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5367676 No.5367676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

genius or kook?

>> No.5367680

Pussy who can't handle the thought of dying. Pic related.

>> No.5367685

pseudoscientist and cult leader


>> No.5367684
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Captcha ate my picture.

>> No.5367691

This. I haven't seen someone so terrified of death since the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

>> No.5367694

is there any actual evidence of his exponential technological growth theory? have yet to see any

>> No.5367741

the problem isn't whether this theory of technological growth obtains, but what it implies. Exponential growth isn't magic.

>> No.5367746

Why is it anti-transhumanists are always so adamant about insisting that the only reason people are transhumanists is extreme fear of dying?

I can't help but feel like you're projecting or something, there's really no logical way to conclude masturbating over ridiculous fantasies of the future absolutely has to be motivated by fear of dying.

>> No.5367758

All escapism is denial of mortality.

>> No.5367761

It's not the only reason. It's just the major reason.

>> No.5367768


Because most (note I say most, not all) radical life extension proponents ooze it out of every orifice like some kind of smelly goo. It's just an alternative to religion for comforting yourself that death is not the end.

>> No.5367766

> projecting
sage for off-topic but how buzzword is "you're projecting" right now? Is it more or less buzzword than "you don't know what projecting means"?

> on topic
Of course retarded fantasies of the future don't *have* to be motivated by fear of dying but the promised utopia (I'm sorry, "logical consequence of exponential growth") just happens to address those particular fears. By coincidence, plainly.

>> No.5367791

> muh google
welp there goes the neighborhood