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5356586 No.5356586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I saw an anon post on here a while back talking about evolutionary psychology and how it helps in getting laid with high end escorts. Other than evolutionary psychology, is there a field of science that can inform men how to get sex on a regular basis?

I'm posing this question because I see many people criticize evolutionary psychology as not being a legitimate field of science.

Assuming the criticism is correct, I would still like to know why some men have access to multiple hot women and other men do not. I would also like to know how to duplicate the results of the men who do get laid as this has always been a problem of mine. I feel this is a question worthy of scientific inquiry, and I would like to use science and logic to solve this problem.

>> No.5356630

>getting laid with high end escorts

I'm pretty sure that is done by paying money.

>> No.5356660


But this raises questions: Why does this work for men? Is there an alternative to a guy who wants to have sex with a wide variety of hot chicks? Why does money work for a guy to get sex on a reliable basis, but not say a few kind words?

>> No.5356717
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>> No.5356800

Because that's the escorts fucking job??

>> No.5356811

You can't "use logic" to solve any sort of empirical inquiry, as such an endeavor would inevitably require a set of hypothetical premises that are, in principle, unjustifiable.
Regarding science, consider the following: http://web.missouri.edu/~flinnm/courses/mah/lectures/sexualselection.htm

>> No.5356817
File: 200 KB, 800x666, 201004071446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolutionary psychology
>not a legitimate field of science

pic related

>> No.5356825


Can you prove that photo scientifically?

>> No.5356835

>You can't "use logic" to solve any sort of empirical inquiry,

Why not, though?

>as such an endeavor would inevitably require a set of hypothetical premises that are, in principle, unjustifiable.

Why would the hypothetical premises be unjustifiable?

>Regarding science, consider the following: http://web.missouri.edu/~flinnm/courses/mah/lectures/sexualselection.htm

It seems to me that sexual selection falls under the category of evolutionary psychology again.

>> No.5356839


Why does a market even exist for this job?

>> No.5356856

>attempts to appeal to ridicule
>actually presented arguments make sense
Has anyone ever disproved any of these "stereotypical views"?

>> No.5356861

Because women are who... I mean men are exploitive pigs thinking with their dick.

>> No.5356863


What is this supposed to show? That you can both strawman like crazy, fail to understand basic points and be dead wrong on numerous accounts simultaneously?

It doesn't even make sense as something coming from a EvoPsych person for most of it and the ones that do actually make sense or are just improperly stated by it.

Also calm down with the retarded Naturalistic Fallacy. Yeah, you're the one committing it despite what you may think. Just because a scientist says something is "natural" doesn't immediately equivocate into him/her saying it's "Good"; that's in your head.

>Referencing studies done
>Basic self-preservation
>Believing in evolution
>Basic understanding of sex-selection
>Understanding that procreation is pretty fucking essential
>Believing in instinctual, inherited behaviours as real (Are you an Indeterminist Free-Willer thinking it comes from a 'soul' or some dumb shit?)
>Not dismissing their field simply because it doesn't overlap with non-scientists' political motivations ("status quo", "men's interests", "gendered interests", "male geniuses", "muh rape" etc. Basically half of it is complaining about not being sufficiently progressive)
>Not avoiding studies that may have "unfortunate implications" (I see people constantly talk about how even if there was a significant difference between groups, which I don't necessarily buy into, that such research should simply be avoided)

Are you claiming these are negatives? If so, kindly leave and never come back.

>Your failure to understand someone's position = You're automatically correct

>> No.5356877
File: 126 KB, 341x259, four fingers syndrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do humans have five fingers?

>> No.5356878


Keep this thread limited to science. That is the purpose of this board.

>> No.5356888


Red herring.

>> No.5356885 [DELETED] 

Also: The OP's statements are rather silly. Also it's not like it's exclusive to men, it's just more common, nor that the service is exclusively provided by women.

Faking out biological urges really shouldn't require much thought. It's not like condoms are some big conundrum either, we're just smart enough to not always be taken unprepared by those urges (a big strength of intelligence being planning, after all).

>> No.5356890

The OP's statements are also rather silly. It's not like it's exclusive to men, it's just more common, nor that the service is exclusively provided by women.

Faking out biological urges really shouldn't require much thought. It's not like condoms are some big conundrum either, we're just smart enough to not always be taken unprepared by those urges (a big strength of intelligence being planning, after all).

