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5365926 No.5365926 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: General Engineering discussion

Most importantly, is engineering a decent career path?
Does it have a good outlook for the future?

>> No.5365935


>> No.5365945

1.do you mind repetitive number crunching?
2.do you like gay sex?

>> No.5365950

1. not really
2. no

>> No.5365953

ITT: People not smart enough for engineering

>> No.5365962


Mechanical engineering senior here, had two internships for a total of one year of work experience. It's a GREAT career path. Jobs are easy to get if you have decent grades and you are not an autistic sperglord. The outlook for the future is very positive. There will never be a lack of demand for engineers.

>> No.5365958

What do you know about it?

>> No.5365964

You stupid m8?
Be more specific. Specify a type of engineering.

>> No.5365969

Aerospace, Mechanical, Mining. Not as much mining as the other two, but I heard mining could explode soon

>> No.5365970

>Most importantly, is engineering a decent career path?
Well yeah, obviously.

>> No.5365973

Is the schooling hard? Everyone always says that engineering is one of the hardest courses in college, but it can't be that hard right?

>> No.5365981

Mechanical is easy bro.

>> No.5365982
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>mining could explode soon

Often happens in mining.

>> No.5365985

It is hard, it will probably be the hardest thing in your life so far unless you're some kind of national math champion or something.

>> No.5365987

Oh you.

>> No.5365997

Asteroid mining!
But that's probably so far off in the future that you're better off with aerospace to help us get there.

>> No.5365994

I mean, I'm looking into it now, so obviously I'm math competent. What do mechanical engineers even do? Isn't it sort of a broad topic like "engineer" in itself?

>> No.5365995


It is the hardest major (IMO) but not for the reasons you would think. Yes, they physics/math/problem solving is intense, but it also has a lot to do with the workload. Consider also the need for motivation. Engineering is the sort of thing you need to be extremely motivated for. The difficulty varies between engineering types and even subsets of the majors. I can tell you that in Mechanical engineering the easiest subset is Design while the hardest is Thermal-Fluids (my area). We use just as much math as physics majors in TF but the Design guys don't do anything past trig in practice.


Some subsets of it are easy.

>> No.5366001

I'm in my third year of getting my electrical engineer degree. School is a pain in the ass, but I suppose the pay off is good.
Also since the older generation is retiring there's an abundance of jobs and not many people to fill them. You're pretty much guaranteed a job.

>> No.5366002

Motivation is sort of a weak point for me, but engineering seems like the only kind of career path I'd enjoy following.

>> No.5366005

Is making ass tons of money not a good enough motivation?

>> No.5366007

>You're pretty much guaranteed a job.
this is what people who major in engineering actually believe.

>> No.5366014

Actually it won't be that far off, in a few years NASA is planning on sending a team to land on an asteroid. So if they find valuable resources it's hard to imagine the amount of possible outcomes that could arise.

>> No.5366015


>>5365995 Here

The four main areas are Design/Mechanics, Control Systems/Dynamics, Thermal Fluid Sciences, and Materials Science.

I've been a Design engineer. It's the "mechanical" side of mechanical engineering. A lot of CAD work, spec-ing bolts, GD&T for drafting, that kind of stuff. Important and requires skill, but not much in the way of school. Control Systems can be compared to robotics. So yes, mucho math. Materials Science is closer to Physics, specifically condensed-matter physics. Thermal Fluid Sciences (my area) is pretty obvious. Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Combustion, etc.

>> No.5366018

Technical careers: Manufacturing, design, research

Other careers: Management, finance, consulting

>> No.5366022


Guaranteed? No. Much more likely than most majors? Yes. I have job offers and I haven't even graduated. That's true of virtually everyone in my major.

>> No.5366027

I don't see why anybody thinks an engineering degree isn't one of the most employable degrees you can get. Is it just some elaborate troll/meme I have yet to catch onto?

>> No.5366029

Was there any specific reason why you guys wanted to go into engineering?
For me personally I wanted to work in robotics.

