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5376075 No.5376075 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any reasons why a person shouldn't donate blood?

Do you donate your blood?

>> No.5376078

are you stupid? There are people who need blood from donor cant donate blood

>> No.5376080

I do occasionally, but lately I wonder if I should as i'm a deadbeat stoner.

>> No.5376084

I hate needles, I don't want scars on my veins

>> No.5376090

>Are there any reasons why a person shouldn't donate blood?

Tons of reasons exclude people from being allowed to donate blood. Sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, various diseases, a ton of medications, iron deficiencies, etc.

>Do you donate your blood?
Occasionally, yes.

>> No.5376092

Why not? It's a free way to check if you have AIDS, Hepatitis A, B or C

>> No.5376096

I've donated every time I could since I was 17 (how old you have to be here in the UK)

There are plenty of circumstances why it is unsafe to donate but if you can give blood i think everyone should at least once. I actually enjoy the experience. I just don't look when they push the needle into my vein.

>> No.5376098

yes, as frequently as I can without any chance of harm
it looks cool when all those tubes are connected to me
and I'm probably helping out someone

>> No.5376100

I'm gay, so no. I'm also a Dane.

>> No.5376106

Giving things away for free is against my religion, I'm Jewish.

>> No.5376110


>> No.5376111

I feel like shit after donating blood. I did it twice and could barely get back home. It's probably my shitty diet. I don't do it anymore.

>> No.5376112

I am not allowed to donate blood in Canada.
The reason is that I lived in the UK from 1987 to 1991 and the Canadian Blood Services agency says that anyone who lived in the UK that long at that period of time is at risk of having Mad Cow Disease.
The fact that I ate meat only like twice in all of those years doesn't matter to them.

>> No.5376114

I've never done it, because I hate needles. I should probably be less selfish.

>> No.5376116

Same thing with people from France/some european country in general. Its an effective way to curb potential risks.

>> No.5376117
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>It's probably my shitty diet.


>> No.5376118

Anemia. I suffered from this a while ago.

>> No.5376119



>> No.5376120

Low Iron.

>> No.5376124


I often starve myself due to negligence and being a poor college student with little access to healthy food. I'm actually talking out of ignorance here since I know close to nothing about this shit.

>> No.5376127

Do Danes have special blood or something?

>> No.5376128

Higher counts of gay gene in Danes. Risk of spreading the infection is high.

>> No.5376132

I spent more than 6 months in the netherlands during the 1980s.

So the usa does not want my blood, for fear of mad cow.

>> No.5376134

Because your is gay :

>> No.5376135

I do. And i feel like a sucker for doing so. Instead of developing cheap synthetic blood they just bleed the herd of sheep. It feels like i'm being an obstacle to progress in the interest of capitalism. And all i get for it is a sammich and a coffee.
I'm seriously considering quoting.

>> No.5376141

But we have cheap natural blood. Why would we develop cheap synthetic blood? Why wouldn't we focus on cheap synthetic organs instead? People don't just make those on their own.

>> No.5376144

Actually it's just having sex with men, not homosexuality. A virgin homosexual can give blood, a heterosexual victim of male prison rape cannot.

>> No.5376145

I don't know anything about synthetic blood, but not paying results in higher quality blood, because once you start paying you automatically get all the people who are deserate for cash right now, which is not correlated with being in healthy condition.

And yes, the same applies to men who have sex with men. They are more likely to have certain diseases, like HIV, which is why they are screened. Black women probably should be too but I doubt that will ever happen.

Israel does ban Ethiopians, for some technical reason it isn't discrimination when they do it.

>> No.5376147
File: 101 KB, 343x378, 125158773175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead of developing cheap synthetic blood they just bleed the herd of sheep.
>implying we don't have people working on that as we speak
>implying it's trivial
>implying letting people die in the meantime would make it go faster
>implying the fuck

>> No.5376150

Because i don't think we can have cheap synthetic organs if we don't even have cheap synthetic blood. The blood is an intermediary step towards the greater goal of organs.

>> No.5376161

>Are there any reasons why a person shouldn't donate blood?
Yes, people with diseases such as HIV or hepatitis should not give blood, as they might spread their infections.
It is also not safe for people with heart conditions to donate blood.
If they are safe and healthy and not prone to fainting, then I see no reason not to.

>Do you donate your blood?
As frequently as I can.

>> No.5376170

They say I can't give blood because the risk I'm suffering from an infection from my marijuana needles is too great

>> No.5376174

I hate needles, so I don't donate my blood.

>> No.5376181

>I hate needles
So do I, but overcoming your fear can make the difference between another person living or dying.
Which is the priority? It seems obvious to me.

You should try to overcome your fear.

>> No.5376185

>marijuana needles
I do not think you are supposed to inject that.
Do they not usually just smoke it?

>> No.5376186

i dont mind getting shots
and i COULD donate blood and have a couple times
but i absolutely fucking hate the experience and need to lie down in the trailer for like 20 minutes after doing it
also i am fairly certain the enormous amount of thc metabolites in my bloodstream at all times would disqualify me

>> No.5376190

Not really, on that basis you should give away all your money to medical research.

