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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 316x480, gautamsoman-emprerorsnewmindrogerpenrose[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5334279 No.5334279 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book /sci/?

>> No.5334379

I don't have any about the book, but if that's the Roger Penrose from Oxford, I LOVE his views on the Big Bang. He basically says that the universe is cyclic, with successive big bangs, WITHOUT big crunches. When the universe is old, wide, cold enough, finally matters turns into light. No matter, just light. There is no scale anymore, and space loose its meaning. There is no more absolute energy, and matter starts to emerge again, as if it was super energetic again, which you can it is ! Bam, new big bang ! Sorry about the unrelated post but I wanted to share this awesome idea.

>> No.5334393

>"Penrose presents the argument that human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modeled by a conventional Turing machine-type of digital computer. "

It's shit.

>> No.5334438


post-googling, 8/10 would read. link to pdf?

>> No.5334454

Never read it.
>Roger Penrose
It's shit.

>> No.5334484

seems interesting, I enjoyed reading road to reality, might read this in my free time.

>> No.5334504
File: 13 KB, 315x305, 1354896679173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huurrr the brain is quantum magic durrr. im famous so im right. pic related it's rogor pensore

>> No.5334508

Rogor Pensore knows a lot about science and totally has a spiritual take on it. This book will take you deep into the realms of consciousness and has totally benefited my life. Rogor Pensore teaches about the field that exists inside and all around us. I love his views on the universe, they make a lot of sense. Be prepared to discover a new reality within your own mind. A must-read for anyone willing to take a journey within

>> No.5334525


>> No.5334547

"It's literally 100% absolutely impossible that Penrose is right. The brain absolutely has to be a computer, because the analogy of the brain as a computer makes sense and is therefore correct. No need to look at his actual arguments, I'll just stick to my comforting worldview. Also, I enjoy sexual intercourse with children under the age of ten." -- Most people in this thread.

How 'bout you read the book before critiquing.

>> No.5334548
File: 102 KB, 346x354, penose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5334558

>How 'bout you read the book before critiquing.
wow, wow, wow..
>Implying anyone reads in this board
>Implying anyone in this thread wouldn't get lost reading sophisticated books

>> No.5334565
File: 681 KB, 800x617, pennose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5334567

>lul i trole u XD

>> No.5334575

Fucking retarded made up shit. Hurrr, I don't like the fact that my brain is not a special snowflake! I know! I'll make up some unfalsifiable shit about microtubules!

>> No.5334583
File: 79 KB, 200x250, rogorpennose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the microtubule part *is* falsifiable, and subsequently has been disproved.

>> No.5334587

> 2011
> not publishing infinitely many papers to http://www.1729.com/consciousness/math-journal.html

>> No.5334591

the only thing that is fucking retarded is you

>> No.5334589

Fair enough, although the entire premise is unfalsifiable (that the brain is "non-algorithmic") because you can always say to a certain computer based brain "Oh, yeah? Prove that it's really thinking!!"

>> No.5334593

Are you a christian?

>> No.5334595

Also penrose made a monumentally dumb argument based on Gödel's theorems which Alan Turing demolished over 50 years ago, and which has been demolished by a professor of mathematical logic at Stanford (going to go look for the paper now)

>> No.5334597

Fuck, I want to sit on that man's nose so bad.

>> No.5334598


>> No.5334607

you don't really have to be Alan Turing or a standford profession to see how full of bullshit his book is.

>> No.5334621

no, are you retarded?

>> No.5334714

why would he be? most people believe in this shit because of things like that

>> No.5334729

> minds are magic: the book

>> No.5334784
File: 24 KB, 137x184, penrose2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : Highschoolers completely denounce this book because they think they are smarter than Sir Roger Penrose, OM, FRS, because the book has the word 'mind' in the title.

>> No.5334810

actually people are denouncing it because it's completely wrong

>> No.5334841
File: 27 KB, 137x184, pennosey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5334849

> appeal to authority

>> No.5334853
File: 97 KB, 1107x794, Consciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher-Order Theory checking in

>> No.5334861

some like it HOT

>> No.5334866

epiphenomenalism ftw

>> No.5334867

Isn't it funny how the only scientific stance (eliminative materialism) is not included in that pic? Well done, /x/ troll.

>> No.5334869

Ephiphenomenalism is a form of dualism. Please take that nonsense to >>>/x/

>> No.5334870

HOT is scientific ..

