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5322516 No.5322516 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the better option of choice? a) Gambling with hope, with the potential of getting treated or cured for a condition that is causing great grief and distress, or b) Waiting several decades, suffering with the condition (possibly even dying), just so they can announce after 50 years that they've finally begun clinical trials. The slow pace, at which, stem cell therapy is moving in the Western world (in spite of the potential) is utter bullshit.

>> No.5322561

The western media loves scandal, so any major organization in medicine has to save a thousand lives for every single one killed.

If 10,000 people died in a breast cancer trial, but because of that trial testicular cancer is cured a decade sooner than expected, saving 4 million lives, do you honestly expect the media to present that as a good thing? Hell no, every doctor who signed up would get thrown in jail for mass murder.

If there's one thing people do more happily than standing by and doing nothing while the world burns, it's condemning the few people trying to save the world for not doing a good enough job.

(as always, consider that by being here on 4chan, both of us are in the latter category).

>> No.5322759

The problem with Western civilization is that morality hinders necessary progress.

>> No.5323276

If 10,000 died in a breast cancer trial, no good therapy could come out of it. Take your philosophical buggery someplace else.

>> No.5323289

Bitch please. morality is not a problem. If it's not moral, it's either not necessary or progress.