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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 834 KB, 1224x1584, 1356129984114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5376619 No.5376619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What has caused the race IQ gap?
What caused the different races to evolve differently?
Read the study in the picture before you claim it's all environmental.

>inb4 das racis
>inb4 /pol/
>inb4 its like at least virtually 100% genetic
>inb4 i'm jus gonna ignore all the studies done by scientists that show its genetic and claim its all environmental with absolutely no statistics to back my argument up
>inb4 some blacks are smarter than whites (I know that)

>> No.5376624 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 250x202, feeeeeellllllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no black gf

>> No.5379172

From my understanding as a person that lurks both communities, the userbases of /pol/ and /sci/ seem to disagree in matters of race.

Though /pol/ doesn't lose a chance to hammer the same tired infographics to the audience's heads, /sci/ seems to consider their view unscientific and doesn't usually bother debating it.

Can I inquire what /sci/'s view is on subjects of race, and why /pol/ is considered unscientific?

>> No.5379185

>no counter-evidence or facts
>"unscientific cuz dats RAYCIST"

just like IRL academia

>> No.5379191

I'm no expert, but I assume slavery was a factor. Nobody wants their slaves to get too clever.

>> No.5379196

I would really like to see a debate between the two boards on the subject.

I find debates the best way to gain knowledge on a subject, because the two sides that clash have an incentive in presenting their argument in an understandable form.

>> No.5379205

Politically Correct runs the country, regardless of how valid those studies are, pluralism dominates now so go back to the 40s u mad?

>> No.5379206

if g is genetic then it can just be assumed as inbred

mystery solved

>> No.5379209

also i bet black children born to black couples both of above average iq/g would have similarly above average iq/g scores

>> No.5379212

>implying /sci/ understands biology

thanks, but this is /physics/, /math/, and /false superiority/.

>> No.5379215

Can you clarify?

>> No.5379237


europeans have a higher average iq/g compared to africans because early europeans had a higher average iq/g compared to early africans

as for why um i dunno maybe early european conditions were more demanding and placed a higher evolutionary pressure on iq/g?

>> No.5379239

Actually African American blacks have higher IQs than Africans, so your theory is shit.

>> No.5379241

Usually not. Regression to the mean.

>> No.5379251

I frequent both boards and don't purport to speak for anyone but there are environmental and genetic explanations for differences in performance in various activities among the races.
It is a fact that different groups have different average cranial capacities, that brain size correlates with intelligence in humans to some degree, that different groups have different bodily proportions that are optimal for different environments and physical activities. It is also a fact that malnutrition and poor education have negative effects on intelligence and that stereotypes can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where people who are stereotypically good at some activity might be more inclined to participate, the opposite being true for people who are stereotypically bad.

tl;dr different ethnic groups have different strengths and weaknesses and it doesn't imply anyone is "superior" or "inferior" or that individuals can not break the mold

>> No.5379263

your post was so fucking horrible it gave me cancer
leave /sci/ and never return

>> No.5379269

Why? what's wrong with his post?

Maybe you should contribute a counter-argument instead of shitposting.

>> No.5379272

OP's image is a bunch of bullshit, if you actually had any idea what you were talking about you would know that intelligence is mostly based on environmental factors rather than genetics (assuming no genetic disadvantages such as a mentally incapacitating disease). It is the social aspects (where children grow up, what their parents are like, social stereotypes etc) and other environmental factors (such as diet) which determine intelligence.

>> No.5379277

He's pretty much right though. There are genetic predispositions linked to race, but all of them can be broken through thanks to a good environment.

>> No.5379278

Then you can definitely cite studies that prove that the social aspects are a more important determining factor than genetics, right?

>> No.5379283


this is still /sci/, right? if so, then there are two types of people in this thread: racists, and idiots.

there is no other option.

>> No.5379290

>encouraging nonscientific shitculture
You are the reason this board is not as good as it could be.

>> No.5379300

We'll never know, because nobody is allowed to research that.
And that's it.

>> No.5379305

Here you go dumbass:

Scarr and Weinberg (1976): Determined that black children adopted into white families had a higher average IQ than black children in black families.

Witty & Jenkins (1935): Proportion of
European ancestry in the high-IQ children
was neither more nor less than that in the
African American population at large.

>> No.5379308

>We'll never know, because it's entirely irrelevant.


>> No.5379311

Studies are published in single jpeg files nowadays?

>> No.5379313

Irrelevant to what?
Since when biological is research "irrelevant" in any way?

>> No.5379314


Can't be true. It hurts my feelings.

>> No.5379317

The first one doesn't mean shit unless those kids also have equivalent IQ to the white kids in those white families.

The second one is only valid if "high IQ" is equivalently defined for european or african-american, and that the bell curves of IQ are also the same shape between races.

>> No.5379318
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>> No.5379321

>if you actually had any idea what you were talking about you would know that intelligence is mostly based on environmental factors rather than genetics



>> No.5379322

All you're showing is some influence from the environment, not that it all comes from it.

