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5378799 No.5378799 [Reply] [Original]

How to become a good Mechanical Engineer?

>> No.5378822

Id say good hands on experience. Previous machining skills and a more common sense than book smarts would help.

>> No.5378833


Thanks for the input. Anything else? Any books to recommend?

>> No.5378839

"How to Suck Dicks - A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners" is pretty much the standard for engineers.

>> No.5378842

Guys this is why we need to make /eng/ to leave the philosophers and pseudo-scientist plebeians alone to talk about their sexual insecurities and typically horseshit they like.

>> No.5378848

Well, I'd say that it is very important to have a strong understanding of physics and calculus.

>> No.5378849

>This thread
>How do I magic pill that will make me good?

Troll/field "engineer"

Gullible idiot

Old joke that hasn't been funny since 2010

Good intentions, but no, we really don't need a board for STEM professionals, there are societies with better forums for that.

>> No.5378871

Are you dying or something? Because all this saging is enough to give someone polyps.

>> No.5378873

>give sound advice

>get called troll

and you sir are the cancer killing /sci/

>> No.5378882

Really? It was one sage because I gave nothing to contribute to this thread.

"hands on experience" and "machining skills" is good advice if he wanted to become a mechanist. If he wants a head start he should start learning a useful programming language or self-studying calc/thermo i.e. "book smarts". Anything you could possibly do practically before being at least two years into degree (internships etc.) would be absolutely worthless to his engineering career.

>> No.5378923

You need to be able to visualize a system. Free body diagrams are crucial, but the kind you learn in basic physics classes only go so far. Read up on statics and dynamics. There are also some videos on youtube.com/MIT and youtube.com/nptelhrd that you could watch to get a feel for it.
Differential equations is pretty important, but it's also about using complex analysis and linear algebra to make your differential equations tools more accessible.

>> No.5379051

obviously you have no real world engineering experience. Computers do all the simulation/math for you. What is actually needed is a good understanding of what can and can't be built. As well as the cost/time to built parts. All things a machinist would know and which would be useful for an engineer to know. Alot more useful than integrating by parts and all that other calculus nonsense.

>> No.5379067

youve gotta be trolling

>> No.5379074

>obviously you have no real world engineering experience.
I have 2 years experience as a Chemical Process Engineer you presumptuous cunt.

>Computers do all the simulation/math for you
Yes, and you need to understand the math to write/use a program. Computers don't "do" anything for you, it's just a tool.

>What is actually needed is a good understanding of what can and can't be built. As well as the cost/time to built parts.

>All things a machinist would know and which would be useful for an engineer to know.
Not really, maybe for the 0.5% of mechanical engineers that will work in a relevant industry, but most won't.

>Alot more useful than integrating by parts and all that other calculus nonsense.
You don't seem to understand the point of learning analytical integration, it's needed to understand higher concepts in Calc that ARE needed if you want to be a (real) engineer.

>> No.5379111


Depending what field you are in, the man has a point. An aerospace engineer doing CFD for the F35 needs to know partial differential equations, etc. A design engineer at a company making mechanical devices needs to know things like GD&T (an important skill but one that doesn't require heavy math). Those sorts of jobs are where practical skills trump theory any day.

>> No.5379151

>Those sorts of jobs are where practical skills trump theory any day.
1 - He can get those "practical skills" on the job easily, in fact, the AeroE will need to learn a lot on the job before he's useful too.
2 - He still needs to know Science and Engineering Principles, the fact that he will be better at this particular job if supplemented with practical skills is irrelevant.
3 - Telling OP to "get hands on experience" -which could only possibly mean technicians work (because everything else requires an engineering degree) - and "machining skills", OP probably obviously hasn't even picked a specialization yet (or he would've specified), so it would be a waste of his time (that could've been used mastering PRINCIPLES) if he decided on a different career path.

So no, he doesn't have a point.

>> No.5379154

Lol this fag is why engineers need technicians/draftsmen/machinists to go over their designs and make them actually work.

>> No.5379159

>He can get those "practical skills" on the job easily, in fact, the AeroE will need to learn a lot on the job before he's useful too.

Should have learned them in fucking school so his job doesn't have to hold his fucking hand the first 6 months. This is why no one wants to hire newbie engineers.
> the fact that he will be better at this particular job if supplemented with practical skills is irrelevant
You're an idiot.