>> No.5334876

Nope. It's philosophical babble without basis in reality. The only scientific stance is to not believe in shit that has no evidence. That means dismissing a soul / consciousness.

>> No.5334880

> implying I can't reasonably dismiss Aristotle's principles of motion without reading his works, despite me "not being as smart" as him.

Science is not a cult of intelligence. You do not earn 'credibility points' by working in one field, which you can then spend in a different field. Judge the theory by its own merits, not the merits of those who propose it.

In the case of quantum brains, the hypothesis does not explain any existing phenomena, requires unique and complex mechanisms, has been moderately falsified by all existing experiments (i.e. no quantum neurons have ever been reported in neurology), and will continue to become ever more testable.

This makes the hypothesis unlikely, but worthy to keep in mind. Writing a book about an unlikely theory is regular old pop-sci profiteering, which Penrose is hardly alone in doing. However, through his popularity and perceived authority, he misleads laymen, and with them, politicians and eventually grant commissioners and the public discourse. Because of this, Penrose is either a deluded fool or a selfish asshole.

>> No.5334887

that's not correct, see here http://lesswrong.com/lw/7j0/human_consciousness_as_a_tractable_scientific/ (in particular the linked paper)

>> No.5334890

>implying that HOT, functionalism, identity theory, cognitivism, behaviorism, and epiphenomalism necessitate a soul/consciousness

Aww fuck yeh

Aww fuck yeh

>> No.5334895

>edgy reddit teenager blogs
10/10, I lol'ed

>> No.5334893

This is not an academic source. Don't link me to edgy reddit teenager blogs. It only makes you look retarded.

>> No.5334899

Epiphenomenalism states exactly that this soul / consciousness exists as an epiphenomenon, i.e. a non-interacting and unobservable entity. Tell me how this isn't dualism.

Are you gonna post evidence or are you just gonna continue your immature shitposting?

>> No.5334898


>> No.5334901

dem references...

>> No.5334902


>> No.5334909

Really? I thought that it was about complex physical processes. Point taken. However, please see the rest of the list I provided. I have set to see how HOT or behaviorism support the idea of a soul.

>> No.5334912


Now this is shitposting! I asked you for an academic source and you came up with an even edgier reddit teenager blog. Do you even know what science is? Don't waste my time with pseudo-intellectual drivel by high schoolers who think they know everything about science after watching Neil Tyson and who failed their quadratic equations class, you infantile cretin.

>> No.5334919

>an epiphenomenon, i.e. a non-interacting and unobservable entity
Nnnnnno. That is not what 'epiphenomenon' means, even to people who think it's a meaningful term.

>> No.5334924

HOT as described by the picture is only a philosophical concept working with arbitrary definitions of "thought" (something which has no definite meaning in the scientific context). Behaviourism is the only non-dualist ideology in the picture. It is pointless though, because behaviour is already called behaviour and there's no need to rename it by using spiritualist terminology. Behaviour can be perfectly explained by neurochemistry.

This is exactly what epiphenomenon means. Look it up in a dictionary. An epiphenomenon by definition is something which has no effects. Ergo it is non-interacting and not observable. Give me one reason to believe in this bullshit.

>> No.5334925

I don't think you know what the word "epiphenomenon" means.

>> No.5334928

>A pdf of a paper by Hakwan Lau and David Rosenthal of Columbia University, hosted on an atheism website? Hey, guise, here's an idea: Let's just go pseudo ad hominem on the url and not even pay any attention to the paper! Genius idea, guise!
Better link for you, faggot?

>> No.5334930

Refer to >>5334924

Here's a dictionary for people who can't into google:
>a secondary phenomenon accompanying another and caused by it; specifically : a secondary mental phenomenon that is caused by and accompanies a physical phenomenon but has no causal influence itself
>but has no causal influence itself
>but has no causal influence itself

>> No.5334933

>Look it up in a dictionary.
I did. That wasn't its definition, and it wasn't implied by its definition.

>Give me one reason to believe in this bullshit.
Why the fuck should I? It's your bullshit, not mine.

>> No.5334940

Oh look, a purely philosophical paper published under the guise of psychology. Cool pseudoscience you have there. It's people like these authors who give psychology (the study of human behaviour) a bad reputation.

