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5329466 No.5329466 [Reply] [Original]

Are space battles:
a) possible
b) plausible

>> No.5329498

A) Yes
B) Subjective

This is a dumb thread, just so you know.
Take a basic physics course and learn about vacuum.

>> No.5329505

c) all of the above

>> No.5329510

>learn about vacuum
What's one thing got to do with the other.

>> No.5329535

>implying you can shoot lasers in a vacuum

>> No.5329541

>implying you can't

>> No.5329539

they won't be very fun and won't last long. The idea of having huge ships bombard eachother just doesn't work.
If anything it would be small, agile craft firing kinetic rounds at eachother.

>> No.5329545

Not if it doesn't have the proper amount of suction

>> No.5329548

>implying you're a good troll

>> No.5329554

>abandon thread

>> No.5329556

>implying you're a troll

>> No.5329715

Considering the U.S. (and some other countries) have the capability to launch ICBM's from Earth into space or from orbiting satellites I would think that proves you could fire a missile from a space ship. Plausible? I don't see any reason in the near future why there might be a dog fight in space.

>> No.5329736

Yes its possible, but don't forget, space isn't a sea, space ships aren't actual fucking ships, "fighter" planes are useless in space combat unless they are meant for planetary entry, lasers can't form in a vacuum, but can be shot into a vacuum (any clarification on this?)

>> No.5329744

No it wouldn't be. There is no way to be agile in space, takes way too much energy. And it won't be small, because you can't produce such quantities of energy even if you would want to be agile. Missiles would detonate in space and have the blast radius destroy other space ships.

Thing is, space ships just wouldn't get close to each other in the first place, since there is no reason to do so.

>> No.5329785
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Set shields to maximum capacity

>> No.5329788

If FTL is impossible: massive heavily armoured space stations with massive CIWS grids to defend against missile attacks and kinetic energy weapons (big cannons with whatever propulsion method works best at the time). These weapons would be mounted on swarms of small drone ships designed to overwhelm the CIWS. Putting asteroids on a collision course would also work if you used your own CIWS to prevent any attempts to deflect or break up the asteroid.

If FTL is possible: the space stations would move and instead of small ships attacking one would just jump in and pummel the enemy with your own “ship”. They would not mauver like on tv because everyone inside would get pancaked.

If some kind of inertial dampening is possible: you may actually get scifi battles.

>> No.5329807
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>everyone inside would get pancaked.

I guarantee you, the vast majority of 'combat' would be done by remotely operated or AI controlled drones.

>> No.5330380
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I am talking about established, stationary space stations (or moveable ones if FTL is possible). People have to live somewhere. But yes there would be massive use of unmanned drones and computer controled atack and defence systems.

The hard points, the places that actually NEED defending, will be habitats though.

>> No.5330400

And inertial dampening was possible inStar Trek NG.
So, y'know.

>> No.5330401


It just wouldn't be /sci/ without the smarmy, cock-sucking first reply. Well done.

>> No.5330402


>> No.5330414

Even then the distances would be much more massive and the ships would be unmanned would not make for good TV.

But the question must then be asked, what are they fighting over? Why not go right for the space station where the worthwhile targets are.

>> No.5330582

a) yeah
b) yeah
c) even duller than submarine warfare

I mean, seriously.

>> No.5330635

So would space battles between two ships usually be 1000s of miles away?

>> No.5330636

I really really hope i live 1000 years to see cool shit

>> No.5330641


given that projectiles would have near zero friction, without shields and cloaking there'd be no way of getting close enough.

If humans ever get legit spaceships, they would probably have long developed gauss weaponry, essentially nullifying any non-magical armor.

>> No.5330647

a) yes
b) yes but weapons would be limited to ether fast delivery weapons (i doubt it would be lasers though), homing weapons or large area of effect weapons. the reason for this is the fact that things move MUCH faster in space and the distances would be greater

>> No.5330651

its hard to aim an aircraft cannon , imagine what kind of aiming systems ull have to carry...

i bet it would be again stealth drones or missiles, and ships would probably carry rail guns or smth else for asteroid or other more casual threats

>> No.5330653


yes basically rendering railguns (gauss weapons are a joke) useless unless you use them since by the time the gun fires the ship can adjust course

>> No.5330654

c) Unavoidable
If spacecraft ever become common place then space battles will happen, just like sea battles happen.

