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File: 42 KB, 576x492, 309155_515369375148492_2145532623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5314163 No.5314163 [Reply] [Original]

you are now aware that Dolphins have both greater perception and greater intrinsic cognitive abilities.

but they are still not "conscious"

>> No.5314179

thank you grand OP you have elevated me to dolphin level

>> No.5314180

Go back to /v/

>> No.5314184

compare the frontal lobe, theirs is tiny.

>> No.5314194


If they're so smart how come they can't onto land?

>> No.5314196

on a serious note, though, why don't we turn this thread into the following inquiry:
how can we humans drive our evolution towards a higher Encephalization Quotient ?


>Encephalization is the folding of the brain and increases volume and surface area, which has been shown to correlate with intelligence. Roughly, encephalization is the degree to which an the brain size of a given animal is larger than would be predicted given the size of its body.

>> No.5314206

The dolphin brain is actually too large to be "optimal", the human brain is just right.

>> No.5314207


>the human brain is just right.

...says the human brain.

>> No.5314219


...not like there's anyone to argue that, is there?

>> No.5314235

-dolphin rebuttal

>> No.5314281

Well actually... Anyone saying human brain is "just right" might be blind. Or an idiot like you.

>> No.5314295
File: 23 KB, 278x225, dolphin-278x225[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense humans jelly that they can't communicate qualia telepathically. That's okay, a quick visit to the rape cave will set their worldview straight. Not that there are quick visits to the rape cave.

>> No.5314307
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>the rape cave

>> No.5314310
File: 113 KB, 741x653, 1329457499509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w-where can I find a rape c-cave?...

>> No.5314311

build one of your own, it will be years before the authorities find out

>> No.5314314

No, but close.

Dolphin vocalizations very well may be even more efficient at communication than human language is.


>> No.5314324
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How about no.

>> No.5314327
File: 114 KB, 896x650, PETAcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are now aware that Dolphins have both greater perception and greater intrinsic cognitive abilities.

Which is why they are already being used in clandestine military experiments

>> No.5314344

This right here. It's all executive function.

>> No.5314380
File: 75 KB, 840x630, la resistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm going in.

>> No.5314412


>not fitting sonic weapons to dolphins and then have them sneak up near unsuspecting vessels and rip them apart

>> No.5314813

>not taming giant squids and then having them kill the dolphins

>> No.5314825

I love shelled pistachios.

Whoever first made shelled pistachios was a genius.

Humans are smarter than dolphins.

That's it. That is my entire argument.

>> No.5314876
File: 518 KB, 840x473, dolphin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of dolphins, anyone knows the name of this game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKXJdjQ2mzo&t=3m27s

pic related

>> No.5314901

Goddammit Carl. Stop samefagging this thread to the front page.

>> No.5314902

>implying Carl doesn't use trip

>> No.5314938

he's talking about dolphins...

>> No.5315129
File: 86 KB, 598x390, Screen shot 2012-12-03 at 11.31.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's exactly what you think it is . . .
A deeply-involved discussion of information theory.

>> No.5315188


Go ahead stupid human, decode the encrypted message in your head in less than two seconds like dolphins do.

>> No.5315206
File: 224 KB, 549x497, ComparitiveBrainSize[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5315236

I for one welcome our new elephant and dolphin overlords.

>> No.5315292

But why would an invading army bring a bunch of whales and elephants along for the ride?

Anyone have size of big ass whale?

>> No.5315296

But they are not rational creatures.