Clearly you are illiterate then. I even posted a dictionary reference for you in >>5334930 because I expected you to be too incomptent to google it.

>> No.5334942

> hey guise I just drew out ulam's spiral and look at the primes
> I guess spirals cause primes

>> No.5334946

What does this have to do with the discussion? Are you sure you're posting in the right thread? Prime numbers sure are interesting, but this ITT is not a math thread.

>> No.5334950

Has no causal influence _on the original phenomenon_, you utter fuckwit.

>> No.5334957
File: 95 KB, 646x481, 132195810076-alan_you_seem_upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit doesn't own atheism.

>> No.5334963 [DELETED] 

In this case we're discussing here it has no obervable effects at all.

Reddit owns the edgy "new atheism".

>> No.5334965


>> No.5334979


>> No.5335000

>CTRL+F "lesswrong"
>3 results
My, what a surprise.

>> No.5335008

> muh hip club

>> No.5335011
File: 8 KB, 165x267, GERhitler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> calling something after it happened
wow what a bigshot

>> No.5335012

>posting hitler

so edgy

>> No.5335019

I wasn't calling anything. Sorry for hurting your delicate feelings by associating your favorite bullshit philosophy site with bullshit science.

>> No.5335021

In this case it has no observable effects at all.

>> No.5335024

> >CTRL+F "lesswrong"
> >3 results
> My, what a surprise.

Looks like you were calling that someone would mention lesswrong to me.

>> No.5335029
File: 211 KB, 720x540, 1305918994770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.5335032

> what does this have to do with the discussion
It reveals you don't understand what an epiphenomenon is.

>> No.5335033

I posted a dictionary reference that proves how I used the word correctly.

>> No.5335040

As I said in that post you just quoted, all I meant to do was to insult lesswrong by pointing out how it always comes up in threads about bullshit science.

>> No.5335043

It's funny, because the only mentions of lesswrong were about how they are against the book in the OP ...

>> No.5335047

Does it really surprise you? Threads about bullshit pseudoscience and edgy pseudo-philosophy attract uneducated children. Why are you even arguing with this guy? He's most likely underaged and for sure he doesn't know shit about science. Those people are not open to rationality. All you can do is making fun of them.

>> No.5335058
File: 169 KB, 1068x747, 1354815629146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used it to link to a published scientific paper that show a particular theory of conciousness makes new predictions which were shown accurate in experimental testing. The site itself is not relevant.

>> No.5335061

And how does that make them less retarded? If someone counters "2+2=3" by saying "2+2=6", he isn't less of a retard.

>> No.5335070

>scientific paper

Hahaha, 1/10. Your philosophy publication is pretty much the opposite of scientific.

>> No.5335071

It's a bullshit site and you used it to link bullshit. Do you even science?

>> No.5335073
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soul / consciousness nonsense
>experimental testing

>> No.5335075

I guess you guys are just trolling but I might as well say it for people reading the thread.

Did you just not read the link or are you actually saying that http://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/ isn't a real scientific journal?

>> No.5335078
File: 145 KB, 687x1024, TTLqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consciousness isn't nonsense or outside of scientific investigation, despite what mystics (like you) want to believe. Nothing was said about souls (because they're obviously a fairytale).

>> No.5335079

No trolling in here. If you link to /x/ pseudoscience, you will get called out. Period.

>> No.5335082

Actually it proves you can't understand definitions, either.

Let me spell it out for you.

The problem dualists have is positing a causal force which is essentially uncaused, but can somehow cause, and can somehow have causal flows in both directions, though it is not necessary. This kind of logical conundrum is really embarrassing.

Physicalist types reject the mental world having independent existence and in some way identify mental phenomena with physical phenomena (exactly how they do this varies from physicalist to physicalist). In such a view mental events just are physical events, and have just the same kind of causal powers in both directions.

To the epiphenomenalist, dualists make the mistake of having two causes for events: the physical world, which does obey causality, and the mental world, which influences the physical world.

To the epiphenomenalist, the physicalists make a different mistake. In associating physical states with mental states they suggest that there are mental laws which are identical to physical laws. But no such mental laws are forthcoming, and actual research shows there are several physical events which occur prior to their associated mental events (e.g. pulling a body part away from a source of pain), which serve to undermine this kind of identity.