>> No.5379157


yeah it's pretty sweet having faggots like you we can throw our shit at after you bring us our coffee

>> No.5379163

Lol it's cool brah, how does it feel we make 80% as much money as you with less than half the debt?

>> No.5379197

>need technicians/draftsmen/machinists
I don't "need" you, I can do your job probably better and faster than you can, you are there for the same reason we have nurses in hospitals. And I'm not trying to offend anyone by saying that, it's the truth.

>Should have learned them in fucking school so his job doesn't have to hold his fucking hand the first 6 months. This is why no one wants to hire newbie engineers.
No, FFS, we can't learn everything about every little goddamn niche industry in the world.
You learn Principles that you can apply in any industry, you learn everything else you need to know on the job (which will be easier and faster since you understand the Scientific and Engineering Principles behind them). What the tripfag was talking about is only relevant in some industries, ones that OP might not even be interested in, the confusion arises because of >technicians/draftsmen/machinists etc. calling themselves "engineers".

>You're an idiot.
Maybe you missed the point behind the statement, it IS irrelevant; until he decides to specialize in a relevant industry then his practical skills IN THAT industry becomes relevant.
It won't help him to know machine turning if he decides to go into nano/mat sci R&D for example.

>Implying most of us didn't earn scholarships.

>> No.5379309

>Anonymous 12/23/12(Sun)16:26 No.5379197

>need technicians/draftsmen/machinists
I don't "need" you, I can do your job probably better and faster than you can

dude I bet I you cant even turn a wrench let alone layout,bevel,fit and weld a pipe.

I work in the oil industry were common sense gets you farther than book smarts.

>> No.5379310

The point of engineering education is to learn enough background knowledge/skills to apply to a whole variety of problems. Essentially, learning to learn.

OP focus on those freshman/sophomore engineering classes, especially statics, dynamics, calc, DE's, thermodynamics, circuits. Mech engineering has a million applications, so you need the background.

>> No.5379327

HAHAHAHA like it wouldn't take 5 minutes of looking it over to figure that shit out.. get over it dude... you guys do the dirty work. Fucking nurses... don't even need a degree for your shit.

>> No.5379331

bet im better than you at math too you spoiled brat.

>> No.5379350

This isn't me btw. I do actually have a lot of respect for technicians, but you really shouldn't be giving advice to someone who will likely be following a very different career path than you.

Anyways I'm off. Cheers.

>> No.5379357

By "me" I meant:>>5379197


>> No.5379352


Why are you so ass-mad?

The kid wants to be an engineer, not a mechanist. All that other shit can be learned on the job, but how the fuck are you going to design a heat exchanger if you don't know thermodynamics?

>inb4 computer does it automatically for you

>> No.5379359

Yea no I don't think so. And no I'm not spoiled either... thanks for assuming though faggot. I just wanted to make a clear point.

>> No.5379388

im going to school for engineering too. Just passed calculus 3. Pretty sure none of that shit will be useful at the chevron refinery where I work and plan to be a project manager.

>> No.5379404

are you implying engineers learn to weld/pipefit in the field? I work around engineers. 90% of them are dumbass that are still learning righty tighty lefty loosely. Hell I make more in a year than most of them. 130k if I work a couple months of straight OT.

>> No.5379408

naw Im pretty sure I am. Im sure you're probably a first year engineering student learning calc 2.

>> No.5379426


No, I meant the practical skills he will gain on the job and those are useless for the majority of mechanical engineers.

You sound really insecure. Do all mechanist have an inferiority complex?

>> No.5379447

really insecure? you attacked me the whole fucking thread. All I did was give advice to OP from my perspective and you went and got your panties in a bunch. My advice should be respected since 9/10 he will be using more pratical skills than school ones at his job. Any respectable math teacher will tell you that 90% of calculus is useless. You seem insecure since you felt the need to get on your high horse about being an engineering student so therefore claiming your opinion is more valid. Im an engineering student too but I respect the field guys more than faggots like you.

>> No.5379454

>I don't "need" you, I can do your job probably better and faster than you can

LOL confirmed for freshman engineering student who has never had a job.

>> No.5379480


I'm not that same person, but you sound really insecure.

