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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5349805 No.5349805 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ What is the most efficient way to use the brain? Schedule?
Ie. Read for an hour, listen to a lecture for another, study for another.
I understand that the brain is capable of incredible things. Is it possible to learn a lot of things, or is that too much for the brain?
InB4 Finalsfag
Its not about finals, I'm just curious.

>> No.5349811 [DELETED] 

Listen to lecture

Brain needs repetition more so than anything. Repetition is built into nature and emulation of it is the most efficient form of learning. At glance it may seem like a waste of time, but its much more effective.

>> No.5349813

>Is it possible to learn a lot of things

Nope, I won't allow it.

>> No.5349820

learn lots of different tricks for different games and fields. Take these examples and find your own tricks. Get them into your skill set and intuition.

>> No.5349834

What do you think of different fields? Should I just stick to one thing at a time?

>> No.5349838 [DELETED] 

Personally I'm a multi-subject learner. Multi but similar in context. For example, chemistry + physics. Art+history. Philosophy+history+logic+math Or some weird fusion that you can connect. If you can get some context to work with your different subjects, then your learning rate will increase.

>> No.5349842

stick to fields around your vicinity but don't stick to only one field

>> No.5349852

So you think I should come up with my own combinations, according to my connections?
I am already really good at history,
but I have trouble with math and chemistry. Should I alternate days?

>> No.5349861

Don't think about this so rigidly. Just create a boundary around what you do and play in that boundary. For example, say that, "I must expose myself to this textbook at least 40 hours a week" and don't put any more constraints on yourself. You'll be surprised how often you find insights by accident.

>> No.5349893 [DELETED] 

>So you think I should come up with my own combinations, according to my connections?
You should try it out if nothing else to see if it works for you or not. I've learned this way to be very good for my own needs. Sometimes the fusion of those two or more connections can create a new information that you might not otherwise find if you do either one separately.

>Should I alternate days?
I dont have any good stance on this because I've been studying freestyle. I followed where my curiosity leads me. Sometimes the study will focus on one subject for a while, and then I get curious about one word/concept/idea or get confused about one of those, then I dig deeper into where those come from when/how. Connection between those two can create a lasting/solid effect that would no doubt help you overcome normal single subject studying degeneration. You dont need a solid limit to your curiosity/thirst for knowledge. As long as the curiosity is within the contained subjects/connections, your study should progress at a reasonable pace.

>> No.5349896

That picture is from the Born of Osiris album Discovery right.

>> No.5349902

I don't so, I just got it from scouring the web.

>> No.5349906

So curiosity is the driver?
That sounds reasonable.
But you still have certain subjects that you must cover right?

>> No.5349935

The other thing I worry about is entertainment, do you find time for it? Or do you completely block it out.
What about urges to procrastinate.
Its because I know time is precious, and I want to take advantage of my brain, as much as possible. But I have been having an internal debate, on whether I should be entertained from time to time, or should I just completely cut it out.

>> No.5349944 [DELETED] 

You should absolutely leave time for leisure. If you don't you'll become a miserable bitter wreck. Your brain needs time to relax too and not constantly working hard.

>> No.5349946

Depends on your goals. Can you reach your goals by having lots of entertainment? It's actually too uncertain. As a precaution against becoming a total nerd, you should allocate maybe 30-40 hours a week to having a social life. if you're fine with not having a social life, do whatever.

Just don't worry. Worrying about worry is the mind killer and will drive you mad. You have to be mentally stable.

>> No.5349952

30 -40 hours
Should I have a daily dose,
Or should I keep it for the weekends?
Or have the afternoons off, or have a break every two hours or so? Should I interrupt studying?

>> No.5349958

holy shit you are being unnecessarily precise about this. You gotta EXPERIMENT on your own and get to know yourself. Make mistakes and recap. Everyone is different.

>> No.5349983

To be honest, any studying is better than procrastinating on 4chan like you are right now.

As the saying goes, a violently executed plan today is better than the perfect plan next week.

Just start studying.

I strongly recommend downloading some sort of pomodoro software, though.

>> No.5349989

I must say something. I've made myself feel guilty when I am not studying. And it drives me crazy. I always feel like I could be ahead of the curve.>>5349983
That is true.

>> No.5349991

You'll learn how to be more efficient the more you study, as long as you study actively and not just like a sponge.

>> No.5349995

My technique is study for an hour, then read for an hour, then watch tv for an hour, and then cycle.

>> No.5350039

Anyways, thanks /sci/
Its been good.

>> No.5351059

>pomodoro software
Like what?