You need to understand the difference between the average unit of blood, and the marginal unit of blood.

>> No.5376193

I don't feel like passing out on purpose.
I can sit perfectly still for the needle, but I pass out almost every time.

>> No.5376195

I don't donate my blood because I'm selfish.

>> No.5376203

I can spare a small amount of my time to save a life, and also a small amount of my money.

It is not the same as giving up 'all' of my money.
I still do need to buy things. :)

>> No.5376208

Well OK then, that is not your fault, and if I were prone to fainting then I also would probably not donate.

>> No.5376209

Is there any chance of getting adverse reactions to infections due to decreased counts of white blood cells?

>> No.5376231

You missed the second part. You are not actually saving a life when you donate blood, any more than a farmer is saving a life when he harvests wheat.

>> No.5376241

>You are not actually saving a life when you donate blood
Are you not?
Without that blood transfusion, the patient would die, no?
They are only able to receive the blood because somebody donated.
Without those donations, how would the patient not die?

>> No.5376244

If you donate blood you keep people alive and people are the number one cause of global climate change

>> No.5376250

>Without that blood transfusion, the patient would die, no?
Ok, find me one case where a person needed a transfusion and then died because there was no blood available.

>> No.5376252

>Without those donations, how would the patient not die?
They'd use someone else's blood, seeing as the number of people willing to donate is way more than the actual demand and the Red Cross has like 5 years worth of blood saved up on ice.

>> No.5376255

Just because I can not find one does not mean that it has never happened.
But I imagine that when stocks start to run low, more blood drives are set up, and more advertisements are sent out.

They would not be so foolish as to let the stocks literally fall to zero.

>> No.5376256

>and the Red Cross has like 5 years worth of blood saved up on ice.
Blood doesn't last that long bro.

>> No.5376260

>seeing as the number of people willing to donate is way more than the actual demand
It needs to be this way.
And I will always be one of them, to help make this still the case.

>> No.5376265

I think that they can. It is dehydrated and then stored. It lasts a long time.
They can rehydrate it before use, for when it is needed.

>> No.5376266

>Ok, find me one case where a person needed a transfusion and then died because there was no blood available.

Besides, normally what happens is that if they don't have blood available, they won't perform the operation to begin with. If lack of blood is the reason you don't perform a necessary operation and the patient dies, then I don't think it's unreasonable to say the blood shortage killed that patient.

>> No.5376268

The point is that if giving blood is a major hassle for some people, and a trivial inconvenience for others, why are you saying the people that it's a major hassle for have to give blood, when there is already plenty.

It's great that you give blood, but get off your high horse telling other people who have different circumstances what they should do.

>> No.5376274

You can cryo-store blood for ten years but it's only done for rare blood types because of the added difficulty involved.

>> No.5376281

I donated blood 2 days ago. Free drinks and biscuits plus lots of hot milf nurses. Good times to be had by all.

>> No.5376285

It is not really a 'major hassle', is it?

>It's great that you give blood, but get off your high horse telling other people who have different circumstances what they should do.
I have not said that 'everybody should give blood', because we do not need that much.

I think it is a good thing to do, but people can find ways to be good in lots of different way; this is just one available option.

>> No.5376286

My grandma was hospitalized yesterday and would probably had died if not for the transfusion, so I'm probably gonna start giving blood

>> No.5376289


She should have died. We need less old people.

>> No.5376290

Good for you. :)

And I hope that your grandma is OK.

>> No.5376299


She'll hopefully make it, she still has some good years left

>> No.5376300

You should not say that.

Suppose that your parents, or any elderly relatives you have, die. How will you feel if all that you hear from other people about that is that they "should have died. We need less old people."?

>> No.5376301

I hate how they dont tell you important things while donating. For example they give you a ball to squeeze and tell you not to squeeze too fast.

They dont tell you that squeezing too fast could cause dizziness or fainting. They also dont tell you squeezing too slowly could allow your blood to clot in the needle, forcing them to restick you.

They also dont mention total donation time is directly related to.squeezing speed.

They do tell you to drink free orange juice. They dont tell you it is fortified, and will spike your blood glucose levels. Or that eating the free cookies make it worse.

>> No.5376303


Well I'd obviously be sad because that's the emotional response that society has conditioned me to feel.
In reality, we do need less old people.

>> No.5376305

seeing as it is 4chan and i am not fucking retarded, i would not give a single fuck and proceed to the next thread you incorrigible shitposter

>> No.5376307


to be fair I wasnt very offended. It's worth at least realizing that while grandma gets health care from the norwegian government less fortunate people in their 20s die over issues that could've been fixed for 100$

Still I'm happy granny made it

>> No.5376364

If I donated muh blood, whoever received the transfusion would probably OD.
Because drugs.

>> No.5376380

Fuck helping others, the day I give blood to save someone's life is the day all the armies of the world lay down their arms and make peace.