>> No.5356893

die cis-scum!

>> No.5356896


Yeah, just go away, troll. It's especially amusing you'd shitpost with that particular thing considering I actually am not "cis".

Whether I'm scum I'll leave up to IRL peer-review.

>> No.5356907

>The OP's statements are also rather silly.

OP here. Which ones?

>It's not like it's exclusive to men, it's just more common,

What is more common to men? Buying the services of escorts? If so, that's obvious. It does not need to be stated.

>nor that the service is exclusively provided by women.

Completely irrelevant to the thread's topic. Besides, I never said otherwise.

>Faking out biological urges really shouldn't require much thought. It's not like condoms are some big conundrum either, we're just smart enough to not always be taken unprepared by those urges (a big strength of intelligence being planning, after all).

Again, irrelevant to the point of this thread. The point of this thread is:

I would like to know why some men have access to multiple hot women and other men do not [from a scientific perspective other than the one provided by evolutionary psychology.]

To the other anons, is there another explanation that science can provide?

>> No.5356910


What is that troll even referring to "cis"?

>> No.5356922


Cisgendered, as in not being Transgendered. It's basic latin grammar (such as the Cisalpine and Transalpine Gauls, with the Cisalpine being on the Roman side of the Alps and the Transalpine being in Gaul-proper). Trans- means "On the other side of" and Cis- means "On the same side of", so when used in conjunction with Gender it means that you don't have Dysmorphia, IE that you're "On the same side" as your Gender.

>> No.5356926

>evolutionary psychology helps in getting laid with high end escorts.

No its mostly the money everything else is secondary. A whore is a whore, some charge more than others and cater to specific sexual fantasies IE: "You are different from the rest so you are not really paying to have sex with me just buying me nice things while I comfort you from the stresses you face with my companionship and love." Its a powerful fantasy that can be quite addicting but hard to maintain for any great length of time. That's why most people of money just get a trophy wife and/or a mistress that accomplish the same things cheaper on a much more regular basis with a higher measure of sincerity. (If you do it right.)

>> No.5356942

>I would like to know why some men have access to multiple hot women and other men do not

Then.. how is prostitution relevant at all? Obviously they don't have exclusive access to them, it's just down to money, so what you actually seem to be asking is.. why not everyone is on the exact same level of desirability when selecting for procreation? How is that not blatantly obvious?

As for "how to replicate the results of the more successful ones": Make grand leaps in post-natal genetic engineering? Work out? Be interesting without being timid? Basically being one of the top selections in the first place.

>> No.5356943


Thank you for the response. With your explanation in mind, "cis-scum" is such a bizarre insult. Even if it was meant as sarcasm, it's still bizarre. Definitely a shit post.

>> No.5356952

>>ape psychology

I'm not gonna read that shit, ape psychology is totally different, they only grin out of absolute terror

>> No.5356956


I probably should have wrote, "evolutionary psychology explains getting laid with high end escorts".

The money is the key ingredient, I agree. I think most of us can agree that money (or at least an accumulation of it or wealth) is also a key ingredient for higher social status. The higher social status gets you laid - but again, this goes back to evolutionary psychology.

I just don't see an alternative to e.p. in explaining this phenomena. I honestly don't.

>> No.5356957

>2012 year of the one and only true savior of mankind
>being gay
>being straight
>being asexual

you've done goofed. ghost in shell masterrace reporting

>> No.5356962

yeah but it's pointless to ask a question with an infinite probability of answers. What is the meaning of life?

>> No.5356965

tits or GTFO

>> No.5356966

Women are attracted to
>>big dick
>>inability to feel emotion or guilt
Women aren't attracted to
>>nice guys
>>guys who say personality matters more then appearance
>>small dick gynofaggots

this is science, this is what women mate with

>> No.5356967

life is meaningless. there is no purpose. the universe has no interest. you define your own purpose. you have literally nothing to lose, because life has no "point" beyond procreation. make "pleasure" your purpose if you can't pick. osmosis that bitch into your life

>this is what /sci/ taught me last night

>> No.5356969

first logical post in this thread, I'm disappointed it took this long, sure is /r9k/ in here

>> No.5356968

guys are not attracted to muscles go read the TFWNOGF posts on /fit or any muscle forum.

>> No.5356971

Most social-justicefags claim it is an acronym for Comfortable In Skin.