>90% of calculus is useless

Now I know your trolling.

>> No.5379484

>cant argue with facts
>hurr you're insecure durr

and yes you will very rarely use calculus in your actual engineering career.

>> No.5379492

Relevant to my interests. studying mechanical engineering

>> No.5379497

>90% of calculus

Calculus isn't even big enough of a field to contain 90%.

>> No.5379525


That's not the point, you will learn more shit in an engineering education than you could care to remember. However, you learn, "how to learn".

The OP asked for engineering advice, not mechanist advice. How do you know what field is going into? Why would machining skills benefit him more than thermodynamics? Are you sure you're an engineering student?

Also why are you hung up on calculus? Calculus has almost too many applications to count.

troll as fuck

>> No.5379546

did I ever say that he shouldn't learn thermo?

did you even read his question properly?

>How to become a good Mechanical Engineer?

the key word in his question is GOOD. Thats why I gave him my advice. If he wants to be a good engineer he should supplement his education with good hands on experience. Previous machining skills and a more common sense than book smarts would help. That is all you insignificant fool.

>> No.5379559


Your advice is shit then. OP should focus on his classes and not failing rather than some dumb mechanist delusion.

>> No.5379565

ok nice to see you're a troll.

>> No.5379591


>calls 90% of calculus useless
>every fucking engineering class uses calculus

Yea I'm the one trolling. Of course the fucking computations are done by the computer, but you need to understand the math to understand higher subjects.

>> No.5379609

and yet a pipefitter like me understands math better than you.

>> No.5379614


Practical engineering and R&D engineering are a completely different kettle of fish.

Ignoring your arguments you're being a shouting cunt for no reason so calm the fuck down.

If you're meant to be out building something somewhere no one will expect you to be whipping up a differential equation to solve because that work should have been done before the job is started. Basic trig and geometry will suffice.

If you're in the office and you actually have to do something complicated your math will suddenly become useful. I don't want someone designing the wing of my plane if they don't know how to integrate pressure over a surface "but the computer told me to do it that way".

Theory is much more important than workshop skills if you want to work on the best projects. Jets & racecars aren't made without maths.

Kindly STFU and appreciate the work other people need to do that lets you get on with yours. This applies to both office and field workers.

>> No.5379637

you need to STFU and appreciate the work we do that allows your shitty engineering designs to work. Can't tell you how many times the foreman on jobs had to modify things to make the engineers design actually work. Also I can do the same level of math as you can so get off your high horse because compared to a real math major your math skills are dogshit.

>> No.5379660


Engineer at a plant here. This is true. I don't fool myself to thinking i can do these things instantly. Sure, i could learn it qyickly, but i couldn't master it. An engineer needs to know the limits and usefulness of this stuff. You will be more effective that way. Oh and don't come in with that attitude. Those guys can easily ruin your career there since it doesn't take long to get word to your boss.

>> No.5379672

wat attitude?

>> No.5379684

congrats, youve been here what one day maybe two tops and youve already managed to let everyone on /sci/ know you are yet another worthless shitposting tripfag

its a pearl before swine but please, consider dropping your tripcode and getting over your need to be right, if you didnt post with a trip people would take you more seriously, respect your opinion more and be less aggressive when they did reply, even if you are an average poster adding a tripcode just makes every thread you post in a lot shittier, and your need to respond with an insult to every post you disagree with makes you a horrid shitposter anyway. but really, at least drop the trip, there are plenty of shitposters on here but when they dont tripfag they are easy to ignore and continue with the thread, shitposting with a tripcode is like walking through the ghetto in a klan outfit.

>> No.5379686
File: 6 KB, 390x470, sdaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only wish you insecure fool.

>> No.5379690

>>5379637 >Can't tell you how many times the foreman on jobs had to modify things to make the engineers design actually work.

Part of the job. Boohoo you have to do a little bit of thinking to cut something up a little, deal with it. Not every single problem you might run into can be accounted for and predicted, even by someone with experience and especially if they have a busy workload.

Practical experience would be a bonus but when you're full time at university you don't have much chance to get that experience. If you're working with inexperienced engineers then help them help you by explaining to them the correct or better way about something instead of just bitching.

>> No.5379703

Sorry, meant the other guys attitude.