>> No.5366030

Don't listen to this guy. I have a masters in mechanical engineering and I can tell you for a fact that 50% of my class now work in finance or management. Probably only 10 -15% or less are involved in anything actually related to engineering

>> No.5366026

No. I could live off of welfare pirating vidya on a shit laptop and be satisfied.

What would I have to do in order to start my own firm or do something interesting for the government?

>> No.5366032

I'm thinking of studying aeronautical engineering within a propulsion subset/area

>> No.5366033

Be gud.
Don't forget to suck some cocks (or "networking" as it's called).

>> No.5366035
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>> No.5366037

I like planes and I read somewhere recently about the X-51A waverider and busted in my pants trying to process a SCRAMjet

>> No.5366040

I don't get it.

>> No.5366042
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>> No.5366046


Mah nigga. Going to grad school for that shiz next year!

>> No.5366043


I never claimed otherwise. I was referring to people that actually go into engineering as a career. I understand your degree =/= your career.

>> No.5366048

I don't get how that's supposed to be a troll post when it's pretty much true.

>> No.5366049

Do they not include management/finance in your degree programme?

>> No.5366051


I love science and math, but more importantly the application of it. Additionally, I am enthralled by weapons and military aviation. A natural choice for me was engineering.

>> No.5366052
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>Materials Science is closer to Physics, specifically condensed-matter physics

What are you smoking? I'm a materials and chemical engineer for 15 years and never come close to anything like this. Are you just shitposting about what you THINK materials is about?

>> No.5366054

Small world, huh? I don't think I'll follow through, I have no motivation and I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. The American Dream is gone, and now the only thing on my mind is debt and life. Feelsbadman

>> No.5366058


We had two engineering economics classes and you could get a business minor if you wish. The "management" part was encompassed by our design courses since you're doing project management.

>> No.5366059


Well I guess I was referring to Materials Science within academia. I'm sure it is different in industry. My b.

>> No.5366062

He's not entirely wrong, M.science is a really large field.
I did my masters in spintronics, and it was in the materials science institute.

>> No.5366061

Funny thing is those two classes along with design will probably be of more use to the majority of people in your course than the rest of your degree

>> No.5366064

How are your grades/what are you majoring in?

>> No.5366065


Yeah, if you're questioning it now, you may want to do something else. Go to school with some major in mind, but take a variety of classes and see if you like something. Learn by doing. Maybe look into becoming a machinist or something. It's a very skilled and important job.

>> No.5366069

I could use some advice from engineerfags. I'm still in junior college, but I'll be transferring to a university soon and I can't really decide on which engineer path to go down.
I was interested in working on robots and military weapon systems. pls don't laugh ;_;

>> No.5366071

I like that idea, but the thought of having debt from all those classes and then the possibility of switching majors and the general unstability of it from my standpoint really rustles my jimmies. I'm nervous as fuck to get out there and do something, and I'm about to just say fuck it and jump into it with one thing in mind just trying to get by.

>> No.5366073

>The American Dream is gone
Dude what?
I'm not American, I went to Madison for a seminar this summer, and it seemed pretty much alive to me.

>> No.5366076


Yeah, in my experience that is very true. I'm not one of them though. I would blow my brains out before I would do management and I hate dealing with financial shit.


3.7/4.0 Mechanical Engineering, but I know plenty of people with ~3.0 that have offers. Most of it has to do with getting your name out there and internships. This was the internship stuff I did:



Mechanical or Electrical. Both deal heavily with robotics.

>> No.5366085

3.7 is fucking wild man, I don't even think I could get that if I tried.

>> No.5366102


Haha I appreciate it! The big thing for me is 1) I want good grades for grad school and 2) I absolutely love the hell out of what I'm doing. My worst grades are in classes that don't hold my interest (obviously general ed but a few design courses too). I bet you could pull it off, you just have to be really motivated and bust ass. I don't think I'm significantly smarter than the average student but I certainly work harder.

