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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5330202 No.5330202 [Reply] [Original]

Has /sci/ ever cheated in school? Do you feel bad about it? Do you think famous scientists have cheated ?

>> No.5330205

The only thing I ever did which was academically dishonest was sneak a ti-89 during my calculus 1 and 2 classes when only ti-83 were permitted.

>> No.5330214

If I had friends in a class where the homework was easy but just laborious sharing answers would happen. I don't feel bad about doing things to save time. I don't know if I've ever gotten an answer from somebody to a question I didn't know.

>> No.5330227

I cheat when I'm pressed for time, but I always make an attempt to actually learn the material I cheated on.

>> No.5330236

I cheat at every possible time I can.
Not because I need to, but because I can.
Ive taken finals and passed them flawlessly without cheating, but whats the point of NOT cheating, why limit the amount of information you can use, why keep yourself back.

>> No.5330246

I changed 2 of my answers on the SAT after time was called. Turns out I had them right originally so I fucked myself.

>> No.5330248

lol I was barely even allowed a calculator in my calc I and II courses

I cheated when I was younger I would peak over at other kids sheets, but I realized I always had the right answers so I never really changed anything.

Basically I cheated because I'd do a consistency check with surrounding answers

>> No.5330256

In high school, I cheated all the time. In college, I never have because it's not worth expulsion and because I always know the material these days; it just isn't necessary.

I will put formulas and such in my calculator; I guess that's cheating. I assume that everybody does that.

I never felt bad about it. Getting away with cheating makes me feel really good.

>> No.5330255

I suck with memorizing formulas.

my high school teacher let us have a cheat sheet to study from right before the test and then had us pass them all in

I made two copies and then had an 'emergency' bathroom break

>> No.5330257

Only on busy works
Not tests

>> No.5330273

I knew a guy that was licked out of community college right before he was going to transfer. It was in a physics 3 class. He had to start over from scratch in another district, two full years.

I had classes where we were filmed by the instructor.

>> No.5330277

I used to cheat regurlarly in early (regional equivalent of) high school and really didn't feel bad about it at all. I guess I figured it was a risk-reward thing.
I'm getting straight A's so far in uni without cheating so I guess it didn't hurt me too much

>> No.5330278

I cheated on a French final (index card) way back in high school

I wound up failing it anyway ;_________;

>> No.5330325

I used to regularly cheat on my spelling tests with a friend. We'd sit close to each other and wouldn't cover our sheets up, because if we got 10/10 we'd get a chocolate frog.

We got full marks every week.

>> No.5330333

Is it even possible to cheat in university, I mean TA's never check my fucking ID anyway so I assume there are a bunch of asians getting their friends to write their tests for them. I'd personally never do it not worth getting expelled.

>> No.5330337

I cheated for stuff I really didn't give a shit about. I don't really feel bad about it, just don't care that much.
I studied the material I actually did care about.

>> No.5330359

OP - what is that pen. 0.1 mm? God tier?

>> No.5330364

I cheated multiple times in high school and university. I can remember i wrote Schrodinger's equation on the table or copied the whole essay about logical fallacy from my friend in other class. I also asked some guys about the result of some multiple integral equation in a final math test. Never get caught, that was fun. I rarely cheat in my current job though.

>> No.5330369

.1 mm tip, watery ink what a waste

.3mm with the perfect ink is the way to go

>> No.5330371

It's considered cheating here to own a copy of the solutions manual to any book unless the professor approves of it.

Fuck yes I've cheated a lot in that case. I teach myself by looking at how a solution is done and then trying to apply those techniques to a new problem. Most idiotic rule I've ever seen at any university.

>> No.5330378

wow what the fuck, that is complete bs. how are you suppose to study if you can't know whether or not your answers are correct?

the only thing ive done that made me feel like it was cheating was sort of unintentional. a friend gave me an old copy of a test from a class. i just wanted it to rework the questions, because there was no homework in the class. but the teacher did not change nearly enough of the questions for the real test. i guess its not cheating because he didn't ask for the tests back, but, i felt bad about it. at least it wasn't curved.