>> No.5379716 [DELETED] 

My research deals with some aspects of the curvature of a Riemannian manifold, in particular the way various curvature assumptions influence the topological properties. There are several groups of theorems that address this question, and my contribution belongs to Pinching Theorems. The method I used consists of studying special flow of metrics whose property is that the reduced curvature tensor changes according to the heat equation.

I have also employed the tools of Riemannian geometry (especially foliations on Riemannian manifolds) in order to study the properties of orbits of vector fields coming from various control theory problems.

In collaboration with two colleagues, I have obtained new parametrization of the space of multivariate normal distributions (and a new distance formula) and am investigating further applications.

>> No.5379717

Except most inexperienced engineers are arrogant like you therefore don't listen. That's when your boss comes in and relegates you to a purely office job where you just organize the work of other field engineers and school engineers.

>> No.5379721
File: 83 KB, 600x579, 1344297060182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you fucking technicians who claim that they are superior... I implore you to open up any partial diff. book or any fluid/thermo engineering book , or engineering graduate text and try and work a couple problems out.. and report back. Otherwise STFU and know your place faggots.

>> No.5379740


>implying I couldn't weld everything you can

>implying I'm not part of the fabrication master race

>implying you're not being an angry douche

Go weld round a circle and don't let your tears hit the puddle, don't want any porosity to give yourself more work.

>> No.5379741


>but...but... can you turn a screw driver xD

epik :)

>> No.5379748


Do you work with polymers?

>> No.5379761
File: 165 KB, 790x1144, basic geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you stupid? welding requires a hood thus preventing any possibility of tears falling on your weld.

also here solve this problem

pic related

whats the length of the red pipe going to be?

the hypothenus is from the end to end of the purple lines.

>> No.5379765

you master engineers should be able to solve this in 5 minutes

>> No.5379777

>try to build things.
>when they don't work find out why.
>build a better one.

goggle and common sense are your friends

>> No.5379800
File: 147 KB, 1933x897, ss (2012-12-23 at 05.03.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could probably solve it if I could understand this nigger squabble, but I don't. Just some basic geometry.

How about this bro?

>> No.5379834

tell me what it is you dont understand.

Basically your finding the length of the piece of pipe that is being welded between the two newly mitered 60 degree fittings.

>> No.5379870


Not that guy but Jesus, calm down. Any engineer worth a shot appreciates the field/technician guys. I have worked as an engineer and I really admire those guys. They have useful skills I don't have. But to dismiss an engineering degree holder as worthless is asinine. I can do FEA on structures and things and interpret it. That's a valuable skill that a lot of field/technician guys don't have. Both are valuable. I chose one path and you chose another. Deal with it. Oh, and don't listen to the kiddies on /sci/. 98% are freshmen that think real engineering work is solving book problems.

>> No.5379887

no shit. Dont get me wrong I respect both and I too am working to get an engineering degree. Though ive only taken math course and thats up to Calculus 3. If you look at the beginning of the thread you can clearly see I was not hostile nor hating on engineers. I only gave my advice/opinion and /sci/ kiddies got their panties in a bunch.

>> No.5379917
File: 67 KB, 700x460, 4d952e423535734a505d41a277ed4866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, that did it. Congratulations to you both.

>> No.5379920


>expecting an answer when failing to provide all of the information.

The pipe needs to be exactly 1000

>> No.5379940

what information are you missing.

>> No.5379956


Height and pipe diameter

>> No.5379962


And are you saying the pipe and fitting aren't cut square but with a 60º miter?

>> No.5379987
File: 167 KB, 790x1144, basic geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the travel from is 48". That means from the bottom purple line to the top. The green lines represent the end of the angles where the pipe is to be welded. And the red line is the piece of pipe. The pipe diameter is 8". The length of the piece of pipe to be welded between the angles.

>> No.5379990

the pipe fittings are mitered from a 90 degree fitting to a 60. look at the drawing

>> No.5379996

Do you have this solved? I love these kind of problems and want to check my solution once I finish; and where did you get it from?

>> No.5380012



>> No.5380024

srry but you're wrong

>> No.5380031
File: 168 KB, 407x379, 1323900968407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380038


No I'm not.

>> No.5380052

ya you are

I hope you're not that cocky engineer in the thread earlier.

