well-thought factual arguments when you call them faggot plebeian mouthbreathers. Your wealth of knowledge is worthless if you can't help others with it.

I know, I know, you were all bullied as kids so it's tough not to be a condescending shit. You learned by being kicked around and you think that's strength. Protip: it's extremely unattractive and makes you look like a childish tool.

>> No.5381510

>someone made science cool for laymen
The point if this thread is that he didn't and OP is butthurt about that.

Vulgarization about everyday objects which try to give a physical sense to people is much better on every aspect.

>> No.5381520

>Your wealth of knowledge is worthless if you can't help others with it.

The wealth of knowledge is objectively significant regardless of the amount of support it gets by hair bags of water.

It's people that need to prove their worth-fulness by working themselves into it. You'll find this to be the viewpoint of everyone who ever actually achieved something.

>> No.5381914


That's fine, but it's purely historical interest. There is no "lost wisdom" to be found in there. Everything that was in there we have surpassed many times over, long ago.

>> No.5381947
File: 112 KB, 579x527, gracchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classical historian here
classix high five!

>> No.5381983

Mah nigga!

>> No.5382049


ok, i went and tried to watch Cosmos, because /sci/ is always raving about how excellent it is.

bull fucking shit. it is a show to glorify Carl Sagan and his overblown opinion of himself.

take the first episode. how many times does the fucking camera zoom in on dear Carl marvelling at the fucking universe? what does that accomplish?

in the first and second episodes (all i could stomach), the only real science was how that guy estimated the size of the earth. everything else was dear Carl trying to be a fucking poet.

go back to the first episode, in Carl's fucking spaceship, where he dances around and makes that fucking window appear in the floor. give me a fucking break.

same way with James Burke's Connections. both series are more about the goddamned narrator than about actual science.

>> No.5382082

If it's lost, how do we know what was lost. You have no idea what was in those archives.

>> No.5382088

But if it had not been lost those things would not have had to be reinvented later. We'd be more advanced now.

>> No.5382095

> watches two episodes
> finds something he doesn't like
> whole show must be shit
some scientist

>> No.5382105

>objectively significant