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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5363453 No.5363453 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em.

>> No.5363458


do you go to school on mars or Denmark?

>> No.5363467
File: 32 KB, 694x529, spring2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd semester freshman

>> No.5363468


Calculus for Math and Stats II
Introductory Microeconomics
Philosophy in Law and Society
Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Mathematics for Computing
Mechanics and Waves

>> No.5363471

Also you have horrible Tuesdays and Thursdays. 7:45 AM, Jesus Christ.

>> No.5363472
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I'm a psych major don laff pleas

>> No.5363476

UW madison. But I'm just gonna skip those discussions and go to the ones T/TH at 4 instead. It doesn't really matter which I actually attend.

>> No.5363478


Dat 7:45 in the morning class.
Kill yourself now.

>> No.5363486

How do you find psychology? Why'd you pick it as a subject to study? What do you find interesting about it? How are the people you learn from? What do you see yourself doing with it?

Ha yeah I wish I could do the same for those early morning tutorials.

>> No.5363488

8:30 is pure murder
>phd here

Christ anything before 8 is legit death camp, I hope you dont have an exam during regular hours

>> No.5363489

>wake up 2 hours before exam
>eat eggs and drink coffee

"??????" means take a massive shit btw

>> No.5363490

Signals and Systems II
Electromagnetics II
Energy Systems/Power Electronics
Intro to General Topology

It's gonna be great.

>> No.5363491
File: 109 KB, 1029x652, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chemical engineering
university of houston

>> No.5363502

I find it interesting to study why people do the things they do, and all the different research...you learn a lot about the best/worst ways to do things...best ways to study, talk to people, etc....lots of psych research is applicable on an individual level.

I chose to study it because I was doing biology but didn't like how far removed the faculty were from "people".

The people? 99.99% retards. This stereotype is true. It's a pretty easy major and people know this.

I see myself studying medicine in about a year. The reality is there are no jobs for psych...but it is an interesting field if you just like to learn about people and how we live and shit like that. It's like being a voyeur and it's acceptable.

>> No.5363509

>I'm a psych major don laff pleas

At University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, no less. Great! Freaking great place to study Psych!

>> No.5363511

>The people? 99.99% retards. This stereotype is true. It's a pretty easy major and people know this.

True. Especially those studying Psych, and having back to back classes. Prograde and retrograde memory interference. Its even worse for Physical sciences.

>> No.5363513
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Pardon me math plebeians and science serfs, just passing through on business. Cheerio.

>> No.5363518

Did you write the MCAT already? How do you figure you'll get in? What if you don't?
School, year?

Looks good! I know the US makes school reputation a big deal... so what's the University of Houston like rep-wise?

>> No.5363520

I always liked the idea of taking courses on Classics. I was going to take Latin as electives for second year, actually!
How do you enjoy your major?

>> No.5363524 [DELETED] 

Sophomore Chemical Engineer

>> No.5363526

Just taken practice tests so far, I'm in the mid 30's range so I'm not to stressed.

If I don't get in I'll probably try to get a masters in chemistry or statistics or something more scientific. If I had to start college over I think I would do chemistry, focused on organic.

>> No.5363536
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Sophomore Chem Engineer

>> No.5363538

Chemistry is tough for me. Too much knowing and memorizing and then all the exceptions. I love labs and actually DOING chemistry, though. I got only a B+ in it this semester just past.

Did you know that there are a few medical schools here which do not require you to write the MCAT in order for admission?

>> No.5363539

Do you find chemical engineering overwhelming? Is it difficult? Does it require a lot of critical thinking or creativity? Do you have time for other things in your life like hobbies or a girlfriend with chem eng, or do you really have to spend most of your time studying to keep up those A's?

>> No.5363545

Ahh, I'm a fan of sitting down a working out chem problems on paper...in the lab I'm a major fuckup. I don't think I ever got the yield right once, and was always in there longer than average. If I was going to do chem I'd definitely be theoretical because I'd end up killing someone in the lab.

I don't think you'd want to go to the schools that don't require MCAT.

>> No.5363546

>First year physics

In chem eng? really? I never had to touch it.