>> No.5330656
File: 121 KB, 256x313, SupCom-win-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guarantee you, the vast majority of 'combat' would be done by remotely operated or AI controlled drones.

>> No.5330666

why would i fight in space?
it requires tremendous energy just to get shit up there
and i could easily take enemy space ships out from the ground
what do i gain here? nothing no advantage
what does it cost me? a lot

>> No.5330669

>and i could easily take enemy space ships out from the ground
Yeah, suuuuuuure.
You're floating around pluto and along comes someone who wants to turn you into dust. I'll just call in a few surface to air missiles from earth, it should only take half a year for them to arrive.

>> No.5330676

what am i doing at pluto?
am i a satellite?

>> No.5330679

The late game in SupCom was so fucking slow unless you had an army of engineers.

>> No.5330680

It was just an example. The point is that if space travel is common and well developed enough to have space battles then you're not going to be close enough to earth 99% of the time.

>> No.5330681

The whole game slowed down due to bad programming. Still an awesome game.

>> No.5330683

There is no war in space, if you have problem with some group you can just destroy them from the comfort of your home system.
If there is a technology that can bridge the void, then that technology can be used to destroy what ever is at the other end. The more powerfull and technologically advanced a species gets the easier it gets to annihilate your opponents.

>> No.5330684

the difficulty is not exterminating all life
thats the challenge
how do you NOT absolutely annihilate a planet and blow it into space dust?

>> No.5330708

its not a matter of plausibility or possibility, is killing each other in space really necessary? I mean, until we have sovereign colonies and nations on individual planets and space stations, i dont think there will ever be traditional combat in space.

>> No.5330738

Is killing each other on earth necessary?

>> No.5330744

if a nation has necessity to defend themselves, killing may be necessary until hostile action is diminished.

>> No.5330765


a) yes
b) no

Unless you fight over an uninhabited world with a gravity well to catch everything, or near a star, fighting in and around a populated planet would cause major problems when the debris of exploded errything begins to crash into satellites, rain down onto the planet, or fly into the victorious ships.

>> No.5330784

A note:
Fighters would only be useful if used in planetary re-orbiting, attempting to achieve air-dominance.

The only realistic space war that could happen anytime in the next 200-500 years would be between corporations, or earth and mars. Impossie to predict future political settings.

>> No.5330789
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...i used to be a spaceship...

...until I took a laser to the knee.

>> No.5330791

Ender's game is a good book.

>> No.5330797
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How did you even manage to conjure this terrible, terrible joke?


>> No.5330867

We would only be able to fight as long as the weapon systems dont overheat since heat doesnt disperse well in a vacuum, as it does in atmosphere.

>> No.5330880

the designs of spaceships in TV seem very inefficient for battle which can take place from absolutely all directions. The best shape would either be oval or spherical, so the ship can open fire from all directions and easily change direction. The structure would also be very stable and the shape would make any sort of armour plating more efficient.

>> No.5330885

It would also be a good way to pack all those systems together so when you get hit, the damage will very efficiently be allocated to as many systems as possible.

So instead of losing emergency batteries, you can make a spherical ship and lose emergency batteries, life support and weapons control all from one hit.

>> No.5330897


and this isn't possible with an irregular shape? I could split voyager in half with a single hit and it would be the end of it

>> No.5330901

By thousands, try millions.

>> No.5330941

what a stupid waste of money

>> No.5331000
File: 31 KB, 600x544, what-is-forensic-entomology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well you see, there is this rather popular video game called Skyrim where, in this game, the town guards areboften quoted as saying "I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow in the knee"
And that one.sentence.somehow become a bit of an internet sensation. But what I did there was replace the word adventurer with spaceship and I also replaced the word arrow with laser... Do to this thread's subject content.

I got.a.rather.good.jolly.out of it myself.

>> No.5331829

i thought it was funny

>> No.5331887

Yes and for the following reasons.

There is no way to be agile in space. The only way to be able to take a hit is to be fucking huge.

Despite how plentiful resources are in space it takes a fucking long time to get to them and accessibility is a HUGE issue. So there definitely is a reason to go to war in space.

Lasers are dumb. You can impart energy more efficiently with relativistic kinetic weapons.

Stealth isn't possible in space. Thermals look like flairs against the cold of space.

So basically space battles would look similar to this.


- the artificial gravity OFC