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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 162 KB, 1146x603, burningragewiththeforceofathousandsuns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5353947 No.5353947 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s reaction to this?

>> No.5353956

>implying science isn't a girl thing

>> No.5353971

Those three paragraphs sound like they were written by a High School columnist.

>> No.5353986
File: 340 KB, 580x435, read my lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white feminism

>> No.5353992

why the fuck do they always mention curie as the primary example, her husband did most of the work

>> No.5353997

Grain cultivation was a 15th century discovery? What?

>> No.5354028

If men weren't holding women back we'd have colonized space by now.

>> No.5354027
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I work in a laboratory and females just aren't applying for jobs.

Is this somehow MALES' fault?

>> No.5354042

Like half of decent women scientists are jews, too.
The kike domination is worse for females than it is for males.

>> No.5354062
File: 475 KB, 1500x2192, Lise_Meitner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you can't into nuclear fission

>> No.5354096

Yeah I've noticed that too.

>> No.5354110

in that picture, why doesnt she wear safety goggles

>> No.5354122

Might be true in countries like Saudi Arabia, but it's not true in first world countries.
If women aren't getting credit for their own discoveries then it's either due to the fact that they're getting outsiders to write their papers for them (Derp) or they're not assertive enough to take credit for joint ventures and end up being walked all over (which has nothing to do with their lack of a penis).

>> No.5354145


>> No.5354151

>>Those three paragraphs sound like they were written by a woman.


>> No.5354157
File: 238 KB, 1500x1560, satmath[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5354161
File: 22 KB, 400x300, costanzafail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about pseudo-intellectuals who accuse everyone and everything of sexism
>be blatantly sexist
Why are you guys still doing this.

>> No.5354168

>tu quoque fallacy
Why are you guys still doing this?

>> No.5354170

shit man now i know the truth! thanks for those excellent facts

>> No.5354171


That's actually an argument that they're right. M/F ratio in 750-800 range is about 1.8 to 1, which is much lower than you see in the sciences. Why aren't 40% of [insert STEM field] female?

>> No.5354174

Because women aren't interested? I don't see why a big deal is made out of this

>> No.5354178

probably some "science fan" woman, who pretends to be "nerdy"

>> No.5354182


It's not, just that other anon was making a bad argument, is all I'm saying. I actually agree that it's not necessarily a problem that needs to be actively solved.

>> No.5354186

ITT: neckbears who are afraid of being outperformed by women in science

>> No.5354194

> baseless accusation

How scientific of you.

>> No.5354196

>not scientific

Do you even empiricism?

>> No.5354200


>> No.5354225

>sleeves rolled up
>No goggles
>No gloves
>Clearly doesn't love science

0/10 would not be lab partners with

>> No.5354233

>wearing safety goggles

I bet you also believe this "water first, then acid" nonsense.

>> No.5354248


ITT: neckbeards who are afraid of being artificially excluded from science by women through the use of "social engineering" programs

>> No.5354252


If they leave it at that, then they completely fail to acknowledge recent changes in science addressing the previous gender bias. I would challenge its neutrality.

>> No.5354263

If you actually were smarter than women, then you wouldn't need to oppress them and to keep them out of science by means of social pressure.

>> No.5354288


Indeed. Likewise if women were legitimately smart enough, they should be able to get into their respective fields on their own merit, just like anyone else. It is this ideal that we should strive for.

The current system was necessary to correct a deep selection bias that was prevalent within science decades ago. It is not required now. In fact, it is overreaching its intended purpose by artificially placing a small amount of unqualified women into the field, thereby excluding a small amount of barely qualified men.

>> No.5354297
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1339921628688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminist Science Studies
>Women study scientists instead of science

>> No.5354305

>mfw my graduate class is 3 females to 1 male

>> No.5354315

She's also using an alcohol burner. Either she's doing something completely harmless or her institution is dirt poor.

>> No.5354318

She's probably just showing off how much of a scientist she is for the camera, by doing something sciency.

Can't you see how much she is a science.

Her science is in the eyes of the science i what if she science is she?

>> No.5354340

Let me guess - biology?

>> No.5354348

when I hear about how in the past they would not teach girls any math because "math wasn't for girls" I feel disgusted, but at the same time I think it is absurd that federal programs encourage science for girls so much and complain about "discrimination" in today's world.

Why don't we give everybody a test in sewing and in carpentry, and talk about how much discrimination there is in the teaching of youth?

Why not dispense with all 'girl toys' and make girls play with Legos and Rubik's cubes and the same toys as boys do, rather than complain about the lack of females in science?

I feel like a correlation factor between sex (hormonal) and job choice percentages is not a PROBLEM, if a female, or anyone, wants to be in science she/he should be peer reviewed anonymously and we will see how much bias there is.

Anyone can read books if they want. Science discriminates as much against women as it does against men with particular personalities that make working with most peers difficult.

>> No.5354383

I'm having so many problems trying to read this.

The fuck does this mean?

>> No.5354391

She is all science, all the time.

Because science.

>> No.5354400


>> No.5354398

biology is more 1:1
I'm thinking psychology

>> No.5354412

>Is this somehow MALES' fault?

Their father's fault. Read OP's pic about where females aren't encouraged to think.

>> No.5354425

I'm all for encouraging girls in school to pursue science as a career, but no quotas or any such bullshit. 75% of the girls who started CompSci in my year have now left and that wasn't because of discrimination, but because "math is hard". Good for them if they find out the subject is not for them, before they waste too much time and as far as I know nobody has suggested changing anything to keep them studying it.

What somebody has to clearly say at some point is that math and its most closely related sciences (physics, compsci/information theory) require lots of work in understanding the math behind it and a certain sacrifice in time devoted to the study of it. A woman (or person in general) who wants both a career and a family has to accept that this involves a huge amount of stress.
You can't just make the subject easier. It is what it is.

>> No.5354426

Thomas Kuhn would agree with this.

>> No.5354483


Source? I've never heard this.

>> No.5354487

Girls suck at math.

>> No.5354504

>Because women aren't interested? I don't see why a big deal is made out of this

Because 3rd wave feminists won't be happy until we're all miserable.

>> No.5354515


>> No.5354537

I have never met a girl in any of my math classes who wasn't just trying to become a teacher.

>> No.5354557


>> No.5356545
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>> No.5356569


>haha who thinks about what they're doing in a lab?

Do you even lab techniques?

>> No.5356596

Absolute bullshit. Some fields may have more or less women. The only thing this is good for is an example that society still hasn't understood that it is actually easier with more opportunity and more encouragement being a woman at this day and age. For example NYC has 60% of its employment held by women. Numbers changing that drastically in the last 20 years does not happen without discrimination. Also, although technically legal, men only scholarships and large government programs simply do not exist, but they do for women.

>> No.5356611

If that's the logic we're going by, then it's equally their mothers' faults, making the problem gender-less...which it is.

>> No.5356661

there is no problem

feminists are trolls talking about stuff that happened 50 years ago, making the problem only really a problem for those that are retiring.

stop believing everything you hear and actually look at the world, please

>> No.5356670

I think they're stupid enough to get angry at it.

>> No.5356677

Are you seriously suggesting that male dominance does not exist in high end new york buisness?


>> No.5356703

No I am saying that SOME women are doing everything in their power to control every aspect of business in new york through female dominance creating a very large bias against men.

If there is some sector domminated by men left it is probably because decades and decades of experience is required for it and/or you get hired only if you know somebody and are in the good old boys club - not because you have a penis.