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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5315840 No.5315840 [Reply] [Original]

Does extraterrestrial life exist?

>> No.5315843


>> No.5315846

Probably. I think so. Considering the size of the universe.

>> No.5315848

We haven't seen any evidence for it. Unless we observe extraterrestrial life, the answer has to be "we don't know".

>> No.5315847

It most likely does though we don't know.

>> No.5315850

could be, the question is are they sentient?

>> No.5315852


0/10, take this troll shit to >>>/x/

>> No.5315856

How the fuck is that trolling?

>> No.5315855

I think it does, somewhere.

Let me one up you, OP.
Do you think intelligent extraterrestrial life exist?

>> No.5315857


That would require them to be able to take an IQ test.

>> No.5315858

At this moment? Maybe. The problem is that billions of civilizations could have ended and their planets are cold and lifeless, and that life on other planets won't bloom into sentience or anything approaching a civilization for millions of years. So in this moment, we could be very alone in the universe, and we might not make contact with any other living civilization during our existence

>> No.5315863

It's the consciousness troll, just ignore him and he'll go away.

>> No.5315866


>Extraterrestrial life: might life which does not originate from planet Earth also have developed on other planets?


>> No.5315869

Posting untestable dualism nonsense without evidence on a science board is trolling,. Don't do this.

>promotes dualism
>accuses scientists of trolling

>> No.5315873
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>> No.5315877

You didn't troll anyone. All you did was making an utterly retarded shitpost.

>> No.5315880

What is your problem? Why do you associate commonly used words with philosophy?

>> No.5315884

What is wrong with you? Why do you promote /x/ tier pseudoscience on /sci/?

>> No.5315889

metaphysical naturalism != dualism

>> No.5315892

I'm not. You think I am.

>> No.5315893


You are implying the existence of bullshit that cannot be explained or tested by science. That's dualism and unscientific.

>> No.5315896

>Tell people to ignore a confirmed troll
>Faggots still feed him

>> No.5315900

I think the odds are very good that if life does exist elsewhere in our galaxy(ill just limit it to galaxy) that it will most likely be close to our planet due to to factors.

1 The galactic habital zone is a rather narrow area in which we reside.

2. If our planet developed life as opposed to being seeded, it could have still billions or millions of years ago ejected some life that survived and impacted other areas in the galaxy. If our planet was seeded by comets or ejecta from other planets with life which seems more likely, than we are likely in close proximity to another planet that could have also received the same comet debris / life seeding materials

>> No.5315897

>that's dualism

>> No.5315901

You know exactly what you did.

If someone posts pseudoscience, he must be corrected. We don't want uneducated readers to be fooled by a shitposter from /x/, do we?

It is. Look up what the word means.

>> No.5315906

I do. It's not what you think.

>> No.5315907

>two parts

>> No.5315915

the autism is strong in this one.

>> No.5315914

Why do you continue shitposting?

Exactly. That's a very big NOPE. Nope, it does not belong on a science board. Get that shit back to >>>/x/ where it belongs

>> No.5315917

All of metaphysics isn't dualism, troll.

You're implying metaphysics is a pseudoscience. Philosophy never makes a claim of being scientific. Your materialist and positivist views are old and outdated.

>> No.5315920

>calling scientifically educated posters "autistic"

Why are you on /sci/? With that anti-intellectual attitude you should stay on >>>/v/

>> No.5315918

can something orbiting the sun knock something else orbiting the sun out of orbit?

>> No.5315923

What is the difference between >>>/x/ content and >>>/sci/ content? How do you draw the line?

>> No.5315926

Why do you continue to misinterpret people maliciously?

>> No.5315935

/sci/ is for science and math. Baseless untestable claims without evidence don't belong here.

I do not misinterpret anything. It's not my fault that you are uneducated.

>> No.5315931

that post right there, belongs on /x/
you can work out the grey area there.

>> No.5315936

It's a question. Can you answer it?

>> No.5315942
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No conclusive evidence of there being life anywhere but Earth, so that's still a maybe.
But because of the sheer myriads of stars and planets out there, you know...

>> No.5315939

Every scientific theory has some baseless and untestable claims.

>> No.5315944

yes, but it doesn't necessarily have too if another star comes close enough to the ort cloud

>> No.5315948

A hypothesis that consists of nothing but baseless untestable nonsense cannot be scientific.

>> No.5315954

My point still remains.

>> No.5315955

also i might add, the sun was formed along with millions of other stars in the same gas cloud, it stands to reason they would have more similar complexions as our own sun, and also be somewhat close proximity

>> No.5315957

that is most interesting.
has any star been close enough to the sun in the past 4 billion years or so?

>> No.5315966

Which point? You didn't make any point.

>> No.5315969
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Well as this is /sci/ lets talk about some real nigga shit

Mediocrity principle: Life happens on Earth, therefore any other place like Earth should have life. There are a lot of planets, and more than a few earth like planets in earth like orbits. Therefore life is nothing too special, and we are rather mediocre.

Rare-Earth hypothesis: The reason we aint finding shit, is because life only occurs under such particular circumstances. This theorizes that life occurs from a very specific sequence of events that occur randomly. Therefore life is rare

>> No.5315979

Every scientific theory has some baseless and untestable claims.

>> No.5315990

This has already been addressed. See >>5315948

>> No.5315995

You don't address anything. You say in >>5315935 that baseless untestable claims without evidence don't belong here. You can't have science without theory.

>> No.5315997

Are you retarded? Please look up what "theory" means in science.

>> No.5316000

I know what it means. You clearly don't.

>> No.5316007

Troll harder, idiot.

>> No.5316013

I'm not trolling.

>> No.5316018

he's being a sperg, ignore him.

>> No.5316021
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>/sci/ - Thread Derailment

>> No.5316055

well the ort cloud is about 1 light year in diameter, there are dozens of stars within 10 ly of our sun currently, some of the stars near us are moving faster than us, and some slower.

most stars are moving around 20km /sec - 100 km sec in relation to us. SO in theory if a star was headed our way one might pass through our oort cloud and or oort clouds of two stars might mix, every 10,000 years or so, depends on the direction of travel of all thees stars of course.

>> No.5316059

meant to say a dozen stars within ten light years

>> No.5317466 [DELETED] 

Look at this underaged shit stain. Look at him and laugh. He thinks his le sage downvote does anything. What a fucking retarded piece of shit.

>> No.5317785

I'd like to think that there is extraterrestrial life in the universe, not only that but I'd like to think that there are alot of intelligent life and on the bell curve of intelligence among different life forms in the universe we are not in the "smart ultra mega evolved" nor the "bacteria lol" end of the spectrum. No, we are right in the middle, and I'd like to think that the type 1, 2 and 3 civilizations even have like a galactic union thats similair to the UN here on earth, and they are aware of us, but they don't really care about us because they are aware of so many more simpletons out in space, their relationship to us is like our relationship to animals. When we see a moose or something out in the woods we don't go and say "hello my name is steve, who and what are you?", our relationship to the moose is like their relationship to us. And when we maybe, eventually, in a couple of 100-1000 years become type 1 they will send a space ambassador and announce their invitation for us to join the galactic senate, and that is how I'd like to think it is.

>> No.5317796

> we are right in the middle

Nice humanocentrism there. Do you even self-enhance?

>> No.5317806

Isn't humanocentrism you know, like, the opposite of "being in the middle"?