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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 575x431, moon-watching-night-100916-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5319205 No.5319205 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why the moon is real, real evidence supporting that it actually is there. i've come by some things that suppose that in space there is projectorsatellite projecting the moon and i'd like to know what are they trying to cover up if this is true.

>> No.5319210

it shows up behind clouds

>> No.5319212

are clouds in space?

>> No.5319217

not sure, no evidence

>> No.5319218

because we can see its implications

i.e. tides

>> No.5319222

but if moon is a projection, surely those tides could be caused by something else

>> No.5319229

like what

>> No.5319230

An underwater tide machine

>> No.5319232

>i've come by some things

Like what?

>> No.5319238


>> No.5319242

made by who? animals are accustomed to these tides and somewhat evolved to them to, so they would have to been here for a while (the machine) or someone must of genetically altered them

>> No.5319240

solar and lunar eclipses.

and Dr.Hawking says so.

>> No.5319245

Life probably wouldn't exist without the moon, so...

>> No.5319247
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>> No.5319249

so you're saying that it is impossible to fake those?

>> No.5319250

I'm saying go build you're little rocket ship and let us know what you find when you get back. This is asinine and you are a faggot.

>> No.5319255

well it blocks out the sun, and gets blocked by a shadow, so pretty much yes

>> No.5319258

oh my, we got mad.
yes it does if we suppose that it is there.

>> No.5319264

You think you're making a clever thought experiment, but you're really just a moron who hasn't thought this through.

>> No.5319268

yes i have, now i want more thoughts.
but all i seem to get is mad.

>> No.5319270

You can point a powerful laser at it and it will reflect off the moon and come back to Earth. Holographic projections don't reflect lasers.

>> No.5319275

has this been tried out?

>> No.5319276


>> No.5319282

can you provide a link?

>> No.5319297

not within my interests, do it yourself

>> No.5319298

Can you provide a plausible scenario in which the moon doesn't exist, given life on Earth evolved around lunar tides, we've walked on its surface, anyone can reflect light off it, etc.?

>> No.5319302

>yes i have

Then you're just a moron, if you still can't convince yourself it exists.

>> No.5319310

oh yes i can, can't you entertain yourself with a thought that it may not?

>> No.5319314

illuminati, aliens. plausible enough?

>> No.5319324

that is excatly what i'd like to know.

>> No.5319321

Why the fuck would anyone think that spending billions, if not, trillions of dollars to make a huge projection appear in the sky is a good idea?

>> No.5319325

>oh yes i can, can't you entertain yourself with a thought that it may not?

No, because it too obviously does.

>> No.5319326

>illuminati, aliens. plausible enough?


>> No.5319328

next you're telling me that microwaves doesn't exist since you can't see them?

>> No.5319334

The Apollo project left a mirror on the moon. You can shine a laser at it and it bounces back.

>> No.5319335

The Moon is a liberal myth.

>> No.5319337

>next you're telling me that microwaves doesn't exist since you can't see them?

No, I'm telling you you're no good at coming up with interesting thought experiments.

>> No.5319340

i didn't come up with this, i found it on the internet.

>> No.5319343


>> No.5319358

alright, this basically covers that there is object that reflects lasers back to earth.

>> No.5319371

Therefore /thread

>> No.5319384

What if that mirror is just a satellite that happens to be in the exact orbit of the "projection"?

I don't know why I'm humoring an idiot...

>> No.5319388
File: 35 KB, 500x442, 1299843491900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no gigantic mothership with mirror on it hiding behind projected moon? dammit i could've sworn.

>> No.5319389

Why are any of you seriously discussing this? OP may as well have said "the world is flat, prove me wrong" and just denied everything you say.

>> No.5319397

Yes, that the moon is real.

>> No.5319392

am i denying something here?

>> No.5319395

Shoot lasers from two different parts of the world. If it's a projection, the mirror will appear to be inside the moon.

>> No.5319399

denying and questioning is the same?

>> No.5319401

Go ruin someone else's thought experiment. This is fun!

>> No.5319402

You're denying the moon exists, how stupid can you be?

>> No.5319404

and that you are a moron

>> No.5319406

When you're questioning something that is a known fact and you're presented with evidence backing up said fact, then yes, you might as well be denying it.

>> No.5319409

also, sage

>> No.5319410

lol, i can assure you, i am not denying its existence.

>> No.5319414

Then what's the point of this thread? Moron...

>> No.5319416
File: 32 KB, 500x500, imout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5319417

why can't you accept that there might be many different realities instead of the one that you think is true?

>> No.5319418

The moon's existence was recorded long before we had the technology to create such a satellite, so unless you're indirectly proposing that aliens came and created a fake moon around a rocky uninhabited planet for shits and giggles, your theory is out of luck.

>> No.5319420


>> No.5319426

I'll tell you why the Moon is real if you can tell me why your hands are real.

>> No.5319432

alright, i give up with you guys. have it your way. i thought "scientists" could've been more into this, but you guys seem mostly like atheists. and no, i don't believe in christian god or any other type of god.
define real

>> No.5319439

If you have come to a different conclusion about what the Moon is, please share it so we can analyze your reasoning and evidence for your hypothesis.

>> No.5319446

>i thought "scientists" could've been more into this

You're saying the moon isn't real. Read it over and try to figure out why you look stupid.

>> No.5319450

I have a microwave in my kitchen and it is not invisible

>> No.5319458

exactly, this is a science thread, not a philosophy thread, take your socratic definitions and gtfo

>> No.5319460

Nice thread OP
I like all the rage you're getting

>> No.5319464


being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary

>> No.5319467

should we bring in the quantum physics now?

>> No.5319469

Thought experiments don't really work if every question within them can have its answer cut with occam's razor

>> No.5319481


sure, quantum physics are real

>> No.5319494

if i look at my hands i can see them, so can probably everyone else if they look at them. you see them so therefore to you they are real. but what happens to my hands when no one is observing them?

>> No.5319500

compare the evidence for the Moon against the projectorsatellite and then make your conclusion.

>> No.5319504

plebs could never agree with it yes. you gotta be a little mad scientist to get into it.

>> No.5319510


the same thing that happens to them when you are looking at them

>> No.5319512

this is where quantum physics does not agree with you.

>> No.5319518

You guys realise that posting more won't make you any less trolled, right?

Seriously, just let this awful thread die.

>> No.5319525


ok, your hands no longer exist when you're not looking at them.

>> No.5319533

that is not right either. matter behaves like waves when not observed. no idea what it would look like.

>> No.5319550


methods for observation are causing interference

>> No.5319552


>> No.5319556