>> No.5330410

No never needed to cheat

>> No.5330422

Define cheating. There are Doctorate holding people who have plagiarized and made up data for writing papers and been caught on it. I don't quite remember the specific person I'm speaking of, however; the woman who I'm thinking of was put through quite a lot. You can google it if you wish. As for famous scientists? You'd be surprised depending on your definition of cheating, as I've said.

>> No.5330427

If you've never cheated in school then you're a whimpy faggot .

>> No.5330428

I had a problem set due yesterday. I was going to use the solutions manual to do the whole thing, but many of the supposed solutions were either wrong or not helpful at all. Ended up doing the problems anyway.

I wish my astronomy course had a solutions manual or something. The professor gives us about 20 ridiculously hard problems that he makes up on his own. Sometimes I just need something to get me started.

Never cheated on a test, though.

>> No.5330433

quizzes I sometimes cheat on if given the opportunity, but for exams I have never cheated.

I don't consider collaborating on assignments/labs cheating, since your mark really depends on exams.

>> No.5330437
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Made up shit loads of results for my thesis. Basically experiments that I never did 'cos the answers are fucking obvious. eg: made up data about increasing acid concentration giving faster reactions. Never did the experiments but its a no-brainer. Did the highest conc acid experiment and just worked backwards on more or less a straight line but with enough scatter to not look dodgy.

I could watch things dissolve for hours, or spend 30 sec making some plausible graphs.

>> No.5330438

If you can get away with it, go for it, unless it's a course you will actually need. If you cheat your way through your engineering degree, for instance, you're a moron. GOOD FUCKING LUCK keeping a job you don't know how to do.

>> No.5330445

Once when I was in 4th grade.
I wasn't caught, but the guilt still follows me.

>> No.5330455

Why the fuck would you need to do "no-brainer" experiments with "fucking obvious" results for your THESIS? Am I getting tricked here?

>> No.5330478

I used to check Cisco exam answers after studying.
Never really felt bad about it since 50% of the exam is bullshit commands etc

>> No.5330519

I decompiled a reference program that we were supposed to implement identical functionality for.

>> No.5330532
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i love cheating of this sort- where it's only possible if you're already competent to begin with

in my operating systems lab, they gave us computers to do the lab quizzes and practicals on. you had to code a few small programs in C off the top of your head. you could look at manpages all you wanted but there was suppose to be no communication or notes- the accounts were created automatically on the server and su was only allowed to those in wheel

i pointed out to the professor that we could easily talk to each other during the exam. we were all on the same servers, we just had to make our tty writeable to others which was of course not very easy to restrict. this server didn't have SELinux or any thing of the sort, it was HP-UX. he said that if i was able to do that, then i should probably at least pass anyway.

>> No.5330561


>> No.5330633


Its called 'research'. You have to do ALL possible permutations of an experiment for maximum information. I chose to not bother with variables that I knew the outcomes for. Still, you have to do that shit if you want to fill out 50,000 words bro.

>> No.5330662

We had to interview someone in speech class but I didn't feel like being social so I wrote the interview myself.

Never really cheated on tests though

>> No.5330670

I have cheated a lot in middle school and high school, but only in subjects i thought were stupid / had no interest in and thus felt like a waste of time studying for. I have never cheated on any kind of math, science or history test in my life though, and i'm kinda proud of that

>> No.5330733

I saved some trigonometric identities on my calculator for a physics exam one time.

>> No.5330751

I'm pretty sure everyone has cheated just like everyone masturbates. Going through engineering school has shown me that the only way to make it is be a super genius or cheat to stay on pace with the class. The problem is the teacher actually thinks everyone is doing these crazy hw's when in fact the whole class has the solutions manual and just wants the points. Some days I'll go around asking if anyone understands the material and very few if any are able to the problems on their own.