>> No.5356973

I think faggots like you are definitely attracted to muscles

>> No.5356976

where is the love

>> No.5356978

oh right, and no human has ever done something similar.

>> No.5356985


You're welcome. It's one of those things that a couple of morons on Tumblr had as their signature and of course those few people are since eternally quoted whenever anything regarding transgenderism pops up on 4chan. It's especially silly because they contradict eachother constantly and whenever there's an actual transperson around I've never heard anyone state they agree with it. It's a tiny hugbox-bubble among the Tumblrite "social-justice" people no one likes. Any time it's said on 4chan it's guaranteed to be shit-posting.

>tits or GTFO


>> No.5356987

Neuroscience OP

Fuck "informing men how to get laid". You wanna get laid? Just slip a sedative into her drink and you're golden. Wanna take a more legit route and have her actually begging for your cock? A real aphrodisiac is certain to be made sooner or later. Wanna take things slow and build a real relationship with her? Spray on a thick oxytocin cologne and have sex.

>> No.5356984

Up your ass if that's where you want it honey
Mmmm I'd like to pour some salt on that little slug

>> No.5356988

>Then.. how is prostitution relevant at all?

Well, to be specific, I was talking about high end escorts - which is different than run of the mill prostitution. High end escorts are typically "beautiful" (using the common general idea of the term).

So in that sense, high end escorts are relevant to the question of, "Why do some men have access to multiple hot women, and other men do not?"

A guy who can afford multiple high end escorts has access to 'multiple hot women'.

>Obviously they don't have exclusive access to them, it's just down to money,

I agree, but it is a very small group of men who can afford high end escorts on a regular basis - wealthy ones.

>so what you actually seem to be asking is.. why not everyone is on the exact same level of desirability when selecting for procreation?

I'm not asking that at all. I'm asking, "Is there another reason other than the one provided by evolutionary psychology in explaining why some men have access to multiple hot women, and other men do not?" The example of wealthy guys buying high end escorts is an example of that. Evolution psychology would say, "Men who have high status and wealth can obtain many beautiful women, because a statistical majority of women are attracted to men who have high status/wealth."

I'm asking, is there an alternative explanation? Or is this the only one provided by science? Is there another field of science that provide a better answer than the one provided by e.p.?

>As for "how to replicate the results of the more successful ones": [...] Work out? Be interesting without being timid? Basically being one of the top selections in the first place.

So in other words, be high status, and subscribe to what evolutionary psychology has been telling us.

>> No.5356989



>> No.5356995

>yeah but it's pointless to ask a question with an infinite probability of answers.

"Why does a market even exist for [the job of high end escorts]?" does not necessarily have an infinite probability of answers. It's an economic question. Why does the demand exist? Can it only be explained by evolutionary psychology? You might not be interested in the answer to that question, but that does not make it pointless.

>> No.5356997


Red herring.

>> No.5356999

>Most social-justicefags claim it is an acronym for Comfortable In Skin.

Which is why you should never listen to them. They're retarded and don't have a clue what they're talking about. As for a metaphor it'd be excusable, but not for an actual explanation of what the term is.

>Women aren't attracted to
>>nice guys

Keep in mind that a lot of people that call themselves "Nice guys" can be creeps and everyone is the hero of their own story regardless of merit. Genuinely nice guys obviously aren't a negative for a real relationship. Ya don't want some asshole to fuck and chuck you when you're stuck dealing with the consequences in the wild.

>> No.5357003


Richard Dawkins has a great lecture on the point you just made:


>> No.5357005

>>All questions have a finite answer

sure is academia in here, I hope your high school teachers successfully brainwashed you to be an attentive zombie destined for a cubicle environment, stiffing all creativity in that puny brain of yours

>> No.5357006


Get out of this thread. We are here to discuss science.

>> No.5357008

I think you are in the right ballpark but I can't really see many people going into being a whore with the idea that there is some great increase in status that comes with it, that sounds more a Trophy Wife. A whore screws people based on money, a trophy wife is similar but is also viewed as being a living status symbol/sex object "kept" by one person alternatively a mistress is someone with enough allure to step into an existing relationship. Whores high class or not are a step down from all that and are seen as such by society at large.

>> No.5357009

Women are the most attracted to guys who "fuck and chuck" them if that's how you want to put it, hence they seem to say that all man are jerks, because these are the "assholes" they are emotionally attracted to.

