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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5323221 No.5323221 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/. I have a legitimate question here.
How come cum stains are some of the worst stains clothes can possibly get.
Being the tard I am, and getting a drop on my new jacket, I started to wash it right away, but even that does not seem to fully purge it. The only other daily liquids off the top of my head that stain clothing badly is wine, bleach, and coffee; all bases. It got me thinking... Is cum a base? could a person, in theory, suffer strange effects from drinking too much cum... I digress...
The point is, even coffe and wine can eventually get washed out, but cum will only fade, always there to leave a fadded spot on clothing.
Unless I'm being completely retarded, and there is an easily proven way to get rid of cum stains, do any of you know why cum has such interesting properties for being a natural biological substance.
pic not mine but related.

>> No.5323228

my clothes are in a dire emergency.

>> No.5323232
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This is interesting. I don't have an answer, but I'll bump your thread in case someone else does

>> No.5323234

>wine, bleach, and coffee; all bases. It got me thinking... Is cum a base?

your logic is a bit off, the primary action of bleach is as an oxidant, it degrades dyes thereby removing their coloration (so bleach is the 'unstainer'). maybe both wine and coffee are bases - idk - but they stain primarily b/c they contain colored compounds which act as dyes, and not primarily due to their pH.

>> No.5323245

woops... yeah, I guess I meant bleach on colored clothing can ruin it.

>> No.5323246

Have you try peroxide? It work well for getting rid of dry blood stains so it might work for other bodily fluids.

>> No.5323250
File: 43 KB, 300x300, I dont think so Tim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so Tim

>> No.5323252

It's made of mainly complex sugars. Think of it like fuel for the ride.
You know what breaks down sugar really well? Saliva.
Better get chompin' OP

>> No.5323255

fuck me. I guess anything with differentiating pH.
Also, I put lots of cream in my coffee.

>> No.5323256

I just put H2O2 on my jacket, then started licking it.... what have you made me do /sci/... now im gonna die

>> No.5323278
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I guess you can say you like your coffee well-creamed.

>> No.5323305

it's true, you know.

>> No.5323307


They had a similar thread, someone there also suggested licking it. Dem enzymes

>> No.5323330


>> No.5323359

>tfw your cum doesn't stain anything and washes out fine

Feels good man

>> No.5323366

have fun being sterile.

>> No.5323380

IMHO it's due to the shape of the sperm cell. It's like sticking 200 pins into grass and trying to remove them by rubbing back and forth. The lateral motion is not going to shift then. They need to be pulled out. Also it's white and sticky

>> No.5323398

Ever notice how cum gels when it cools? Thats because it contains proteins: you're not looking at a stain, you're looking at entangled proteins.

Given that, I dont really know an easy way to fix the problem. If you had access to a lab Id tell you to go grab some Protinase-K, but thats not something that normal people have access to.

>> No.5323408

I think its just got to do with the material you cum on to be honest. Ive never had that problem either and my sperm count is fine.

>> No.5323415


I actually hope I am. It will save me a vasectomy. Doubt I'm that lucky though.

>> No.5323416

cum is a base it has to neutralize the acid of the vagina to survive

>> No.5323440
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>> No.5323493

>tfw when you're not shit aim and don't have to worry about getting stains out

>> No.5323516


>> No.5325114


Semen is not water soluble.