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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5312747 No.5312747 [Reply] [Original]

>finals week

>> No.5312756
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bring it on, m8

>> No.5312768
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>> No.5312776

You 'mericans better not fuck up, that crippling debt better count for something!

>> No.5314015

>being correct

>> No.5314027

Except it isn't.

>> No.5314031

>mfw everything is making sense when studying older material
I love it, I just love it.

>> No.5314035
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Oops forgot pic

Anyone have dead days too? We have two days at my university that we don't have class on, which are basically study days for finals.

>> No.5314043

>two days
that's a raw deal,
we used to have 'dead week'

>> No.5314045

Ugh, I have a roommate on CC sabbatical, one who's a history major, and another who's some kind of pre-engineer taking vector calc in his junior year. So, the next three weeks will consist of me cramming for pde's, graph theory, and analysis while they spend more hours watching sports than even thinking about classes. Fuck finals, fuck homework, and fuck my roommates.

>> No.5314052

I know how you feel OP.

Two of my roomates are accounting and financing majors. Don't get me wrong, that stuff isn't easy either, but one of them spends more time watching Netflix than doing work. He also gets tons of sleep, never has to study too hard, just all around in great shape.
For me, I have been spending countless hours up late at the library studying hard for ode (nothing compared to pde I heard will be taking pde next semester), thermo, and electric circuits.

I guess it pays off in the end though, eh?

>> No.5314062
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>> No.5314063

>tfw middle school teacher
>tfw I'm on the other side making and giving the test
Feels good man.

>> No.5314078

My semester

>introductory thermodynamics
not too bad, can manage
>probability and statistics (calculus based)
not too bad, lots of formulas, but learn lots of useful shit
wtf is happening
>sociology 101
memorize a bunch of facts on why females are oppressed and men are privileged
>microecon 101
Learn concepts about econ without dealing with any of the math associated with it, making it pretty much a memory fest.

>> No.5314109

You cruel monster. No one should get pleasure from exams. NO ONE.

>> No.5314113

Fuck yeah. I love crushing the dreams of undergrad premeds.

>> No.5314120

No quarrels there. Premeds deserve hell.

>> No.5314139

>Networks and Systems

This is pretty cool stuff. Bunch of easy Laplace/Fourier-related material and you see it directly applied to electrical networks. Cut and dry.

>Digital Systems

WTF is this shit? Combinational isn't bad but sequential...where the bloody hell does it come from? Boolean algebra? Da fuq. Registers? Multiplexers? PoS and SoP? Karnaugh maps?

this is why I hate my degree. I have to learn all this pedantic material geared more towards CpE majors. Kills me that many people in my class have no problem with the digi stuff but when they see a Fourier series, they wet themselves.

>Prob. and Stat for engis

Boring as fuck. Took the final last week and did well.

>> No.5314140

Why? Next time you have an injury or get severely ill, you're going to be paying an ex premed student a load of your money.

>> No.5314161


Math and stats major here. I can relate. Both my room mates never seem to do work while I spend more time in the library than at home.

I am too busy to even know what a "party lifestyle" is and completely burned out from the quarter.

Fuck classes and especially fuck finals.

>> No.5314160


I fucking hated digital systems.
Probability and random processes was shitty too.

I only liked a couple EE undergrad courses. Semiconductor Physics, and RF/Microwave systems.

>> No.5314232

Is it vhdl/verilog of just general shit?

A sequential system's output depends on not only its present inputs, but also its past inputs. Output is usually a function of the present inputs and the current state.

It's pretty much just combinational logic + memory. A good example would be a finite state machine or a register.

>> No.5314252


Well HDL and Verilog was the lab component.

I know what a sequential circuit is composed of. It's just not intuitive to me at all. Flip-Flops make sense just fine. State diagrams and tables are great. I get lost quick when we go into registers.

Shift right and shift left...yeah ok. Timing diagrams are clear but things are getting a little confusing. Parallel loading? Yeah not getting it.

Namely, the gates used for parallel loading. Would never have thought to use 3 AND gates and an OR for a shift left/shift right.

