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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5346280 No.5346280 [Reply] [Original]

pseudo science, science hipster, and everything other science rage related, thread.

>> No.5346282
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i actually lold about this one

>> No.5346292
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this one is just plain stupid

>> No.5346294

>waaah, hot girls romanticize my profession, waaaah

>> No.5346300


9fag is cancer

(unleet it)

>> No.5346305
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>> No.5346308

I think the whining is more about, they give people the impression they are interested in science yet when confronted about it, are repelled

as in girls who say 'I'd date a nerd'
actually mean
'I'd date sheldon cooper'
but wouldn't go near an astrophysicist (but then again who would hehe)

>> No.5346353

everyone that passes him on the street would

>> No.5346359
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o rly

>> No.5346920


>> No.5346960

>pseudo science

- Climate Change
- Permaculture
- Bullshit PC anthropology and biology when it comes to humans (Different races are different subspecies and all races are different both physically, genetically and mentally, how anyone can deny this is beyond me)
- Marijuana is not physically addictive and can fight cancer.

Science is being over run with liberal agenda.

Next we will be hearing how Males are actually a subspecies of females with the way things are going.

>> No.5347028


>> No.5347039
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>> No.5347041

you know xx and xy males are just an mutation

>> No.5347046

>Different races are different subspecies
>climate change is pseudoscience
middle school student detected

>> No.5347060

> implying climate change isn't supported by more evidence than is the existence of your dick

>> No.5347061

Whoa, you're way off the mark.

>pseudo science
Irritatingly widely believed. It's not even shameful in society to believe in homeopathy.
I occasionally rage when shit gets out of hand.
>science hipsters
covers a wide range of people; some are actually interested, but also like to be seen to be interested. Others are just idiots. No rage there. Maddox had a mildly funny article recently about Neil DeGrass Tyson and "I fucking love science". (maddox.xmission.com)

>> No.5347079

I'm a girl and I'm trying to be an astrophysicist... so I don't think I'd want to date one.

>> No.5347084

>btw im a girl
>btw i have boobs
>btw i like science
>btw im a girl

>> No.5347086 [DELETED] 

sent :)

>> No.5347093


>> No.5347094

Yeah pretty much. Guys aren't the only ones that go on /sci/. The HUGE generalizations on this board annoy me sometimes.

Also, when people deny climate change and claim it's been "disproved." Seriously, stfu.

>> No.5347102

you should be an archaeologist cuz i have a large bone for you to examine

>> No.5347107

i named my le cat, le schrodinger
>such a nerd xDDDD

>> No.5347115

Ha, I've never heard that one before.
I got one that was like "Hey I'm doing a project on the wonders of the world."
Me (being stupid and not getting it): Oh what are they?
Guy: You know, the pyramids, stonehenge, oh and you.

>> No.5347114

yeah generilization are a problem

>> No.5347128

Now you're talking about lines people have used on you? The whole point of tits or gtfo is to stop this ridiculousness.

>> No.5347125

I think if I were a girl I'd start lactating if I heard something like that. Did you start lactating?

I'm a guy, btw :)

>> No.5347138

No but I thought it was pretty funny. I'm really bad at flirting so I never hear funny pickup lines like that.

>> No.5347140

sent :)

>> No.5347143

ha. If you're looking for tits, you shouldn't be on /sci/.

>> No.5347146

Yes, only a scientific view of the world will conclude the following:

>Gender and Sex are not necessarily decided by reproduction, it is a social construct. Reproduction is not the basis of sex.

>Even if something is biologically predetermined, it is a social construct, because everything is due to social environment. This social setting created Biology to fulfill their own interest.

>> No.5347162

OH MY GOD, I have a great idea! Let's complain about no girls being into science or scientists, and then tell them to show tits or gtfo on /sci/! That'll make them be into science for SURE!

>> No.5347165

butt make it latina tittus exposius or get the fuckoutius - Einstein 1946

>> No.5347172


Don't you get it, they don't want to actually solve the problem, they just want to get credit for saying they want the problem to be solved.

>> No.5347169


OH MY GOD, let's assume that women are so impressionable as to be turned away from their field of choice by a really old, common saying! That'll fix existing gender perceptions

>> No.5347181

Making fun of entire group of people (gender, race, religion, etc) is definitely going to turn some people away. Sure there'll be a few who stay with it, but some are going to be scared off if they're being 24/7. And why not? No one wants that (obviously).

>> No.5347186

*being harassed 24/7

>> No.5347187

Constructing strawmen about women probably won't help attract them either.

>> No.5347197


If they're going to be bothered by tasteless jokes, then maybe those groups of people should seek a different site to visit.

If the dudes running science depts said "tits or gtfo" to female students, then I'm sure that would dissuade them from going into the sciences. However, coming to a forum where sexist/racist/anythingist jokes are the norm and being at all affected by said jokes is just stupid and perhaps a fair indicator of incompatibility with any discipline requiring the use of reason.

>> No.5347211

Because were all hyper-rational economist-machines who never get frustrated or driven out of something we want to do because of bigotry and terrible culture.

This isn't primary school; "Sticks and Stones" isn't really good enough.

>> No.5347207

Good point. If I had heard this much slander against women in the real world (though I'm sure some people think it), I would never ever major in physics (obviously).
Unfortunately, a lot of women are retarded and WOULD get scared away by people on 4chan saying tasteless jokes like that.