>> No.5380061

if you give up ill give you the answer

>> No.5380068
File: 135 KB, 736x721, 1323934814960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not wrong but I give up.

>> No.5380079


shitty engineer is shitty

>> No.5380080
File: 481 KB, 499x399, hue hue hue brbr cavalo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is it good to start studying this kind of physis from these videos? arent they outdated? are there some other prerequisites?

>> No.5380081


What do you think the answer is?

>> No.5380083

the only thing hes given up on is wasting time talking to you
stop tripfagging or stop posting

>> No.5380089

you're not the engineer are you?

I see you're back. Couldnt solve it could you?

>> No.5380099





>> No.5380102

not even close

>> No.5380114


Was a long shot.

What length would you cut it?

How were you taught to calculate it?

>> No.5380118


>How were you taught to calculate it?

taught myself using logic. How much math knowledge do you have?

>> No.5380125


Why won't you tell me what it is?

>> No.5380134

are you still in high school?

>> No.5380136



Suck a dick

>> No.5380152


I'm going with I was right the first time and you're being a dick.

>> No.5380176

To clarify

>>5380152 Me

>>5380134 You're the dick

>> No.5380200

Well, I'm a Mechanical Engineer and would like to know what I would expect if I go down the Dynamics and Control specialization in ME. I already know I'm expecting programming, electrical work, and acoustics so far.

>> No.5380208 [DELETED] 

the answer is 38.76", or 984.57mm

>> No.5380226

seriously kiddo wat grade you in? this problem is simple. Will post solution if you admit that engineers aren't very smart at all.

>> No.5380227 [DELETED] 

The answer is 38.76", or 984.565mm

>> No.5380234

Mechanical Engineer here. The answer is 38.76", or 984.565mm.

>> No.5380242

lmao 0/10

stop guessing

>> No.5380246

652.56 if you're doing 48" from the parallel.

>> No.5380250 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 538x493, 1000 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5380254
File: 24 KB, 538x493, 1000 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


48-(2*4.6188)=38.76. Prove me wrong you faggot.

>> No.5380262
File: 71 KB, 1099x840, fittings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok you fucking idiots

here is the answer and the logic

pic related you stupid enginiggers

<span class="math"> 48-2(12\tan(\phi/2)) <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5380269

oh and <span class="math"> \phi=\pi /3 <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5380287

You Fucking Idiot. The length of the blue line does not equal A.

>> No.5380295

>>5380254 is still correct.

inb4 lolllll!!!! I trole u!!

>> No.5380299

no its not dumb shit

the answer is 34.14359354

>> No.5380302

No, your answer is wrong because of >>5380287.

>> No.5380304

I never said the length of the blue line equals A you idiot. The blue line is there to show that the Angle is split in half. Thats its only purpose. The length of A is 3/2*diameter of pipe like the original picture here says >>5379987

you lost you stupid engineer wannabe

>> No.5380312

read this you moron

>> No.5380319
File: 82 KB, 700x714, 1346263748967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to become a good Mechanical Engineer?
>Mechanical Engineer
Choose one!

>> No.5380331
File: 81 KB, 790x1144, Fucking Retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5380254 here.

You are wrong because you didn't solve for the correct thing. What you solved for was the vertical maroon line that I added in pic related. What you needed to solve for was what I found in >>5380254.

>> No.5380351


I know the fucking answer you moron. I do this for a living. I worked this problem about 2 years ago. Your silly ass just cant take the fact that a pipefitter schooled your stupid ass in math. I even showed this problem to my Calc 3 teacher and he was impressed by its applicability.

>> No.5380370

I don't understand this obsession you have with calculus. Calculus isn't hard, it's simply a tool to be used when convenient. Your calculus teacher should not be impressed by simple geometry. Confirmed for buttfrustrated engineering dropout. You have yet to show the flaw in >>5380254. A master like you should have no problem finding the fault.

>> No.5380397


Your shitty ass ambiguous paint sketch implied the 48" lands on the center of the bends.

Learn to spell hypotenuse.

>> No.5380428


Thanks for the problem, it kept me busy for a little while, even if you're a cunt.