>> No.5314258

>Insect Behavior
>Cell Biology.

Mostly worried for insect behavior, that class is tuff :(, regret taking it. Oh well, live and learn.

>> No.5314260

I'm most worried about my philosophy exam. I haven't even read the material yet.

At least with physics and calculus you can figure shit out while you're doing it.

>> No.5314273

The good thing about vhdl/verilog is that you don't need to remember the actual hardware implementation, the program will do it for you. I have a pipeline register with a clock, 3 bits of control signals, one 16bit thing, and two 64 bit things. The architecture code is literally 11 lines of code, 6 of them is me just directly assigning blah_in to blah_out.

Not sure what you're getting at with 3xAND, 1xOR for parallel loading. Sounds like it might be a specific application that need some more context.

>> No.5314288


here's my study music playlist have fun kiddos. only use it if you're doing the RIGHT music to study to

Doesn't count as self-promotion because it's made for me

>> No.5314306


Yes but we don't use Verilog on the exam.

Xilinx comes with the black box register but you have the option to construct the register by hand if you know what you're doing.

Parallel loading in a D-flip flop register may occur by ANDing the data line and shift line, ANDing the data line and inverse shift line, and ANDing the load and data line.

So it detects whether you shift left or right based on those. It also detects whether load is active or not. If it is active, the shift becomes a don't care case.

There is a problem with that design, though. You can't load and shift at the same time and there is a way to get around that.

Unfortunately, I get the stuff I just said but my problems are more specific to the components and how they function.

What really ticks me off is that I've seen very little application for this stuff in the real world. I know it's used for computers but I've never heard of most of it before.

>> No.5314345

If it was a proper philosophy course you could figure it out just as easily as math, since both come from the same logic

>> No.5314348

>If it was a proper philosophy course you could figure it out just as easily as math, since both come from the same logic

Yeah, because anything other than logic clearly isn't proper philosophy. Fucking elitists such as yourself is everything wrong with education.

>> No.5314352

I'm sorry, are you saying irrational, illogical things are acceptable in philosophy?

Breaking news: 2+2 can now be solved by random number generators in math. You're that retarded

>> No.5314357

>I'm sorry, are you saying irrational, illogical things are acceptable in philosophy?

No, that's not what i'm saying at all. If that was your deduction, then you really need to study harder. i'm saying if you've got an exam where you need to detail the arguments of philosopher X, and then do some analysis of it, then you can't use logic to deduce what the arguments of philosopher X were, you need to study and learn it. Not that it matters, you're way too edgy for me.

>> No.5315040

>Organic Chemistry I
Will be hard. Planning on hard memorizing the mechanisms for all the reactions we learned. Will make solving synthesis questions a lot easier.

>Organic chemistry lab
Could go either way. Identifying molecules based off spectra could fuck me up, or questions that I don't expect about certain things. Never had any other tests in this class, don't know what I expect. Prepping for the worst with 500 flash cards and several hours this weekend going over each experiment in detail.

>Spanish 101
Easy as pie. Memorize some vocab and get my indirect and direct object pronouns down.

>Quantitative and Statistical Methods in Psychology
Class isn't too hard. Just gotta memorize some definitions and work on examples for a few hours.

>Human motor control and learning
A memorization fest. Ton of material though, and the teacher can ask some pretty specific questions. Not too worried though.

Stressed, but could be worse. I'll just be glad when the 12th is here.

>> No.5315090 [DELETED] 

>Electromagnetism I
Won't be too bad. I did pretty bad on our first exam but I've reached the class average or better on every exam since and my homework score is pretty good. The exam

>Quantum Physics I
Cake. I aced both of the previous exams and we already have a fairly good idea of what will be on the final.

>Experimental Lab
Have to finish my final lab report. Time consuming but not difficult.

This is going to be an absolute whore of an exam. Our professor has spent the entire semester in lecture discussing very basic conceptual concepts then writing graduate level homeworks and exam questions. My test average in the class so far is 35% which is, disturbingly enough, pretty close to the class average... which would be great if the class were curved.

>> No.5315092

>Electromagnetism I
Won't be too bad. I did pretty bad on our first exam but I've reached the class average or better on every exam since.

