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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 400x400, supreme_tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5328315 No.5328315 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this right.

>> No.5328318

sage of disapproval

>> No.5328322

>Computer Science

Replace those with information theory and biochemistry and you'd have something.

>> No.5328323

Nope. To be honest only math and physics should be allowed in the highest tier because all other sciences are based solely off those two.

>> No.5328324

>trying to incite field rivalry on /sci/

You are cancer. We are all together in the game of SCIENCE.

>> No.5328336

But Physics and Math still>Everything else.
Just because Biomonkeys and the kids who never outgrew rock collecting are doing science, doesn't mean they're doing science on the same level.

>> No.5328345

>No psychology
shame on you

>> No.5328356
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>> No.5328359


physics =/= everythingologists

>> No.5328362

ITT: college freshmen

>> No.5328372

God tier: the STEM field you enjoy doing
High tier: the STEM field you are good at
Okay tier: the STEM field where you make lots of money
Shit tier: everything else

>> No.5328375

>not being objective

>> No.5328380

Whatever science you are thinking of can't be done without physics, but physics can be done without that science.

To put short, physics is the greatest science, and the chart should reflect that.

>> No.5328383

Ahhhh all you losers and your inferiority complexes

>> No.5328420

Fuck you.

OP don't listen to this asshole. As a comp.sci and biology double major I agree with you

>> No.5328425
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>Comp sci Biology double major

>> No.5328456
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>Engineering and stamp collecting

>Supreme Tier

awsenin which

>> No.5328471

>Community college math major virgin
also gaff no actual science experience because you have never heard of computational biology

>> No.5328509


As a biochemist with Master's degree in bioinformatics I approve of this message.

>> No.5328518
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What does sci think about Law?

Job Tier?

>> No.5328523

First line is true

Second is not.

>> No.5328527

You certainly have potential to make crazy amounts of money in it and its considered one of the more classy occupations but I don't see how it does any great good for society

>> No.5328535

>can't into computational biology
>god-tier science schools like MIT offer a a joint CompSci-MolecularBio major
>laughs at the CS/Bio double major

Do you even science?

P.S. I get that the joke was that computer science isn't a science and /sci/ considers bio a soft science. Imbtorgid?

>> No.5328541

Criminal Law puts away nasties.

>> No.5328543
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>Computer science.

>> No.5328577

There's lawyers on the other side defending them. Ultimately lawyers are not concerned with a just outcome but winning the case

>> No.5328604

Physics > all

That's all there is to it.

>> No.5328657
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mah nigga

>> No.5328671

If I was a physicists I would be ashamed of the arrogant of the pseudophysicists here

>> No.5328677

>I don't see how it does any great good for society

Did you fail social studies?

>> No.5328679


Drop "STEM" and that's actually true.

>> No.5328687

>Ultimately lawyers are not concerned with a just outcome but winning the case

The job of a criminal lawyer is to be a zealous advocate for their client, and it absolutely vital that they do so in order for a free society to exist.

>> No.5328766

wheres the social sciences?

>> No.5328882

You'd be surprised, I'm physics major and my mandatory freshman seminar course for physics majors was all about how physics is basically the best major. They did a shit ton of power points on how physics majors get the highest scores on the LSAT and MCAT. So yeah... Physicist actually do consider physics the greatest science.

>> No.5328886

Comp sci reporting in

I really like math, but I'm never gonna be among the best in my field so I chose comp sci instead cause I like to program

>> No.5328888


down right

>> No.5328917



>> No.5328947

You realize everyone here is trolling?

>> No.5328948

I'm finishing a BS in microbiology, what should I do to prepare for a bioinformatics program?

>> No.5328960

I mean, I at least hope you all are.

No one could be this buttmad about their education and have so many complexes.

>> No.5328970

biophysicist reporting in, suck it haters

>> No.5328995
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>> No.5329000

maybe we should just put Physics and Math in faggot tier because you never shut up.

I like biologists; vaccines and genetically modified crops are pretty cool.

You don't hear immunologists saying
>physics doesn't even save lives, what a shit science

>> No.5328999


Major in predicting my post number, check this


>> No.5329006
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>> No.5329009

>criminal law

choose one

>> No.5329010
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>> No.5329029

Only folks in shit fields feel the need to popularize their career choices by blatantly calling themselves the best. Which respectable professionals and intellectuals do that?

>implying any of these shitposters are professionals and intellectuals

>> No.5329034

learn python and understand how biological databases like the ones on NCBI work if you don't already

>> No.5329035

I just calculated the stars in ZORGPORF 5 have 7 planets

wait no.... maybe 6.... but it"s really though ( AHHAHAH BETA NERD FUCK!)


p.s. if you are living in the USA your "university"(if attending) would probably never been qualified an University in the rest of the world. Have a nice day

>> No.5329051

What do you mean? US has the best universities in the world. Everyone knows this.

