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5352954 No.5352954 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become smart?

>> No.5352958

Acquire luck, re-roll

>> No.5352960

How do you know if you're smart?

Here's the same question on /lit/


>> No.5352962


>> No.5352965

Interesting question. People think I'm smart. I think I'm just slightly more dedicated than them.

>> No.5352968

Becoming "intelligent" dishonestly is terrible. It's like feeling good about getting an A+ on a test you cheated on.

>> No.5352979

>being succesful

pick one. just one.

>> No.5352984
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>THW this is completely true, in every field of human endeavor, since the beginning of our species.

All you need to be remembered is the ability to take credit and sound convincing.

>> No.5352990

Being successful and being intelligent are two different things.

>> No.5352993


Read an hour a day OP for 6 months. Go to your library and find a book and just read for an hour a day and you will become smarter.

>> No.5352999

Unfortunately, I agree

>> No.5353007

post of the year

>> No.5353009

I've been doing that for the past year or so and I don't feel as if I wear getting smarter.

On the contrary, I feel like my mind is atrophying every day. I just finished my first semester of college, by the way.

>> No.5353011

What do you read?

>> No.5353017


Not OP, but I need to do that. I'm going to Barnes and Noble, in a bit. However, I'm not really sure if I should buy an H.P. Lovecraft book or a stephen king book.

>> No.5353020

Mostly fiction. I'm trying to change that by switching up and teaching myself calculus.

In the past months I've read:
War and Peace
The Trial
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Master and Margarita
Crime and Punishment
Camus' essays
The Picture of Dorian Gray

basically books that are popular on /lit/. I realize that there's not much variety, but I have to catch up first before I branch out.

>> No.5353023


Look. Forget being smarter. What do YOU enjoy doing? Do you like building cars? Do you like working with computers? Are you into fashion or something? Go and do what YOU love to do. Be the smartest person in that area and you can't go wrong.

>> No.5353025

I think the definition of "smart" is subjective. I think the real difference between people is the one who always have attention in your own environment and always trying to "computing" the "signals" around them and applying this process forward in life (not only in school, university etc but all the time), and the one who doesn't ...

People in the first case who always fulfilled the "always trying to comprehend your environment nd always trying to question this results all the time (and built your own knowledge base, based in your own experience" are considered "smart" independent from any knowledge area or carreer , occupation, etc.

So, people who don't aver try to question herself are dumb. And the dumb people is not only the stupid one, but all people that let themselves be carried away in life. In that same group are the people who always attempt to "became smart" but always try to do this in the wrong way and don't achieve anything...

>> No.5353030
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>want to do computers
>you need math
>be 24
>intermediate algebra

>> No.5353065

>be 24
>still have 60 years left
next excuse?

>> No.5353066
File: 734 KB, 1048x1273, how-to-think-like-leonardo-da-vinci-book-cover-10-12-103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day [Paperback] http://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Think-Like-Leonardo-Vinci/dp/0440508274

>> No.5353067 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 300x169, 1339014199591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even satan?

>not even satan

http://www.joyofsatan . org/
http://www.angelfire . com/empire/serpentis666/Outsiders.html BUT I IS AN ATHIEST!?!?!?
http://www.angelfire . com/empire/serpentis666/Tree.html SATAN CREATED HUMANITY THROUGH GENETIC ENGINEERING
http://www.angelfire . com/empire/serpentis666/Incubus.html HAVE SEX WITH DEMONS

Don't miss out on this shit, you'll be mad if you do. ANCIENT ALIENS MOTHER FUCKER.

Also now join us on le Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/spiritualsatanism/

>> No.5353087


>> No.5353100


Well supposedly we are due for world economic collapse in 2030 at which point most of us will die in the resulting war for resources and power... but 17 years more isn't too short of a time to do a bunch of cool shit in your life. I would just hate to wake up in 17 years and realize I spent that time doing something I didn't really enjoy doing.

>> No.5353104

I'm going to assume your post was a troll attempt but why would you not want to enhance your ability to do things? If everyone "cheated" to get smarter, technology and science would be much more advanced and we could have cures to many new diseases.

>> No.5353109



No excuse OP. This is the simplest book I could find that covers algebra and calculus. If you can do calculus you can do anything computer related.

>> No.5353110
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You're ALREADY smart. Just like Luke was already a Jedi; he just didn't know it.

--faye kane homeless brain