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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5371565 No.5371565 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any science which is light on math?
That probably sounds stupid to you all. I just can't concentrate on math and I am barely interested in it. I've finished calc I, so is there any science which does not require mathematics ability above calc I?

>> No.5371569


>> No.5371570

Science without math is termed "soft science". Aka, not a science at all.

>> No.5371571


>> No.5371576

my university is awful

>> No.5371579

There's a reason they're called "social sciences".

>> No.5371580

Yay for psychology, anthropology and sociology then.

>> No.5371581

Pretty much every field of science that isn't heavily related to physics.

>> No.5371594

How much math do you need to be a doctor?

>> No.5371623

Typically just two semesters of calculus. If you can grit it out for another semester this is probably your best option.

>> No.5371625


>> No.5371635

Ehhh isn't calculus II the hardest one?
It's not that I can't do math, I just don't like it. Would it be used heavily in the actual job?

>> No.5371642

>doctors using calculus
>"Oh my god. The rate of growth of this tumor is too high! Quickly, doctor. We must use Riemann sums to compute the net change in volume before it is too late!"

Are you serious?

>> No.5371656

Then why waste time on calculus?

>> No.5371663

4 years of bachelors, 4 years of MD, and 5 years of residency isn't enough?

>> No.5371661

Doctors want high salaries so the governemt makes artificial requirements to limit the supply of doctors so that they all get payed a lot.

>> No.5371666

Because calculus is going to weed out the weak, right?

>> No.5371672

To bottom out the retards, same reason why there is undergrad classes, makes everyone feel special tell you have to preform

>> No.5371670 [DELETED] 


Doctors form cartels called "Medical Associations." These set targets for med school/residency slots every year. The government does has some secondary input into these targets, but it's main role is enforcement and funding.

It is a great gig, the last true guild.

>> No.5371676

That is the other part of artificially high requirements.

>> No.5371677



Doctors belong to cartels called Medical Associations. These cartels set med school/residency slots, which in turn determine the number of doctors entering the market in any given year. This keeps wages on a stable upward trend, because doctors will happily bankrupt the country to gild their pockets. Any doctor who claims that they practice medicine primarily to help people - but still practices in North America rather than a refugee camp 0 is a liar.

The government enforces this gating by jailing quacks.

>> No.5371683

of course. biology, and all the 'soft sciences' below them (psychology, sociology, etc), and hell even chemistry doesn't need that much math beyond calculus.

but understand that the less math is involved in your field, the less you really know something. Math is the ultimate knowledge. There's not debate about whether or not math is right or wrong. it absolutely is true. And the sciences that can use this to make mathematical laws to predict the world around us give us the deepest insight into the real nature of the universe.

not to say that things like psychology and sociology are worthless, but I think they shouldn't be taken as seriously as they are. Yeah they might have some corroboratory evidence but that doesn't make it fact. At least not the same kind of facts we get from the mathematical sciences.

>> No.5371699

I like psychology, I just have a hard time accepting it. I'd prefer something a little harder like measuring something REAL in the brain, not abstractions based on behavior, if that makes sense.
I just don't want a job where I have the painful stress of doing math and needing it to be right. I just could never do that.

>> No.5371702

This, Math is truth.

OP, how can you try to do science and not enjoy math to some degree?

>> No.5371709

I find it incredibly stressful
There is a single finite answer, and if you miss it even in the slightest, you've failed miserably.

I don't understand how that doesn't terrify people. Like, how can people work at NASA and be comfortable sending people into space based on _calculations_?
50% of the time when I compile a program I wrote something is wrong with it

>> No.5371717

Practice enough of it and you get over that. I remember being there. After a while...you just stop making computational mistakes. I'm talking about math, not programming. But after a while, you just don't mess it up anymore. It's really powerful stuff at that point.

>> No.5371720

On anything? I finished Math1210 calc but then failed Math1000 intro to stats. Maybe something is just wrong with me

>> No.5371724

There is no evidence that nature follows mathematical laws. It's only known that the existing experimental data agrees with the fitted models to a certain number of decimal places. "If it doesn't agree with experiments, it's wrong."

>> No.5371730

because they check it over and over and over and really understand how it works.

>> No.5371731

Stats are not math. I refuse to call them math.

>> No.5371740

Yep, I don't have the most basic understanding of how math works. Always feels like I can do the motions but never really 'get it'

Like, if I look at a piece of art, I 'get' what the artist is expressing, I get how he did it, I get why he did it. With math I just don't really know. None of it seems to come together, it's more like memorization.

>> No.5371755

probably cause you don't understand the more basic material that your current studies are based on. There's not nearly enough emphasis on the importance of reviewing old material in mathematics, and it's really really based on knowing the previous stuff.

you can give up if you want and do something else that you find more interesting, but don't think it's cause you "can't do math".

>> No.5371784
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>science which is light on math
no such thing.

Otherwise bullshit like CS, Biology, psychology, geology, Pol Sci, etc. would be consider sciences.

>> No.5371796

I'm a CS student

>> No.5371801


>> No.5371807

No CS is totally lame. The students are lazy, the coursework is easy as fuck.

