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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5331554 No.5331554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Africans genetically inferior?

>> No.5331567


Africans aren't that good at many Olympic sports though.

>> No.5331562

Olympic results, they say no-

>> No.5331569


>> No.5331575
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Go back to /pol/. If you want to discuss genetics bring something to the table rather than an open question made to incite racism and trolling.

>> No.5331585


Get out.

>> No.5331587

We want to legitimately discuss this /sci/.

>> No.5331588

In terms of intelligence, yes. They are good athletes and socializers though.

>> No.5331590

Genetically inferior is a nonsensical term.

>> No.5331591


Haha check out this nigger lover

>> No.5331592

I like it.

>> No.5331596


the luddite batallion has emerged

>> No.5331601


It's fact that northern European men are the strongest in the world, African men are the fastest, white men are the best swimmers etc

>> No.5331604

Genetically inferior, no.
Genetic superiority doesn't exist, unless you are talking about certain environments.

Lions are more genetically superior in Africa than white people.

>> No.5331608


If I was a Luddite I wouldn't be using technology to troll a nigger loving faggot like you from the other side of the world.

>> No.5331610

>They are good athletes and socializers though.

Being extremely loud when around others of your own kind, and being pushy enough to coerce chubby white girls with low self esteem into sex isn't great socializing skill.

>> No.5331607

they have smaller brains

its a fact they are inferior

>> No.5331619


So why do you come to /sci/ to preach anti-science

>> No.5331620

But they sure do know how to form brotherly bonds.

>> No.5331622
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>> No.5331625


I haven't "preached anti-science" at all.

Mainly I come here to make children such as yourself very upset. Today it's working well.

>> No.5331624

Your mom is genetically inferior.

>> No.5331627



>> No.5331629
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>> No.5331630
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I'm sorry, sociology isn't a science, juden.

>> No.5331631


genetics is a science, just too bad your approach to it is not scientific

>> No.5331632

"racist" scientists are frowned upon so much, that no one can climb near any argument that even has a spec of "racism", because they don't want to be called a "racist". Study of the human population should actually be a top priority among science, but it's one of the most hidden and shunned fields.

>> No.5331634
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>> No.5331644


Statistics show black people underperform on several areas. That's a scientific fact. "niggers are genetically inferior" is not science it's pseudo science at best which seems to be pol's specility

>> No.5331649

They're purer in their genetic code if you consider other Human subspecies (I'm talking about Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis and Denisova hominins) as impurities. About 5% of genetic code of a European descendant is composed of Neanderthal DNA.

In my opinion, there is no answer considering that organisms are well-adapted to some very specific environments, whether that environment exists or not.

>> No.5331650
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>evolution ends at the neck

>> No.5331656

There was a Danish science group that was studying human populations, and they came up with the conclusion that human populations were intellectually different. This was seen, by other scientists and liberal journalists, to be racist. The scientists didn't think so; they wanted people to admit that there is an intellectual difference, not so they could be further segregated, but so we can know what problems to address, mainly regarding with helping those who suffer lower intelligence.

>> No.5331667

I didn't claim that blacks were inferior. Inferiority, even among animals, is ridiculous unless you are talking about their adaptation to the environment.

>> No.5331678


thanks for bringing up some actual science. If you keep doing it maybe the thread won't suck so much ass.

To clarify my position it's my opinion based on statistics that when as much error as possible is removed (basically when growing up under equal conditions) black people do worse.

I really think it's a shame uninformed racism is making the subject hard to discuss, you sort of have yourself to blame for that because of your inability to cite sources (like Im doing right now lel)

>> No.5331694

Another anon. But whenever I am seeing debates of this kind, I always see them citing sources. ok some might start trolling 'hurr durr niggers'

But the egalitarian side almost always dismisses the arguments calling it pseudoscience with no evidence at all.

>> No.5331696
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This, we mainly assert that black people are at large poorly adapted to participate and function in modern western civilization on a competitive level.

>> No.5331698
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ITT: /sci/ fails to see that OP's question implicitly assumes that racism is a justifiable fact.

>/sci/ gets trolled again by autism

>> No.5331714

I'm not sure what you mean. Can you just take the question as what it is, a question waiting to be answered?

>> No.5331719

justifiable with regards to what? we don't care about morality, that's /phi/'s job.

With regards to OP: 'inferior' is ill-defined. Try again.

>> No.5331722

>that's /phi/'s job.

But we ARE /phi/. Philosophy is a science.

>> No.5331726

Not OP: Rephrasing the question as: Are there quantifiable differences between races especially in conitive abilities?

>> No.5331731

Yes. There are people who can spell "cognitive" and there are people who can't. Guess who has better cognitive abilities.

>> No.5331734

Are you really sinking that low /sci/?

Wow whatever leave it. Stay in your own little echo chamber.

>> No.5331735

Although philosophy literally means "the love of knowledge", I'd say what we'd refer to as philosophy parted ways with science a long time ago...

>> No.5331737


babby butthurt?

>> No.5331740
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>/pol/ talking about echo chambers

>> No.5331745

You misspelled 'baby'.


We are the ones that came here to have a discussion.

>> No.5331743

Philosophy is rational inquiry. Science is rational inquiry. Therefore philosophy is science.

(that means it's proven, you pleb)

>> No.5331753
File: 70 KB, 392x300, babby troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You misspelled 'baby'.

>> No.5331754

Not that guy, but your post was bad and you should feel bad.

I think so. I also think there have been studies that show as such. I don;t have sources however. Last time around I immediately got shouted down when I said so, so I'll pre-emptively add, I don't care enough to go look for sources.

>> No.5331758

> I don't care enough to go look for sources.

In other words: you're talking out of your ass and have no evidence.

>> No.5331763

Why are you calling me out on what I basically stated myself? I don't see anyone else posting any links to studies either.

>> No.5331765

I'd like to disagree and throw a counter-example at your logic...
Cake is tasty. Fruit is tasty.
Is cake a fruit?

>> No.5331769

>admits being a retard
>complains about being called a retard


>> No.5331776



>> No.5331785

Are you stupid? Shitty strawman is shitty

>> No.5331787

Am I reporting this thread?

>> No.5331791


>> No.5331793

Silly me, trying to have a conversation.

>> No.5331794

I don't know, are they? Is Africa a thriving industrial continent or a desert hellhole where people get burned alive for theft and some people still live in housing constructions as sophisticated as a bird's nest? It's not that hard, really.

>> No.5331796

>making idiotic claims without evidence

Choose exactly one.

>> No.5331808

He clearly said "I think so", which isn't a claim. Why do you get so upset over someone stating his opinion? You know a consensus over "inferiority" is in this regard highly subjective?

>> No.5331814

I don't care about the topic of this thread. I'm just calling out a retard for posting here even though he knows that he's a retard.

>> No.5331822
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Why are you so angry? He stated an opinion.

>> No.5331835

So asking a question is racist trolling?
If that's what you call science, it certainly explains why you're posting pictures on the internet instead of having a science occupation.

>> No.5331840

Opinions don't belong here. This is a science board.

>> No.5331841

I wish there were mods

>> No.5331846

that´s just your opinion

>> No.5331849

Funny how you apply that logic only to him and not to yourself. You have only stated your opinion as well.