>> No.5330795

Closest I came was writing some revision on the back of my hand and forgetting to wash it off before a related exam. In hindsight, the teachers probably saw it and kept a close eye on me. I didn't notice it until the exam was over.

>> No.5330804

>Has /sci/ ever cheated in school? Do you feel bad about it?
No, I never have.
If I ever had done, I think that I would feel bad.

>Do you think famous scientists have cheated ?
Yes, absolutely

>> No.5330806


Please go away. It's so obvious you're Harriet with a new tripcode.

>> No.5330809

>Sees a cracked reference
>Must be ______.
>implying logic

>> No.5330810

Was she particularly known for liking cracked?
It is a popular website, you know.
Hundreds of thousands of views on the articles. Some of them are in the millions.

>> No.5330812

If you had been here for longer than a day, you would have observed that this person is displaying the exact same behaviour as his aforementioned older trip personality. Trolling by pretending to be autistic and ignorant of memetic language, spouting pseudo-intellectual high school opinions, linking to shitty pop sci sites instead of academic sources and never using fucking contractions.

>> No.5330815

Just admit it. You're too obvious.

>> No.5330816

I am not autistic, nor have I pretended to be.
I am aware of memetic language, but a lot of them are stupid, pointless and immature.
Choosing not to participate in certain ones does not make me 'ignorant'.

>> No.5330818

You pretend to be a person who can't into 4chan and especially /sci/ culture. You do so for the purpose of trolling.

>> No.5330819

Only time I ever cheated on a test was in the fourth grade when we were tested on the state's counties (NJ only has like 20 of them so it's feasible). I hid a list in my desk.

More recently I would look up physics homework questions that I had no fucking idea how to solve (the specifics would always be different but the strategy would be the same), but I'm not sure that's really cheating since the "legit" way of doing it would be going to the help center to get someone to walk me through it and that's basically the same thing.

>> No.5330822

Clearly I can use 4chan, and /sci/ culture is whatever the users make of it.

We are not all the same.

Your interests are not everybodys interests.
What you like here is not what everybody else likes here.
What you find funny, is not what everybody finds funny.

>> No.5330826

You use a tripcode for no reason. You haven't yet contributed anything of value. You don't post in any science or math threads. All you do is spouting dull and pseudo-intellectual opinions in off-topic threads. Go away.

>> No.5330831

I can honestly say that I've never cheated in my entire life. You may call bullshit but it's true. I never had the desire and never did.

>> No.5330939

I study medicine and biochemistry at my uni. I do often cheat at biochemistry, but only on the courses I don't give a shit about, e.g. physical chemistry.

>> No.5330946

Fuck yeah I did.

Stupid professor uses the same test for all class sections, so I got a friend to sneak a test out from an earlier class.

Figured out the answers and knew what to expect so I got a 100%.

And even if the professor has different "versions" of the test, it's the same fucking format and/or questions just randomized.

OR different numbers but the same process.

>> No.5330958

>Basically I cheated because I'd do a consistency check with surrounding answers
same mang

>> No.5330977

I sell old test versions to underclassmen.
I was a TA when I was doing my graduate program and had access to all the tests for all professors in my department.

I charge $100 per test.
Each class has like 3-5 tests.
$300-500 per course per class per student.

Been doing this for the past two years and have made a LOT of money...

Let's just say this makes more than my full-time job...
Since it's math and science, the concept and process for solving the problems are still the same. So I don't worry about new test versions.

Hopefully another TA doesn't put me out of business.

>> No.5330994

I've cheated in both of my spanish writing finals, but other than that, I've never cheated.

>> No.5331001

How did you go about advertising yourself for that? Or is it all online?

>> No.5331017

the point of not cheating is that if you get caught cheating at uni level you are kicked out immediately. So there is a definite cutoff where, if you academic ability is high enough, cheating actually will become detrimental to your chances of success.