>> No.5380445
File: 80 KB, 1126x798, engineerfucking up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flaw is simple. You measure the takeoff for the angle on the outside surface when the take off should be aligned in the center off the ends of the 60 degree elbow but of the pipe. Pic related

Im measuring from the green lines and your stupid ass is measuring the black lines

>> No.5380460

the 48" does land on the purple dot you dumb fuck.

>> No.5380466

oh boy your ass got told by a pipefitter

lol >>5380445

>> No.5380480


Try again, I'm clearly using the centerline in >>5380254. Aren't you supposed to be good at this shit? You should know how to read a print.

>> No.5380497

>I'm not an engineer but here is what you need to be a good engineer!

>> No.5380505
File: 46 KB, 1099x840, Fucking Retarded 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You needed to find the maroon line in pic related to subtract from the hypotenuse. You didn't and therefore you are wrong.

>> No.5380511
File: 25 KB, 307x391, radius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here is your other mistake then,

remember the original photo? the one that clearly states that takeoff for 90 degree angles is 3/2*diameter of pipe? the one that shows that A should equal 12? clearly you fucked that up

pic related

>> No.5380514

told by >>5380511

shitty trolls are shitty

>> No.5380515

Holy shit. Do you not see the top and vertical outside dimensions are 12?

>> No.5380532

the shit is measured from the center of the opening end of the fitting. not from end to end. look at it closely you moron. if you still deny this than you're trolling.

>> No.5380545
File: 41 KB, 538x493, 1356319190334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed your drawing you idiot

>> No.5380549

welp I won. Can't wait to slap the shit out of real engineers at work.

>> No.5380588

damn it feels good to slap enginigs shit down.

>> No.5380607

Neurobro here, seems like you have a hella bad inferiority complex bro.

>> No.5380610
File: 95 KB, 803x761, axis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5380614

and you sir finally got it rite. Did you enjoy the problem? it should be in a trigonometry book in my opinion.

>> No.5380616 [DELETED] 


biology isnt a hard science brah. its for women.

>> No.5380625
File: 107 KB, 645x621, merge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380651

do you think my problem is worthy of being put in a trigonometry book?

>> No.5380668

No, I think you're a faggot with an inferiority complex. Your problem is poorly worded and nothing special. You want to be an engineer so bad it's hilarious.

>> No.5380670

welp you wasted your time solving it so lol at your stupid ass.

>> No.5380705

a mathematician, and or a physicist should be able to do it in even less time

>> No.5380710

It took the engies about an 2 hours to even get close.

>> No.5380738

I can't believe I (>>5378849>>5379074>>5379357 etc.) woke up to find this thread still open and this tripfag still bullshitting, I'm done trying to reconcile with you, you stupid faggot.

>Pretty sure none of that shit will be useful at the chevron refinery where I work and plan to be a project manager.
>Pretty sure I won't know how to use that shit at the chevron refinery where I work and plan to be a project manager.
And that's why you, and people like you, will never be a good Engineers. Quite simply; you're followers, not leaders. But hey, at least your company will have some monkey to sign of on more competent engineers' designs.

Yeah, no, I've been fixing engines with my dad, soldering, wiring and welding since I was ten, nothing technicians do is difficult, it's just -slightly- skilled hard labour (and I respect them for their hard work, not the knowledge they which is easily obtainable), why don't you just shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner.

>All I did was give advice to OP
Yes, horrible advice and I called you out on it.
>Any respectable math teacher will tell you that 90% of calculus is useless.
What you mean the introductory stuff? Obviously, you'll be using numerical methods to solve problems with algorithms written by Engineers much smarter than you, but those programs are useless if you don't understand the theory behind them.
You seem to like using that number when you're about to spout bullshit.

>You seem insecure since you felt the need to get on your high horse about being an engineering student so therefore claiming your opinion is more valid.
No, you were the one BS'ing about how in the "real world" this and that. You got called out by an actual engineer and now you keep BS'ing because of some gay bruised ego complex or something.

>> No.5380741

>Im an engineering student too but I respect the field guys more than faggots like you.
Because you don't understand that the two aren't even related yet.

>and yes you will very rarely use calculus in your actual engineering career.
More bullshit yah. There literally hasn't been a single day where I haven't needed calc.