>Do you have time for other things in your life like hobbies or a girlfriend with chem eng, or do you really have to spend most of your time studying to keep up those A's?

Ahahaha. Unless you're incredibly gifted at mathematics, you'll be very overwhelmed. It has the highest drop out rate of any stream of engineering, simply because everyone underestimates it.

My university calls it the hardest undergrad you can do, so take take for what it's worth.

>> No.5363547
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2nd quarter Freshman Biochem at UCSD.
Anyone else from here?

>> No.5363551

So far it hasn't been too bad. After this semester I'll have most of my basic courses over with. I have time to go to the gym every day, I have a season pass to a ski resort 30 minutes away, and I have some time to read books. This will be my largest course load yet with 22 credits but I think it should be doable.

>> No.5363553

What's your major? I've always loved history (especially Ancient Egyptian) and I originally wanted to major in history or archaeology, but the job market is shit for them in the U.S. How are you liking it so far? How's your job prospects?

>> No.5363556

Mechanical Laboratory II (Lecture & Lab)
Nuclear Reactor Theory
Alternate Energy
>finishes my major except for Design I and II
International Culture Business Ethics
Music in the Human Imagination (3rd best music school in the nation)
Technical Writing

>> No.5363563

Why not? They aren't really backwater schools here. They are well-known, top 20 ones here, at least.

Really, you hate the labs? I'm okay at doing chemistry and I think labs are what its all about! I hated answering those plug and chug first year chem questions but I guess theoretical chemistry really has none of that, does it? It might be interesting!

You've told me what your university has to say... now, what do YOU say? Are you incredibly gifted at math, or... are you like me and do actually need to put in hard work and hours of study? Do you have time for anything? What kinds of stuff are you learning now in chemical engineering?

What do you do in that huge gap? I HATE that because it literally ruins my day. You have so much time that it's a hassle, but not enough time to do anything really cool because you got school later!

>> No.5363564

>only one lab

lucky bastard

>> No.5363567

>so many of you faggots have 2+ hour gaps

jesus christ. learn to manage your schedule better.

>> No.5363570

For some of us, the gaps are the only option. I'm the OP, and the morning tutorials for my math classes are the only ones available. At the same time, there's only one calc II section at the time I've chosen... so some of the gaps are just consequential.

>> No.5363571

>not planning breaks in between lectures to grab a sandwich a quickie a nap and watch some Rocket Power.

>> No.5363574

I'm trying to pick up some form of research next quarter, so hopefully that will take up time. Otherwise, I'll just head to the library and get shit done.

>> No.5363576

You act as if we control what time slots the school offers classes during. I had to take what I needed to take when it was offered. Were you some crappy liberal arts major?

>> No.5363580

>not cramming everything in as tight as you can so you can minimize your time at university

stop being retarded.

>> No.5363582

I'm from the USA, and every school (that is a real school you would go to) requires MCAT.

I'm assuming you're from Canada, which doesn't focus so much on MCAT but on relies on GPA, correct?

>> No.5363583

Okay maybe I understated it a little because it is a matter of frequency. I didn't study too much in calculus II and got away with a B in the course but I have general interest in mathematics. I had a good time in chem eng I but I know some kids struggled through the class. It definitely takes time but with good structure in your day and time management it can be bearable. I basically learned how to quantify shit that goes through a factory. If you want an idea of the basics go to one of those russian book sited and search for Finlayson B. A. - Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing.

>> No.5363585

Go to a better university. If you're doing a STEM related degree and the timetable office doesn't make it so everything is incredibly efficient for the students, then you go to a shitty institution of study. Simple as that.

>> No.5363590

Yeah I guess I should do that more, shouldn't I?
But even the computers at the library are a bit distracting... maybe I could start going back to the gym during the gaps?

Sort of, but most of our schools require the MCAT, too.

So as a chemical engineer, then, what would you... do, exactly? Have you had internships? What've you done during those?

And again... do you have good time management? Is it bearable for YOU? I care more about what you think!

And yes, thank you. I will look that book up.

>> No.5363591

That's one of the worst schedules I have ever seen. So much wasted time as breaks, there has to be some way to shorten the breaks

>> No.5363598

What university do you go to? What does your schedule look like?