The epiphenomenalist makes neither mistake. If we explain the operation of a pump in terms of its mechanisms, it is explained; there isn't all the causal relationships in the parts *and* the "pumping" cause. The "pumping cause" drops out of the picture as irrelevant. But the "pumping" is not identical with anything, either. It is only a pump insofar as it is part of a whole causal chain. Any part of this chain can be removed and it stops "pumping" but we're no more correct in identifying the water with "the pumping cause" than we are in identifying this pipe, or pipes, or motor, etc.

>> No.5335084

are you actually saying that http://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/ isn't a real scientific journal?

are you calling the publication from that journal /x/ pseudoscience?

why? (I think it'll be hard for you to come up with a different reason that "bawww because I don't like the conclusion")

>> No.5335086

A journal that allows publications of pure unscientific philosophy can't be taken seriously as a science journal.

Consciousness is a synonym for the soul, i.e. an unobservable and untestable phenomenon that /x/tards believe to reside in our head. You have no evidence for that shit and it isn't needed for any explanation. Please go away.

>> No.5335088
File: 17 KB, 198x300, $(KGrHqEOKiUE3)LqZjkeBOGuP0H93Q~~_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He references this book. Interesting stuff.

>> No.5335093

>science journal
>publishing pseudoscience about magical souls

Choose exactly one. If that publication was an april fools joke, then please say so.

>> No.5335094

ITT: People claim Emperor's New Mind is shit because it doesn't use the computational approach to cognition.

It's like the last 20 years of research didn't happen to these plebians.


Learn some before you spout off motherfuckers.

>> No.5335099


Plebeians, why don't you go back where you belong?

>> No.5335100

lol. you guys are morons.

the journal is legit and so is the paper, fuck off.

>> No.5335101

>argumentum verbosium

By posting a wall of text you won't change the fact that epiphenomenalists believe in the existence of a non-interaction and unobservable phenomenon. This is dualism and unscientific.

>> No.5335102

>soul and dualism nonsense

Choose one and go back to >>>/x/

>> No.5335104

This leaves only the "emergent physicalism" position which, frankly, is epiphenomenalism for self-flagellating denialists. They recognize that leaving a disembodied cause (dualism) floating around is dumb, and they recognize that identifying mental phenomena with physical phenomena is troublesome, but they're unwilling to face up to what these entail.

Consciousness is Wittgenstein's beetle.

>> No.5335105

nothing about souls or dualism is mentioned, you are a moron.

>> No.5335106


>> No.5335112

>hurr durr I use synonyms to make my pseudoscience look like legitimate research

This is the science board, not a philosophy board. Post evidence or GTFO.

>> No.5335118

You are believing in an untestable entity without evidence and you say it resides in our brain. I don't care about the irrelevant semantical differences you want to make. Conceptually this is a "soul" and you are promoting dualism. Take it to >>>/x/

>> No.5335116

nothing about souls or dualism is mentioned directly or via synonyms, you are a moron.

>> No.5335119

> if I keep asserting it it will be true eventually right guys
No, that's not how it works.

>> No.5335121

>If I call my magical soul beliefs "consciousness", people will totally buy it.

Keep telling that to yourself, /x/tard.

>> No.5335124

Please show me one scientifically verifiable piece of evidence for your proposed magical soul ghost. I dare you.

>> No.5335128
File: 29 KB, 345x345, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> describe the position without soul-ghosts
> tell me about your soul-ghost

>> No.5335129

> You are believing in an untestable entity without evidence

the paper I linked presents the results of doing an experimental test for a theory of consciousness, you fucking moron.

>> No.5335135

Let me summarize: You are saying that there are people who are possessed by an invisible demon. You say that people who are possessed by this demon do behave exactly like the ones who are not possessed by it and there is absolutetely no way to test whether a person is possessed by it or not.

Will you please apply Occam's razor and dismiss this stupid /x/ shit?

>> No.5335136

>hurr durr asking people about their beliefs is totally valid scientific evidence

Do you even science, moron? By this retard reasoning every shitty /x/ belief suddenly became true.

>> No.5335140

> asking people about their beliefs is totally valid scientific evidence
sounds like someone hasn't read the paper, you fucking moron.

>> No.5335141

> You are saying that there are people who are possessed by an invisible demon.
I remember saying that such properties drop out of the picture as irrelevant, that disembodied causes are nonsense, and that identifying such properties with physical properties or events makes no sense. Perhaps you are just responding to the wrong person?