>> No.5329081

>God Tier:
Bsc Maths + ATPL/CPL/ME-IR A380 TR paid by a major
>Shit tier
Everything else.

>> No.5329145

Honest question here guys can you minor is CS. I don't want to take the classes for a job, just want to know what's going on inside my computer.

>> No.5329199

MD should be god-tier then because without doctors, you'd be dead and thus unable to do physics.

>> No.5329335

Your statement is illogical because people were alive before they invented medicine

That's part of the reason why math / logic is first on the list

>> No.5329367
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>Computer Science

>> No.5329384

>implying without CS you would be able to type tyat post or post that picture of look at your fucking screen

>> No.5329404

But what's the question?

>> No.5329428

>implying CS has anything to do with manufacturing or programming computers

>> No.5329455

That's why foreign professors are lining up for teaching positions at American universities, right?
Go home eurotrash

>> No.5329464
File: 86 KB, 576x1248, Official sci Tier List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting anything other than the official chart

>> No.5329479

But without idiots like him from whence to gain stupidity, from where would you need logic?


>> No.5329487

The rule of Law and being a lawyer are 2 very distinct things, man.

>> No.5329502

I'll be damned, I haven't been on /sci/ for a long time, and this is the first chart I've almost agreed with.

Biology gets a lot of shit because a lot of stupid people successfully graduate from it, but in application it's for damn sure a hard/useful field.

>> No.5329506

gtfo singularityfag

>> No.5329515

He's overvaluing neuro, but it'll be a field that sees a lot of development in the next ~10-20 years, I'd bet a career on it, even.

And, that *is* one of those fields where sufficient advancement would lead to accelerated returns, so, yeah.

>> No.5329543

What kind of returns? Turning a shitty society even more shitty?

Everyone knows math and physics are the only real god tier fields of study. Those are the ones that actually objectively study the universe, without all the extra subjective fluff. You're only clinging to neuro science because you want eternal life and other bullshit. I'm not denying it's useful but it's a mediocre tier at best.

>> No.5329563

If not, get in there, son.
Shit can cure cancer, homeslice.

>> No.5329573

I was under the impression that R was more used for BioInformatics, but someone should find official info on this.

>> No.5329617

Eternal life shit, yeah, sure kinda, but that's betting on a return that we don't know is/isn't coming.

Objective gains from neuroscience study could be stuff like supplementing (directly) the brain's biological processing power with integrated computers, for example, which given a generation, could enhance math and physics study dramatically.

Society is and for the forseeable future will always be shit. Most don't share our view of the world, and that's okay. We'll keep driving technology forward, and they can keep sharing videos of their cats and playing the newest Angry Birds, there's nothing wrong with either.

>(not implying they don't contribute, I'm implying they only don't value science and technology because they don't understand the long term implications, anyway, I've veered way off topic, so I'll hush now)

>> No.5329634
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>Objective gains from neuroscience study could be stuff like supplementing (directly) the brain's biological processing power
herp derp

>> No.5329656


If you can't see where that's got the potential to head in a few decades, I have no hope or sympathy for you.

Or are you one of those naturist faggots who thinks the human brain is superior at everything and can't be supplemented?

>> No.5329665
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Bio-Medical Engineering. Son do you even science?

>> No.5329669

No I'm one of those people that things things should be understood before applied

Clearly not the case with your bullshit since all you can do is try out millions of permutations hopelessly because you fail to see the underlying mechanism

Which brings us back to physics and math

>> No.5329675

That isn't how any field of science works, fuck off with your faux-elitism. We use physics and chemistry every day and I'm not even in neuro.

>I never asked for this...

>> No.5329679

>not having medicine on there.

>> No.5329758
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>mfw studying geodynamics and planetary science

>> No.5329844

God tier: my major
Stamp collection tier: your major

Am I right guys?

>> No.5329849

What about nanotech science/engineering?

It'll be the new and upcoming god tier with the way it's accelerating.

>> No.5329865

I see it as being a major breakthrough field in about 15 years.

Of course with discoveries, work, and awesomeness before and after, but I don't expect it'll be a major "Thing" until then, outside of academia, and I'm being optimistic.

>> No.5330083
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>> No.5330097

funny. that the levels of autism also follow that order. coincidence?

>> No.5330126


>cognitively impaired
>rigorous mathematics
>has never heard of Quantitative systems Biology

Get the fuck out you nigger. And also- a majority of chemistry related mathematics are nothing more than algebra and basic calculus.