>> No.5363603

That Chem 6c class is the only one, the 7l lab gets filled fast, and Poli Sci is always early.

>> No.5363605

Fucking hate US premeds.

>> No.5363609


You've got to be fair, he is a freshman.

I myself had horrible schedules freshman and sophomore year.

You don't really get awesome amounts of choice and freedom until you're an upperclassman anyways, and you've also got your shit together.

>> No.5363610


4/10, I guess I'll make this my last response. The highest priority of any and every school is to reduce time conflicts, not make everything your arbitrary definition of efficient. Having classes back to back to back is a nightmare when you actually take classes worth their shit.

Cherry picking classes so you spend the least amount of time at school is something you only do at community colleges.

>> No.5363607

University of Sydney. I haven't enrolled yet. I missed online enrollment because I was in Uganda, so I have to go in and do it in person. Not a big deal.

>> No.5363624

Chemical engineers basically design and manage factories. This ranges from things like pharmaceuticals to hydraulic fracking. Other jobs include working for firms that optimize processes in factories, maximize profits, and the techniques can be applied to model other things like the human body. It is pretty rare for anyone under their Junior year to get an internship so I will probably get one not this summer but the next one.
My time management was not great. This semester I plan on reviewing my classes in a cycle of 2 classes on odd days, 3 on even so a minimum of 3-4 hours a day in the library.

>> No.5363638

Why ancient Egypt?

>> No.5363644

I haven't made a chart, because I never use them when I do.

It looks like this:

Mon, Wed, Fri

8:05-9:05, Calc II
9:20-10:20, Intro to Literature
10:30-11:30, Classical Physics II
12:50-1:50, Principles of Microeconomics


8:05-9:05, Calc II
10:30-12:40, Physics II Lab
6:00-9:15, Intro to Logic


8:05-9:05, Calc II
10:30-11:30, Classical Physics II.

>> No.5363673

Complaining about other people's schedules and you aren't even in yet? Tsk, tsk.

Good for you! I wish you luck in your studies.
Chem engineering sounds like a blanket term for a very large amount of diverse things. What would you like to do?

Well, my course website thingy makes it for me automatically when I pick my courses!

Interesting how you have five classes, but most of them have less than 3 lectures a week. Why is that?

Also, what school do you go to? Major/Degree/Program?

>> No.5363702 [DELETED] 
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typical week in light blue.

>> No.5363705
File: 80 KB, 755x617, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to complete a physics/chemistry double major but due to conflicting course schedules between the two departments I have to gimp one subject.
Any opinions on what focus would be better? Inorganic/Materials chemistry and the core physics subjects are all incredibly interesting so I am torn.



>> No.5363712

Last semester of Community College (thank God). Most of the gen ed shit is MWF, and I'm polishing off the last few I need for an AA and AS dgree.

I'm going to go into the physics program at a pace called Coe College, they said I could probably start research this summer, classes there in the fall.

>> No.5363714

*place called

Sorry, it's late.

>> No.5363720


>> No.5363732 [DELETED] 

>can't schedule to save my life
Second semester chem major freshman
Thinking about double majoring in biochem because its only like 14 extra credits in bio

>> No.5363733
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My Timetable for my first semester next year. From New Zealand so I don't start till February

>> No.5363735
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>can't schedule to save my life
Second semester chem major freshman
Thinking about double majoring in biochem because its only like 14 extra credits in bio

>> No.5363736
File: 28 KB, 526x668, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winter quarter at a UC

>> No.5363734

Looks like Quebec or France? Major? School? And how are you enjoying it so far?

Why do you want to do a double major?

That's pretty cool! How did you get them to let you do research; what kind of research do you want to do?

>> No.5363740
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Chem honours student. Last semester

>> No.5363742

Thanks I'm going to need it!
I am realy interested in neurology and the stock market. I want a job in oil and gas for the work schedule. It is typically two weeks of work then two weeks off with a good salary. This would give me money and time to travel and do research on my own time.

>> No.5363744

Why'd you pick chemistry as a subject? What do you plan to do after you graduate? Do you actually like chemistry? If so, what parts?
What's a UC? Your schedule looks pretty lax. Fill those gaps with something!