>> No.5371809

Die painfully, board poisoner

>> No.5371812


>> No.5371814

Computer Science is applied math. I admit our education system leaves much to desire but once you reach the real world actual CS jobs require a shit ton of math.

>> No.5371824


>> No.5371829

>real world actual CS jobs require a shit ton of math

Real world jobs are mostly in the domain of code monkeying. Most of academic research isn't even very mathy. Only a very small amount of global CS research is math related, and that is usually carried out my mathematicians.

>> No.5371833

It really depends on how far you want to take it. Even the softest of sciences has a shit load of math in it when you get to the PHD level. Good luck getting published without developing a statistical model behind whatever it is that you are doing.

>> No.5371835

computer science isn't a science

>> No.5371836
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>gif related

>> No.5371838

Daily reminder:
170 citations

>> No.5371839

Try working for someone of value like Microsoft/Google and not using a shit ton of math to optimize your code. A ton of those code monkey jobs are done by people who don't even have degrees, not like degrees would help them.

Trust me I'm an Apple "software engineer" and I use math every single day so that all you idiots can play Angry Birds while pooping.

>> No.5371841

So I should switch to math major? The thing I enjoy the most about CS is the math involved in figuring out something new or how an algorithm works.

>> No.5371848

Because mathematics is scientific literacy.
Sure you can choose to be a factotum of medicine and just shit what you were fed, but ideally a doctor should be able to process information himself and make intelligent choices when need be.

>> No.5371852

I got my CS degree at MIT and am happy with what I learned. Just don't let yourself get stuck in a code monkey job.

>> No.5371857

Masters? I'm working on bachelor's right now. But it's at an in-state school in the south. Not GTech

>> No.5371866

Someone hasn't been to the QA section of his uni's library EVER.

>> No.5371874

Masters. There was a large break between the two actually where I had to slave for Apple but then they paid for my Masters because they love me.

>> No.5371919

I don't understand what's wrong with "code monkeying". Isn't the only thing that matters the end product? If there's no need to use math to get there, why does it matter?

>> No.5371928

Any social science, really.

>> No.5371931

If you're not interested in math you're not interested in science.

TLDR: go be a faggot art major

>> No.5371940

Funny you should say that -- have a double major in art and CS finishing next year but want to get a degree that I will ENJOY and will get me a job

>> No.5372029

You'll die bored if you get stuck with a job where all you're doing is making stupid cellphone apps for companies where you just interface their website constantly.

>> No.5372047

how is the other stuff more fun where you'll be stressed with deadlines?

>> No.5372062

>crosses out computer
My sides. Why'd he do that?

>> No.5372098

>My sides. Why'd he do that?
>crosses out computer



>> No.5372101

A lot of psychology does use mathematics

>> No.5372130
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I know i'll be looked down upon for this, but...

I am getting the general feeling that all you cold as steel math bitches do not realize the value of Biology.

Well how would you like not knowing where we came from, as well not knowing the makeup of genetic material?

It would suck. So give us biologists, in my case mycologist, a break.

>> No.5372151

Biology is definitely legit. I'm an engineer but my girlfriend is doing a cell bio research internship right now. Definitely a lot of math, mostly concerning statistics and modeling. It's pretty neat actually.

>> No.5372152

Ok but when I'm baby-sitting you in introductory physics lab I don't want to hear any bitching about lab being boring.

>> No.5372194
File: 42 KB, 391x410, 1291089634001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Undergrads telling each other that mathematics is absolutely essential to everything in order to make themselves feel better about having to do shit loads of maths in that box ticking facade of education in 'murrika.

>mfw I'm a research chemist for Dow Chemical and didn't take anything maths above basic log rules and I've never even needed to do that.

>> No.5372202

No one believes you b/c anyone can look at university curricula (and ACS accreditation criteria) and see that three semesters of calc, diff. eq., and a rudimentary course in matrix or linear algebra are required of most chemistry majors.

TL;DR you're a decrepit old man, a troll or both.

>> No.5372211

If you think Biology doesn't require Math, you're going to be sorely disappointed...

>> No.5372236



Maths are true because we make postulates/axioms and derive their logical consequences. Whether these postulates/axioms apply to the universe, we don't know, or rather most of the time we know that they don't, they do only approximately. One example : in physics we use almost always continuous functions of time and/or space to describe pretty much anything. Acceleration of an object as a function of time, temperature in a material as a function of space and time, electric current in a wire as a function of time. Are time and space continuous? What the fuck do we know. At our macroscopic scale they appear to be so we know we are making good approximations, but that's it. We don't know how the universe works, we know how it approximately does.

>> No.5372245

I understand that math is a useful tool any and everywhere, but people look down on biology. I did calc I and II twenty years ago or so, but my field of work does not itself require any math really. I look through a microscope essentially four hours a day, do field work the other four.

>> No.5372247


>> No.5372277

that doesn't mean biology requires no math, it means that what you do specifically requires no math

>> No.5372287
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BSc in my country means you can pick any papers you want, so you can skip almost every maths paper. Your major is based on a number of points under each subject. Got a student work placement for the summer, they said I should come back when I graduated.

Here I am.

>> No.5372323

I think everyone should at least take calc 1/2. I took them in high school and it blew my mind