>Quantum Physics I
Cake. I aced both of the previous exams and we already have a fairly good idea of what will be on the final.

>Experimental Lab
Have to finish my final lab report. Time consuming but not difficult.

This is going to be an absolute whore of an exam. Our professor has spent the entire semester in lecture discussing very basic conceptual concepts then writing graduate level homeworks and exam questions. My test average in the class so far is 35% which is, disturbingly enough, pretty close to the class average... which would be great if the class were curved.

>> No.5315103

>Cell biology
Memorize a shitload of pathways forwards and backwards
>Ochem 1
Memorize a shitload of mechanisms, nomenclature, reagants
Learn a few rules a work a few problems.
>Cell Lab
Measure shit with a microscope, and recapitulate the ideas from the lab manual

Cell final in about an hour. Can't wait to take it so I can have a mass memory dump.

>> No.5315107

We have a weekend before our last week of instruction and finals week.

I had two final "midterms" on the Thursday before the weekend. Oh well, I guess studying for those was like studying for some of the material on the final.

>> No.5315275

>Organic Chemistry 2
>Elements of cristallography
>Elements of biochemistry 1
>Calculus 2

I hope everythin will be alright.

>> No.5315345

>Principles of Genetics
>General Ecology
>Precolumbian Mesoamerica

I just want to pass my classes. That's not too much to ask, is it?

>> No.5315358

My finals were last week, though my Fluid Mechanics exam will be this Thursday and I'm pretty fuck. I need a 6 out of 10 to pass and I have no idea how I'll do it.

I also have to build a pneumatic cannon that shoots tennis balls up to 300m far. Fuck.

>> No.5315375

Automatic Control


Quantum Physics


How the fuck is anyone supposed to learn QP? It is IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.5315397

>Calculus 2
Easy as fuck

>Set theory & Algebra
Definitely doable

>Propability 1

>Linear and Dynamic Programming
Only one I'm not 100% sure I'll pass

>> No.5315403
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>had orgo exam last night
>final is next Friday

>> No.5315548

a-l-most th-eeere... gotta m-make it.

>> No.5315569


Don't be hatin on Karnaugh maps, shits legit. Also, Boolean algebra is simple as shit. I much prefer digital over analog analysis. So simple, doesn't get any harder than 1 or 0. Unfortunately i already wrote the digital final and now i have a lab exam tomorrow and written next week.

>> No.5315571

>having to take finals

Fucking plebians

>> No.5315579

calling people 'plebians'
can't spell plebeian...

>> No.5315583

>Physics I
Tough, but manageable
>Calc I
I got this shit
>Chem II
Tough, but manageable as the test will only be on the final three chapters

>> No.5315588

What mega awesome MIT is shit tier school do you go to where you don't have finals?

>> No.5315626

>Intermediate Algebra


>Remedial English (One level below English 101)

I already turned in my research paper, and I'm just waiting for the revision.

>Remedial Reading

FUCK! I wish I wasn't an introvert that was socially awkward.

>> No.5315648

lol (Aced AP Calc in highschool)
>C++ Programming
easy because my professor is awesome

Already took English 101 Final. Cake.
I guess being a Freshman at a CC has its benefits...

>> No.5315653

Have you ever taken a philosophy course?

>> No.5315652

>have finals in all classes
>they are all optional unless you want to boost your grade
>implying I don't already have an A and am autistic enough to take another test to boost my average from a 92 to a 95

>> No.5315657

>having a final in an English class

>> No.5315665
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>optional finals

>> No.5315700

My final in Physics 2 this semester is optional. It just replaces your lowest test score.

>> No.5315702 [DELETED] 
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I'm a web developer as a hobby but I want to learn real mans programming.
As such I've been trying to teach myself math (calculus and trig, mostly) related to it.
On of the books I've been using has a question that I couldn't figure out so I was looking for help; It doesn't seem that hard but I don't know what to do.
"prove that (a^2)-(b^2)-(c^2)+(d^2)>=0 where a, b, c and d are the respective first items in a geometric sequence"
I'd appreciate help (not sure if this counts has homework, sorry if it does)

>> No.5315709

Apologies, I meant to make a thread for this.
Although If anyone has an answer I'd appreciate it

>> No.5315741

>film studies
>biological anthropology
double lel

dem term papers though, dem term papers...