A job like that sounds amazing. Nurses here have similar hours - 4 days of 12 hour shifts, and then 5 days off in between each. I would love a job like that or a job like you say.

>> No.5363749

Whats your major, bro? And how's that triton eye coming along?

>> No.5363752

He's at the University of California but didn't want to let on to which campus.
(He's at UCSD)

>> No.5363755

Why do people not want to reveal what campus or what college they are at? The odds that you'll meet someone from here are really small - the odds that someone here at the same college as you will DO something to you once he finds out what school you go to and what classes you have is even smaller. At least in my opinion.

>> No.5363758

I presume it's just general wariness about giving up too much info on 4chan.

>> No.5363765

it's in France; Supélec.
This is my first year in the school, I've been through two years of prépa before. They were the most intellectualy stimulating years of my life.
Now things are a bit slower, courses sometimes feel watered down because most professors haven't studied at the ENS.
But I guess I'll be getting a nice job at the end of it so whatever...

>> No.5363778

>That's pretty cool! How did you get them to let you do research; what kind of research do you want to do?

It's not a huge physics department. They do stuff with sound, computational biophysics, and glass research. Glass is their big thing, so I would guess that's why I'll be working on.

As for why they want me? Probably my 4.0 and activity in the honor society.

>> No.5363783


Fuck me I need to get to bed.

>> No.5363807
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>> No.5363817

Im likely going to drop out. Low grades. Was my last semester too.

>> No.5363827


I find both physics and chemistry fascinating; materials chemistry seems like it would have more career opportunities and I would enjoy it, careers in physics research seem more scarce.

I enjoy inorganic and materials chemistry very much, but physics subjects interest me slightly more.

>> No.5363830

I'm taking 28 units next quarter. Got a 4.2 last quarter with about the same units. Total cakewalk.

>> No.5363831

meant to be a reply to >>5363734 about the double major

>> No.5363833

Nope. UoA?

>> No.5363840
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looking forward to tuesdays

>> No.5363845

You go to Caltech?

>> No.5363852

huh, wasn't expecting someone to figure it out that quickly. You do as well?

>> No.5363857
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Dis gun be good.

Physics + MechE

>> No.5363861

All you have to do is google the course names you posted. Took me all of 10 seconds. I'm the OP, so no, I go to a university in Canada. How'd you get in?

>> No.5363874

Hey OP

If Sciaraffa is teaching Phil 1B03, remember the word "explicate". anytime he uses it, laugh at him, because he is using it incorrectly.

I go to your university, I'm a fourth year philosophy major.

>> No.5363880

>All you have to do is google the course names you posted.
That makes more sense
>How'd you get in?
By being smart? I'm not really sure what to say. Went to a good high school, had good grades, did my share of extracirriculars/research. The Caltech admissions process is as close to a meritocracy as you're going to find in the US so most everyone who gets in deserves to attend.

>> No.5363884

Hahaha you know what's sad? I'm probably the same age or older than you. It would be weird if we met. I'll keep your advice in mind. Why'd you pick philosophy, and what do you plan to do when you're done?

I never got how there were such smart people in school. I doubt, with our low education standards, that anybody at a Canadian high school would be able to get into a school like Caltech.

>> No.5363890
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Second semester sophomore lol guess my major guise.

>> No.5363891

>I doubt, with our low education standards, that anybody at a Canadian high school would be able to get into a school like Caltech.
nah, I wouldn't say that. If you go to a great high school but you're just an average student there and don't really do anything, you're going to have a harder time getting in than a kid from an average high school who is clearly pushing himself to learn and taking advantage of his resources and stuff like that.

>> No.5363897

Why are you that old and only in first year of university?
Why would it be wierd if we meet? Hell I could help you out with editing your papers for that philosophy class. If you wanna exchange emails I'm down.

I picked Philosophy because I want to know how to ask the right questions. Philosophy helps me to learn how to live well, and learn well. I have submitted an application to a Japanese exchange program to teach english abroad.

>> No.5363898

All high schools are the same here! No one high school is a "great" one - there's no disparity between them like there is between your basic high school in where ever, USA and Bronx High School of Science. That doesn't exist here.