>that allows your shitty engineering designs to work.
What? The laws of Physics allow our designs to work, that's why we study it

>Can't tell you how many times the foreman on jobs had to modify things to make the engineers design actually work.
>I was too incompetent to build something according to the Engineers designs, so I made things easier for myself.

>Also I can do the same level of math as you can so get off your high horse because compared to a real math major your math skills are dogshit.
No, you passed Calc. 3, you really need to shut the fuck up right now, I'd expect a Biology major to pass calc. 3

Another moron, have you noticed it would've been worthless to learn your industries specifics? But yeah OP should totally do that just in case.

>> No.5380743


>Implying we wouldn't have called him out on his bullshit regardless of what he put in the Name field

Can't believe you think small problems within manufacturing like this is even related to engineering. As for how the rest of the thread played it, the fault lies first in you because you did not clearly define the problem. This is typically due to a lack of communication skills and you really need to improve on that if you want to become an Engineer. Futhermore calc 3 Professsors aren't impressed with trig. so you are probably lying about that and none of the answers given in this thread is correct because you gave 10 sig. fig.s when you were only allowed to used one. An examiner in an engineering school would give you nought for that answer.

Even this better advice than the tripfag gave, at least you learn problem solving skills and information competency that can be applied elsewhere.

Solving book problems (specifically in engineering texts, not the "problems" in calc./pure science texts) help develop invaluable problem solving skills, go ahead and try to get someone to design a reactor without first doing the easy problems.



>> No.5380746

Wow, I really lost my shit didn't I, I need a break from the internet.

>> No.5380761

At least you figured it out.

It is funny to watch engineers wave their dicks about though.

>> No.5380765

This poster reeks of freshman or possibly sophomore year in engineering. Go to sleep kid, you engineers lost today.

>> No.5380767

He never actually figured out the problem and he clearly is no older than 19 going onto his second year in undergrad.

>> No.5380780

Why are engineers so insecure? Is it cause you're still in the closet?

>> No.5380783

I meant it was good that he figured out that he lost his shit.

>> No.5380787

Like I said earlier, I'm a Chemical Engineer with 2 years experience in the process industry.

He was referring to the fact that I figured out I'm wasting my life arguing with idiots on the internet instead of going out and finding a gf or something, which is why I will, in fact, be leaving this horrible thread forever after this post. Furthermore there is no actual "problem" posted ITT; if you don't understand the latter statement then congratulations you're everything that is wrong with STEM majors (PROTIP, those easy things you do in your texts are not real problems).

Yes, it's because enigneers are gay etc. xDDDDD

>> No.5380792

If you're a ChemE in the process industry than pipefitting should be rite up your alley.

>> No.5380806

lel at pipefitter posting without his trip. you are such a faggot guy.

>> No.5381108
File: 433 KB, 1874x1203, ss (2012-12-24 at 04.28.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is from one of my practice exams for dynamics, which is something every mechanical engineer has to learn.

>> No.5381204
File: 40 KB, 275x239, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saved that for later

This thread is delicious

>> No.5381402

Obviously the kid is lying and extremely insecure.

>> No.5381443

Mech eng.Hons here
grad 1996

Almost everyone in the degree had striped down or built a motor/steam engine, gear box, made suspensions, of some sort and dif before starting the degree.
, understood thermo on some level and fluids

Essentially about a life time of doing mech stuff before day one

>> No.5381581
File: 61 KB, 500x492, 132646582390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously all of you whom are arguing over hurr durr field smarts > book smarts you are ruinig the thread, I am actually interessed in this thread and you just go ranting over who is right or wrong and then make thread about advice a fucking contest on mech engineering, seriuosly what is wrong with you people why so mad???
I going to start mech engineering next year, and both pratical and book skills SOUNDS good advice, I know I still have a lot to learn but my common sense tells me BOTH are important at least to some degree, of course I don't need math of a fucking real math major, and I don't need the same skill with machines then the fucking head mechanist.
Both of sides have good advices, but is so fucking dificult to acknowloge the other side?

>> No.5381598

>oh boy a thread about building stuff with >100 posts!
>thread is about faggots arguing about what an engineer does

the more time you spend on /sci/, the less things you learn

>> No.5381659


>not learning how to fit a pipe

>> No.5381662

>ruinig the thread,
>Implying the thread had any value to begin with.