>> No.5335163

I did. There is no science in it. Take spiritualism to >>>/x/

>> No.5335171

Then you agree there is no "consciousness"?

>> No.5335175

> mfw cell trends in cognitive science isn't a scientific journal

>> No.5335185

I would not agree with that. I don't know how to talk about something in an ontological sense which has no explanatory power and can't be identified with anything. That is, I don't know what ontological status epiphenomena have.


>> No.5335190


What part of "science and math" don't you understand? This is /sci/, not /lit/.

>> No.5335194

Nice try.

>> No.5335224 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded?

>> No.5335232

I'm not the poster you're replying to and I didn't read the thread. What you just did is the most immature and puerile form of shitposting. Please leave this board and don't come back until you grew up.

>> No.5335247

>not knowing about the consciousness/qualia scientism troll

>> No.5335393

friends don't let friends think about quantum mechanics

>> No.5335610

This is some shameful shit

>> No.5335957

I'm glad we could come to a conclusion.

>> No.5336012

what's the conclusion?

>> No.5336053

Probably >>5335610. (Consensus for this statement hinges on the ambiguity of 'this', of course.)

>> No.5336055

OP is a faggot.

>> No.5336163

I think the conclusion is people have a hard time talking about quantum mechanics and sharing their opinion, as always.

>> No.5336176

I hate to interject, but there seems to be a rampant confusion about the words "consciousness" and "soul".

1) The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
2) A person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.
Synonyms: spirit, mind, psyche, heart, ghost

1) The state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.
2) The awareness or perception of something by a person.
Synonyms: awareness, sense, mind, knowledge, conscience

By saying that "soul" and "consciousness" mean the same thing and are both fake, you are not only saying that there is no spiritual, undetectable element to humans (a completely reasonable claim), you are saying that humans are not any more aware of our surroundings than, say, a rock. That is irrevocably false. Rocks do not have organs. Rocks do not move. Rocks cannot communicate with us. People can do all of these things. However, don't think that makes us special; just the opposite. It has been proposed (see the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness) that all life from apes to octopi are equally conscious.

Furthermore, the consciousness of something can be tested through the mirror test (pic related). So far, all great apes, bottlenose dolphins, orcas, elephants, and magpies have passed this test. Souls may be nonexistent, but consciousness (by no means a synonym) is most definitely real and testable.

Thank you.

The Mediator

>> No.5336195

Is anyone else here interested in starting up another science/math imageboard with actual moderation?

>> No.5336218
File: 16 KB, 300x308, clay pot passing the mirror test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mirror test

Bullshit. The behaviour infront of a mirror doesn't allow any arbitrary interpretation of how is would hurr durr prove a metaphysical "awareness". Pic related, it's a clay pot passing the mirror test.

>> No.5336233

Yes, if you make me a moderator.

>> No.5336239

You don't know what a mirror test is, do you?

Furthermore, it is not proof of any metaphysical concept. It is proof that something is aware of / can perceive its environment.

>> No.5336242

THIS. CARL 4 MOD 2012!!!1!

>> No.5336256

Please do explain, then.

>> No.5336253

Take that pseudoscience shit to >>>/x/. There is no such thing as "awareness". It is untestable nonsense without basis in reality. The mirror test lets us observe how objects behave infront of a mirror. That's all it does. Any arbitrary spiritual interpretation of this observed behaviour is unscientific and utter crap.

>> No.5336261

There is no ... [sigh]

>> No.5336267

How is rationality "sigh"? It's not "sigh", it's /sci/. This is the science and math board. We work with evidence and testable predictions here, not with edgy pseudo-philosophy. If your only argument is "hurr u hav 2 beleive", then you can fuck off to >>>/x/.

>> No.5336270

This is not pseudoscience. Are you saying that humans are not capable of having knowledge?
>lern 2 definition

>> No.5336274

>no idea what that means
Go back to reddit

>> No.5336278

Knowledge is testable by taking a test on that knowledge. Your spiritual "awareness" shit is not testable and is not knowledge. You are twisting semantics to a maximum just to force your /x/ beliefs on this board. Don't you have anything better to do than trolling a science forum?

Never been there.