As well, sure, there are smart kids... but look at the kind of people that go to Harvard and Caltech - mathematical genius putnam fellows. Only one of our university was ever in the top 5 finishers, for example.

What's more, none of our universities really require you to have or do any extracurriculars - it's all on merit. Average here would be considered below average there, for sure.

It's just interesting when you hear about American high school students doing amazing things in just their high school years like... I dunno, building rockets. That's stuff you don't see here.

>> No.5363907

So many gaps in the schedules, it really sucks when you have no choice though. I only have a 1 hour gap on teusdays and thursdays luckily.

>> No.5363913

I made some bad choices in life. How old are you? I just turned 23 yesterday. I should be finishing up an MSc by now.

You know what, that's not a bad idea. What's your e-mail? It would be nice to have someone edit my papers.

I'd love to be able to teach English abroad. That seems like such a great way to travel and have some cash. Good luck to you!

>> No.5363932

I'm 21. Emails in the email field.
If you can get them to me well before the due date I will most def give them a read.

>> No.5363950

Hey, I go to Mac too!

>> No.5363954 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1366x768, time table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

123271 (U) Molecules to Materials
123311 Adv Phys & Analyt Chemistry Each student should take 3 hour(s) of Lecture(s), 3 hour(s) of Laboratory class(es), 1 hour(s) of Tutorial(s) per week. Geoff Jameson
123312 Adv Organic Chemistry Each student should take 3 hour(s) of Lecture(s), 3 hour(s) of Laboratory class(es), 1 hour(s) of Tutorial(s) per week.
236302 Nanoscience Research Project Please refer to the department for an individual schedule.

>> No.5363955
File: 32 KB, 864x502, time table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

123271 (U) Molecules to Materials Not Available
123311 Adv Phys & Analyt Chemistry Each student should take 3 hour(s) of Lecture(s), 3 hour(s) of Laboratory class(es), 1 hour(s) of Tutorial(s) per week.
123312 Adv Organic Chemistry Each student should take 3 hour(s) of Lecture(s), 3 hour(s) of Laboratory class(es), 1 hour(s) of Tutorial(s) per week.
236302 Nanoscience Research Project Please refer to the department for an individual schedule.

>> No.5364125

pharm chem. Triton eye is deadly man, you realize how low your standards are once you go home for a break. You a tritonfag?

>> No.5364130

LEL this is BULLSHIT no man can handle that much rape

>> No.5364144



Fuck that.

>> No.5364161
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Bet you can't guess my major.

>> No.5364173
File: 44 KB, 770x395, Spring 2013 - No names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical Engineering masters program, final semester.

>> No.5364179

Your classes look just like sine and cosine waves

>> No.5364188

recreation? faggotry?

>> No.5364195

micro biology

But mostly required electives.

>> No.5364200

Come one bro the only required course i see there is immunology and even that seems like an elective that could be avoided. Are you a freshman? You better dive into those bio lower divs quick.

>> No.5364201

Dude are you at Manchester?

>> No.5364211

Senior. The nutrition fulfills an outstanding chemistry requirement (I don't want to take more organic chemistry). The other two classes fulfill an upper division elective requirement. I've already taken general bio, molecular, cell, genetics, etc.

>> No.5364213

>tfw you haven't been accepted to uni for spring semester yet and they make you wait til the end of December to let you know so you can register for classes that start two weeks later.
>tfw sick of community college

>> No.5364216

Nice.... That's a very laid back schedule for a senior

>> No.5364234
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>> No.5364241


I'm in the states.

>> No.5364242
File: 30 KB, 1247x651, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple majoring in Microbiology, Biology, and Botany, Minor in Chemistry.

BI: Biology
ENT: Entomology
BB: Biochemistry
MB: Microbiology
WR: Writing (lol)

20 credits, had to get an override to take them all.

>tfw I go to Oregon State

>> No.5364244

which amphetamines do you use

>> No.5364249
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h-hey guys you like psych majors r-right?

>> No.5364252

Too bad OSU doesn't offer micro bio degrees, or botany degrees.

