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5380277 No.5380277 [Reply] [Original]

nowadays, information can be found at the blink of an eye; almost literally. you can send a message across the world instantly.

why isn't there a ridiculously high rate of genius in today's society?

>> No.5380283

Because geniuses are defined as being out-of-norm individuals.
You can't have everyone be above the norm, the norm would just be higher otherwise.

>> No.5380284


>> No.5380305

I can look up any world changing thesis published, so clearly I must be able to understand what it means even without any previous background knowledge. Then from all of that, I can publish my own world changing thesis

>> No.5380465

To think about this, first think about how many believe Tim Berners-Lee should be granted a Nobel peace prize for creating the internet - after all, he created the internet and, after all, allowed all people to communicate instantly and without any barriers. The problem here is, of course, exactly that - ALL people were allowed to communicate EVERYTHING without ANY barriers. Some people didn't want to see what others had to show.

Suddenly we had millions of people who were enraged at the cultural barriers being broken; and country leaders had to figure it out. The internet certainly wasn't going to get shut down, because well, the benefits outweighed the costs - didn't they?


That's one example of how the internet's overall 100% communicative structure doesn't really mean you will always get positive results; it just means SOMETHING will happen, faster than it would happen otherwise. The reason we don't have lots of smart people is because nobody is taking advantage of the information available yet. I, personally am, and I'm sure many of you are, but...billions of other human beings are NOT. It's there to be held, but when it's so easy to instead sit and scroll through reddit, which is so mindlessly happy and pleasing, watch netflix, or watch porn and masturbate, why learn? For many, they haven't figured out how pointless everything else is, and although difficult, how fun learning is.