>> No.5336282

Tense, nervous, or irritable: "he became edgy and defensive".
(of a musical performance or a piece of writing) Having an intense or sharp quality.
nervous - sharp - jumpy

>> No.5336287
File: 225 KB, 373x327, 2edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5336291

1) having knowledge of

>> No.5336297

Knowledge is knowledge. No need to rename it. "Awareness" always implies a spiritual component aka qualia. Not science.

>> No.5336306

>"Awareness" always implies a spiritual component
citation needed

>> No.5336309
File: 105 KB, 400x345, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact: "most people are aware of the dangers of sunbathing".
Concerned and well-informed about a particular situation or development: "a politically aware electorate".
conscious - cognizant - informed - sensible - ware

>"Awareness" always implies a spiritual component aka qualia.
>always implies
10/10, you got me
>pic related

>> No.5336318

>facts is facts and u can't argues with them cuz they is facts!

>> No.5336331

The Lord Steven Christ explains this very well


>> No.5336389

what the fuck am i watching

>> No.5336417

There are levels of awareness, or consciousness. The mirror test is a good example, some species recognise themselves, others do not. Other tests have demonstrated that some species are aware of family and lineage. This is a fact.

Have you people even heard of complex theory, or how its known in pop culture, chaos theory? There can be more information in a system than the sum of its parts, this information can be in a multi-level structure. Another thing arises from this basic idea, emurgence. Consciousness isn't an on off thing but an emergent property of complex systems.

I'm not saying that I agree with Roger Penrose (though I like the idea of a quantum brain) but his premise may be correct. Quantum systems can have more information than their parts, qubits. Thinking of Tue brain as a super position of many states may be wrong but it may be a useful analogy for what is really happening.

I await your deluge of angry retorts.

>> No.5336422
File: 51 KB, 300x281, 1354840046898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quantum systems can have more information than their parts
no they don't

>> No.5336425

If you weren't a garbage spouting pop sci redditor and if you actually read up on the topic, you'd know that the mirror test does not test what you think it tests. All we can observe is an animal's behaviour infront of the mirror. In no way this implies any metaphysical "awareness". Arbitrary interpretations are baseless and unscientific.

>> No.5336433

The mirror test is a measure of self-awareness by definition

>> No.5336442

There is no such thing as "self-awareness". This is untestable and unobservable hogwash.

>by definition
Very funny. The mirror test does not test what you think it tests. It is only observation of an animal's behaviour infront of a mirror. Nothing more. No spiritualism. No metaphysics.

>> No.5336444


The mirror test is a measure of self-awareness developed by Gordon Gallup Jr in 1970.

>> No.5336452

>multi-level structure
>emergent property of complex systems
Mmmkay ...

>Quantum systems can have more information than their parts

Thing is, its eerily consistent among adult members of a species. Furthermore, (this doesn't really count for it, but still worth noting, for me) the exact animals I have previously thought were most likely to be intelligent- eg, dolphin, ape, elephant- passed. It counts for something.

>> No.5336456

Anton Zeilinger and many others have shown how you can use 3 particles to make 4 bits of information. He is the worlds leading quantum entanglement experimenter. Plus this is the basis for pursuing quantum computing

>> No.5336459

It was designed for pseudoscientific purposes and it is still pseudoscience. Your point being what? Do you also believe in clairvoyance and scrying?

>> No.5336467

>its eerily consistent among adult members of a species

They behave consistently, yes. How does this prove metaphysical phenomena? Spoiler: It doesn't.

>> No.5336483


>> No.5336488

Okay, so mirror test, you put a mirror on both sides of the animal, is this animal now thinking in 4 d if it is self aware?
Also, a quantum state kinda infers that parts are an irrelivant feature...

>> No.5336494

Cited by 2418

Cited by 121

http://www.robertlanza.com/files/SCIENCE_Self-Awareness_in_the_Pigeon<span class="math">[/spoiler].<span class="math">[/spoiler]p<span class="math">[/spoiler]df
Cited by 138

Cited by 376

http://www.tlu<span class="math">.[/spoiler]ee/~kpata/uusmeedia/awalevels<span class="math">[/spoiler].p<span class="math">[/spoiler]d<span class="math">[/spoiler]f
Cited by 69

All of these are pseudoscience?

>> No.5336498

linkme up please? I want to read about this

>> No.5336499

... but that's not the mirror test.

>> No.5336501

You believe in a magical "awareness". Tell me how this isn't metaphysical dualism crap.