>> No.5347215

That shirt is the best troll ive ever seen

>> No.5347227


I'm not saying "sticks and stones." I'm saying, "don't expect behavior from a community incongruent to existing descriptions of it." If a chick came to /sci/ because of a genuine interest in the sciences, then I doubt any regurgitated meme would change her mind about it. She might be bothered enough to never visit 4chan again, but it wouldn't ruin science for her.

>> No.5347228

i you are serios you did not seen much if troll=bad troll^2

>> No.5347246

I think that makes sense, but it can be enough for a chick who's never been on 4chan before. The first time I went on, I thought wtf? Some bitches are dumb enough to be scared off (again, because some chicks are retarded).
I'm just saying it'd be better NOT to be hypocritical, as in saying "Why don't girls like scientists?" and "Tits or gtfo" in the same breath.

>> No.5347265

>btw I'm a chick, but I'm different
> such a nerd xD xD xD
> Yeah, girls are soo stupid, but I'm not because I like science like you

I sincerely hope that your repeated mentioning of how stupid the rest of the female population is will endear you to the good wholesome /sci/ folks. Does slander against the rest of your gender make you feel more like one of the people on here? In that very reasoning, you become less like everyone else.

>> No.5347267
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>> No.5347269

And when (to a lesser extent) the same mindset is present almost everywhere?
When its a safe be that the same type of ideas will follow you to each group you attend?
To any education you try to get?
To any job you apply for?

You don't go into science, you end up with a part time job you don't care about, or as a reluctant housewife.

And then /sci/ will claim the disparity in aplication numbers is proof that "women don't want to go into science.

Also, I think I was just trolled.

>> No.5347274


I'm sorry, because you're clearly making every effort to be reasonable, but I still can't get behind that. I'm offended by the implication that chicks need any sort of special treatment when they're online. I mean, we don't worry about guys in engineering getting scared away by the daily "lel, your field is oversaturated and gay" comments.

It's not easy to make it in a field like this, especially since there're still a fair chunk of guys in STEM who are passively sexist and assume you don't know what you're talking about. The kind of blatant, empty jokes that a chick'd encounter here are the least of her concerns.

>> No.5347285
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>> No.5347289

>inb4 econ major calls anthropogenic climate change theory a pseudoscience because "leftist hippie propaganda"

>> No.5347292
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I think you misunderstood.

The point of "tits or gtfo" is to prevent the conversations which inevitably ensue if you declare yourself to be a girl, rather than simply not mentioning your sex. Stupid nerds start very gently hitting on the girl, the girl loves and encourages the attention, and it slowly gets ridiculous. Or else it's just terrible from the beginning.

If it's actually relevant to what you have to say, then say you're a girl. Otherwise, just don't mention it, like every single guy on 4chan.

>> No.5347299

Don't make jokes in /sci/. By a combination of Poe's law and asperger's it isimpossible to not stir up a shitstorm.

>> No.5347301

In a way, I always thought it to be more of a polite way of saying that if you're a female on the internet, you do not deserve to be fawned over or given preferential treatment. Barring showings your tits, which is the main thing that seems to empower most females in other social settings, it keeps them from bitching about all the sexist remarks.

>> No.5347306
File: 90 KB, 640x427, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5347309

Online discussion boards, especially anonymous ones, have significantly simpler social mechanics.

Don't overthink it. Just ask for tits.

>> No.5347312


Not a troll. I think we're having some kind of communication issue. I acknowledge the sciences can be a difficult field for women because of the mindsets you've mentioned.

My only argument is that the "bigotry" you encounter here is generally in good-nature and a part of the accepted culture. Moreover, it's used on everyone, not just women. If the behavior on any *chan bothers a person, then that's a personal issue easily rectified by not visiting 4chan.

>> No.5347314

I felt like mentioning that as per the constant queries on /b/ for tits, when it really shouldn't be used like that. There's nothing wrong to me if a girl feels like chilling on 4chan or any other typically sexist area. It just bothers me when people constantly are so off putting to otherwise perfectly alright girls, who don't ask for any special treatment.

tl;dr I'll ask for tits.

>> No.5347471

>who don't ask for any special treatment.
Stating that you are a female in a site primarily composed of sexually repressed nerds is essentially a call for special treatment even if there's no intent.

We have resolved this issue at least back in 2006. Just stick with the hatefully-silly online ettiquette, I don't want to sound like a pragmatist or a stuck up traditionalist but if it works, and nobody gets trully hurt, why change it?

>> No.5347491
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> Talking with friend, discussing great quotes in science and mathematics.
> I say Edison's quote about him discovering a million ways not to make a light bulb
> "Don't quote Edison. He was a terrible person and horrible to Nikola Tesla, who would have given the world free energy."

>> No.5347526

Edison still was more of a pattent mongerer than an actual inventor though...

Though trial and error are the basis of scientific method, not having a theoritical background on your experiments doesn't exactly constitute scientific thinking.


>> No.5347540

Hello tru /sci/fags

I want to admit my interest for science is brand new. It just started with me reading Stephen Hawking and then searching for some of the terms on youtube to find minutephysics, vsauce, scishow and such. I've learned lots and been a pretencious science fag in social events. But after coming to /sci/ I realize how I know nothing and I'm far from being a smart guy. Hence, I introduced myself to the thread.

>> No.5347545


probly a product of curiosity

>> No.5347546

>pretentious intellectual can't spell pretentious
>friends/coworkers probably already realize he's spewing shit