>> No.5366116

To put it bluntly, I'm a smart student, but my motivation is gone. I work hard in classes I like, but if my grades drop thats it. I blow off all my classes I don't like, and I don't really apply myself at all. Shit I could graduate a year early from high school if I had actually worked to my potential. I just don't have the drive to do good, but I have the drive to succeed in life, and I feel like that's what's eventually gonna get me up off my dick and onto my feet. I just hope i don't miss my chance..

>> No.5366130


GPA isnt as important as what skills you actually have

after your 2nd or third job your employer wont even look at your GPA they will look at what you did at your previous jobs and if you have good recommendations

>> No.5366153

What major would I need for designing computer chips/motherboards etc?

I was originally gonna shoot for a masters in EE. My strong point is math so I was wondering if it would be worth it to take a possibly less useful but easier (for me) major.

>> No.5366157
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Other major choice is just maths

>> No.5366175


Just graduated with Industrial & Sys. Eng. degree and I know that feel, bro.

I recommend talking with your school's cooperative education if you can't motivate yourself early on.

I eventually got around to it and realized that I loved the work. That motivation/discipline transferred to school and is what gave me the kick I needed to fully apply myself.

>> No.5366189

Does anyone know why University of Illinois UC's Chemical engineering major is listed under the Liberal arts and sciences college instead of Engineering?

Is it still valid or is it now shit tier?

>> No.5366552

don't believe the people saying it's easy to get a job as an engineer, its not.

I graduated with a 3.2 in Aerospace Engineering and haven't found a job in 7 months.

Without a masters or an internship your basically fucking trash and won't get a job

>> No.5366582

c'mon man, i call bullshit.

how can u not get a fucking job. u go to a shit uni?

>> No.5366586


>No internships
>No Masters in a field that primarily employs Masters degree holders

Well there's yer problem.

>> No.5366596

How to internship if aspie.

>> No.5366605

Historically, it was a offshoot of the school of chemical sciences (chemistry is highly ranked at UIUC btw). As far as I know, it acts like it's in engineering, just a historical thing. The USNews (and other rankings) include chem eng in its calculations for overall engineering ranking, so I presume everyone just treats chem eng as part of engineering.

>> No.5366608


unemployment rate for AE is 2 percent

those are good odds

>> No.5366640

graduated from Embry-Riddle, regarded as one of the best AE schools out there
i call bullshit

>> No.5366650


You realize Aerospace companies are usually looking for people with a Masters?

>> No.5366652



says 3.6% but hell we are in a recession

>> No.5366655

>CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 19.5% unemployment


anytime somebody posts something about psychology you should just refer them to that statistic

>> No.5366663

the job descriptions I apply for usually say Bachelor's, but I have yet to figure out why I can;t even seem to get interviews.

I blame keyword filters for now

>> No.5366684

Guys Guys!!! Which field of Engineering do I major in to get closer to achieving Trans humanism?

>> No.5366689


its because you didnt do any internships

no company wants a FNG that they have to train from scratch and who has never worked a day in their life

>> No.5366695

yea apparently, though no one bothered to tell anyone in my grade that internships are more or less required.

>> No.5366707


well my advice is dont quit

just keep looking its only a matter of time till you find a job

also the job market for AE is going to improve alot in the next 10-20 years because all the baby boomers are going to retire

>> No.5366712

yea that's actually exactly what I've been telling myself.

Plus apparently its pretty normal for it to take 6mo - 1 year to land an entry level eng. job.

>> No.5366717


have you been applying to jobs outside your area as well?

some companies will offer to do relocation packages, might be something to look into

>> No.5366719

yea I've been putting in apps all over the country. Honestly I'll be glad to move somewhere new, I think it'll be a good way to begin a real life.

>> No.5366725

ive dicked around in school for a year didn't know what to do, and now i'm doing engineering.

i know im smart enough to do it as i always end up with really high grades halfway through the term, then i lose focus and drive and do poorly. how do you guys keep focused?

my study habits are pretty bad but i'm getting them in order next term. also buying a fuckload of piracetam to see if it improves my focus. goddamn i love engineering and want to finish the next 3 years and get into work, got lucky with an internship in a related engineering field and after seeing all the cool shit i really want to do this

>> No.5366728

Chemical Engineering any good?