>> No.5315803

Let's see...

>Emath 2
Class was difficult, but the final was actually pretty manageable. I just hated waking up at 7:00am to take the final.

>System Dynamics
PID's everywhere. The test was a fucking massacre.

>Advanced Thermal Systems
A terrifying exam. It was easily the hardest exam I've ever taken. BY the end of the exam I had completely warn down my pencil eraser. I'm pretty sure I passed (Only need a 60% to get a C), but not by much.

>Machine Design 2
Should be a fairly straightforward exam. I'm not to worried.

>> No.5315826

It was more like a timed final essay.

>> No.5315841


No offense, but this wreaks of community college. Not trying to be a dick either.

>> No.5317310

>optional finals
>92 not an A-
>95 not an A
Enjoy the CC while it lasts bro.

>> No.5317321

>Analytical Chemistry w/lab
>Calculus III
>Physics II w/lab
>Organic Chemistry Lab
>Human Anatomy and Physiology

Yup. That shit sucks ass. A non-science non-math class would have been an awesome break this semester.

>> No.5317337 [DELETED] 

shit tier coursework

>> No.5317340

Shit tier going to med school. I don't imagine you have much ambition. Go back to /b/

>> No.5317344

that feel after the final, you realize you didn't answer some question right...

>> No.5317349

That feel feels so bad I don't let it happen.

>> No.5318902

>Digital Design I.
Pretty hard, but I think I've got it.

>Calc I.
Shouldn't be that much of a challenge.

>Foundations of Computer Science
oh god so many proofs and theorems, fuck i hate oral exams

>Materials Science
what the fuck

>> No.5318930

I feel so overwhelmed with everything I have gotten no studying done. I have no motivation to study and am depressed. Nobody cares because they have there own things to stress about. I'd kill myself if I weren't a coward.

>> No.5318950

No shit, foundations of computer science?
Taking computer science 101 essentially which is just:
>Basic binary bullshit (and hex)
>2 multiple choice questions on Von Neumann
>Maybe something on logic gates

Life must be rough.

>> No.5318968

Mine is
>Intro Computer Science
>Physics 102
I am udder and complete ass at physics, at least on tests. Anxiety shits all over my brain and I can't add numbers for shit. Calculators can't help if I can't remember a single kinematics equation.
>Linear Algebra
I don't have enough space on my arm so I will take the low score and let the rest of grades suffice.

>> No.5318973

What can I expect if studying Chem? planning on it

>> No.5318979

Eh it's easy and common logic questions and topics, but my teacher puts such retarded questions that is an extremely exaggerated situation and it can literally be a geussing game, studying the notes we take in class only helps with like 60% of the test.

>Intermediate Algebra
It's easy in a math sense, almost babby math, but I still struggle with remembering properties and functions/inverses ;_;

That's all, won't be taking my english final since I've blown off that class after week 2

>> No.5318980

cut the self pity, and focus on part of the exams, make sure you at least make one exam good.
you can do this

>> No.5318982

Finals are late january.
Sitting on my ass watching a playthrough of heavy rain.

Any way, good luck to all my fellow /sci/entists! You know you can do it.

>> No.5319004

>tfw your only friend in uni is naturally very bright, so just by attending the lectures, he's guaranteed an A, and you have no-one to study with.

>> No.5319010

Just breathe and focus. Shit never gets better if you go on a suicide/self-pity rant all night. Work with what you have. Attack one subject until you feel confident. I would suggest the easiest since it takes less time and confidence is key.
Don't loose your shit, Tyrone. You can do well on at least one exam.

>> No.5319012

>Molecular Biology II
Bunch of pathways, techniques for studying interactomes, proteome.

>Biochemistry II
Bunch of pathways on how the cell manifests itself with metabolites and how it gains energy from it: sugars, amino acids, lipids, nucleotides

>Human(e?) Genetics
Techniques for genetic analysis, disorders, mechanisms how disorders form.