>> No.5364253
File: 34 KB, 811x554, schedule spring 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5364254

My home board is /fit/ so I found out about this thing called an 'ECA stack' and its awesome.

1 tablet of bronkaid
1 200mg caffiene pill
3 baby asprin

Also, I have a prescription for 54mg Methylphenidate.

For studying I take Piracetam, along with a bunch of soy lethicin.

>> No.5364256
File: 18 KB, 1335x235, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they don't
Its going to be really confusing when I try to graduate then.

>> No.5364331


>> No.5364355
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I can't get over how empty it is compared to the first term. To be fair I have 2 fewer modules. Oh and this doesn't include the physiology and biochemistry labs I'll have.

1st year Biomed at UCL

>> No.5364401
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This is pushing me back an entire semester, let's hope it's worth it.

>> No.5364406


>> No.5364416
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>> No.5364482
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He doesn't go to Ohio state, but I do (chem eng also actually, pic related).

As has been said, you had better be damn good at math. Within two weeks, about a third of the class dropped in my first chem e major course.

I'm pretty lucky that I'm very good at math (most of my math profs tried to convince me to switch majors to math, strange that they cared).

>> No.5364484

big cum shots always helps me study too

>> No.5364487

this format looks familiar. Are you a uiucfag?

>> No.5364517

its for the the Choline, although I did originally but it to see if it gave me a bigger load.

>> No.5364516

the O stood for Oregon

>> No.5364529
File: 103 KB, 934x407, werfgdsgfsdgsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level, plebs

>> No.5364556

>advanced applied proof theory
what is this I don't even

>> No.5364566

college of Charleston?

>> No.5364586
File: 51 KB, 500x433, The+videos+of+the+solders+coming+home+give+me+that+_9ef88f5d536870378672ede3c668d72a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that sick of CC feel.

>> No.5364666

Sorry I went to bed after I posted. I've been interested in ancient Egypt ever since I saw The Mummy (90's) as a kid. Everything from their culture, architecture and religion interested me. Probably a dumb reason to get into Egypt lol but it's what got me started.

>> No.5364671

I have something even more embarrassing to admit

Here goes nothing:
Brian Greene got me interested in physics.

Don't hate me too much, /sci/. I've matured since than. My interest in physics has become genuine to the point where I want to truly understand and study it.

>> No.5364676
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I'm not just taking 3 classes, notice the individual research at the bottom.

Still gonna be an easy semester though. And this is a beautiful looking schedule.

>> No.5364683
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>> No.5364697

well what are you

>> No.5364702

Physics master race. Need I find the chart?

>> No.5364701
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I'm in a CC doing remedials and GE requirements for transfer.

>> No.5364705


Women's studies with a minor in sociology.

>> No.5364704

>implying you're not in highschool trying to look cool and edgy on an anonymous image board

>> No.5364713
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This is good... isn't it?

>> No.5364714 [DELETED] 

A you going to do your thesis on my cis privilege, and how much I should be checking it?

>> No.5364712

Why are you even here?

>> No.5364715


home work help.

>> No.5364717


>remedial reading

You're beyond help, son.

>> No.5364727

this has got to be fake

>> No.5364732
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lmao sup fellow UW student

my schedule:
>amath 250 - intro to dif eqs
>math 237 - calc 3 for honours math
>phys 122 - waves, E&M
>phys 124 - modern physics

not pictured:
tutorials for calc, dif eqs, and physics

also i need to get into the waves, e&m, and measurement laboratory

>> No.5364735


At the end of my remedial reading course, I obtained a 14.1 on my Nelson Denny. I want to augment my reading comprehension to where I can thrive in my college courses. That's why I'm taking another remedial reading course.

>> No.5364750

>all that math in one semester

Enjoy your finals.

>> No.5364753

Dalhousie University doing a BSc in Chemistry in my second year

>First Semester
- Intro to Analytical Chemistry (A)
- Intro to Organic Chemistry I (A)
- Intro to Physical Chemistry (A+)
- Multi-Variable Calculus (A)
- Guitar X/Y

>Second Semester
- Intro to Inorganic Chemistry
- Into to Organic Chemistry II
- Intro to Physical Chemistry II
- Linear Algebra
- Guitar X/Y

Pretty happy with my grades so far and glad to be out of Calculus, I'm good at math but when you have someone who can't teach it, self teaching it is just too much

>> No.5364756


Where in the world will you have time to study?