Adoption studies show white kids perform better than black kids in any scenario.

>> No.5379323


Too butthurt. Didn't read.

>> No.5379330

lol look at this guy how anal frustrated he is

>> No.5379334

Cry harder. You got butt told.

>> No.5379339

If you mean the black children have equivalent IQ's to white children who were ADOPTED into white families, then I somewhat agree with you. However the study still showed significant influence from social factors.

"High IQ" is not defined by race, an IQ test is standardized independently of race and only measures GENERAL intelligence. However, there is more more variability WITHIN racial groups in IQ scores that BETWEEN racial groups.

Citations? Sources?

>> No.5379342

>madness somehow determines factual accuracy
So I guess you believe that you can make the contents of mathematics textbooks wrong just by shouting them?

>> No.5379346

>dat backpedalling

Are you embarrassed?

>> No.5379354

>implying it was the same poster
>being THAT insistent on not having a rational discussion

>> No.5379355

If by madness you mean anger/being upset, then yes it does determine factual accuracy. To be completely factual and accurate, one must have a completely objective perspective towards all "factual" arguments.

>> No.5379360

The difference in IQ is highly unlikely to be genetic in origin.
>Templeton, Alan R (2002). "The Genetic and Evolutionary Significance of Human Races". In Fish, Jefferson. Race and Intelligence: Separating Science from Myth. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
>Intelligence is both a quantitative and polygenic trait. This means that intelligence is under the influence of several genes, possibly several thousand. The effect of most individual genetic variants on intelligence is thought to be very small, well below 1% of the variance in g.
Simply put: Genetic variation between races is too small to contribute meaningfully to phenotypical differences in IQ.

>Read the study in the picture before you claim it's all environmental.
That is not a study.

>> No.5379362

Why do facts make you mad? Why does the truth hurt your feelings? Cry harder, babby.

>> No.5379363

You are aware that crazy people are still capable of reading and repeating actual facts, yes?

>> No.5379365

You shouldn't sage your post.

This is important information and it is rarely presented.

>> No.5379366

>Determined that black children adopted into white families had a higher average IQ than black children in black families.
This confirms that environment indeed plays a role in determining IQ.
This is an obvious fact. Only a complete bigoted retard would dispute this.
It says absolutely nothing about the converse, and for you to conclude that, since environment plays a role in determining IQ, genetics must not be a factor at all is some straight creationism-level bullshit.

Transracial adoption studies still consistently show that white children adopted into black families have higher IQ than black children adopted into white families. You can't pretend to use one half of the results to fallaciously support your argument, and then completely ignore the other half because they blatantly contradict your argument.

As for your second study, I'm not entirely sure what you were trying to say it concluded but extreme outliers occur in any race and to use a study of 63 to conclude that genetics cannot possibly play any role in determining IQ at all is making a mockery out of everyone who supports your argument.

>> No.5379368

>wants rational discussion
>his only argument is "fuck u stop hurting muh feelings durr stop posting facts I don't like"

I just talked to your dad. He says it's time for you to go to bed.

>> No.5379370

Crazy people yes, but not people so overwhelmed by their emotions. Emotions cloud judgement and make us subjective

>> No.5379374

I saged my post (and this one) because I don't want to bump that nonsense image in the OP. It's pseudoscience.

>> No.5379375
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>> No.5379377

Well, I guess I forgot to sage that one.

>> No.5379378

I can le sage whatever I want, pleb. It's my le downvote. Fuck you.

>> No.5379382

>The effect of most individual genetic variants on intelligence is thought to be very small
Of course.
However to then conclude that
>Genetic variation between races is too small to contribute meaningfully to phenotypical differences in IQ
is entirely fallacious, as it assumes there is very little genetic variation between races, an idea that is blatantly disproven by any serious research into racial genetics.

>> No.5379383

Nice try, idiot.

>> No.5379385

Sage isn't a downvote, you piece of reddit shit.

>> No.5379386

I never said genetics doesn't play a role in determining intelligence, I said intelligence is mostly determined by environmental factors.

If you're so confident about your claims about your transracial studies and these "extreme outliers" then please cite some sources and show me what you're talking about, maybe I missed something or maybe you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.5379387

do you hav an probLEms, nerd?

>> No.5379390
File: 338 KB, 487x390, buttniggerhurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379392

If you think sage is a downvote, then go back to reddit.

>> No.5379394

>being emotional somehow magically transmutes everything you say into a non-fact

>> No.5379396

Ignoring facts because they hurt your feelings is retarded. Deal with it. What's you're IQ?

>> No.5379397
File: 157 KB, 1180x1150, race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to dump fun nigger facts!

>> No.5379400

Yes. I agree that it is. But If I didn't bump it a day after its creation and a little before it died, You and the other anon wouldn't have posted the two studies, and those interested would not be a little more knowledgable of the subject.