>> No.5330140

Dawww, babby thinks his differential equations, CS, modelling, and basic probability theory are mathematically rigorous?

>> No.5330145

Indeed. Neuro is definitely going to be the next computer science in that it will completely change the face of civilization. The whole concept of the self and free will is going to get upended, and once we get good neuroprosthetics and BMIs on the market we'll have actually achieved transhumanism.

>> No.5330155

>a majority of chemistry related mathematics are nothing more than algebra and basic calculus.
Physical chemistry uses group theory, lattice QED, topological field theory, various statistical field theories, density functional theory, RG flow, various perturbation theories, Stiefel/Grassmann manifolds, huge molecular Hamiltonians which require supercomputer to simulate, etc.

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5330163

>real science
Most engineers I know are pretty fucking dumb. They only take "hard" classes because they have to, not because they want to.
Computer science is basically a math major at high levels.

>> No.5330173

>so I chose comp sci instead cause I like to program
What's funny is that most CS majors I know are doing it just for that reason, which, just like most engineers, is fucking gay and misinformed.

>> No.5330177

what is your opinion on chemical engineering?

>> No.5330178
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>> No.5330181
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>> No.5330182

Great money, 3% unemployment; legit.
That's about all I know, though.

>> No.5330233

Computer science is an academic circlejerk.

>> No.5330295


>God tier: Math
>Top Tier: Stats

Stats = Math.

>> No.5330312

>Stats = Math.
no, statistics is a subset of applied mathematics.

>> No.5330338

>no, statistics is a subset of applied mathematics.

What about Phd research in probability + statistical theory?

Stat's has heavy application, but it also has the theoretical dimension which is "pure math"

>> No.5330347

These charts are all arguably correct, but you're forgetting "Female STEM major" goes at the top of all of them.

>> No.5330396


>they take more harder courses than me! without wanting to!
>lel dey dumb xD

epik bro

>> No.5330432
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>> No.5330456

Have you taken CS? That's basically 99% of the fucking course. If you take a CS course and don't intend to learn shit about programming, you'll fail the first year pretty damn hard.

>> No.5330722

Biochemistry is a sub-division of both Biology and Chemistry.

>> No.5330779

God Tier

People who actually study science for the sake of science.

Everthing Else Tier

People who study science and exploit it for financial gain.

>> No.5330800
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Economics used to be low tier

What happened?

>> No.5330803

>People thinking math is a science

It's a tool for science

>> No.5330807

It is pointless to try to rate these different things into tiers.
All of them are important, and we need intelligent and hard working people in all of these fields.
Try your best in your own field of study, and respect those who study the other ones.

>> No.5330808

Stop replying to old copypasta troll threads, you retard.

>> No.5330811

I do not think this is copypasta, and this thread has over 100 replies so clearly it is pointless to tell people to 'stop replying'.

And I did sage, actually.

>> No.5330814

False. It is a way to analyse. Its sake is not solely for use as a tool for other fields.

>> No.5330817

Go away pls.

>> No.5330824

0 - Physics, 1 - CompSci, 2 - Chemistry, 3 - Biology, 4 - Accounting, 5 - English, 6 - Women Studies, 7 - Political Science, 8 - Economics, 9 - Engineering, Dubs - math, trips - Neuroscience


>> No.5330827



>> No.5330828

lol u fucked up

>> No.5330830


Was honestly thinking about switching to it just to be safe.

>> No.5330838

It's a tool to help analyse.

>> No.5330888

trips trips trips trips trips!

>> No.5330891 [DELETED] 


>> No.5331066
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>Law is higher than Economics

>> No.5331084

Successful actor / actress / singer
football player
successful entrepreneur
computer science

The true order unobscured by /sci/s ego

>> No.5331098

>theoretical physics
>applied philosophy
do people think this?

>> No.5331108


>> No.5331117

I think you have overestimated the posters here, Sir

>> No.5331118

>implying it isn't true

>> No.5331142

u gon get banned

>> No.5331315


science is applied philosophy

applied empirical epistemology to be exact, a subsect of epistemology spanning from Aristotle to Locke, Hume...etc

>> No.5331327

It's called Linear Algebra.

>> No.5331331

>philosophy is not in flipping burgers tier
Okay, I even think philosophy is a legit field of study, but finding a job as a Philosophy major is the bleakest shit in the world.

>> No.5331383

delusional freshman detected

>> No.5331381

computer science is basicly mathematics

>> No.5331414

the first year at least is.

analysis I+linear algebra I+informatics I which is bascly mathematics+a bit C