>> No.5364761

Oh, I will.

>> No.5364762

Experimental Design
Multivariate Data Analysis
Process Control
Metabolic Engineering and Modelling of Micro-organisms
Industrial Chemistry
Instrumental Organic Analysis
Chemical Modification of Renewable Resources

and also an internship, 's going to be one though semester!

>> No.5364775
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>differential equations
>modern physics
>organic chem 2
>online gen ed

I will be done with class for the day before most people even wake up. Will either be living hell or paradise depending on whether i can adjust to the sleep schedule.

>> No.5364793

If you're a night person like me, living hell.

>> No.5364798
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Chem E here

also the mechanics of solids lab rotates with fluid dynamics every week and I don't care if you stalk me

>> No.5364801

>Graduate student
>2 classes
>Still not going to have shit for free time.

>> No.5364812
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BSU student hurr.

>> No.5364826

How hard is solid mechanics?

>> No.5364830

Engineers...engineers everywhere!

>> No.5364859
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>all these bio scum

pls go

>> No.5364879
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>Mostly engineers and biologists

What has /sci/ become?

>> No.5364886
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>> No.5364938
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>> No.5364939

fuck you, at least were trying.

>> No.5364990
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Probability and stats
Group theory
Phys. 2
Engl. 2
Moral Theory

Fuck Wednesdays.

>> No.5365005

I hate how you assholes love making fun of "soft" majors (more difficult than yours). Then when one of us has a legit bio/chem/engineering question, all the soft majors will already have abandoned board and we'll have a sausage fest of pure math degrees. That's what I've always wanted in a board titled "science"

>> No.5365027

ASU bro? EE/Math here.
What year?

>> No.5365051
File: 21 KB, 340x340, oh+my+sides+_7cd68fd68a320801a994e81f501a4eed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more difficult than yours

>> No.5365057

All classes are MW except math (MWF):

9-10 Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
10-12 Computational Fluid Dynamics
2-4 Gas Dynamics
4-6 Senior Project

Mechanical Engineering at Oregon State.

>> No.5365061

What's up with all those two day a way, two hour lectures? Is that normal at your school?

>> No.5365064

*two day a week

>> No.5365100


That's how many upper division ME courses are. The lower division stuff is typical three days/one hour lecture + one recitation but once you hit junior year you see a lot of two hour lectures that happen twice weekly. Part of it is to accommodate senior project and part of it is by senior year you do everything on your own time anyway so the amount of lecture hours really has no correlation to the workload. I figured that's how it is at most schools...

>> No.5365106

>not realizing that your attention span cycles every 90 minutes,thus 80 minute lectures are optimal

>> No.5365188

Engineering Design 1
Engineering Mathematics 2
Manufacturing Methods
Experimental Methodology

It should be the last "hard" semester before I graduate. My final semester I will only have to take ED2 and the FE exam. So I am pretty much done.

>> No.5365200

EECE 434 - Biosignals and Systems
EECE 460 - Control System Design
EECE 492 - Distributed Energy Systems Management
APSC 450 - Engineering Ethics

>> No.5365223

Oh, how convenient that our attention spans follow the cycle that just so happens to coincide with the century-old traditional timeslot. Funny how modern educational psychology works.

>> No.5365232

>century old traditional timeslot
are you in the US? high school over here follows 43 minute classes, about half of university classes are given in one hour blocks... 80 minute timeslots is far from traditional

>> No.5365233
File: 50 KB, 575x386, asdqcqqws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 am pchem is really 8am probability and statistics for chem engineering now.

-probability and stats for chem engineering
-materials science
-intro to chem engineering thermodynamics
-philosophy- medieval to rationalists

>> No.5365264
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Never show up before 11am, so fuck Thursdays. Never go to Maths arcade because it's bullshit.

>> No.5365280
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german freshman here

EM1 = introduction medicin
MIS = medicinal infomation systems
PG1 = programming 1st semester
TGI = technical basis of computer science
MA1 = math 1st semester