Pseudoscience though it might be -and I personally agree with that assesment- it serves as incentive to discuss an interesting subject *and* to disprove it so that it won't be perpetuated.

I firmly support the idea that fallacious ideas can only aggressively be dealth with and not by trying to isolate them. That just grants them an unearned and undeserving status.

>> No.5379401

being emotional ≠ overwhelmed by emotions

>> No.5379403
File: 146 KB, 1198x1175, raceandcrime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5379405

Source on transracial adoption studies was already posted >>5379375
Before I say anything further about your second study can you please clarify what the conclusion actually was so I don't refute the wrong argument and get drowned in cries of "STRAWMAN!"

>> No.5379406

Fun nigger fact: Even the dumbest nigger is smarter than you.

>> No.5379411

You are so emotionally hurt lol. It's incredibly amusing. Are you anally bleeding?

>> No.5379412

lol but y u mad tho?

>> No.5379413
File: 187 KB, 600x1507, raceiqthreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except nothing has been disproven.

The majority of studies prove that blacks are less intelligent than whites and that g is mostly hereditary.

>> No.5379416

Point still stands. If some stupid nigger is driving me up the wall about some science fact, and I go apeshit; by your logic even if I read through a mathematical proof symbol-for-symbol, it's subjective/wrong due to my emotional state.

>> No.5379418
File: 839 KB, 1224x1584, raceiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5379421

>is entirely fallacious, as it assumes there is very little genetic variation between races, an idea that is blatantly disproven by any serious research into racial genetics.
And what research would you be referring to? For the sake of argument I ignored the fact that 'race' is not actually considered to be a valid biological construct. There's a difference between what you likely consider to be race, and geographical phenotype. There is very little variance between individuals that simply differ in phenotpyical traits like skin color.

>> No.5379427 [DELETED] 

Just go suck your mom's titties and come back when you stopped crying. Seriously, you're making yourself look ridiculously stupid right now, little boy.

>> No.5379428

>literally using an ad-hominem attack

>> No.5379430

Everything you said is just wrong. There is absolutely average genetic differences between human population groups (aka races). See >>5379397

>> No.5379434

You think that was an ad hominem? Either you don't know what an ad hominem is or you just admitted what a crybaby you are.

>> No.5379436

Cherrypicked infographics and charts are not studies. Sorry.

By the way I find it funny that you are usurping Russel's prestige to back your points when he was all for racial equality and intermariage.

Case to point:
"It is sometimes maintained that racial mixture is biologically undesirable. There is no evidence whatever for this view. Nor is there, apparently, any reason to think that Negroes are congenitally less intelligent than white people" —Bertrand Russell, New Hopes for a Changing World

>> No.5379437

>(of an argument or reaction) Arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.
>Attacking an opponent's motives or character rather than the policy or position they maintain.

>little boy

>> No.5379441

>Everything you said is just wrong
I love statements without arguments. I can simply reply with: No it's not.
>There is absolutely average genetic differences between human population groups (aka races).
We're talking about quantitative differences here. I never denied that there are genetic differences between geographical phenotypical groups. The image you linked to has no quantitative information, only qualitative. The issue is a matter of degree, and these genetic differences are too small to account for the variance in phenotypical IQ.

>> No.5379442

>Arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.
That's an "appeal to emotion", you fucking retard, not an "ad hominem". How uneducated are you? It's your main fallacy btw.

>>Attacking an opponent's motives or character
So you admit that being a little crybaby is part of your motives and your character? ROFLMAO

> rather than the policy or position they maintain.
Which has been thoroughly debunked. xD

>> No.5379446

Actually an argumentum ad hominem is an argument that attacks the author of an argument to discredit the argument. Just attacking the author of the argument or his behaviour because you consider it uncivilised or undesirable without also trying to discredit his argument based on that, does not consist an ad hominem but an ad rem.

>> No.5379449

>We're talking about quantitative differences here

LOL goalpost shifting, and you're still wrong. because they are quantitative.

> The image you linked to has no quantitative information, only qualitative. The issue is a matter of degree, and these genetic differences are too small to account for the variance in phenotypical IQ.

This argument is over. I officially declare you too fucking ignorant to continue. You lose.

>> No.5379450

First of all, this .png image does not support your claim that white children adopted into black families have higher IQ's than black children adopted into white families. This chart invalid because it doesn't correctly show the results of the study in a consistent way, where are the so called white children adopted by black families? All I see is a bunch of colors with no indicators.
The second study:
"Witty & Jenkins (1935): Proportion of
European ancestry in the high-IQ children
was neither more nor less than that in the
African American population at large."
- This study indicates that the proportion of European ancestry in high IQ children was the same as the proportion of European ancestry in most of the African-American population.

>> No.5379451

>how uneducated are you
>little crybaby

>> No.5379452

/sci/ is even shittier than /pol/

Keep being brainwashed, plebs.

>> No.5379453

Flynn effect. African Americans should've benefitted from it much more than africans.

