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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 540x720, GayAndProud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5336316 No.5336316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God Tier: Engineering, Medicine,
Top: Business, Law, Stats, Math, Chem, Pharm and Tox, Computer Science
Mid: Economics, Kinesiology, IT, Astronomy
Low: Life Sciences, Psych, Geology
Shit: Same

>> No.5336320

Shit = everything not mentioned

>> No.5336347

God tier: (Pure problem solving):Physics, Math
Top tier: (Most problem solving, some memorization):Chem, Engineering, Computer science. etc.
Mid tier: (half and half): Economics, Biology etc.
Low tier: (mostly memorization): Geology, Law, Business
Shit tier: (all memorization): Psych, anthropology, pre-med, women's studies etc.

>> No.5336348

pretty much

>> No.5336353

Professional Sports: Make millions, fuck women, enjoy being alpha. Way better than engineering.

Also, everyone hates gay people because they have to "come out". Like no... you don't have to wait for "coming out week". Can you even fucking imagine if we had a "straight" week. My head would explode.

>> No.5336360

Do you think being gay interferes with one's ability to do math and science?

>> No.5336361

ITT: Shit post general

>> No.5336373

the kid in OP's pic is actually extremely intelligent in math. I went to HS with him.

>> No.5336378

God Tier: Physics, Medicine
Top Tier: Law, Business, Math
Mid Tier: Computer Science, Engineering
Low Tier: Biology, Geology
Shit Tier: English

>> No.5336384

if he is so smart then how come he's a faggot? check and mate.

>> No.5336390

>Mostly memorization

*facepalm* That's the ignorance of computer science neckbeards

>> No.5336394

because pussy is for pussies

>> No.5336399

God Tier: philosophy
Top: performing arts, music, communication, theater
Mid: gender studies, sociology, literature, women's studies
Low: business, economics, aftrican-american studies
Shit: everything else

>> No.5336396


>> No.5336405


>> No.5336404

>>1/10 made me respond

wise sage

also troll harder pleb

>> No.5336406

God Tier: Engineering, Medicine, Maths
Top Tier: Law, Business
Mid Tier: Computer Science, Physics, Astrophysics
Low Tier: Biology, Geology
Shit Tier: English

>> No.5336407


About that kid I have no idea. There are exceptions to every rule. I'm sure there are gay kids in engineering who are very smart but they don't go flaunting their gayness everywhere. I only have a problem with the kids that have to shout from the rooftops that they are gay and that it is ok. Any rational person knows it's ok to be gay. It's the retards I have to watch fighting over it for years and years and years. It is soul draining.

>> No.5336408

>*facepalm* That's the ignorance of computer science neckbeards

And most of them here don't even know about computer science.

>> No.5336413
File: 26 KB, 418x244, tumblr_md04loDQ521rtngcjo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineering not god tier
>Comp Sci not high tier

Engineers build all the shit we need.
Comp Sci is an average intelligence major with a great job market.

>> No.5336419

God Tier: Engineering, Medicine, Maths
Top Tier: Law, Business
Mid Tier: Computer Science, Physics, Astrophysics
Low Tier: Biology, Geology
Shit Tier: English, Physiology
Le Tier: Philosophy

>> No.5336424
File: 4 KB, 145x137, 1348212048703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5336436

high tier: philosophy and physics
mid tier: philosophy or physics
low tier: neither philosophy nor physics

>> No.5336439

>Mostly memorization

Pick one.

>> No.5336441

God Tier: Dino Science, Electrical and Nuclear Engineering, Math/Stats, Oncology, Toxicology, Chemistry, Physics
Top Tier: All other Engineering, All other Medicine, Law, Business
Mid Tier: Economics, Astronomy, Geology, Computer Science
Low Tier: Life Science, Archaeology, Environmental Science, Psychology
Shit: Humanities, Music
Shoot Me In The Face and Fuck My Corpse Tier: Gender Studies