But you don't sound smart enough to realize that, so just keep cheating

>> No.5331025

Never cheated in anything meaningful

>> No.5331027


Since I had access to the tests of all professors and the courses they taught, I also had access to the class roster. It was all electronic so it wasn't too tedious to copy and paste all the emails.

I made a different email and mass emailed to all the emails I collected and offered them my service.

You'll be surprised how many contacted me back..

Literally hundreds..

Think about it.. all professor for math and science.. all the courses they taught.. Thousands of students and hundreds replied.

Pays more than my job.. it's quite satisfying.

>> No.5331031

I'm honestly kind of surprised you didn't have any white knights telling their professors about that.

>> No.5331035

yes. no. yes

>> No.5331037



If you know who the TA is, try to become good friends.
100% guaranteed that they don't give a shit about the professor anyways and will give you access to the test(s) before the professor releases them.
They won't do it for free, offer a few hundred for all tests.

>> No.5331040


What can the students do?
I didn't use my real name and I didn't say I was a former TA. I just said I had all the tests for all classes and included small sample of a few questions.

And like I said, even if the professors make new test versions, it's still math.
When you know what to expect on the test and know the process for solving the problem, it's no big deal.

>> No.5331048

The only times I ever cheated was in a 4th year class test (didn't contribute to anything).
I said I wasn't finished at the end of the class, and asked if I could finish it next class... Then I looked up the answers to the questions I could remember and corrected them.

>> No.5331076

Once I had to download a textbook because I bought edition 12 instead of 13, meaning I couldn't do the homework problems. But the pdf I downloaded had solutions on it. I was too lazy to find a clean pdf, so I just made a rule of not scrolling down to the solution until I had answered the question in question. I didn't always stick to that rule, though...

While I had a slight unfair advantage, the purpose of the homework was to teach us, not test us, and since I never thoughtlessly transcribed the solutions and always understood them, having the solution manual only improved my homework experience.

>> No.5331130

In high school, I tried to cheat on a latin vocabulary test. I wrote the translations on my hand. I got so nervous before the test that my hands sweated and smeared the answers off. But the fact that I might be cheating fired my brain up so much that I remembered what I wrote and did well on the test.

So ever since then, if I am having trouble with some core concept, I write it on my hand, look at it and then erase it.

>> No.5331172

In college, our history teacher admitted to a student that he gives the same multiple choice test every year. so a bunch of classmates got last years test and some of these idiots just memorized the letters "1a 2d 3b ..." etc. After he collected the test, he admitted he had lied, just to see what would happen. most of the would be cheaters noticed the answered didnt match and gave up on the effort, but about eight ppl failed for it.

>> No.5331176

if one of the students told the professor what was going on, it wouldn't be hard to find out who was doing it. Just give different test versions to all your TAs, and see which version pops into your email inbox from the "mysterious source"

>> No.5331214

I never had a problem remembering Trig identities but do people really have a problem with it?

>> No.5331220


What you don't understand is that I had access to all tests from all professors.

They wouldn't be able to tell who did it.

>> No.5331242


How is that cheating? The point of the solutions manual is to learn how to do problems you don't know or just check your answers.

If you just copy shit from it you're only cheating yourself out of learning whatever subject it is.

>> No.5331243

SAT, ACT, high school, possibly some college
Go into Programs, make a program, and type in any notes you don't remember


>> No.5331398

During highschool if i didnt finish an assignment i would copy a classmate, or write it down while the teacher was giving the answers

>> No.5331463

I use to cheat in some one my classes at highschool but I always made sure to learn the material and I ended up getting all b's and a's on my finals no cheating. I guess I just felt the teacher hadn't given us enough time/teaching.

>> No.5331561

I only cheated on foreign language exams in HS, and that was just because I didn't put in the time to learn the material, so I was terrible at it.

I'm pretty sure everyone's copied busywork homework from their friends in HS as well. It's really not that you didn't know the work, it's just that you were too lazy to do it.