>> No.5379456

And not a single argument was given that day.
>LOL goalpost shifting, and you're still wrong. because they are quantitative.
Holy shit, you don't even know what the word quantitative means, do you?
>This argument is over.
That's fine by me. Surrender accepted.

And as an added bonus, I'll leave you with this little gem:

>> No.5379462

On /pol/ of all places there is a troll (its trolling on /pol/)with a modern study showing race doesn't affect iq. I think it's all subjective to be honest.

>> No.5379467

Eh, just dumpin some interesting articles











>> No.5379471

if it's still live please link the thread.

>> No.5379474
















>> No.5379478

Notice none of these are links to any sort of actual scientific paper.

Sociology, anthropology, and social psychology aren't science.

>> No.5379483

...are you insane? those are the only sciences that matter
let me guess, you studied medicine? please get out with

>> No.5379486






















>> No.5379488

Wow, you clearly read none of these did you?

>> No.5379489

>implying sociology is not a harder science than physics

Any aspie can memorize formulas but a true genius can understand people.

>> No.5379490

>But, the available data strongly suggest that under existing circumstances, heredity is much more important than environment in producing individual differences in IQ.


>> No.5379496



>> No.5379499

LOL antiracist owned by his own evidence

>> No.5379500


And then anon was the little girl. Thank me later.

>> No.5379504

Right. But you're missing the point of the article.

>> No.5379503

I take it you read none of them, yes?

>> No.5379507


No, I'm not. I'm a woman.

>> No.5379509

And yet racists outright ignore sources when they're posted

>> No.5379510

Thanks for the dump anon. I Appreciate it.

>> No.5379514

im sitting here watching the football game right now. i can't help but notice every single wide receiver is black. every single running back is black. and that there is probably a 50/50 split between black and white players on the field, despite black people representing a much smaller portion of the population

so, uh, what is going on here? are white played being held back by environment?

>> No.5379523

Evolution stops at the neck.

>> No.5379528


Stopped reading there. How about you come up with a theory that has real evidence?

>> No.5379532

Personal incredulty is a fallacy you know.

>> No.5379534

You're mom is a fallacy.

>> No.5379535

Try actually reading the article before saying something stupid.

>> No.5379540

Race is a social construct, not a biological one.
>inb4 everyone ignores the actual scientific article and replies with .jpg horsecrap

>> No.5379541


Antiracists are automatically wrong.

>> No.5379543

You just admitted being wrong. lol

>> No.5379553

You seem to have forgotten that you're on the science board. Well excuse the fuck out of me for posting some actual science that doesn't agree with your preconceived notions.

>> No.5379555

Previous neutral on the matter, but the racists in this thread appear remarkably similar to creationists.

>> No.5379561

Please, just go, you're embarassing yourself.

>> No.5379562

Well, it works, holy shit, I'm a genius.

Where is my Nobel?

>> No.5379563

The article lists a few methodological criteria for good research. Does it disprove anything in particular?

>> No.5379569
File: 6 KB, 395x227, 1351896044180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with /pol/

>on 4chan

>> No.5379572
File: 12 KB, 251x207, 1349567466292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but biology is just applied mathematics! there's nothing I actually need to "understand"!1

>> No.5379574

When a side has obliterated the other, and the second throws a hissy-fit as a desperate last attempt at damage control, the audience knows.

>> No.5379578

Indeed. There's nothing to "understand" in biology. All there is is a shitload of facts to memorize. Biologists can't think. They simply repeat.

>> No.5379579

Yes. An often used argument (for instance in the image in the OP) is that regression toward the mean effects observed in studies comparing blacks and whites with high and low IQs to the IQs of their close relatives provide evidence of a polygenetic basis for the black/white IQ gap. However, one of the main issues with this argument is that regression to the mean is merely a statistical artifact and cannot be used to isolate potential causal factors. That's what the article I linked to demonstrates.

>> No.5379585
File: 3 KB, 126x122, 1347729155336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>113 posts and 7 images

This gotta be a /pol/ raid, because I doubt any /sci/entist would respond.

>> No.5379589
File: 20 KB, 388x362, 1341619536167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually a biologist so 0/10, not mad at all.

>> No.5379594 [DELETED] 

Are you serious pal? This is a goldmine of information on the subject. Some anon delivered close to 60 sitations and studies.

>> No.5379599

Like the /pol/ack hissy-fit that just occurred? I could hear the gorillas smashing their computers.

>> No.5379602

Yup. That's what I was referring to.

It was climactic as well.

>> No.5379604

Are you serious pal? This is a goldmine of information on the subject. Some anon delivered close to 60 citations and studies.

>> No.5379607

dunning kruger much?

>> No.5379622

>le funny buzzword

Are you seriously using psychology (lol) to make biology (lel) more scientific?

>> No.5379627

You must be really desperate if you have to discredit two entire scientific fields in order to maintain your illusions.