>> No.5357010


I was interested when you mentioned neuroscience as an alternative explanation. When you got into rape, I stopped reading.

>> No.5357015

Or I could just buy a prostitute rather then go through all that trouble. I guarantee if I take the nice guy route I'll have spent over $500 before i get some poon

>> No.5357017


Straw man fallacy. Shut up. We're here to discuss science.

>> No.5357025

Define "rape".

How is using pheromones ethically different than superficial confidence or idealising yourself? These are essential flirt elements to have multiple sexual partners.

>> No.5357026

thank you :)

>> No.5357027


Well, even using the example of a beautiful Trophy Wife - is e.p. the best explanation for this? Is there an alternative scientific field?

>> No.5357028

humans at the current time are very shitty specimens for studying evolution because of the societies we have built i.e. no natural selection is happening and a lot of other natural processes arent happening for various reasons

>> No.5357030


Slipping a sedative into a drink.

>> No.5357033

This is 4chan, you were expecting an answer that didn't include rape?

Although to be fair, it's not rape if the girl does geniuninely want it. All you did is make her want something she otherwise wouldn't. Like a car salesman.

>> No.5357036


No problem. It's a great lecture, and it crystallized the thoughts I already had on the matter.

>> No.5357037

Though true it also explains why "nice guys" are bitter misogynists.

Disregard that... it implies that alpha-hunks are more respectful towards women than bitter misogynist introverts.

>> No.5357041


>> No.5357040

>>Define "rape".

looking at a woman

>> No.5357039


I think as soon as altruism became a common trait in humans natural selection went out the door, and sexual selection became the norm, but now it's back to e.p. again. Ha, ha.

>> No.5357045

Nothing is unnatural about our society. This idea that anything humans do is unnatural is a complete fallacy. We are a part of nature. There is no fundamental difference between us and the rest of life. Natural selection never stops. You can say that now natural selection is selecting for very different traits than it has in the past, but not that it has somehow magically stopped.

>> No.5357047

Read the Selfish Gene. Altruism is a selectively favourable trait for social animals.

>> No.5357048

>This is 4chan, you were expecting an answer that didn't include rape?

Not in /sci/ I don't. We're here to contribute knowledge that is valuable and that we can use. That's the point of science - increase knowledge, better our lives.

>> No.5357049

ITT: Maybe if I read up how to get the ladies like one of my psychology studies I'll get the girls. Maybe If i buy pheromones and read PUA magazines and wear a shark tooth necklace and get a jersey shore haircut I'll get all the girls. Fuck going to the gym and making eye contact, i wanna get LAID

>> No.5357050


You know, I probably will. I've heard the book recommended many times. Thanks for suggestion.

>> No.5357051
File: 130 KB, 400x419, 1350987616739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... it's only rape if you are unattractive...

>> No.5357056


OP here. I'm trying to veer the thread away from that, and towards scientific knowledge guys can use. Pheromones and PUA may have a few scientific elements, but they're so intertwined with unscientific literature it's not really useful.

I want this discussion to remain scientific. Sticking to the facts.

>> No.5357057


watch this and you will finally see

>> No.5357061

mother of god, he was taking a huge risk there, if she was from Texas she might have maced his ass and called the cops, his wrestling career could be over if she wanted

>> No.5357063
File: 75 KB, 400x399, 1354774624972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any proof that rape did not contribute to science?

Great deal of technologic advancement was brought up by wars, and war's greatest motive was the spoils of war...

>> No.5357066


Saw it. Makes me cringe even worse than watching some cold approach PUA attempts.

Interestingly enough, a guy telephoning a call girl does not make me cringe at all.

>> No.5357067


Red herring.

>> No.5357070

How is that so?

>> No.5357072

If it makes you cringe, you're doing it wrong. If you say to yourself "It's cuz he's black." you're doing it wrong. He's muscular, tall, and confident, he doesn't stop humping her because he knows she's getting warmed up. THIS is how you get the ladies, although humping is a bit extreme.

>> No.5357075
File: 16 KB, 320x320, red_herring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz stop

>> No.5357078


Another red herring.

>> No.5357083

>although humping is a bit extreme.
Only because it was on national TV.

She would probably volunteer in seconds if that happenned in privacy.

>> No.5357085


Shut up.

>> No.5357081


Another red herring.