>Biomedical Analysis II
Learning how to prepare a section from tissue, immunohistochemistry, how do microscopes work (EM and LM; pretty cool)

>Cel- And Tissueculture
How to start and maintain your own culture, with general lab conduct.

>> No.5319018

E&M: fuck dielectrics and everything about them, I hate letters p, E and V FUCK
Measure theory: so fucking cute, best subject to study.
Stat & Probability: no time to study for that, WHOOPS.
Quantum theory 2: no time to study for the hardest course/final/fuck/killme.
ClassMech: doesn't exist till the 18th.
Oh yeah, the school completely fucked me by scheduling four of my fourth-year finals in the first three days of exam week. What am I doing here, actually??

>> No.5319019

I think I almost aced my calculus exam today.

Now to fail philosophy and CS....

>> No.5319025

hey, E+M is boss: maxwell rules!

(and heaviside)

>> No.5319032

I just really dislike Griffiths' teaching style, and the course is based on it. Probably the last physics course I'll be taking (aside from quantum theory - that's math).

>> No.5320521

If only it were that easy.

It's combinatorics, graph theory, abstract algebra, number theory and cryptography.

>> No.5320528

>tfw need to learn 2 months of material in 4 days for an exam worth 80% of my grade
I think I can do it, it's just statistics

>> No.5320533

This semester isn't too bad, electricity and optics is killing me, fuck that. next semester is going to be killer.
Mechanics ofDeformable bodies
engineering analysis
Intro to geotech
Differential equations
Something else I can't remember and literature (lol) adding up to 18 hours.

>> No.5320561 [DELETED] 

This semester has been balls
>Math Methods in the Physical Sciences
>Recursion Theory
>Data Structures and Algorithms
>Simulation Methods in the Physical Sciences
>Physics comps (basically a big paper)

Glad it's almost over.

>> No.5320564

> Macroecon
Class was garbage, tests weren't terrible though. Memorization all the way, think I

> Systems Programming with C
Finished up my final program earlier this week. Didn't have time to clean it up/refactor things, but it works so meh.

>Physics 1
Hnnngh. Tricky conceptual questions that require some mad Algebra skills. No calculus, though, so mostly memorization.

> Biology
Teacher loves 'gotcha' questions, so nobody has a great grade. Will pass, and will be so close to a B that I can almost taste it.

> Discrete Structures
Covers graphing, probability, and algorithm analysis, but honestly shouldn't be that bad.

I'll be honest with myself - I've done terribly this semester. Didn't spend enough time studying, and didn't start studying early enough. Lost points for stupid crap.

Hopefully next semester's classes will prove interesting enough to keep me motivated.

Good luck to everyone!

>> No.5320616

quick question so i finished up requirements in mathematics to take upper level courses and i have no idea which courses i should take of upper level math like topology number theory advanced calculus do you guys have any advice for my math courses next quarter?

>> No.5320690

Quantitative analysis of spooky actions

>> No.5320706

>Physics 1 is hard

you are retarded, lol at "mad algebra skills".. you mean not having Down's syndrome? because that's all it takes to understand intro to mechanics. you should switch majors to psych or comm or soc, because you are about to fail hard

>> No.5320771

I don't even know.

>Organic chem II
>Analytical chem
>labs and bullshit

Nothing I can't handle.

Then we have fucking

>Calc I

Everyone's gonna laugh at me, but I cannot fucking deal with this class. It's fucking impossible, and don't give me the "you aren't paying attention" shit either. I go to class everyday, and I struggle with it. The professor teaches it in a way where you have to figure out WHY things are the way they are. Personally, I DGAF, just give me the fucking steps and I'll deal with it. How I'm even passing ATM is a miracle.

Related rates? How the hell do I even get there? Optimization? Which equation do I even take the derivative of? Fundamental theorem? What the fuck is that?

Fuck math. I don't know how you engineers do it, but seriously fuck math.

I'd be a English major otherwise, but everyone knows liberal arts are fucking worthless.