>> No.5379632
File: 13 KB, 407x482, cxcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's trolling you

>> No.5379641
File: 80 KB, 500x213, 1352580025460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I am accurately stating that your criticisms lack merit and reflect your own ignorance rather than fact.

>> No.5379644

>implying scientific fields

Are you trolling? WTF are you doing on a SCIENCE board?

>> No.5379649

The sentiment is mutual.

>> No.5379654

Kind of ironic that you're discrediting those two particular scientific fields in a thread about race and IQ.

>> No.5379656

do I make you mad?

you don't have a SCIENCE board, you have a math and autism board.

>> No.5379677

How the fuck are biology and psychology not science?

>> No.5379679

They don't reflect his point of view any more. Therefore they are not science.

Only his .jpg horseshit is true science.

>> No.5379699

>not being a race realist

>> No.5379995

Do I really have to? Is it the first time you discover the topic?
Do I have to quote the "Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study" again?

>> No.5380026

>Not being a creationist
You mean the study that was discredited in the links provided that you racists all ignored?

>> No.5380065

Like I said, not an expert.

>> No.5380084
File: 45 KB, 469x445, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380094

>bunch of links
>mostly blog posts
That's not how you do it.

>> No.5380105
File: 915 KB, 400x281, tumblr_me7qqo3jgx1rbs1f8o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any aspie can memorize formulas but a true genius can lie 24/7.

>> No.5380112
File: 21 KB, 250x250, george costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand what folks in the natural sciences mean when they say social science is not science.

>> No.5380147

>thread about why whites outperform blacks on IQ tests
>nothing about why Eastern Asians and Jews score higher than whites.

Come on guys. It's equally as interesting and might be able to explain the differences.

>> No.5380213

The problem with /pol/ is they try to use race as a means to condone genocide. Thinking with that logic I'd say Asians and Jews are smarter than whites and thus forth all whites should be exterminated to clear room for an Asio-Jew master race.

/pol/ tries to claim whites are superior but in reality we are only one minor tier above niggers. Look at the white trash in the south as a justification. As with niggers there are some smart whites but again exception not the rule.

Now onto why we shouldn't exterminate other races. Races create biological diversity, which is good. The minor variations in biology between different races are what keeps super-viruses and things like that from wiping out the human race. We are genetically varied just enough to prevent every single person on Earth from being wiped out by one disease. This is good.

>> No.5380267


I thought the size of the cerebral cortex was responsible for intelligence. Sulci and gyri I believe do increase the "size" of the brain allowing the brain to expand without increasing the size of the skull allowing for more neurons.

So I guess what I'm saying is that should have been worded better as to not give people the wrong impression that big head equals genius.

>> No.5380276

We don't give a fact about that here, this is really unnecessary.

That's why posting 50 links to blog articles where people give their opinion about stuff is off-topic.

>> No.5380278

I mean we don't give a shit about that, we care about facts.
Getting tired.

>> No.5380322

So you admit you read none of them? Good to know. Remember folks, facts are apparently liberal
Samefag who didn't read, we get it. Stormfags hate facts.

>> No.5380340


2/10. Nice try but no.

>> No.5380344

We only accept primary literature here.

>> No.5380352

I get it samefag. You hate facts and clearly read none of the links. It's ok. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.5380361


Diet high in iodine and Genetics, for asians at least.

>> No.5380365

>"m-maybe if I hide behind my huge copypasta t-they will buy it"

>> No.5380366

Bro, I am with you this time.

>> No.5380380

Huh, such behavior is actually more commonplace on /pol/ than /sci/. Tell me, why do you refuse to read the links? The facts appear to be discredited due to the fact that a minority of them lie in blog posts, in spite of citations provided in said blogs. Do they, perhaps upset your almost religious views on the subject? I say this merely as an objective observer.

>> No.5380384

>intelligence is real, objective, and measurable

Haha. Well, it's real. Stop reading right there.

>> No.5380385

>Tell me, why do you refuse to read the links?
Because it's not PR literature.

>> No.5380389

If you were to actually READ THEM. You'd find that not to be the case. I cannot make you afterall, I accept that any facts that contradict your views are not true and should be ignored. Understood.

>> No.5380391

If the blog post contains links to any meaningful studies why not link directly to the study in question then?

>> No.5380401

>You'd find that not to be the case.
Do you even know what peer-review means?
Or are those peer-reviewed BLOGS?

>> No.5380413

I take it you didn't read them did you? Links are provided on the pages. Besides that, you have yet to refute the non blog entries. And why do you only focus on the blog posts might I add? It appears that you are focusing on them alone so you do not have to read the rest of the links.

>> No.5380426

I don't have to refute anything. Blogs are opinion they shouldn't be taken as fact.

Link me right to the study and I will read it. I can't speak for the other anon but I jumped into this shit half way through so I don't even know what fucking study you're linking to and I'm not going through all the replies to find it.

