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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5370084 No.5370084 [Reply] [Original]

>Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures

>> No.5370089
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>for 3 marks

>> No.5370088
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>not knowing sig fig rules

>> No.5370092
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>Use the answer from the previous queston to...
>both give the same marks

>> No.5370094

As a mathfag I'm glad I don't have to deal with this bullshit.

>> No.5370097
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I'm more referring to the 'appropriate' part of the question, even if you give the answer the same amount of S.F it gives in the question it can still be wrong, it's utter bullshit and such a cheap way to lose marks

>> No.5370101
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>Answer question
>Move onto the next
>After reading it you just answered it in your previous question
>know that you've fucked up

>> No.5370103

>even if you give the answer the same amount of S.F it gives in the question it can still be wrong, it's utter bullshit and such a cheap way to lose marks
Sig figs rules aren't as simple as just spitting out the same number that went in. If you're getting marked off for that, it means you fucked up along the line. Sig fig rules are consistent in application and, while somewhat arbitrary, not open to on-the-fly reinterpretation.

Learn your sig fig rules.

>> No.5370106

Also sig fig rules are important. It's not just a cheap way to mark you down, the precision with which you can report your measurements matters when you do real science.

>> No.5370115
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>100 multiple choice questions
>finish filling out scan sheet
>only 99 questions answered

>> No.5370117

>Sig fig rules are consistent in application and, while somewhat arbitrary, not open to on-the-fly reinterpretation.

The general rule with an exam is when they say appropriate they mean use the name number used in the question, but every now it doesn't line up like that and it's very frustrating

>> No.5370118

>be French
>do that on military draft day
>get classified as illiterate
>get taken into an isolated room
>"what's your job, Anon"
>"engineering student"

>> No.5370122

If you're having sigfig problems
I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems
but elementary math protocol ain't one

I wasn't aware anyone had trouble with sigfigs.

>> No.5370125
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SF i'm fine with, if they said give your answer to X number of SF I'd be over the moon

>> No.5370129

the number of sigfigs follows from the information they give you/the information you find in your experiment.

>> No.5370135
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>be typing out a essay only a few hours before its due
>print it out and hand it in not looking
>next day teacher asks to see me after class
>"Do you have a learning disability, Anon?"
>"What? No!"
>hands me my essay
>every single word is spelled wrong
>mfw teacher treats me like a retard the rest of the year

>> No.5370139

>every single word is spelled wrong

Sounds like your teacher is right...

>> No.5370143

>spelled is the past tense version of the verb 'spell'.
>spelt is a type of wheat.

>> No.5370144
File: 33 KB, 289x281, Beetlejuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he can't type without looking at the keyboard

>> No.5370148
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Yep, and like I said before, every now and then that rule goes out to window for no reason and you drop a mark

>> No.5370150

if you can explain why your answer is right, they'll probably give you points back.

>> No.5370154

This exam board wouldn't, least nothing I've read in the examiners notes implies that

>> No.5370192

>Grade physics exams
>Spend less than half a second checking if the number they get is within order of magnitude correct
>Hardly any points assigned to it anyway

>> No.5370195

>mfw my Chem course only requires 3 sig figs for any question
>mfw half the class doesn't know sig fig rules for pH and midterm average is 48%
>mfw no face is adequate for how hilarious I found that

>> No.5370217

Goddamn OP, you're retarded. The appropriate amount of sigfigs is the lowest number they give you in concrete data. If you are given 12.2 and 3.05 your answer should be 37.2, because that 0.01 is not a significant figure from the data given.