Oh no, pseudoscience gets cited! Cba to look into it in depth now, but either it gets cited by other pseudoscientists or it gets cited by scientists who thoroughly disprove it.

>> No.5336508

And actually the mirror test can be related to bself awareness do to the species recognizing that they could be outside themselves to some degree

>> No.5336512

>cited by scientists who thoroughly disprove it
Do you have any publications as examples for this?

>> No.5336517

>arbitrary non-sequitur interpretation without basis in reality

>> No.5336556

Anton Zeilinger and many others have shown how you can use 3 particles to make 4 bits of information. He is the worlds leading quantum entanglement experimenter. Plus this is the basis for pursuing quantum computing

>> No.5336559

Under that test that's what they're describing self awareness as, I don't see what the problem is here

>> No.5336569

I'm on my phone so I hope I have the right paper: prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v108/i2/e020502

You can also just look at the Wikipedia of GHZ states. The experiments are performed on quantum entangled photons and looking at their polarization.

>> No.5336581

linkme up please? I want to read about this

>> No.5336586

It's arbitrary. Do you see the picture of the clay pot passing the mirror test I posted earlier ITT? I could say "hurr as you can see the clay pot's behaviour clearly shows it's self-aware". That's how arbitrary the mirror test (or to be precise: its interpretation) is.

>> No.5336594

Were just a bunch of twittling molecules, so is it, what's the problem?

>> No.5336598

It didn't pass the mirror test, and the definition isn't arbitrary

>> No.5336602

The problem is that some retards want to say we're more than just physics and chemistry. They baselessly claim the existence of a magical soul which has no evidence at all. This is not science and belongs on >>>/x/.


>> No.5336606


How is this arbitrary?

>> No.5336608

If I was an /x/ troll like you, I could easily say "It did pass the mirror test. Prove me wrong." Fortunately I am more civilized and more mature than you, so I will refrain from such inane trolling.

>> No.5336609

>The problem is that some retards want to say we're more than just physics and chemistry
Joining the argument at this point, I don't think we are any more than physics and chemistry.

I think of "consciousness" or "self-awareness" as being some property of sufficiently complex biological control systems.

>> No.5336613

So these people put a bird infront of a mirror. And this proves what? Absolutely nothing. The bird sees the mirror and reacts. So what? How does this prove qualia nonsense? It doesn't.

>> No.5336614

>>"Penrose presents the argument that human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modeled by a conventional Turing machine-type of digital computer. "

This is legit and most neurologists who understand brain morphology agree

>> No.5336616

There is no point in coming up with pseudo-explanations as long as the phenomena you want to explain are not even proven to exist. "Hurr the non-interacting demon is totally an emergent phenomenon of physical matter durr." Back to >>>/x/ please.

>> No.5336619

It proves that the bird has mirror neurons. Mirror neurons reflect qualia back into the brain to keep them private.

>> No.5336622

Poster falied a mirror test by failing to recognize the structures of other people looking for a conflict, not being aware & provocative >>5336608

To the reeducation camps with him

>> No.5336628
File: 116 KB, 599x376, physicistlifecycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>roger penrose
>>it's shit

I can agree with this. Also, hurr durr quantum consciousness microtubules.

Never let physicists do biology.

Also relevant SMBC, Penrose is near the end of the physicist lifecycle.

>> No.5336625

That's because you don't know what a computer is. You've never coded so much as a Hello World in your life. You think of it as a magical box that serves you internets.

>> No.5336631

Im not talking about qualia. It shows that the birds have self-awareness.

>> No.5336637

>not mathematician

>> No.5336744

actually, more physicists should be involved in biology and more biologists should be involved in physics. They're not unrelated fields and they can learn from each other. An example is the recent discovery on how smell works, its not due to chemistry as almost everyone thought, but due to atomic vibrations, quantum harmonic vibrations.

>> No.5336815


Just started reading this book and I love it. It's already getting me to think....

Could it be possible to create AI that has the capacity to question its own existence like humans do? If it did, would it consider its human creators to be its "gods"

Also have humans always had this ability or is it a relatively recent development in our species?

>> No.5336860

>mfw I was the original "/x/ troll"
>mfw this thread is still alive
>mfw the same guy thinks he's still ranting at me

>> No.5336865

oh look more escapist bullshit on /sci/

>> No.5337703


1. No, it doesn't.
2. That's just a synonym.

>> No.5338194
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