>> No.5380439

There's a laundry list of them. And the blog posts are supported with facts, not pulled from someone's ass. Which reminds me why do you solely take up issue with the blog posts rather than the more formal ones?
You have yet to answer my question, did you read them?

>> No.5380444

>You have yet to answer my question, did you read them?
How many time do I have to answer it?
No, I didn't, because it's not peer-reviewed literature, and I don't give a fuck about the opinion of minor internet celebrities.

>> No.5380447
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I love how OP is getting booty bothered yelling "CITATION NEEDED" and his only argument is a picture with no sources.

>> No.5380453

>more formal ones
If it's just about being formal, you don't even understand the issue.
I hate to say it, but you suck at forming an opinion.
My advice is that you should stop voting.

>> No.5380456

>no sources
Can you read?

>> No.5380472

Eh, stormfags gonna storm. I love how they complain that nobody posts sources, then when they are posted, most of them fuck off and the rest scream NOT GOOD ENOUGH until their little hearts give out.
>peer-reviewed literature

And the non-blog posts are not? The actual blog posts are not supported by peer reviewed literature? The fact that you refuse to read and refute them just shows you are unable to make an argument against the facts. It's alright, I get it. "I DON'T NEED NO "FACTS" OR SAYANCE TUH TELL ME DUH TROOF".

>> No.5380474

From what I've seen the IQ gap between races isn't normally distributed so it isn't a physical gap; but merely an illusion because black people are not motivated to be educated/are educated.

>> No.5380485

I love you /sci/. You give me hope for 4chan.

>> No.5380482

So if there is an IQ gap, not saying it's not true, what do you propose we do about it?

Okay so one race lags intellectually behind another due to genetics? Are you trying to propose we do something about this? If so what? Is it ethical? Or are you just trying to bring the issue to our attention maybe so we can work towards advancing them? Are you trying to hold your superiority over them? Are you trying to prove us wrong?

What is the point of you making your thread is what I'm asking?

>> No.5380489

Do your own fucking bibliography man.
You gave NO literature.
By that I mean zero, nada.

You gave some links. Some of them might link to a web page with the pdf for an article, but that's NOT how you make a citation.
I'm not trying 50 links to see which one are proper articles.

>> No.5380492

>So if there is an IQ gap, not saying it's not true, what do you propose we do about it?
NOTHING, it's the fucking science board, we don't discuss policies, we discuss facts.

>> No.5380498

Aaaand yet you admitted you read none of them. Or their citations. I get it. No amount of facts can deny the divinity of lord jesus who created animals and the world in 7 days-oops, I mean genetic basis for IQ gap between races.

>> No.5380504

I tried 3, they were not articles, so I didn't go further.

Are you trying to pull the "burden of knowledge" thing on me here? Because that only works with proper citations you know.
You give a name, a date, and why you think this article is relevant.

>> No.5380517

I want OP's answer not yours. I have the feeling his goal is to imply we should force some policy regarding this which is why I'm calling him out on it.

>> No.5380521

It is not within my powers to MAKE you read anything. I cannot sit here and force you to read them all. For that, I apologize.

>> No.5380526

So it's an argument by motivation? Fan-fucing-tastic.
Besides, it doesn't matter if I'm OP or not, you're off-topic.

>> No.5380529

Name, date, journal.

>> No.5380540

Next time link ONE that is the most relevant, no more than two. Especially for an internet argument.

Nobody is going to waste the time reading 20 articles. If I linked you to 20 different articles supporting my view I can be damn well sure you probably wouldn't read them and rightly so, what a fucking waste of time.

>> No.5380560

Umm, no. I actually read articles because I'm not afraid to refute them nor ignore citations because facts hurt my feelings and religious/political views.

>> No.5380567

All of them. Now get to work.

>> No.5380569

lel so fanney

>> No.5380581

Then I guess you read all the articles quoted in OP's pic?

>> No.5380595

I literally do not care about the issue of racial IQ disparity enough to ever read that much information about it. Has absolutely nothing to do with my sensibilities. If it's true I don't fucking care, if it's false I don't fucking care.

It's not like it makes any difference either way. Comes back to >>5380482.

>> No.5380663


>mean IQ at age 17

Wow, you racist shit posters really have to cherry pick the FUCK out of your data, huh?

I would recommend you consider the fact that many children are adopted during puberty, after much of the brains learning capabilities have already largely developed.

Consider, a two toddlers. One has legos, toy trains, and coloring books to play with. The other has stuffed animals, toy weapons, and candy to play with.

Who do you think is going to do better on an IQ test by the time they are 17?

>> No.5380667

Samefag so obvious it is pathetic.

>> No.5380708

Fresh of the wikipedia:

Moore (1986) compared black and mixed-race children adopted by either black or white middle-class families in the US. Moore observed that 23 black and interracial children raised by white parents had a significantly higher mean score than 23 age-matched children raised by black parents (117 vs 104), and argued that differences in early socialization explained these differences.
Eyferth (1961) studied the out-of-wedlock children of black and white soldiers stationed in Germany after World War 2 and then raised by white German mothers and found no significant differences.
Tizard et al. (1972) studied black (African and West Indian), white, and mixed-race children raised in British long-stay residential nurseries. Three out of four tests found no significant differences. One test found higher scores for non-whites.