>> No.5331968

never cheated in highscool, college, or anywhere else

>> No.5332001
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>Using ink instead of a pencil

There just isnt enough costanza

>> No.5332014

In a chemistry exam, we were tasked with remembering details about coordination complexes - their colour and the which ligands will undergo substitution etc. They were about 30 of these complexes.

I wrote it on the back of my calculator in code.

I don't feel bad about it, because it wouldn't have served anyone well remembering it - a terrible examination method that rewarded nothing but memory.

>> No.5332020

Cheated countless times. Fuck morals, do what it takes to defeat your peers.


No but seriously, who cares

>> No.5332119
File: 14 KB, 348x232, 1314729836427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking art history final
>never did any of the reading ever
>no idea the answers to the questions
>ask to go to bathroom
>run to dorm room
>look up answers to questions
>run back to final
>answer all questions
>nail the final

>art history
>a hard science

>> No.5332142

fuck you

>> No.5332153

>tfw everyone copied off you in high school

anyone else know this terrible feel?

>> No.5332172

good thing you took off your trip, blackman-san

>> No.5332169

The only times I've cheated were in highschool and only in my grade 12 biology and math exams. In biology, there were a few hundred things we had to remember. And in math, the teacher didn't give out the formulas, so I just wrote them on my hand before going in for the exam. I could have easily derived the formulas, but why waste time?

>> No.5332175

I let a kid copy off me in middle school. He wasn't giving me anything for it, he just asked me if I could and said yes because why not?

>> No.5332192

only on "learn-by-heart" subjects like history (we actually had to remember dates of events as YYYY.MM.DD) and vocab tests.
Although i find cheating fun, i didnt need to use it since grade 6 or so. And if i did, i use zero-evidence cheating, such as writing on my pen with non-permanet ink. That way even if the teacher suspects something, i can wipe the evidence by twisting the pen in my hand.
The last time i cheated was in theoretical mechanics. In contrary to all other uni courses we were not allowed any cheat sheets and we were only informed about that a few days before the test

>> No.5332222

yup, mostly math.
I have no problems letting someone copy stuff if i knew he understood the material, but was just to lazy to do it or forgot o do it.
But there are also people who dont even try and instead "ask the nerd". I would give them the answers, with lots of wrong results, and correct them for myself later (erasable ink ftw!)

>> No.5332227

I've cheated a couple times in classes that I do not give a fuck about. If it's a class that is important to my specialty then I don't cheat because there's no getting around learning it anyways.

>> No.5332717

If possible, yes.

I don't agree with the grading structure, anxiety can get in the way, and sometimes you just can't predict how a professor will structure their questions. I've had instances where they would have material in the test that was not covered in a review, and a lot of material from a review not showing up in the test at all. The way I see it, I'm just leveling the playing field.

>> No.5334655

no, i was smart enough that i didn't feel the need. i'm not saying i got top grades all the time, but it wasn't bad enough to think ohshitfuck i have to cheat to get through this.

>> No.5334671

You guys know a lot about maths so can you tell me this? What law is it that tells you 4/7 x 10 is the same as 4/10 x 7? How do I understand how that works? It's just magic to me.

>> No.5334699

does looking up math proofs online when you can't figure them out count as cheating to you guys?

>> No.5334707

I'm >>5334671 and I'd like to know this too.

>> No.5334795

I just remembered that in 5th grade, during a Science exam, a girl on my side who I hardly ever spoke to pokes me, and with a big smile says íf you want, you can look at my answers'.

Shit guys did this girl like me and was I beta?

>> No.5334834

once in 4th grade one of my spelling words was dictionary. I looked across the room and the bookshelf full of them. Glad that's off of my chest.

>> No.5334897

ti-92, right notes on that bitch all i want, transfer to ti-89...cheat on every exam

>> No.5334917

I used to copy off people next to me all the time. I had a deal set up with a few people so we could split the learning and copy off each other during the test.

>> No.5334922

If I was really desperate I would consider it, but I've never been really desperate.