>> No.5380725



>> No.5380745

You sir are a complete disgrace amongst us racial realists. Please proceed to an hero.

>> No.5380754

Welp, now it's painfully obvious to see that this is your first day on /sci/.

>> No.5380769

Real scientist here, nobody except for sociologists and gender studies students actually believe races are equal, especially when it comes to intelligence. They just keep it to themselves.
All the people arguing for 'solely environmental causes' are either blacks, or social scientists who need to off themselves.
The fact of the matter is that genetics play the biggest part in determining intelligence, and by extension, racial based intelligence.

>> No.5380772

The one whose parents had the higher IQs.
That's all there is to it.

You can give coloring books and legos to a chimp, he's still a chimp.

>> No.5380773

> Race
> Real


> IQ
> Accurate representation of intelligence.

>> No.5380803

BSN in nursing, currently in dental school, etc. Yeah, yeah. Um, everyone knows intelligence is largely hereditary and environmental factors can harm what was great potential, but there just isn't a point in saying, "hurdur we're superior."

>> No.5380807
File: 70 KB, 445x768, coolcomparebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those who subscribe to this opinion are obviously ignorant of modern biology. Races are not something specifically human; races occur in a large percentage of species of animals. You can read in every textbook on evolution that geographic races of animals, when isolated from other races of their species, may in due time become new species. The terms "subspecies" and "geographic race" are used interchangeably in this taxonomic literature.

>The Biology of Race and the Concept of Equality
>Ernst Mayr, 2002

>> No.5380812
File: 65 KB, 600x490, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does not know how to use green text

>> No.5380818

Not the guy you are responding to but I agree with you that race is most certainly real and there are genuine biological differences between groups, some that may help or hinder however I hate the my race is superior to yours circlejerk, whether it's true or not is irrelevant and serves absolutely no purpose.

There are far better issues to dwell on in the world then "am I smarter than my black neighbor?"

>> No.5380823 [DELETED] 

Exactly. It's obviously real and stupid to dwell on to the point of hurdur we master race noaw, but people genuinely believe there's no difference between the races.

>> No.5380854

Race is not a real biological term.
Race is derived from a culture that likes to categorize.
People whom look black can have more Europeans that the typical blonde. You can't tell from their appearance.
IQ tests were made to HELP determine a learning disorder then later got picked up as a means for people to measure intelligence by people who were too stupid to realize that these tests are absolutely not a good measure of intelligence.

>> No.5380858

Yeah, sure, every "real" scientist knows this. That is why policies are not decided on hereditarian principles but on environmental principles. That is why the schoolbooks say nothing about human evolution. That is why geneticists and anthropologists, real scientists according to everyone but some epic trolls on /sci/, have been debating this for over a century.

This isn't about superiority or the existence of a master race. No one ever says that. Not even on /pol/ is that ever said. Asians and Jews always score better than whites, so it wouldn't even make sense to. It is only ever brought up as a strawman. Please stop doing that.

>There are far better issues to dwell on in the world
No, fuck off with the fallacies. How can this possibly fly as an argument? What makes human genetics/evolution any more or less important than any other field of research?

>> No.5380864

>This isn't about superiority or the existence of a master race. No one ever says that. Not even on /pol/ is that ever said

I'm gonna go ahead and guess you haven't actually been to /pol/?

>> No.5380866

> Implying haplogroups isn't the proper biological term
> Implying there isn't more diversity within "races" than between "races"

Cool story Vlad.

>> No.5380884

I wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.5380891

I'm a /new/sman, faggot. The typical /pol/ thread on IQ is similar to this one. Every mention of "master race" in this thread has irrefutably been as a strawman argument.

le epic trolly Jewwontin's fallacy xD
Cavalli-Sforza couldn't handle the edginess, that's why he renamed "race" to "population". they're still the same. "haplogroup" isn't even a meaningful term, that doesn't fit in here as anything more than a building block.

>> No.5380906

Bit of a pseudoscience thing you got going with this repetitive topic fascination.

>> No.5380918

I can very easily find at least one thread you claim doesn't exist and there would probably be more if it weren't for the whole gun rights issue being big on /pol/ right now. Even then you can still find individual posts in various threads that bring up the whole master race argument. Just go into some threads and Ctrl F niggers you're bound to find several results.

There is no decorum on /pol/, there is no intelligence on /pol/.


>> No.5380927

I'm sorry, where in that thread is this supposed master race talk you're talking about? Niggers are almost universally reviled. I don't see anyone in that thread using it as a false premise for "white superiority" through a "master race".

>There is no decorum on /pol/, there is no intelligence on /pol/.
Oh, guess who DOES pull the false premise fallacy? Thanks for the input. That definitely explains why /sci/ has been getting anally devastated by these /pol/ threads for so long. You're just too autistic to win arguments from unintelligent, uneducated retards from /pol/.

>> No.5380931


>> No.5380936

>implying the premise of the entire thread isn't implied white superiority relative to blacks
>implying that it's ever appropriate to use terms like nigger, subhuman, uncultured, etc when speaking in a scientific context
>/pol/ in charge of being intellectual

>> No.5380938

Nah, more like what this guy said

>> No.5380949


I cant believe no one has called this post out for being complete bullshit.

sage sage sage this anti-science thread

>> No.5380979


>> No.5380986

>implying the premise of the entire thread isn't implied white superiority relative to blacks
The thread very clearly is about black inferiority rather than any kind of superiority. You just want it to be about superiority so you can denounce all of us as white supremacists, the kind of moralistic fallacy warrior you can really only find in the Lamarckian/Boasian/Jewish wing of anthropology/genetics.

Yes, that is what tends to happen in the /sci/ board. Itt hould really be called /math/ because no one here can debate human biodiversity, not even when put up against laymen from /pol/. For shame.

That's not a constructive, argument against the premise of this thread. I'd call your post an anti-science post if I cared about that sort of thing. But I'm not a hypocrite.

>> No.5380987


Okay, well, if you dont know that you can practice for IQ tests, then you shouldnt be posting in an IQ thread. So...fuck yourself too actually!

And hey, I guess Im a "race realist" or whatever the fuck too

>> No.5380989

Hell yeah. Did you read that post? Dude was way rude. How is anyone supposed to be swayed by reasoning peppered with language like that.

>> No.5380992

Look, guys.

We dont really need studies to tell us that black persons very frequently do come across as mentally inferior. Ok there are outliers, but they only really serve to prove the rule.

Nobody wants blacks living next to them for example.

To pretend anything else is to be intellectually dishonest.

>> No.5380995

The premise is a sophistry and based in pseudoscience. Damn near bigfoot.

>> No.5380996
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I don't know what you're responding to.
>if you dont know that you can practice for IQ tests
Okay, and? Does this change anything?
>fuck yourself too actually!
I don't think I ever told you to go fuck yourself. That's not really something I would say.

First off, I don't think anything about my post was particularly rude. Certainly not if you look at what responded to and who I insulted. Unless you're a freshly imported newfag, you shouldn't even care about that sort of thing.

Second, my posting style has nothing to do with the essence of the argument. Whine about it all you want. I'm not trying to sway you, I'm not a demagogue.

>> No.5380997

Riddle me this: Its known and accepted that ashkenazi jews are genetically predisposed to an average IQ up to 15 points (one SD) over the rest of the population. Thats why they have this reputation for money hoarding, thats just what happens when one group of agents is significantly more intelligent than another, in a capitalistic free market.

Yet somehow its impossible from african blacks to be predisposed the other way?

>> No.5380999

lol, you have got to be joking. Not only are you rude, but willfully obtuse too.

>> No.5381000

>said nigger
>admitted he was insulting someone
>claimed he wasn't rude

try harder

>> No.5381002


>> No.5381006

The premise is that human beings are not innately equal and that they cannot be made equal. It isn't merely related to race. What about it is "sophistry"? What about it is pseudo-scientific? Are you going to cite Gould & Lewontin, disproven pseudo-scientists with a political agenda to prove us hereditarians are pseudo-scientific? Or do you not even know who those two individuals are?

literally void of content. stop making /sci/ look bad.

>> No.5381012

How is "nigger" rude?

>> No.5381020

If people who do good in math generally have higher than average IQ's.

And you want the black "IQ" averages to rise then why not just have the majority of black women to have children with black men who do well in math (and vice versa) instead of something else like sports?

>> No.5381161

>race IQ gap
You just don't know what intelligence really is.

>> No.5381166

that is the form of positive eugenics we should all endorse. sadly, current day government policies are more dysgenic than eugenic.

>> No.5381265

But nobody talked about intelligence, we are discussing IQ you dumb fuck.

>> No.5381281

Now seriously. Do people here actually think that all races have the potential to be equally intelligent and genetics doesn't play a role in it?

I refuse to admit that someone who is supposed to be rational believe in such bullshit. Please tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.5381752

You're not thoughtful enough to be wrong, because that would mean you were able to make any sense in the first place.

>> No.5381751

Actually I was referring to the "race realists"

>> No.5381762

>Dat samefag

We get it, you got raped and sent packing with your tails between your legs and spam insults now

>> No.5381798
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>> No.5381878

>What has caused the race IQ gap?
Culture. There is a black culture, at all levels of income, which is very anti-intellectual. It sees being smart as a "white thing", and so kids who are smart, or even average, aren't popular.

>What caused the different races to evolve differently?
Different locations. Darwin proved that pretty conclusively in the Galapagos Islands.